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>> No.20051970 [View]

Man is a vessal for the beauty of good or the ugliness of bad to permeate through him and make the world

>> No.20051901 [View]

It is beautiful that a man can know of the good and choose it of his own accord. Weigh it's value,look at himself, look at the world, know of his infinite potentials good and bad, and not out of fear of punishment or cowardice, or force, but to genuinely see and say within him, this is the best of me, this is the best for me, I am honored and thrilled to be a part of this group, I am happy to be on the same team on this same page.

Regular boys and men, complete strangers, complete citizens, complete spectres of time, completly confounding mysteries, complete statues and masks, to know and life in and of flesh and blood like you and me, to eat and bathroom, to drink and sex, to see trees and smell air, to smell flowers and see bees, and conclude obviously, to be a good and well man, a decent man. To be a part of the total flow of good, traversing all if history, constructing all bridges and hospitals and universities in it's wake.

To love Gods earthly food and love so much to dedicate your life to the degrees of doctorhood and the mind strains of math and science, to fill yourself so full overflowing with the helpful truths of beautiful and gorgeous and genius nature.

A boy, a man, like any other, randomly bursting in, sprouting in this field of life, and with out question accepts it as good, and beautiful, and noble. Obviously dawns the cloak of nature and the fruits of man as if they were tailored to his body and soul. His insides harmonize with the tremendous orders of the outsides, and all souls sweetly sing. He is in the groove, in the grove, on the path, flying downhill, sprinting uphill, all is smooth and in stride and pure, moving in complete floating lockstep with the rhythems of the higher world, always closing in on his potential, right there always at grasp, constantly flowing through an out doing, flowering through a doing with out; surely that a man, a strange creature of desire, envy, hatred, lust, can put all possible evils aside, to maintain the elimination of all possible monkey travestys he is capable of, to continously dwell in the realm of the pleseant, the worthy, the graceful, the awe inspiring, the glorious, the good

>> No.19997540 [View]

In those primal moments there is a shedding of all pretense and care, it is pure existence and being, there is no grand future thought or considering of trajectories, though yes there could be, there could be any thought during intimate activity, but when the animal urge is overwhelming, there is a resigning, a giving up of the human cloak and shield, of becoming purely one with atomic nature, of cosmic nature, of purely acting out a process of nature, of giving into pure immediate absolute sensation and sensuality, every micro meter of sensation, a game of points and scoring, the tallys quickly him 999 then 000 the goal posts are moved along the endless field, the mind is now focused on the infinities inside of itself, and on its surface, and those of it's lover, it may take a second between thrust to turn it's eyes to the heavens and contemplate the nature of the stars, but then quickly, a perfectly gelatinous tit warmly carresses the arm and we are returned full throttle toward earth, suplanted back in our control command, searching out, feeling out in the dark, like a bats tongue for fruit, like a snakes smell, sensing some squirming pleasure here or there, rapture, escape, trancendence, being, becoming, exctasy, relief, continual release, continual upward trajectory, inspiring the passions flowing, endless spiral staircases to heaven, spedily run up all at once, hand in hand with your love, the skin a living map, you mark you territory, you divide your boundries and borders, you explore and expedition, you manifest destiny, you strike oil and silver and gold, you plant crops and sow fruit, and you tenderly carress and you carefully kiss, and you delightfully massage, and you fuck and fuck and fuck and fuck and lovingly lovingly lovingly make love

>> No.19990609 [View]

And, this supposed completely singular substanceness; just so happened, to turn into the stable all pervasive em field, and stable knitted all pervasive gravity field, and that stuff that turned to em field did so nearly irreversibly and uniquely and maintained it's allegiance to it's systematic type, and quark gluon plasma of course, and then sometime the universal electron type was born and claimed it's universal self type to all pervade the universe, and somehow this thing called charge was established, and all these seperate shocked into teams stuff of supposed originally entirely one singular type of essential substance, turned into all these pretty stably unique compatible things, that then spun into galaxies of atoms making fireball stars,which exploded out planets containing a vast array of interacting elements and chemicals, on merely one of which can occur the totality of human history and beyond in a second of cosmic time. Noice.

