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/sci/ - Science & Math

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>> No.14637767 [View]


i think the reason nobody pays him media attention is because back in the 2000s before weed was cool and accepted he wrote some newspaper/magazine articles promoting weed research and medicinal marijuana. i think that just made him fodder for “those string guys are stoners lol” so he is not trotted around at the dog and pony shows for the public like the straight shooters. he also constantly makes jokes and laughs and is kinda not serious enough. and even though he was a grad student with Gross and they shared an office, Gross had the wits about him to work on other topics besides string theory, for which he quickly got a Nobel, but Schwarz was always single-focus on strings, to a fault

he’s also pretty old now and not as active in research as much anymore so nobody is going to recruit him as a fresh face into the scene.

>> No.14632939 [View]

Kek that ain't a real quote
Also how is pony fags still a thing thought that shit finally died out.

>> No.14626888 [View]

I wouldn't be too surprised if AI could accurately predict your favorite my little pony, by looking at your hair follicles.

>> No.14611949 [View]
File: 81 KB, 1200x675, nucelar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To anyone who thinks we’re 5 years from a revolutionary energy source sweeping in and leading us to post scarcity; I must urge you to read predictions from 1965, 75, 2000, etc. We have always been five years from an energy Revolution. Please understand our society…
>is essentially a one trick pony that has been running almost exclusively on hydrocarbons since our first stage of industrialization. The share of the worlds energy from nuclear has actually decreased since 1985. The reason for this that no one will tel you is…
>prohibitive cost. The responses will always be ‘BUT ITS THE GOVERNMENT!’ Okay then why hasn’t Russia or China or Iran completely nuclearized? Once again nuclear power is a money sink that only makes sense for countries that want a nuke weapons program/proto-nuke weps program.
>Green energy is (a) intermittent and only reasonable for the electric grid (fraction of our energy use) but (b) is essentially accounting fraud.
>Green energy is basically china uses massive amounts of coal to produce energy intensive technologies like PV cells…
>then we ship it over here and call it green energy. It is double counted as coal burnt by china and then green energy for us. The actual ‘net energy’ from solar is probably negligible but is done simply as an expensive way to receive government subsidies.

>> No.14597968 [View]

>In FP
So you can't even explain what you're talking about. Thanks for admitting that. You know you can stop posting at any time right? You don't have to keep embarrassing yourself.

>It does if you are not stupid.
Not an argument. Do better.

>I babystepped you through it in the next line
You didn't, you just made a circular argument. They're useless because there is nothing to use them? Why would there be nothing to use them? Complete nonsense.

>Very weak strawman
Strawman of whom? I'm asking you why selection cannot act on photosensitive proreins in order to evolve an eye. Of course you avoided the question because you know there is no reason why it cannot occur.

>The topic has always been byproducts ie secondary chemicals to the main ones produced/used from photosenthesis.
No, the original post that mentioned byproducts simply said the initial simple structure evolved as "byproducts of reactions to light." That just means the result of a reaction with light. You're once again making up a strawman. You're a one trick pony.

>You said evolve into "specialized sensory organs"
That's not even a complete sentence and doesn't show me saying any organ can detect radiation. You of course cut out the beginning, which is a hypothetical. You're scum.

>a total falsehood
How is it false? It's not even a complete statement. It's like saying "going out for a jog" is a falsehood. LOL

>You were the first to mention the nonsense idea of radiation sensing organs
You're delusional. You were the only one who brought it up and you literally said "Your brain cells are sensitive to neutron radiation."

>Your deep confusion relies on your falsehood that "sensitive = sense [or having a sense]"
You put that in quotes as if I said that but never did. Lying scum. What I said was that cells sensitive to light sense light. It really doesn't matter to me though side this is just semantics. Reaction to light is subject to selection. The defintion of sense is irrelevant

>> No.14594738 [View]
File: 8 KB, 226x223, descartes-thumbs-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to solve the hard problem of consciousness is a wild goose chase. We will very likely never be able to explain it. Furthermore, A.I., no matter how performatively impressive it may be, will likely never be truly conscious.

The open secret about the debate on consciousness within the scientific community is that there's not even a consensus on the fundamentals. But because science wants to have its cake at eat it too, there is this dog and pony show of a "conversation" about it, where the physicalists will loudly proclaim that although consciousness seemingly cannot be explained with classical mechanics and that it must instead rely on some quantum-mechanical phenomena, the answer nevertheless is right around the corner (despite the fact that quantum physicists and AI specialists generally disagree categorically with this assertion). The minority who have grown tired of squaring the circle instead throw up their hands and smugly dismiss consciousness as an illusion, leaving the can in place on the road for others to continue kicking.

