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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.21357126 [View]
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Forest Anon is a great lad but he doesn't like being posted on /lit/. Clean it up jannies.

>> No.8635319 [View]


I also thought that he might brainwash our poor heroines into thinking they weren't famous anymore, and then dressing them in unusual, frumpy, clothing and taking away their perfect makeup. That way he could turn them loose and just check up on them from time to time. Unlawful confinement is probably hard, difficult work IRL, so why not work smarter, not harder?

>> No.4046618 [View]

>ending in -ly
I too find it strange.

>> No.4046615 [View]

they probably haven't heard of him

>> No.3573902 [View]
File: 7 KB, 188x273, carneades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aenesidemus enumerated ten types of argument that justified the suspension of all judgment. They were based on the diversity and contradictions among sense perceptions and beliefs; the diversity of customs and religious practices; the diversity of reactions to rare or frequent phenomena; the diversity of perceptions according to the organs of perception in animals and in human beings; the diversity of perceptions according to the circumstances and inner dispositions of individuals; and the diversity of perceptions according to whether one considers things on a large or a small scale, from near or from afar, or from such-and-such an angle. Aenesidemus also taught that everything is mixed with and related to everything else, which made it impossible to perceive things all by themselves, and finally that the senses are the source of illusion.

>> No.3457249 [View]

No movie approaches the quality of story-telling of literature

>> No.3212665 [View]

the general focus of the thesis is on the creative ways that developers worked within the computer hardware constraints of the 1990s to produce cinematic sequences

>> No.3207099 [View]

Yeah, they do. Most boards have posters that throw a tantrum if you try to oppose the general opinion of that place. I've always seen /lit/ as the kind of board that doesn't have an unspoken set of preferences that everyone tries to protect no matter what.

>> No.3123360 [View]

quality thinking is clearly anglocentric.

>> No.3123355 [View]

You're welcome.

And people say we don't have good /hist/ threads on /lit.

>> No.3078463 [View]


>> No.2995764 [View]
File: 77 KB, 399x399, okay-so-it-is-http-hang-on-give-me-a-second-while-i-type-that-using-the-hunt-and-peck-method.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a lot of reading from a lot of young folk
>a lot ... a lot

oh yeah, proofread your final product, so you don't write dumb-sounding stuff like that

>> No.2993656 [View]

oh, the other part is that you apparently can't read, because even though I prefaced my bit with the phrase "he may've assumed..." you apparently read that as "I assume," and so I'm guessing you're one of these xkcd fanboise who thinks the humanities is a worthless field compared to biological sciences, but can't into reading comprehension worth a denari. it wasn't my own fucking belief you goddamn moron, i'm just saying that somebody without intimate knowledge of brain anatomy might think that the hemispheres don't constitute 100% of the brain.

>> No.2986158 [View]

such is life in Yorkshire

>> No.2937452 [View]

you're looking for the homework board:


>> No.2880731 [View]

>>2880728 - correction
woops, I see that you mentioned Oedipus in OP; ignore the Theban plays bit, unless you weren't also aware of Antigone being part of that series.

>> No.2869205 [View]

>>2869201 - same poster
Also, one of my favorite parts was the aborted historical novel that the writer in the story says that he had dilignetly researched. I wanted to read *that* book, it sounded really good.

>> No.2828052 [View]

>making the latter fact quite apparent
*taking obvious effort to make the latter fact quite apparent

>> No.2789372 [View]


god, i need a cigarette. i need to quit smoking if things will be this way for the foreseeable future. i need a good bong rip or something, it's not quite enough that i'm drunk on anything and everything offered to me at that little gathering, by friends who handed me the keys and said sleep good. we've all been sleeping too well for too long anyway, another sleepless night wouldn't kill me. with the revelation that god is every man, woman, dog, horny cat, pestilent cicada, buffalo, catfish, blade of grass, spore colony, and even the fucking jews were gods- came the biblical traditionalists who fashioned themselves into spiteful, jealous gods. we were all the devil too, and no-one has any sense of balance in a world where the symbol of yin and yang is more likely to be found on a jansport backpack scribbled in sharpie and found in some dustbin goodwill store, than inked in a palm as a symbol of the unfurling lotus flower we all learned was reaching out of ourselves.

