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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 58 KB, 394x394, writerfags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
909454 No.909454 [Reply] [Original]

1. Nobody cares about the novel you're working on.
2. Nobody wants to steal your shitty stories/poetry.
3. Don't post your shit online. It only shows that you're an amateur that doesn't understand FNASR. Google it.
4. If you want to get better at writing: read books and practice your writing more. That's all you need to do.
5. If you have trouble seeing a story through to the end or coming up with ideas for a story, then you shouldn't be writing in the first place, and you should consider another hobby. Try bowling.

>> No.909466

I think that posting shit on /lit/ can be helpful to get another opinion / see what youre doing wrong. also, anyone who posts something they intend on selling is obviously an idiot, but that doesn't mean you shouldnt post anything. also also writerfags arent that annoying

>> No.909462

>writers-bad for literature
do you see the limitations?

>> No.909473 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 241x235, 1277565928213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Anne Frank, and I approve this thread.

>> No.909471

Whinging Amerifag detected.

>> No.909476

writerfags? you sound like a tard.
authorfags or bust.

also fuck off.

>> No.909492

if you want critique for a story, the internet in general is the last place you should look. It's like an unpublished writer asking other unpublished writers what they're doing wrong. Find someone in real life who knows what they're talking about.

>> No.909497
File: 235 KB, 600x458, laughing 4 year olds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are no authors on /lit/

>> No.909504

>5. If you have trouble seeing a story through to the end or coming up with ideas for a story, then you shouldn't be writing in the first place, and you should consider another hobby. Try bowling.
Bullshit, a story envolves of itelf after starting writing, you don't have to know the ending when you start writing, it will be there when you need, it just pops out in your brain like it was obvious from the beginning. Characters, stories, ideas, everything you planned in the beginning changes in most cases when it comes to novels, only cliche fantasy books and non-fiction book don't change in the progress.

>> No.909509

yeah but if you need to come to /lit/ because you don't have any ideas, especially any ideas to start a story, you aren't really cut out for writing.
i mean its not ideal, but its not the worst either. /lit/ can be pretty decent at the right time.

>> No.909510
File: 46 KB, 640x480, shirtless Dolly Parton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your surveillance camera-ridden police state and being surrounded by cooler cultures who hate your country to death.

>> No.909520

I didn't know New Zealand was a police state, good to know!

>> No.909521
File: 281 KB, 451x352, artist__sipping2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Writers are /lit/

deal with it

>> No.909537


i just scroll past every writing share thread

>> No.909546

dude download the 4chan extension and hide that shit

>> No.909549

Censorship is so widespread in New Zealand you can't even watch an episode of the Power Rangers. I'm surprised your shitty country isn't burning books right this very second.

>> No.909606

OP this is my first day here and I was wondering if all these wannabe writers showing their work was what is usually going on here
I'm glad to see that some of the usual visitors of this board despise them as well

Just a fair warning to those that don't mind: Do you want this board to turn into some kind of fanfiction appreciation board? cause that's what this will lead to in the end, believe me
The retards will come, and they will see it's o.k. to post what you write, and at first there are enough of you to ridicule them but some will see the signs and leave and more retards will come in and before you know it you will have twilight fanfiction coming out the wazoo

And you'll only have yourselves to blame

>> No.909609

writers of the /lit/ unite

>> No.909624
File: 170 KB, 500x500, Young Dostoevsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fanfiction appreciation board?
>twilight fanfiction coming out the wazoo

You are fucking stupid.

>> No.909629

nice post number. that's never going to happen.

>> No.909652


You keep telling yourself that, I have seen other boards on 4chan go to shit in much the same way
/a/ to name but 1 of the main boards, the retards rule and the old crowd is GONE

>> No.909665
File: 47 KB, 400x472, deviantart.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6. If you absolutely must post your shit online, you should go to Deviant Art.

>> No.909673
File: 128 KB, 500x497, 4479876618_e41403119f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much 100% of this board hates fanfic (at least the fanfic you are prophesying) and Twilight. Fuck off.

