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>> No.10452882 [View]

yeah that's what I was worried about, thank you.

>> No.10452853 [View]

i don't really care man, but maybe you could help me out and point out why.

>> No.10452834 [View]

will do, but i don't always trip. sorry

>> No.10452831 [View]

Yeah I agree, I don't know how to be passive in writing.

>I'm not in the mood for writing but "mind-body-soul" is a model that doesn't necessarily hold water in reality.
I absolutely disagree, I use it for a purely health perspective.

Does it require me to define this? All I'm saying if you incorporate all 3 equally into your life, you'll be happier and achieve your goals you set out to do.

I use soul, as the "spiritual" side of our self, and Mind as the intellectual side of our self.
One should view Humanities and God's goal as 1, and then you can apply your self to both.

>Every thought, emotion, etc has a biological (-> neurological) correlate.
Yes, this is why one must be happy with their self, and their image, and to judge others over them self, and vice versa.

I like to say we are all 1>=

>> No.10452795 [View]
File: 157 KB, 1024x718, 4-levels-of-learning-graph-1024x718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See, I've been applying my understandings in the real world, And I've gotten results. Yes I get highs/lows of emotions, but the life has been an upward trend since then.
Learning how to implement patterns is key.

I read your blog thing, and it looks like you view your life currently in an Yes/No thesis, as in everything is a 1 if it applies, and 0 if it doesn't apply.

But, I think you miss the idea of the Quantum processing, where their could be a multitude of different 1s, and you're job is to make all the 1s to 0s, so you can differentiate all the different possibilities, so in this state of view you could see that it's quantitative.

What your current idea is building up to will allow you to see how subjectivity, and objectivity are not equal, but they are non-dualistic in the sense of;
Subjectivity inside objectivity and objectivity inside subjectivity.

>you may choose to have an internal interaction before reacting externally.

Who's to say the egg and the Chicken don't evolve together anon?

Time does move differently in the self, compared to the outside self, and we can prove this through drug use and how it affects the mind.
Any definite equation has a definite solution.
Yes, Time is the dictation for this as NPvsP.

>the universe is in a definite state at any given time.
Yes, I'd agree.

>> No.10452720 [View]

Books in the colleges for the minds of today and tomorrow.

If I completely ignored the past greats, then drawing comparisons, and parallels for the reader might be confusing since the metaphors and diction might be vastly different, even tho our ideas might encompass the same structural belief systems.

>> No.10452704 [View]

Well yes I understand that, but you can't forget who the creator of the RTA system is, if you abide by that belief system.

Krishna was, before he was a being (Avatar).

>> No.10452697 [View]
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I'm just tired of people not living the lives they aspire to have, I just want to give these people reason to have conviction for their being.

Give them a reason to educate and pursue their interests, and live in a higher harmonious state with society, so society can advance.

It requires Health first, and it must be a balance of progress of all 3 aspects mind,body,soul.

>> No.10452637 [View]


>> No.10452632 [View]

Yes, but time comes when pencil must meet paper.

One must take part in the divine spell taking, that man casts with their word.

>> No.10452615 [View]

Sure, but you can't prove that, as the Bible is just a work of Art at this point, and you would need to look in the Word and try to understand the parable.

I'm not saying you're wrong, but just saying you're relying on falsifiable understandings because you negatively view Jesus, and do not try to compare them in equal standing.

So you're just creating a biased point of view.

>> No.10452584 [View]

Anon, just because I jest does not mean I'm not sincere.
>how did the person that developed the largest empire ever not work for power?
I was being sarcastic when I said he didn't, I thought you could catch my intent?
I probably don't use the term enlightened as you do.

>conquering a bunch of villages=being an important philosophical figure
It's kinda like he affected others as he did this.
That affected their being, and affected their philosophy.
When I use "power" I only implied you would hold sway in your community.

But I see you don't really care about my ideas, you would rather just argue about the off topic stuff.

>> No.10452560 [View]

It started off as intuition, but I've learned to define what I feel through my knowledge.

You're sorta wrong, as Buddhism was an offshoot of Hinduism at it's beginning.

It's why some schools in Buddhism use the RTA system. (Karma, Dharma ) Created by Krishna.

Krishna, being the All-creator in Hinduism.

>> No.10452543 [View]

You think I blindly believe in Christianity?
I think you already failed to read what I said.

Anon, you hold race and society in places of hate and judgement, yet you think you are spiritually balanced? Do not make me laugh

>> No.10452531 [View]

All I have to offer is a path.
I'm not sure what you mean by exposed, and failing as my views haven't changed or contradicted any of my past statements.

>> No.10452518 [View]

That's not saying much anon.

>> No.10452507 [View]

Awesome anon.
I wasn't even talking about a specific in the OP, maybe you should reread it.

>> No.10452497 [View]

>how is genghis khan a significant figure in eastern philosophy? LOL
The man literally reshaped civilization in Asia, are you retarded?

The anon implied power shouldn't be incorporated into a eastern idea of life, and it it was a failure of my own philosophy to have done so, when I claimed I said my life view is eastern.

So I brought up Genghis.

>you don't have to believe yourself to be wise to recognize a fool. nice defense mechanism
All I said Is I'm not wise as him. I'm fine with that, are you not?

>> No.10452474 [View]


Having a skewed dualistic approach to God, and the self creates a rift between the two that creates disharmony.

It's why non-dualism is key.

>> No.10452455 [View]

No, I agree we are, but that does not refute what I said.

But to claim we are Intelligent, or as mighty as the creator is non-sense.

Jesus represents that being, as taught through parable.

>> No.10452432 [View]

I forgot Genghis Khan definitely didn't understand or respect power, nor did he work for it.

>> No.10452418 [View]

Maybe not as much as you, oh wise one.
You poop anon, of course your sphincters stretch, are you retarded?

>> No.10452407 [View]

>Religion is not a way to force anything.
I never implied this, or do I believe this.

>Abrahamic faith
Exactly, do you not understand the value it holds. I'd recommend you interpret the bible for your self, just because it's of Abraham origin, does not mean you need to share the same faith of him.

>muh book written by a bunch of Semitic goat fuckers
>but he does not see the underlying value of the Word, which is the bible.
>This man also does not understand God, or the representation of God, in the bible as Jesus.

See anon, I believe Jesus represents an honest interpretation of what God would be in his flesh, I do not worship this figure, but I see the truth in the Word.

You're obviously not a very spiritual person anon. You're stuck in a dogmatic view of race, and hate.

>> No.10452361 [View]

Well my uses her vagina to take dick. (obviously)

Are you implying your asshole still works to take dick?
Since we are on 4chan, your assumed gender is male, I'm guessing you don't have a vagina to take dick.

So we must assume you take your dick in your ass still, as it still works.

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