In response to above some queries on the eternal universality of math, if we could make a simulation that concious entities could exist in, like the Sims or Minecraft, and there were physics in their realm, and distance they could walk and trees, would they use anything other fundamentally but the same math as us? A ruler with even demarcations to compare the height of a tree to the height of a house, and if the tree was 29 even ruler demarcations high and the house was 50 evenly spaced ruler demarcations high, would the house to them not be 21 even ruler demarcations larger? Or would it depend on the nature of their eyes and mind? I don't think so, even if they saw all kaleidoscopey, it would still be true the relations between the even ruler demarcations. And further more more fundamentally, that they could point to the tree and say one, and point to the house and say one, and point to them at the same time and say one and one, and call it two things.

>> No.19990605 [View]

So. Another big reason it is possibly posited this universal systematic expression of energy and matter might or must have had a related starting point, is the concept of material system aging or entropy.

Suns die.. I think there is evidence of that. Eventually all suns will die. There fore at some point suns had to have been born.

At some point it is thought atoms will just start decaying? What keeps atoms from not decaying? Strong weak nuclear and em force?
Eventually all stars will die. And there will not be enough cohesive material to make new ones, and while this happens the gravitational slackening due to these lost stars will effect galaxy structure?

Though some galaxies do produce new stars? The central super massive black hole sucks in energy and if the Galaxy began to collapse enough due to enough stars dying the central black hole may have it's gut punched by this slackening and cough up new stars?

Not to mention the relation between the em field and gravity medium, if stars die and Galaxy starts to collapse maybe this will ripple the gravity/em medium into producing new stars?

Electrons being excitations in field? The physical material existing nature of said field? Said field exists as an actual existing substantial non nothing thingness from one side of the universe to the other, up down and all around, but the em field and quark field and hugs field and neutrino field and gravity field also exist at every planck length as well, hm.

So an electron solitary floating in space, let's say it somehow got outside a Galaxy, and it's now floating in between galaxies, and the galaxies are drifting apart, and this electron never comes near another particle for a trillion trillion years or whatever, does the electron randomly decay for no reason?

So maybe, the fundamental stuffness decays, entropy occurs, humpty Dumpty drifts apart broken, unfixable, which compels the thought if the stuff gets old, possibly at once it was all new.

So it's all crammed together equal in a box. And then with no cause, no clue how all this potential stuff got crammed in this one place, one day, it just begins to universe.

>> No.19990492 [View]

The eternal paradox something always having existed is fucked, fucking fucked, the impossible to grasp connundrum.

So how far on the timeline of eternity are we, a billion years from the first universal order? A trillion trillion years? A trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion years? A trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion more than the previous amount?

Holy fuck. The universe is huge. The world is huge. The sun is huger. There are billions of suns in the Galaxy. There are billions of galaxy's. There are billions of atoms as you. There are how many atoms in one galaxy. The same type of atoms exist in the other galaxies. Stars and their light exist in the same ways in other galaxies. Fuck fuck fuck fuck.

Holy shit. What the fuck.

>> No.19990486 [View]

>That everything started from a single point would be the greatest evidence by far for the existence of God in human history. The precise time and place God pressed on and play.

Scientests, physisist, cosmologists, struggling with that eternal paradox, didn't like to think if how the universe might have been before the big bang, they also were uncomfortable positing it might have just been floating around a lot lot longer, and the causal chain of regress may be murkier then a nice and tidy everything was at one point and exploded /expanded

But as I knew in 9th grade, that moment that put me in great horror and shock, that my supposed careful responsible superiors were confidently telling me this making me from that day an extremely paranoid skeptic; that not only all the atoms and energy of earth or sun and system, but of all galaxies!!! Bahhh existed in a not even decently reasonably sized 3d space, but nessecerily a 1d or 0d space,...what the fuck what the fuck are you thinking who the fuck passed off on this and said that possibly makes any amount of sense.

From our observations there is no evidence that some central point big bang occured, I would be the first one to be excstatically jumping up and down if there was a single shred of evidence of the big bang, because I think it would be cool if God existed and if all energy and matter existed impossibly in 1d point, then the only explanation then would be God. Because apriori eternally space is not infinitesimal, Zeno's paradox and all is solved certainly, so on face value certainly real tangible energy and material even a trillion trillion atoms worth let alone a trillion trillion trillion worth could not fit in "" the same space"'' what ever that means.

It has been some years since I looked into big bang theory, have they since updated the 1d initial starting point theory?