We are nowhere even remotely close to having an explanation for consciousness. The closest thing resembling an actual answer that the "experts" offer are pretentious, long-winded litanies that amount to little more than "it's an emergent phenomenon", perhaps in hope that baudry poetics will pass as some kind of deep truth. Despite this, many still earnestly cling to the belief that if we hook enough computers together, if we just install the right software, if, if, if, then maybe, one day, the rocks will wake up.

lol ok bro

Meanwhile, the mind-body problem and the knowledge argument remain largely unresolved, addressed only with patronizingly tautological rebuttals, while the largely ignored mountain of anecdotal evidence for dualistic interpretations continues to grow.

>> No.14590218 [View]

I have the address of Santa Claus, he lives in the north pole, I will write him a letter asking him for world peace and a pony.

Don't worry about your bullies, they'll get coal at Christmas!

>> No.14552895 [View]
File: 527 KB, 2256x1504, The Diverse Burgers of America.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Each time they change it, they can sell a bunch more flags to virtue signalers. How can you show you're a good person if you won't even pony up $20 for the latest flag? You're not going to use an old less inclusive flag, are you?

>> No.14550003 [View]

>makeup and a pony tail is neoteny
this is an incel containment thread, calling it now

>> No.14527094 [View]

I think you’re too retarded to understand me. They will absolutely utilize starship and other spacex technologies for missile defense and national defense in general. We agree on that. I’m just not retarded and unlike you I don’t think the mars stuff is a dog and pony show

>> No.14508650 [DELETED]  [View]

so is my little pony

>> No.14499738 [View]

>he shown her his dick
>he wanted to buy her a pony
>don't wanna
>nothing happened

>> No.14490245 [View]

>Previous shit like DALL-E and PaLM were one-trick ponies
So now you have a two-trick pony. Notice how you explicitly avoided answering my question, because there is no fundamental difference: we've known for ages that the same kind of architecture can do all those things separately, so there was no reason why it couldn't learn to do multiple things. That's not AGI. AGI implies not only that it can learn anything you throw at it, but that it can learn efficiently. There is no evidence that any currently known architecture is capable of either of those requirements, especially the second one.

>> No.12799366 [View]

The pony shit was cringe but some of it was pretty cool.
I'm not sure what to think of myself now.

>> No.12762481 [View]

I want to eat pony brains and blood puddings. don't take nice things from me

>> No.12751801 [View]
File: 51 KB, 486x643, 59833803852305230532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever been told something that, when you did your own research, turned out to be false?
I'm not a scientist, but here's an experiment you can try out for yourself that will show you that you've been lied to
>Fill a bucket of water
>Hold it up and swing it around in a circle
>The water will stay in the bucket
Now, according to globalist consensus, the water will fall out of the bucket due to the alleged force of gravity
Of course, they know that even an idiot can prove this wrong, so they have to come up with nonsense excuses, like "centrifugal force overpowers gravitational force; that's why you can jump!"
Well, I'm not sure what speed humans spin at, but the world is alleged to spin at 1,000mph, far faster than a human
So somehow a bucket spinning at a few mph can counteract gravity, but tectonic plates spinning at 1,000mph cannot?
Do you see how easily the liars and cheats get caught in their own falsities? The bigger the lie, the greater the chance of contradiction, which is what we see here
Gravity, as a force, has never been proven to exist, and conveniently cannot ever be proven by definition
It's like saying that I have a magic pony inside my house, but it will disappear as soon as anyone opens the front door. In all liklihood, there is no magic pony
Gravity is this "magical all-pervasive force" that is invisible, undetectable and yet somehow can be used to justify every single batshit """""theory""""" these idiots come up with
The truth is, it is scientifically wrong to call gravity a theory, when it is at best a hypothesis, and a very easily disprovable one at that
Will you start thinking for yourself, my little lemmings, or will you let the people who consider themselves superior to you force feed you with their globalist propaganda?

>> No.12707580 [View]

If you genuinely believe you'll be happy as an engineer, it's worth it to pony up for student loans than get stuck with a job you hate.