>> No.909697

DevArt is one gigantic circle-jerk of people being nice to eachother's works and attempts. Anybody who actually tries to critique, positively or negatively, is insulted, attacked/flamed, even reported and banned sometimes, or ignored.
People post their shit here because people here will either be harsh or honest.

>> No.909710

>116 posts and 46 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.909718

OP is a faggot.

Every single board has something "ruining" it, and most of those things legitimately suck. If this is what's ruining ours, then I can't say I care too much. Stop being such a whiny fucking twat.

>> No.909727

I don't HATE fanfic. I find it interesting and crazy. And if someone wants to write some fucking insane crossover between The Little Mermaid and Saw and post it here, that's fine. But /lit/ is not ever going to be filled with people dumping whatever Twilight fanfics. Not going to happen.

>> No.909732
File: 163 KB, 500x497, 4479469108_f4b5520d7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that is a thread endorsing fanfic

Seriously, they're all pointing out how shitty it is and laughing their asses off. Good job.

>> No.909733


Right that's why you can start a thread about Harry Potter on almost any board and get a full thread

I might have exaggerated a bit but believe me allowing, WELCOMING people that write opens the doors to fan-fiction and that opens the door to bad fan fiction
There are so many websites and forums where you can share and talk about your ownb fiction, why on earth would you do it here?
Right now you still have a choice and you can say collectively, we want to talk about real books here, not what you cooked up in your spare time
If you let it go on it will be board culture and nothing will stem the flow of people coming in and talking about their "work"
Doesn't bother me much, as I said it's my first day visiting this board and I have no intention of spending much time here, but I have seen boards go down the drain by allowing the retards a foothold
Up to you what you do with my advice

>> No.909738
File: 137 KB, 500x497, 4478859529_f8c71719c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Harry Potter fanfiction? It was a childhood favorite of many and it makes sense for there to be discussion of it.

>Doesn't bother me much, as I said it's my first day visiting this board and I have no intention of spending much time here, but I have seen boards go down the drain by allowing the retards a foothold

Well holy shit, the pot is calling the kettle black.

>> No.909740

"The Artist is Present" reaction images are killing /lit/

>> No.909741

doesn't change the fact that moot claims

>This is not a fanfic board!

>> No.909742

You know what ruins /lit/?
Threads not about /lit/erature, like this one.

>> No.909755


point OP is trying to make is that dumping your own story is also not officialy part of /lit/

>> No.909815

If this is a response to the thread I made last night, OP is a gigantic cunt.

Otherwise, I agree, for the most part.

/lit/ is not for sharing amateur writing; it's for discussing H. G. Wells and George Orwell.
Nobody actually steals stories/poetry; there's no reason to, unless you're trying to troll the author.
I've posted my shit online, but after talking to some people in that thread last night, I'm taking it down.
I've also realized that I'm no longer good at writing because I no longer read. So it's true.
And that fifth point is kind of obvious, unless OP is implying that only bad writers ever procrastinate.

>> No.909837

>not for amateur writing
>discuss HG Wells and George Orwell
you can only choose 1

>> No.909847

> DevArt is one gigantic circle-jerk of people being nice to eachother's works and attempts.

True, and I hate it. The site could be such a great place for artists, but absolutely 100% of the feedback there is 100% positive, because people only give feedback in the first place in order to draw attention to themselves. Basically, everyone with a deivantART account thinks he or she is the best artist ever. The only acceptable measure of how good you are is how many people are subscribed to your profile, and that's not very reliable either.

At the moment, I'm only using my deviantART account to post garbage poetry that I never finished. It's funny when people favorite it anyway. Ideally, I'd like my deviantART account to effectively forward people to my own website, which is filled with far less stupidity and anime.

>> No.909855

> Implying that world-famous and highly influential authors are amateur.

I raged, then laughed.


>> No.909866

The funny thing is that by pointing out what you don't want to happen in this board, that is invariably what is going to happen. I'm not sure you noticed but this is 4chan. Lit may be one of the better boards, but if you really think this is a mecca for literati then you are sorely mistaken.

You should have just taken the one in ten critique posts in begrudging silence. Now you must prepare for the flood that your careless anger has wrought.

>> No.909867

I do try.