If there was no evidence of big bang theory what would cosmologists have done? Uhh we see a lot of different galaxies, I geuss reality is just these galaxies spin around forever? I geuss they've always been doing this?

And if they haven't always been doing this? They must have been in some simpler state right?

And the simplest state to imagine is squishing all the galaxies together, so I'd this universe system had a start, which it must have had right, the start must have been all the galaxies stuff squished together.

Then if that's the start, all that ball of squished stuff, expanded and turned into galaxies.

How did that ball of squished Galaxy stuff get there? Well we tried to escape infinite eternity by squishing everything to make a starting point to begin with; so either this was the first time anything ever happened in eternal history, and a universe worth of stuff popped out of nowhere, or a universe worth of stuff somehow has always existed and maybe it goes into a squishy ball and explodes, goes into ball and explodes.

>> No.19990251 [View]

Please differentiate what you mean by infinite next time; I responded in a post above believing you meant as the universe is infinite that the quantity of material is infinite, but I see you may have been referring that space is infinite, which does bring us to a very interesting aspect, that of the nature of gravity, and how it as general relativity is as true as it seems to be, curvable warpable bendable space must be substance of some sort, there for there must be a possible distinction between said gravity medium material space we are familiar with, and any possible notion of pure space posesing no material energy medium or fields of any sort.

There is no reason to assume outside the universe of galaxies amid gravity space, does not exist endless pure space, unless outside the universe is Gods realm, which we still might posit outside Gods realm must or might exist pure space.

If not Gods realm, but infinite pure space, then we are in the interesting pondering of how the nature of the gravity medium interacts with the pure space at the edges of the universe (minding there cannot exist now an infinite quantity of galaxies, there must be edges), so the very nature of that interaction could be having a profound effect on the universe; if they gravity space stretches spills and tears out and falls apart or stays stable when it hits that pure space, or if it solidifies and recoils inwards, and further the nature of light when it might approach that edge.

Further more as was even writ in the bible, as we know from computer simulations a trillion computations can occur in seconds, a thousand computers can do trillions if computations in seconds, if the universe to Gods computer a billion universe years could be seconds to God

>> No.19988816 [View]

Cult worship can be comfy, embracing ignorance to a degree, embracing mystery to a degree, dispelling ignorance and mystery by broad symbolic myth, but the most important aspect, clearing ones mind and soul of existential dread and doubt, endless curiosity and worry, and partaking in soothing and trancendant, inspiring and exctatic pomp and ritual, spectacle, marvel, of a holy and sacred zeal, a total art, a complete essential experience, an enrapturing circumstance, an enveloping inside and outside worldview, the power of subjects together uniting to form a subjective solipsism, to experience profundity, grandeur, elevation, and beauty, to condition the body and soul for higher thoughts and purposes, to be ever on an upward trajectory, of spiritual satisfaction, spiritual satisfaction being, being a complex wondrous beautiful whole in harmony with the complex wondrous beautiful harmonious whole of the cosmos.

>> No.19985453 [View]

Not even to mention, though disregard that previous line for I am now mentioning, her voluminous backside, a most genius spherical curve rememiscent of our love for the sun, pressing so sensually against my groin, a perfect puzzle piece match, to lay the penis in the buttocks crack like hotdog in bun, to lay hung over like this for hours, feeling the worsts of hell, two handfuls of delightful breasts, tropical fantasys of hair in nose and face, a heaven I have not considered for a decade, so easily brings me back to this highest joy.

So laying in her 12 by 12 room only big enough to fit dresser, tv, and bed, watching the cuddled with the dog we began to discuss our possible future. If we were to get married where we might live, and then taken over by such a cozy famial sceanario, after having never in my life really considering or having the urge for kids, the thought suddenly appeared obvious, and the first thing I could think of without thinking was, how I hoped we would have a son, and that he would be an extreme genius, her instant immediate reaction was to simply say, she would not want her son to be a genius, because they can have such hard lives, I thought it unquestionably self evident, the greatest most valuable experience if my life all that ultimately had proven itself enjoyable and worthy was the consumption of the fruits of geniuses, and my persuit to emobdy my potential genius, the rewarding excitement therefore being, producing a son which could possibly outdo my genius, which could possibly provide the world with powerful cherishable novel genius, what would anything other really be worth. Some time after that we stopped talking for whatever reason, and I gave her a cool cruiser bike I had got in vermin from like the 70s, and I haven't talked to her haven't really thought of her since.

