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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/lit/ - Literature

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>> No.8801464

haha OP did it again

>> No.8801465

Metathreads like this one are pretty fucking gay as well

If you see something that goes against the rules, report. Or don't

>> No.8801467

you forgot one: >>8801461

>> No.8801471

Except the mods don't do anything when you report. I have reported the majority of these.

Why the fuck do the mods let these threads continue when we have a sticky? And why is it that Jordan Peterson shitpost is being tolerated literally every day?

>> No.8801472
File: 74 KB, 590x600, Beksinski-pic15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good lad. They should have a bar exam to gain access to /lit/.

>> No.8801481

Stop being a reddit spillover and learn to take a big meme in your face. The purpose of this site is to meme. The other shit is secondary

>> No.8801482

OP here, I shall return /lit/ to its former glory, continually posting these threads until the newfag janitors actually listen up and abide by our established sticky and rules.

>> No.8801485

>The purpose of this site is to meme.

Nice reddit revisionism.

Go back to where you came from, newfag.

>> No.8801493

>the big switcheroo

>> No.8801495

Fuck off. If you want a "genuine" literature discussion thread make it yourself.
There's always 2 or 3 on the first few pages anyway.
This is /lit/ culture and it's there because people enjoy it.

>> No.8801496

You just proved his point, you know that right?

>> No.8801498

Nice try, you got caught out.

Go back to where you came from.

>> No.8801499


What will he do next

>> No.8801501

>he thinks that the problem can be solved by sprinkling some gold on the shit.

The problem with 4chan has always been the fact the janitors are shit and new and don't follow the already established rules and direct newfags to the sticky.

We used to have a saying, it was called 'lurk moar', perhaps you should try it.

>> No.8801502

>implying I enjoy my lack of self-control that leads me back to eating trash from this internet dumpster

>> No.8801504

Yeah, two posts literally 3 seconds apart are a samefag.

Like I said, you got caught, go back to where you came from.

>> No.8801506

learn to sage and ignore shit threads

>> No.8801508

>the answer is more censorship

Why would you still do it if it didn't make you feel something?

>> No.8801509
File: 169 KB, 618x372, Screen Shot 2016-12-04 at 8.41.35 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK dido

>> No.8801511

No one is calling for censorship, retard.

Kill yourself, I don't care if you're left wing or right wing.

It's about deleting threads which can clearly be answered by either googling, lurking moar or going to the sticky.

Nice strawman though, friend!

>> No.8801514
File: 5 KB, 244x207, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw 17 / 1 / 6 / 1 for the last six or so posts before this one
Hey OP, how does it feel to be an autistic faggot who samefags in his own thread?

>> No.8801515

>Why would you still do it if it didn't make you feel something?

What are you trying to achieve by this question?

>> No.8801518


Don't bother replying to me, loser.

>> No.8801520

Externalizing my own opinions about how people work. Duh

>> No.8801526

Reminder that OP is still samefagging and he won't stop because he got salty when someone called him out

Reminder that this thread is a total trainwreck and it wouldn't have survived for this long without OP's rampant samefagging

Reminder that OP has been here for about two or three months and probably can't even name the last book he read

>> No.8801529

why are you sperging

>> No.8801533

Nice work anon. The lurkers saw you crush that newfag.

>> No.8801535

so learn to sage and ignore shit threads folks
keep it literary

>> No.8801538

Like I said, doesn't work because all the newfags reply to them.

We must return to what works, elitism, direct every question thread and rec thread to the sticky.

>> No.8801545


>> No.8801547

literally all me

>> No.8801557

Kys reddit, you're why this board is shit now.

>> No.8802036

Is that you MNMDR?

>> No.8802435

You think this thread is better?

>> No.8802772

add me to the screencap

>> No.8802815

>4chan should be more like Reddit with moderation, no meta threads, no meme threads, no joke threads etc.

Fuck off cunt.

>> No.8802825

>4chan is just the place you go when you get banned from social media
unfortunately, this is now true