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/sci/ - Science & Math

Search: pony

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>> No.9361719 [View]

Are you on pony withdrawal? How autistic do you have to be to search for that?

>> No.9361716 [View]

>open link
>see "my little pony"
>close link

>> No.9354304 [View]

Just fail the class and retake it. Actually study and learn the material this time instead of jerking it to my little pony or whatever you do to avoid homework

>> No.9343478 [View]

>Do they want their board deleted again?
They do, that would make them spread to other boards freely. Unless we get a pony-like ban, mommy's lil' racists will be shitting everywhere.

>> No.9340770 [View]

Getting my degree in molecular bio now, have a little over a year left to go. The idea then is either to move onto a genomics doctorate program, or to go to law school- I think I'll want to end up in law anyways, because this whole policy and copyright issue regarding the biological sciences and a post-genome world is fucking nuts. There's a huge vacuum for competent, science-literate lawyers, so I'm hoping I'm backing the right pony here.

Now I'm a red meat eating american patriot, but when I see shit like the fucking debacle over copyrighting genes and slowing down scientific/technological advancements for profit's sake, I begin to wonder if capitalism was a goddamn mistake. Not so much as to learn chinese, because working or living there sounds like a living hell, but the whole thing is fucked.

>> No.9332572 [View]

He actually is one though. Pop sci is dogshit that should never have been created. Scientists should be telling people the truth: they're destroying themselves and need to stop. And not just with global warming. This global warming one trick pony is getting out of hand.

>> No.9318802 [View]

Voyage to the Planets and Beyond
This is part 1, 1 hour. Part 2 is also on YouTube.
Fictionalized, but absolutely realistic, "documentary" about visiting most of the worlds in our system and landing on several planets and moons,
The "weightless" scenes were done without wires. The actors really are weightless, 30 seconds at a time in a Russian "vomit comet". Same as "Apollo 13".

The only un-realistic part is the never-explained detail of how they got multiple countries to pony up the money for the project.

The YouTube version is rather low-res. The DVD is well worth it and includes additional material on "the making of".

>> No.9302611 [View]

> Futuristic
A flight from London to New York use to take 3 and a half hours.
> Half a CENTURY ago......
> We have the ability now to do it in about half that.
> People DON'T want to get places fast!!!!!!
> That's why we all travel by pony and hot air balloons.

A....A-are you retarded?

Ask anyone in business class if they want to get there in half the time for double the price.
Ask sports stars and the political class if they want to do a trans Atlantic flight that takes less time than their dinner on the flight, but it will cost TEN times the amount.

>> No.9298032 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 996 KB, 1901x1280, 1548809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pony XD

>> No.9278921 [View]

>greater than 5/10
>not too fat, but doesn't have to be a supermodel
>long-ish hair that she likes either putting in one big braid or puts it into a pony tail or just leaves hanging (but she does comb it)
>must be indian
>somewhat light-skinned
>less than or equal to 5' 6" in height
>is passionate about something, doesn't have to be STEM-related
>is at least a little interested in hearing about what i work on/something STEM-related (i would need to be at least somewhat interested in hearing what she wants to work on as well)
>makes me at least a little interested in whatever she is passionate about
>smart but not smarter than me
>was a good student in her last completed level of education
>is a virgin when i meet her
>has never done drugs
>doesn't drink
>wants to have kids
>can have kids
>is okay with being a stay at home/working part time (at most 4 hours a day) once we have kids
>is okay with my interest in anime
>makes me want to be more of an extrovert after spending time with her
>somewhat of a neat freak but not too much
>has the ability to cook and clean
>does cook and clean
>is willing to discuss politics and is willing to accept differences in our political opinions (no identity politics)
>somewhat outdoorsy, i.e. enough to drag me outside of the house sometimes but is also okay with me staying in sometimes as well
>willing to put up with (what i think is) my mild social awkwardness
>values hardwork
>is humble
>knows how to play an instrument or sing or at least is familiar with some fine art (bar is pretty low for this one)
>likes reading
>somewhat submissive
>wakes up earlier than me
>supports me in whatever i want to try but is also assertive enough to shoot me down if i suggest something dumb
>comforts me when I'm feeling down
>cares about me as a person
>loves me for who i am
so exactly 0 women.
i-i'm not crying, i-it's just the rain :'(
thank you for reading my blogpost.