>> No.19985450 [View]

About 13 years ago or so I was laying in some strange Brooklyn apartment with a cute Russian woman, gentle, sweet, adorable, lovely, she rented a single room from some strange large man who coughed and coughed maybe 4% of the time, he would limp around, the cramped cave like rooms were all very dimly lit, a pervasion of golden and burnt orange hues. Everytime I visited there there would be a large pot of stew cooking on the stove, and I just now remembered the female yellow lab that would excitedly great me and snuggle with us in bed. This was winter time, snow abound, life dreary cold and miserable, all there was to do was mope and snuggle, and watch tv.

I had met her months prior at some outdoor summer concert in the park, her unique face, cuteness, sweetness, toughness, quirkyness, stylishness, cleverness, immediately struck my heart, soul, mind, and loins, all at once in cosmic rapture, and I knew I would have to overcome my shyness to interact with her anyway I could, so some how we started talking and somehow I got her number. I thought I was in love at first sight, I likely was and should have been, if not my weakness and refusal to the grand heroic efforts required to escape poverty, I recall another night, a night that should have been my last ever drinking, spooning her on a friends couch after a night of wild partying, having drank a lot of whisky and beer and wine and who knows what else, feeling so awful, dizzy, spinning, heartburn, stomach pains, but holding her lovely warm body into mine, living in the textures and smell of her hair, feeling her breathing echo mine, my arms latched around her supple body, my hands cupping her breasts, one can never get enough of a great thing, a breast is a great thing, to hold a breast for 3, 4, 5, 10 hours is satisfactory enough? To feel it's beyond perfect material, its soft subtle bouyency, its incomparable stress relieving squishy delight, the everest of nipple, to touch a single mound a million different ways and never get bored, and how to touch it is to force the desire for it to be suckled, so deeply the desire is bred, how the earth so loves them it pulls the breasts towards it, a perfect give and take between the globe and the heavens, giving is our perfect balence middle ground, and directly in the very idea of center, that olympian nip, a most righteous target, circles marking the spot, and we may only thank god there are two of them attached, we do in fact have two hands.

>> No.19984832 [View]

i went walk and saw the big tree and sky rain love between the moon shadows of a grand jewel above levened leaves and left wearies and chance upon a fire inspired a reaching sow so i beheld a startling acre and grasped a darting know to see of which merry meddle my honesty would grow at least the tender rancour forbideen in my jocularity was jovial enough for such tidings and peace keepings however so much has been made of such and such and so and so i just thought id leave this note in this burrow tree and send my best regards to you and yours with love as always

>> No.19982806 [View]

The universe is metaphor turned into matter, idea turned to material, concept made manifest; a man/woman is made in the universes image; they perform the role of a solar system, coming together as the singularity Sun, their fruitful offspring follow, orbit them, they make them their world, the parents understand Gods creative urge and love, in giving the gift of life, hopefully to an earth, which blossoms lively. The parental sacrifice, of radiating ones energy ever outward to their generated offspring, in the hopes their child might develop civilization unto itself.

>> No.19982692 [View]

What Is even the meaning of cold??
Only the absense of heat/energy?

Cold 'is not even a thing or concept? There is only a scale of heat and empty space? True pure empty space void of all energy, is "" infinitely """"cold""""" , or just....purely nothingness, which is just the dissipating power to energy, we are beings founded on energy and matter.

Consider the tundra, what a lack of light does to certain material.

I am encouraged to believe in God no matter how much I may aire toward doubt, for the established system of light and gravity is so uniform, stable, all pervasive, intertwined, dependable, functional, productive, nessecary for a spinning ball of 100 so elements and a trillion or so chemicals to do all it's things, it is so unsloppy, it is so high def, be I don't even believe in the physical reality of all pervasive neatly packaged field theory, which would just force my icing cherry covered cake hand.

I resist believing in the sloppy thinking rushed magical view point ignorance projecting spooky theories of quantum mechanics because they would force the belief in God and I cannot be sure they are not part of a conspircy to want that.