>> No.12697168 [View]

Not who you're responding to, but I get what you're saying. The problem is that Pokemon is explicitly marketed to appeal to children, so there is something inherently off putting about meeting twenty something men obsessed with "Muh charizard", as though a dragon that repeats its name constantly and is poorly animated is so many steps removed from my little pony or sonichu in terms of creepy maladaptive childishness. There is plenty of media you can be obsessed with that using creepy or off putting and that avoids seeing of manchildness. I think it seems lazier in some way to be obsessed with children's media as opposed to something difficult and dense to get into, whether its music or history or whatever.

>> No.12681391 [View]

it wasn't that you would post a pony and he would sperg out
I have witnessed somebody posting a picture of a cloud cropped from a fanart and he would recognize it and post link to the entire pic back in like a minute
I'm still not entirely convinced he's flesh and bone

>> No.12654970 [View]

So Axiom-1 lost their launch date to Inspiration 4 because Inspiration 4 was the first to pony up the cash to launch?

>> No.12648213 [View]
File: 213 KB, 720x960, kchEd99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll let you use me as a case study. I discovered /sci/ in late 2017 as a hs junior. My midday class was to TA for the IT department, in the basement, and I used this empty block of time in my schedule to dick around on the internet. One day a TA from earlier in the morning left /pol/ open on one of our machines. 4chan had never appealed to me prior to that day, but I was bored and curious if there were other boards on 4chan so I loaded the front page to see what was there. Checked out some of the other boards, spent a few seconds on /ck/, /k/, /pony/, etc., didn't waste time reading more than one or two threads so I got fucking blindsided when I decided I wanted to see what a 4chan math board looked like. I had only just "discovered" math earlier that year after reading the Erdos wiki article, /sci/ was nothing like anything I've ever seen. This was one of the most transformative events in my life. I remember it better than losing my virginity. I would like to point out that this event probably ensured that I would never have a career (but it was worth it).

Check this out, here is one of my earliest shitposts:
As you can see, it's a wojack; a *feels* wojack, but a wojack just the same.

I also posted the occasional ragepepe, but I tended not to post standard pepes because they blended in with the other frogs in the catalogue, so I only posted the flashy ones to maximize the visibility of my autism.

Took me another few weeks after that post until I finally woke up to the crippling retardation of my fellow wojack/frogposters. My morning classes were really boring so I wasted a lot of time daydreaming, by midday I'd usually daydreamed up one or two posts that would be funny to read on /sci/. It had to be amusing to me before I considered posting it, so I tended to be creative and original whenever I posted something.

It's a newfag phase. You need to ingratiate yourself with the /sci/ culture before you grow out of it, and this takes a while.

>> No.12643312 [View]

In reality, the days to cover will actually be much more because shares have been shorted more than twice. A position to close takes 2 days. So at most, only half of the short positions could be submitted for close in a given day and then it would require 2 days for those shares to be returned to their rightful owners at which point the 100% of the 120% would be able to exit requiring another 2 days to settle leaving 20% short interest. The second half of the short will be totally and utterly fucked.

While I'm sure many tried to exit today at the drop of $125 if they shorted yesterday and many probably entered at today's high, it's clear that more has been entered via a ladder strategy - 100 shares @ $250, 100 shares @ $240, etc. dropping the price instantaneously but while this is intended to create fear it just exposed risk even more. So the shorts that were entered < $250 are now really screwed and either have to keep putting up more and more margin or cover their position.

I wouldn't be surprised if this continues well into next week or the week after. Wall Street has deep pockets and when the stock rises 100% - 300% in 1 day (e.g. like AMC and GMC), someone has to pony up that money to ensure the short position can actually be covered and if the people who borrowed the margin can't, the clearing firms members (the brokers) have to (hence why RH and WeBull had to halt trading because it became so expensive to the shorts that they, the brokers, were becoming liable).

This momentum took off way faster and higher than anyone could have imagined going up over 10x in 5 days (from last Friday to today's high).

I think for this to continue, it will have to have more modest consistent gains, 20-30% per day, because 100%+ jumps creates massive margin calls that the shorts can't fund quickly and so the trades at are risk of settling meaning the brokers have to be deep pocketed enough to cover the greedy suits.


>> No.12636043 [View]

When I graduated with my BS in biology, the only job I was offered in the field was working the pony ride at the Philly zoo. Now I have my PhD and am employed as a research scientist in my speciality. Biology as a field isn't unemployable - you have to work on yourself until YOU are employable.

>> No.12614710 [View]

What if I like pink, dresses, interacting with women, makeup, doing my hair, girly anime and cartoons, and have a huge my little pony merch collection that includes g1 ponies?

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