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8870681 No.8870681 [Reply] [Original]

I am slowly coming to terms with how full of shit everything and everyone is.

You can't even read a book and, after being bored to death by page 200, call it boring and go do something else. There are 9001 academics and journalists and other pseudointellectuals ready to call you a pleb.

I've read wealth of nations to page 200 and it's literally nothing but painstakingly slow anecdotes about increased supply lowering prices and decreased supply raising prices. It's boring as shit trivial anecdotes yet I will be called a pleb for saying that.

I am at about page 350 of a Dickens book and even though its paid by the word turgid aimless nonsense I will be called a pleb for saying that. Even though Dickens wrote for people with less formal education than 10 year olds today, pseudointellectuals pretend that reading him is a sign of intelligence and that you need ten PhDs to understand him. THAT is how high pseudointellectualism has progressed.

I read Plato and he spent 80 pages wondering whether names are just labels or whether they properly describe (or match) the nature of what they name... I'm not even fucking joking. Yet people will defend this.

I don't want to dwell on books but shit permeates everywhere.

My engineering degree was just introductory maths and physics and chemistry class plus a load of stamp collecting brain-dead corporate wagecuck training courses.

You're told that work is noble... yet people look down on me and laugh at me for working in a retailcuck job.

You are 90 % judged on what university you went to. My one was ranked in the world's top 150 (I only chose it because it was nearest to me) and I still feel like a prole who has been branded as an idiot.

>> No.8870684

What do you want to get out of posting these threads?

>> No.8870688



>> No.8870691

I want to get to the bottom of this, like a good mystery, like say Sherlock Holmes

>> No.8870696

Reminder that this is how pathetic frog faggots are


>> No.8870704


If you have successfully completed an engineering degree of any kind whatsoever, and you are today working retail, you have absolutely no one to blame but yourself.

>t. math graduate and retailcuck who knows himself and knows the score

>> No.8870709

Get to the bottom of what? OP had no mystery, no questions, only complaints.

>> No.8870749

It seems you discovered the redpill by yourselve.

welcome to the club faggot.

Later you'll discover there's not point to live and later you'll want to make only money and fuck bitches.

welcome home buddy.

>> No.8870778

>Dickens was paid by the word
fucking kill yourself

>> No.8870783

Is this bait?
With the modification of language and the fact that philosophie need us to agree on the meaning if word its perfectly natural to have platon write on this

>> No.8870803


there's nothing wrong with forcing yourself to read books you don't enjoy because they're famous/significant.

>I read Plato and he spent 80 pages wondering whether names are just labels or whether they properly describe (or match) the nature of what they name... I'm not even fucking joking. Yet people will defend this.

i unironically think this is good though.

lots of people think stuff is good and will give you shit for not enjoying it. if you don't like sports and don't want to get into sports, don't hang out with people who like sports.

same way, if you don't like plato and don't want to get into plato, you shouldn't worry about it too much.

>I am slowly coming to terms with how full of shit everything and everyone is.

maybe you should find something you like and focus on that.

>> No.8870833

I love how you imply that you are above all of this. Yes, frogposter, the only one free of hypocrisy and stupidity is you, you noble hero.
If you are bored by Wealth of Nations maybe don't read gigantic treatises on economics that are centuries old. If you don't like Dickens maybe Victorian doorstoppers aren't for you. If you don't like pedantry maybe philosophy is not gonna be your favorite subject.
Nobody is actually going to call you a pleb for any of these things unless you did something as pointless as going on an autistic literature anime website and complai -- oh, shit.

The whining about engineering is the same exact problem. Stamp collecting drudgery IS the majority of engineering, I don't know why you picked that as your lifelong career without looking into that.

>> No.8871048

>it's a "newfag /lit/ users don't recognize the copypasta" chapter

>> No.8871358

Just be yourself XD

>> No.8871370


>> No.8871376

You're the faggot whinging on a Mongolian horse whispering board

>> No.8871991

That's atrocious

>> No.8872029

But Anakin, I have the high ground.

>> No.8872631

By any chance did you start reading because some guy on /lit/ saying he was gonna do it and arguing with people who told him not to bother? Because if so that was me and I never read a single page.

>> No.8872678


>> No.8872681