What the fuck is all this, what the fuck, how is this possible, how could a single electron and quark exist let alone a quadrillion quadrillion quadrillion, all perfectly equal existing in this galaxy and the next, all with the flawlessly functioning light system, that does and can do all it can do, and the atoms and elements with the energy of nukes, just so happen to not explode every time we walk, but they happen to be able to be turned into the Parthenon, and the large hadron collider, and ice cream, and a puppy, and Doritos, and orgasm, and tennis, and pizza, and babes, and surfing, and gemstones, and Ferraris, and picasso, and hamburgers, and mozart, and coke, and submarines, and starfish, and baseball, and mash potatoes and gravy... What the fuck God just tell us what's the deal, something, someone, a heads up, a certainty, an understanding, a knowing, a comfort, a home, a belonging, an ease, a relation, an absolutely the highest everything

>> No.19982153 [View]

Ages often start with architecture and technology.

The state of an areas buildings, the public sphere of vision, imposes a spirit on its people, just as the natural architecture of nature has; trees plants mountains rocks climate etc.

Clothing, another public visual expression of idea, then also dictates the soul of an era.

Technology, improvements, coupled with that ethereal thing called taste, ables the abilities of architecture, and clothing.

The style of cars, the increased ableness of machines, glass and metal buildings, novel human abilities generated a novel human public sphere which generated a novel human spirit which generated novel relations between the self, others, nature, and the man made world

>> No.19982125 [View]

Gravity is at least partially the result of the motion of the Earth (and Sun): what evidence is there that if the Earth was motionless (not stopping short into motionlessness, but just existed motionless with things on its surface) all the loose things on its surface wouldn't just fall off?

Without gravity, a biased cardinality of space? Or there is only falling, due to gravity?

There is only fast motion due to the BigBang?

Light is weird, where as non light takes energy to move; light yes takes energy to move but cannot help moving or stopping once it starts, and the slightest movement moves it.

Another mind fuck, if space is infinite, this is mind fucking fucking blowing fuck. If the edge of the universe if you kept traveling away from the universe at light speed for infinite light years there would be no end to the distance you travel. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

>> No.19981604 [View]


Listlessly I stead
Restlessly I sow
That thou thine art naught hither
Hind thither that thine heart know

Vexedly I quiver
And perplexedly I bow
That thine heart must oft deliver
Thus mine heart must not forgo

Venture forth says the blessed winner
Venture not says the wretched crow
And what the heart does want for dinner
Let's lest the heart goes to and fro

So dance now my young beginners
And spiel loud of young belows
Be not thy young one critters
For critters least of all know love

>> No.19977460 [View]

Might Joyce be just classified as a romantic then?

And we must keep in mind we are only talking about classifying large swaths of time and space and material history cramming them into this or that little word.

It's not so important what and what cannot be crammed into the word. If it ultimately boils down to aesthetic ideals and technological desires.

Politics being just one means of bringing these things about

>> No.19977417 [View]

If God doesn't exist, and the universe is just unfathomably perfectly oreintated for everything we know of human life and interesting excellent achievement to come about and we all happen to be lucky enough for even a second to grasp any of this, taste or see or smell anything good for a second if divine cosmic chance, then hats off to whatever material and energy is, take me to youe leader, I shall see you down the line, may the glorious sun consume me and spit me out into some other Galaxy next time, thank you for loaning me these fancy atoms, universe, thank you for being me and letting me be me and you, thank you for being so perfectly ordered and stable, thank you for being so awe inspiring, hot and cool, thank you for letting me know the best of art and life, the very best of being I could achieve, thank you for providing and setting to be my self and know the glories of mankind, thank you for the honor and privledge of walking and eating of your substance, if taking part in the maajesty if society and history, of knowing the highest possible ideas and ideals, I feeling the highest possible extasys and joys, of knowing the heights and not knowing the heights of beauty and love, but knowing the delirious exhileration of their heightlessness, thank you, become me universe, let me become you, let me possess and reflect your supreme genius and grandeur, let me be as your son, raise me as your child, let me love you, please love me, I love you

>> No.19976858 [View]

An oil slick appears across the dunes
A curmudgeon befalls a kerfuffle
A tantalizing lionized tarantula lizard beseetches a besmirking

For ago and long again, to wit, naught nocturnal
The gentle lark listlessly ergos'
Thus sprecht a liter of liveliness
Stored beneath a rubble of quartzian rocks
Or, ore

