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/lit/ - Literature

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9646562 No.9646562 [Reply] [Original]

Is Borges the patrician/literary equivalent to anime?
Hear me out:
>his characters are self-consciously characters, somewhat detached from reality, just as it is fundamentally with all anime characters due to their animated nature
>his plots are fantastical and creative due to the detachment from reality and emphasis on imagination over realism, just like anime plots
>he often has a lot of self-conscious deconstruction of literature within the genre, exploring and parodying tropes and other literary devices, just as anime often does with anime tropes and cliches
>he often references other literature, just as anime references other anime constantly
>his stories are often just adaptations, fan fictions of other earlier stories, just as anime is often an adaptation of a manga
>He was deeply influenced by the philosophy of Schopenhauer, just as Evangelion was as well as many of the other great animes, like Texhnolyze and Ergo Proxy
>One of his main themes is identity, a theme running across anime as a whole, including classics like Ghost in the Shell, Serial Experiments Lain, Angel's Egg, My Neighbor Totoro and of course Neon Genesis Evangelion

What do you guys think?

>> No.9646569

your earnestness is endearing and i'd probably suck your cock irl but this whole line of thinking is just fucked sorry

please delete your thread

>> No.9646843
File: 3.50 MB, 1820x4348, authors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Losing to 5th place by a full 10 votes, which incidentally is the Western author most influential in anime
Though I kind of agree

>> No.9646878

Dosto-sama is the king of /lit/!

>> No.9647330
File: 27 KB, 250x346, Don_Quijote_and_Sancho_Panza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>self-consciously characters, somewhat detached from reality
>fantastical and creative
>references other literature
>stories are often just adaptations, fan fictions of other earlier stories
>philosophy and identity
Is Don Quixote the ultimate anime character /lit/????
you went through some pretty retarded mental gymnastics to arrive at this point friend

>> No.9647360

Not OP but


>> No.9647385

That's not a girl silly

>> No.9647392

as long as the penis is girly is all that matters

>> No.9647447

Borges being behind DFW is a travesty. Interesting though, in James Woods' "How Fiction Works" he talks a lot about Dostoevsky shaping the novel in its current (and most effective) form with Crime and Punishment

>> No.9648745

Nah, its William Gibson m8

>> No.9648747
File: 66 KB, 520x730, 6133770_124640281296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mishima lower than Murakami

>> No.9648761

The literary equivalent to anime are young adult novels, because they're both shit.

>> No.9648771

what the hell is anime?

>> No.9648772
File: 69 KB, 167x164, absolutely disgusting..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mishima lower than Murakami
>DFW that high
>Camus that high
>Bukowski anywhere near a top 100
>Alan Moore being good and not just overrated because his comics were some of the few to not be complete shit
>meme Tao Lin votes
>genre shit
>no Ligotti

Although i'm very pleasantly surprised at seeing Brautigan there, he's really underrated in /lit/. Also nice to see good old Ballard

>> No.9648785

I know the concept of 'cringe' has become a meme, but this thread encapsulates it to perfection.

>> No.9648795

Boy how do you get through the day without blowing every 13 year old you see? Do you have to tape your mouth shut or what?

>> No.9649597

Ligotti a shit

>> No.9649609

I'm sure Wallace and Pynchon just got that many votes because they're memes.