>> No.2789364 [View]


still need a cigarette, fuck.


that summer had been a summer of disgusting human behavior, everyone found satan at the wrong time and with no subtlety, control or balance. everyone's heart was broken as they turned around to hurt another. people set the ladder on fire from the bottom and pulled anyone off who was in their way. loving, worshipful relationships ended and too many fuck-centric and utilitarian partnerships started, i had thought more than just this one time about driving into a tree whether it came at me or not. this was not the world i've been nursed into. i found my mouth revolting at a blistered teet forcing itself at me, spewing and dripping black tar from fangs. and this was it, the great dawning, a mental clarity had hit their foggy, fluoride-filled and tv-soaked brain cavities. after all the wait, it fell on deaf ears when they found god. i wonder why before the dawning, people of young age cared only about dicks and those in old age cared only about their shits.

>> No.2789359 [View]

i had almost gone off the road on my own and a tree would've been a sudden end to this story. i cut hard, almost going off again on the right, close enough to see the silhouettes of dozens of men through slots in the truck's rear section as i corrected myself and almost went into the truck in my drifting, foggy state. i turned the modest mouse cd up a bit and kicked the accelerator. and of course, running out of gas, when i thought i had budgeted enough gas to make it to the cookout and get back, with enough to at least make it in to work tomorrow. i guess i wouldn't need the last bit, so i drove. i drove fast, for once i let myself drive, and let the car go as it had always waited for me to allow it to. not budgeting or holding patience as a virtue and my safety above all else, at last something to rush for, something more important than punching in 3 minutes late and tearing out your hair hoping they don't let you go as a scorned lover who fell short one too many times.

>> No.2789351 [View]


what an idiot, i thought, speeding back towards the secluded, almost forlorn lane they( the only people that cared enough to save me from desperate loneliness that one day, even after ignoring me like the plague or some jealous ex-lover many other days ), my best friends, called home. turning the cd player back on, focusing, shutting the windows, i'd gathered enough about what was happening, in my imagination at least. i hoped i'd end up looking like a jackass. because i really knew nothing and that was just enough. goddamn this is a bad time to be out of cigarettes. i glanced down around the floor of the car, sometimes cigarettes would hang around down there when someone lost one in the dark recesses of the floorspace. almost off the road, adjust heading and look again, check under the passenger seat, leaning across. suddenly a new sound, a booming and rapidly-amplifying horn, doppler effect in full form rushing straight at me. i hit my head on the rearview mirror, knocking it askew, but saw the truck coming dead at me as i listed off the left of the road.

>> No.2789339 [View]

i knew they'd have guns there though. so i dialed the phone. before i even considered what to say i discovered, of course, my service is cut off. so i dialed 911, you can get through to them no matter what. they'll pass your call through any cell tower available, over any network, whether the phone has worked in a decade or is active in any way, they will get you connected. apparently unless you're beneath a megaton sheet of clouds and visceral electricity. static at least, better than that recording. a sympathetic character, the hiss on the other end of the phone, finally. white noise is very calming, they've been known to install air conditioners, heaters, dehumidifiers, even white noise machines in workplaces to improve productivity. white noise has a calming effect on the human mind, like laying next to the sea at night, or a rustling of leaves on an autumnal oak-lined trail, even of breaths drawn in lungs with your head laid to rest on a loving chest, or any of a million sounds which are all roughly equivalent to white noise, ask a sound engineer.

>> No.2789338 [View]


i know they have a pistol and a few boxes of 9mm shells, along with a box of hollow-points. where they got hollow-points or why, who knows, but they were stashed in a shed all the same. i'm sure they'd have more guns around that cabin, everyone who lives in the mountains, in the middle of the woods like that, was proud to have guns, and gun racks in obnoxious trucks. it's not some stereotype, it's a true and accurate representation of life in a part of the world that still tries to connect the dots between "self" and "sufficient". if you saw what it really stood for, you may respect the lifestyle. i'm sorry for directly addressing you, but i know they'd have firepower, at least to beat the .22 rifle my family had passed down for deer hunting. not much good for defending your land, and we were too modern and civilized to ever really use it at all save for target practice. i was too good a shot with it before long, and they cut me off from the gun, one of my few birthrights in this world.

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