>> No.9275022 [View]

>Einstein was a one trick pony.
That guy does not know what Einstein got the Nobel Prize in Physics for.

>> No.9274921 [View]

Einstein was a one trick pony. Relativity was amazing but the ideas were alredy there, he just put them together. Its the only spectacular thing he did in the field.

>> No.9264814 [View]
File: 40 KB, 900x623, c17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great tier: /an/, /out/, /o/, /ck/
Good tier: /his/, /lit/, /fit/, /sci/
Good for shitposting tier: /tv/
reddit tier: /int/
Absolute dogshit cancer tier: /v/, /pol/, /b/, all the weebshit, pony and faggot boards

>> No.9257493 [View]

>"dad, why do I have a pony pussy?"
>"go ask your mother"

>> No.9209916 [View]

>dude was destined for greatness
why do you think he walked in front of a bullet? he knew he was a one-trick pony

>> No.9209913 [View]

literal one-trick pony

>> No.9208272 [View]

>What kind of Jobs can we expect
Carbon Waste Filter Engineer
Lunar Albedo Inspector
Di-Lithium Extraction Operator
Regolith Refinement Officer
Lunar Penile Satisfaction Instructor
Pony/Brony Perversion Programmer
Hallway Monitor

>> No.9200139 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 106 KB, 1024x768, tDSTuRLIu7XOZKGNIm0gtZtX1vVPtyR2LB2ASpEU508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just woke from a siesta, so please excuse me.

This is a bit of a /his/ post, a bit of an /mlp/ post, a bit of an /a/ post, but most of all, it is a /sci/ post.

On /his/, there are discussions of alternate history which ask how history could've gone had particular figures actually been snakes.

Pic related depicts Madoka Magica characters as ponies. Hence /a/ and /mlp/.

So this is the /sci/ bit. I've heard that in general, the grand scale, the universe tends to be homogeneous.

That begs the question - what is the PROBABILITY that out there in the universe, there is a planet of exact copies of us, history, government and all from third world countries to United Nations and all, that only differ in that those other species are snakes or ponies? What is the PROBABILITY that those supposed snake-equivalent or pony-equivalent planets have the equivalent of MLP, albeit depicting apelike creatures or the equivalent of PMMM and the probability that they have been crossed together like this, albeit depicting ape-like creatures?

Sorry for the post, I just woke up from a horrible siesta.

>> No.9197998 [View]

If you've done a single thing to help your community, let alone the world, then why don't you pony the fuck up.

>> No.9194732 [View]


It causes autism. I know because I got the shot and I have autism. Be wary, I got the shot 6 years ago and I have been masturbating to pony porn ever since.

>> No.9191660 [View]

Post summary, not gonna click on your clickbait-tranny-pony porn ad website.

>also, 2lazy2read

>> No.9185157 [View]

Probably by analyzing the faults of autism. Inability to read others emotions and empathize properly. Understanding that other people may not care about what you are saying. That 90% of social interaction is more about showing a nice moment than meaningful discourse.

Not really sure what else can be done. The problem generally seems to be that they lack the ability to be self-reflective or even analyze a social encounter in any way.

So them saying hello, I love my little pony, and getting an awful response could be perceived as totally good event. You would need to be a higher IQ autist like zuckerberg to start being able to be decently social because you could start analyzing the events even without the proper empathy centers/connection in the brian.

>> No.9182373 [View]
File: 61 KB, 640x608, IMG-20170805-WA0017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i) If you worry about your individual IQ on the level of the ego more often than not, the sad fact we have to realise is that we are then not the most intelligent and face the fact that we are not as intelligent as we might sometimes build ourselves to be. True, confidence in that you are the most intelligent is arguably the mark of an idiot. I sure as shit dont know what does mark true intelligence. Don't go off to spit "You might be a genius if you..." lists with you cock in your hand. That is a list to tell you that you're good enough to avoid Darwin's award.

ii)On a psychological note, What is with all the 17-99 year old men and their fascination with My Little Pony? Is it a mistaken identity crisis, i.e. external information vs internal information of identity, or is it due to their acceptance of their currrent or future and eternal title of "Wizard"?

iii) A test of recognition.

Did you notice the 3rd "r" immediately or did you have to go back?

>> No.9169380 [View]

Better design would be orbiter/lander on parachutes. Still one trick pony but you'll get considerably more data on the atmosphere than you would with several second lasting blaze.

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