>> No.909891


1. Nobody cares about your bowling handicap.
2. Nobody wants to steal your shitty bowling ball.
3. Don't post your shitty scores online. It only shows that you're an amateur that doesn't understand the PBA. Google it.
4. If you want to get better at bowling: read books and practice your bowling more. That's all you need to do.
5. If you have trouble seeing a frame through to the end or coming up with ideas for strategy, then you shouldn't be bowling in the first place, and you should consider another hobby. Try writing.

>> No.909913


I lol'd.
Then I stopped.
Then I lol'd some more.

>> No.910005

The 4chan community just doesn't tolerate fanfiction unless it's so bad it's good - and even then, it's a condescending laughter, not genuine appreciation.

>> No.910033


So people posting "good" bad fan fiction and then that turning in to people also posting "bad" bad fan fiction doesn't worry you?
Copypasta is like that to name just one thing, and forced and/or tired memes are like that, why are some of you so convinced that bad writers and maybe even fan fiction won't get a hold?

>> No.910045

Bad writers certainly will

the sort of people who write bad fanfiction just dont come around here. i'm not saying the board will always be awesome, i'm saying that the specific change you're talking about is, like, thermodynamically impossible. bad writers, yes. people who like fanfiction, yes. annoyingly bad fanfiction writers, no.

>> No.910047

I enjoy writerfag threads. I never post my own shit. But I still enjoy reading others.

>> No.910060

Same. I actually really like to read what other people on here are working on.

>> No.910098

Butthurt fags are killing /lit/

1. Nobody gives a shit about what you say.
2. Nobody is going to listen to you.
3. I doubt anybody read this far.
4. If you want attention: kill yourself.
5. Shut up. Writing is pertinent to /lit/.

>> No.910569


>> No.910578
File: 61 KB, 300x281, Tarman-BRAINS-YOU-NEED-THEM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.910589

this thread sure does have a lot of angry writerfags in it.

>> No.910613


And it has you, little Billy Butthurt, so that's nice!

>> No.910659
File: 1.03 MB, 900x1302, korean laughs at youre math.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.910707

Oh wow, it's like the threads on /co/ and /tg/ where people whined about drawfags and writefags.
>1. Nobody cares about the novel you're working on.
Not true. I genuinely enjoy ripping people up here on /lit/.
>2. Nobody wants to steal your shitty stories/poetry.
Also, not true. If I see an idea with potential, I'll steal it in a heartbeat. I browse /tg/ for story threads for this very reason.
>3. Don't post your shit online. It only shows that you're an amateur that doesn't understand FNASR. Google it.
So they can't post practice pieces to get feedback? Well geez, fuck that process of getting criticism and trying to improve, folks!
>4. If you want to get better at writing: read books and practice your writing more. That's all you need to do.
Apparently feedback isn't needed, guys! This guy said so.
>5. If you have trouble seeing a story through to the end or coming up with ideas for a story, then you shouldn't be writing in the first place, and you should consider another hobby. Try bowling.
I do agree with this one, trawling for creative ideas from other people because you can't come up with any means you suck.

But really, OP, why do you care? Hide the thread, and move on.

Why u mad?

>> No.910757

>So they can't post practice pieces to get feedback? Well geez, fuck that process of getting criticism and trying to improve, folks!

I don't know what FNASR is and can't be bothered to learn what it is.

>> No.910781

>I can't read, and clearly missed "practice pieces"
lol u mad faggot?

>> No.910788

yeah, I sort of started to disregard everything you had to say once you thought that it was impossible to get criticism without posting your shit online.

Getting criticism from the internet? What's a matter, don't have any friends in real life?

>> No.910805

no rly, why u mad?

>> No.910824

not mad, just disappointed in you. You should know better.

>> No.910847
File: 29 KB, 169x236, baaaaaaaaaaaaw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.910861

To be honest I like reading other peoples lame ass stories......Deal with it I guess?

>> No.910872

That being said I don't much care for the constant writefagging that goes on here either, but I'm not an infant who can't stand people doing something I don't want them to do.

>> No.910976

I don't know any serious readerfags who have never aspired to writerfaggotry. You can't put two readerfags in a room without one of them wanting to show off something they've written. Trying to stamp it out is ridiculous.