Feats, feats, and feats abound
Treachery, imbeciles
Logistics, ergonomics
Winding winding winding the day loops all and ties things tight

In Germany I heard there is an architecture university with a leather lounge in a study area
In Amsterdam I was told there was a water way and beautiful people

I would like to delight
I think, I am quite certain, that certainly I would like to delight
Something something a joke about a foreign accent and the puzzling antiness of placing de Infront of light

May nothing ever stop it!
The light that is
From doing what it does best
Warming, seeing, becoming us, making life grow

Water! Now there's a relaxing ahhhhh
When's the last time you felt sand you fool

Ok, until next time, I bid you a due
And a do

>> No.19975516 [View]

The main point of my response was to say that it seems he was heavily Irish sentimental with that work as opposed to anons suggestion.

The minor point you respond to I believe if not purposefully for Dante, for the rich history of a nationals language art richness in general. He certainly was proclaiming a grand Irish pride with that book and it certainly is epic. It is just that in my opinion, where as blasphemous as may be, Italian and German can be translated, the Irish drawl if out of any poetic text in history can not.

We see the desired claim of the anti translationists, when imagining if Italian am German poetry are anything like fin wake , then yes a translation cannot be anything like, but then we imagine no possible work of Germany and Italy can be anything like fin wake

>> No.19975486 [View]

Modernism was a vision that after a long history of more and less tradition, more or less top down, it seemed there was a vision and space to see a totally new possible future of human living. Even with sci fi starts and dreams of futuristic robotic world. As opposed to romanticisms acceptance of part and parcel with nature, modernism appears as man urgeing himself toward garden keeper of Eden, to plant seeds and trim hedges in his own image, whatever that could be.

Through out history there has been a terribly a lot of modem art, the Mayans, the Egyptians, the stone age societies, ancient Persian and Indian societies, the designs of some of their temples and such.

Recall cubism was inspired by ancient and primitive art, it was a reshuffling, a shaking off constraints of the times, seen as overly stilted and claustrophobic as far as taste goes, victorian prim and proper manners, art nouveau and art deco sleekness. Is that pretty the modernism I meant earlier, thoughts of future sleekness, away from baroque fancy and follyful ornament, no longer the craftsman and craft consumer need escape their limited lot in life by appreciating endless wiggling lines and detail, but now the human body mind and spirit was the baroque wiggling lines, so the world itself ought be made sleek and simple, for it to more ably writhe off of.

With ornate art and architecture this humbles the spirit, lessens and limits it, makes it smaller and timid, with bahaus and brutulism the raw wrought simplicity establishes and primed canvas for the soul to arise as the rococo agent with which to dance across the face of earth.

>> No.19973824 [View]

>ITT we try to collectively write a poem that proves Whitman didn't murder poetry
Ill start the poem:

WE scullied betweenth the crag rocks and sea weeds of yesteryears corny topia

Alas, harshnick...kapooey

Uproarious funds and things of subsequent qualities, and the rakes and bees.and burgundy tulips grace my creseless lips I do despise the ununiformed

Pestiliance in the fears, the turmoils in the non vacantcies

Har har har I went jambling down to the sea brook and so sheness there
I went moseying on down to the sea side crashing ocean madness flush with gull and herring song water blood

Oiopss...oiopss oiops

I be theed and bereft walked up 8th avenue toward delancy decrepit I saint seated and wretched and fortnight for paper was read and I seated saintly on park bench fervered and favor from thee god who arch nemesis infact latched and langured a speedy fond of me parlaence

We, saw punitive measures parlaying dandingly by the concrete merry thistle, the rough sodden wheat sheaths upskirted the side walk like sea leaches spewing a murmored urge

A clandestine peach tree bronzed of pewter smit exaggerated an inkling of non earnestly ambigilating the turgid affair

If all is well that ends well, it never ended

>> No.19973500 [View]

>Is there consciousness of the consciousness of consciousness?
Also there is this phase: self conscious, or self aware.

Pretty much semantically contains this idea.

And maybe an aspect of the understanding of that phrase is a reminder of the identification with the strange mysterious fact of concioisness itself, instead of getting caught up identifying with things less fundamental, further from the acknowledgement that as fundamentaly as we are out bodies, and our bodies relation to the world, we are just as much, possibly moreso immediately related and close to our minds, conciousness, as much to most commonly refer to it as our selves

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