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Search: elsevier

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>> No.12040647 [View]

Thanks Alex




>> No.12028355 [View]


Can you do something to show omnipotence? Can you remove paywalls for all scientific journals and send Elsevier to the Outer Darkness?

>> No.12027190 [View]

Retroviral treatment aren't the only way for gene therapy but the most powerful one. Life extension technologies will be avaible in this centuries half but rejuvenation will only be possible via retroviral treatments.

>> No.12026828 [View]
File: 521 KB, 684x3336, M.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which kind? Biological one? Sure. www.cell.com/cell/abstract/S0092-8674(16)31664-6?_returnURL=http%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS0092867416316646%3Fshowall%3Dtrue

And mind uploading might also become a reality in a century or so. Digital minds could alone live until the era of either proton decay or feed themselves in hawking radiation up until the year 10^100, when the last black hole has evaporated. Only vaccum energy, reversible computing or somehow finding a way to escape into a basement universe will allow one to escape entropy. But infinite, eternal immortality can only be for beings that have no begin. Personally hope for subjective immortality, that will be our only way to indefinitfly cheat death.

>> No.12024161 [View]

im taking a class on this actually. you can have a lot of debate as to why, but the tl;dr is that the general population is not scientifically literate, or even if they are, they don't bother to do their own research. the issue compounds into that 1. people don't inherently trust peer-reviewed papers just because they are peer-reviewed, rather its if they trust the /source/ of who is telling them that information, be it alex jones, cnn, elsevier, or such; and 2. scientists often answer questions that people don't care about / do not care to parse. as in: your theories do not directly address the concerns of the person in a vocabulary that they understand

>> No.12007900 [View]

Rang & Dale for total retards. Florez for ascended intellectuals, aldoe I doubt Elsevier bothered with translation that magnificent textbook into anglobarks.

>> No.11994925 [View]

My Institute has Endnote, its fine.

Also fuck Mendeley because of Elsevier

>> No.11985413 [View]

She's the world a great service. Science should not be behind paywalls. It's fucking ludicrous to think so. For some reason, I was on an email list on Elsevier at some point (probably because I was using Mendeley). And they were doing these virtual conferences on something along the lines of: "How to reconcile between making science readily available and keeping our pockets fat."

It was fucking embarrassing.

>> No.11984059 [View]
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fuck Elsevier
fuck Springer
fuck Scopus
fuck Americans
and most importantly, fuck liberals

>> No.11939939 [View]

We generally hate the paywalls, they're stupid. Our uni recently dropped Elsevier/other publishers, and I can't even access some of my own published papers, I have to go back to the non-prettied-up PDF+word document or illustrator file I send sometimes if I want to see something from it.
Google scholar/sci hub usually works for 99% of what I need to get.

We are always happy to send a copy. We DGAF about whatever the publication companies do/want, and they wouldn't fucking dare sue a scientist for sharing, that's a one-way ticket to being abandoned and the entire business collapsing on its head. Lots of scientists post the PDFs of their papers on their websites too, its not a big deal.

>> No.11939586 [View]

Hello Elsevier shill. This problem is easily solved by avoiding the shitty adobe reader.

>> No.11873560 [View]

>Purchase PDF for $39.95
fuck Elsevier and any boomer who defend big academia

>> No.11841355 [View]

I like zotero better because it isn't a pdf reader so you can use whichever pdf reader you want.
it also saves and syncs your annotations that are made with 3rd party software. mendeley is too closed of an ecosystem
also elsevier sucks donkey dick

>> No.11820567 [View]

What's a good journal for civil engineering that decides quickly and a has a high acceptance rate

I am currently looking into elsevier journals and wondering if theres anything else

I need to publish something ASAP to demonstrate my research skills so I can hopefully land a good phd scholarship

>> No.11770129 [View]
File: 135 KB, 1920x1080, yfoopl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anime posters should be b&.

Check these out:

They are nice.

Maybe the anon misses times when we were less cold and bitter.

If you consider reasoning in general a related skill, then yes.

It is a sadomasochistic endeavour leading to certain pain and possible pleasure.

Don't memorise them. Derive them.

>> No.11702747 [View]

Just because someone is in the scientific community doesn't mean they have access to these journals. As I already stated the UC system literally dropped Elsevier, and by most standards they are literally one of the top research communities on the planet.

>> No.11702684 [View]

UC dropped 10 million a year on Elsevier, alone.

They have an upper price range of 6k for a single article. That's fucking retarded.

>> No.11652300 [View]

Methylococcus capsulatus bateria feeds off methane and produces a protein and fat rich gel that's right now used as animal feed
People who've tried it say it tastes like a very bland vegamite
using a biodigester would break down organic matter and produce methane for the bacteria
Also grasshoppers are good protein and can eat plant leaves and parts of crops we can't, so that makes agriculture more efficient usage wise

>> No.11624497 [View]

Yeah, we're back to ion thrusters then and then we're talking Volkswagen tier acceleration.
I can find some old books talking about theoretical ion thrusters using caesium hydride (which is what you're talking about).

But that's all. Ion thrusters are slow as fuck.


That's the book in question. 1963.

>> No.11623526 [View]

All research done with government funding should be freely available (both publications and data) and not behind Elsevier paywalls.

>> No.11596665 [View]

nature the mag?
Maybe because nature is pozzed, they hired a...moderator? twitter p.r.? i don`t know the name of that worthless career, use elsevier or pubmed.
Because westerns love "freedom" and "democracy" you would be crying and suing your gov if they treated you like they treated chinese people during the pandemic.
It worked for them and they almost (who knows but it`s the best strategy) squash the virus with their chemical team

>> No.11583247 [View]
File: 42 KB, 600x909, F189FBF3-3963-4AD0-81B8-E2298F0BCF21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Elsevier.

>> No.11568613 [View]

>in partnership with Elsevier
Anyone having no subscription confirmed for rank down.

Why "feels bad"?
My Alma mater is in the 130s, and I have no reason to complain.
It was a fucking amazing time, that got my life on track.

>> No.11551135 [View]


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