Writerfags are not the problem with /lit/. I see too many Ayn Rand troll threads and "HAHAHA, DOESN'T TWILIGHT SUCK? LET'S TALK ABOUT HOW MUCH IT SUCKS FOR 900 POSTS BECAUSE THIS HAS TOTALLY NOT BEEN COVERED" threads to buy into that.

Skip them if you don't like them. They're a small minority of threads anyway.

>> No.910977 [DELETED] 

STOp_ATTaCKing_wWW.AnOdonuTsTALK.SE rePlace_dONUTs_With N
okq xh nk wb jx qf h ajfaqvnybomlsnrv h yauc

>> No.911005

/lit/ - literature
Fuck you guys if you want to write and discuss literature. That's the last thing we want here.

Sage for bad thread.

>> No.912468

OP is right and you know that.

>> No.912472
File: 28 KB, 281x400, Thread necro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.912486

Do you understand how imageboards and web communities work?

It's like it really is your first time posting on the internet.

>> No.912497

Infant detected
Does baby want its bottle

>> No.912500

Actually, he's right. You're the one being an infant.

>> No.912505

I respect your opinion

>> No.912532

>image boards
>web communities

these work differently

>> No.912535

And I respect that you have an ego like a dirigible. Good day, sir.

>> No.912554
File: 62 KB, 630x586, Thingy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone wants to write a novel. EVERYONE.

There's an effect called the Forer effect, where people tend to take broad generalizations and personalize them. This is how horoscopes work.

One man (some famous British magician) did an experiment where he had a group of women write a sentence, and trace their hand on a piece of paper. Then he dicked around for a few hours watching TV, and came back with a 2 page detailed outline of their personalities. Obviously, these were all the same. Every single one of them was amazed at how well he could figure them out based on nothing but a hand outline and their handwriting. Some were in tears.

Then he had them trade their 'personal analysis.' He proved that everyone has the same broad insecurities, wants, needs, etc. He also sprinkled some specific stuff to make it seem stronger. Know what he wrote on each one?

"You always thought about writing a novel, but haven't gotten around to it for a number of reasons."

Everyone wants to write. Most suck. Stop clogging /lit/ with your shit writing. Go take a class or something. This is just the blind leading the blind.

>> No.912559

That's one fucked up dog.

The picture is weird, too.

Thanks, I'll be here all night.

>> No.912561


Don't talk about your mother that way!

>> No.912562
File: 44 KB, 500x357, Adults Are Talking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should read that article.

It explains European, British, Australian, Anthology, etc. SR as well.

Or you could be a butthurt non-American who comes to American websites and bitch about them without knowing what he's talking about. Whatever works for you.

>> No.912586

The guy's name is Derren Brown.

Here's a link to the YouTube of him doing that experiment you were talking about. Enjoy.


>> No.912590

What are you trying to say? That imageboards are not web communities? In what world does this make sense?
(And sage goes in the e-mail field)

>> No.912593

Mom, you don't know how to use a computer. Get off the computer! You don't even know about 4chan.

>> No.912607

perhaps you haven't seen me around.
"sage" goes in my name field. "noko" goes in my email field, unless I am "sageing"

disregard those posts, I suck cocks.

The post that was referenced was >>910872 , but I thought it was >>912472 , in which case I was defending the ridiculing of thread necromancy -- which I think we can all agree is not a good thing.

>> No.912608

It's a little depressing knowing that for all the posturing about uniqueness we do basally we are exactly the same. Thanks for the link, though.

>> No.912632

I can't make sense of this maze of quotes, my addled, sleepy brain cannot make room so I'll assume you statement was warranted. No, I haven't seen you around but I guess now I'll have my eye open.

>> No.912633

Wanna know a secret?

no one gives a rat's ass

>> No.912637

tl;dr for anyone who didn't get it:

1. No, I didn't screw up "sage goes in the email field"
if I'm sageing, I put it in every field, and it just happens to save the "name" field for me.

2. I realized that my comments were misguided and aimed at the wrong thing. so disregard those posts, i suck cock