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/lit/ - Literature

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8564134 No.8564134[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's a book that's deeper than neon genesis evangelion?

>> No.8564141

Stale bait.

>> No.8564144

My diary, tbqffh (to be quite fucking frankly honest)

>> No.8564146


Please go back to plebbit, autistic anime pedophile

>> No.8564147

4chan was made with the intent to discuss anime you completely moronic sperglord. The one that needs to fuck off is you.

>> No.8564150

You mean something that has religious symbolism, just because it looks cool to the author?

>> No.8564153

Go to /a/ or /r9k/, you loser

>> No.8564159
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Anime can be deep, you clearly haven't seen the best war drama that is Legend Of The Galactic Heroes. it was based on books that are curretnly 3/4 translated to english. Read 'em, faggot.

>> No.8564161

>appeal to tradition

>> No.8564165

Read The Bible. NGE is it's criticisim.

>> No.8564169

You are seriously deluded if you think dweeb weeb gook comics have any artistic merit.

Please kill yourself

>> No.8564174

based on the title I'm guessing the bible

the title literally means "new birth of the gospel" in latinized greek

>> No.8564176

I'm winning the game of Spot the Psued on my iPhone.

>> No.8564179


Neither anime nor LoGH is deep. You even said it yourself, cucky. It's just a war drama.

>> No.8564182
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I didn't mean about manga, I was aiming at the fucking novels. There are 4 of them. You clearly haven't read them, but you should. If you liked books like All Quiet On The Western Front, you'll like Legend Of The Galactic Heroes. Great war drama, one of the best, if not the best, in it's medium and beyond.

Have you even seen it? If not, fuck off.

>> No.8564191
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>tfw realizing you are discussing literature with grown men who watch anime

>> No.8564196

Eva is an IQ test, really.

If people tend to hate it, they're of lower or average IQ. The people that enjoy or love it tend to have higher IQs, even if slightly.

>Robin Williams
>Conan O'Brien
>Terry Tao
>Jacob Barnett
>Richard Stallman (though he liked Revolutionary Girl Utena more)
and many more, all of which have been confirmed through interviews. look em up.

>> No.8564197
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Great argument there, pal.

>> No.8564200

Don't engage with brainlets, anon.

>> No.8564202

EVA is too pretentious for it's own good, but my, oh my, is it one of the best things that came out of Nipon. EoE was a huge mind fuck.

>> No.8564211

It's actually not pretentious. In interviews Anno mentions how the symbolism is just for detail. I really enjoyed it because of how interesting and detailed it looked, anime is a visual medium after all.

>> No.8564220

the Qu'ran

>> No.8564229
File: 37 KB, 225x332, IMG_4131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasnt seen utena

>> No.8564232

It actually is. Symbolism is just there, because Anno thought it was cool, though it doesn't affect on the show's quallity. One of the subtle's characterization's to date, and it's possibly the best deconstruction to this very day.

Rebuild movies suck.

>> No.8564235

NGE's lesbian cousin.

>> No.8564236

this was actually a meme. he clearly put a lot of thought into the show (look up the telephone ringing at random points)

It isn't a coincidence that he said that right after he vocalized his absolute disdain for the obsessive otaku fanbase that latched itself onto the show, and desperately wanted to know Anno's thought process with some of the scenes in EVA. I wouldn't call Eva pretentious, either. It was a labor of love that was bastardized by manchildren.

>> No.8564241

Kinda agreeing with you on this one, fans made it whole lot more pretentious that it already was.

>> No.8564246

I like NGE, but it's really not all that deep. It's just a character study of depression loaded with nonsensical religious allusions. There's nothing in principle keeping anime from being genuinely enlightening, but as far as I know, known of them are. I still think the best are those which are just cool for the sake of being cool a la Shinichiro Watanabe. I think that Cowboy Bebop or Samurai Champloo easily rank about the same as the majority of Quentin Tarentino's films.

>> No.8564257

Watch SEL, Haibane Renmei and Texhnolyze.

>> No.8564267

There is a lot of meaningful detail in NGE, but just about all of the religious symbolism is empty fluff. Anno has even said that if he had realized the show would be popular in the west, he likely wouldn't have included it. That aspect was just meant as a way to make the show stand out and seem mysterious in a country where Abrahamic religions are somewhat uncommon. Imagine if a cartoon in the west used a bunch of sloppy Buddhist/Taoist/Shinto imagery for nothing but aesthetics. We wouldn't be calling that deep. The use of philosophical and psychoanalytic themes however, is at least interesting enough to justify a watch for non-weebs, though not at the expense of other, better media.

>> No.8564269

Maybe Jerusalem, but that's the only serious contender

>> No.8564273

Never heard of any of those. I should have mentioned before that my lack of knowledge about anime is likely a primary reason for why I don't know of any thoughtful shows.

>> No.8564276

E7 is better than that meme garbage.

>> No.8564279

utena stands head and shoulders above nge

>> No.8564287
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All 3 of 'em are thoughtful, give 'em a try.

Haibane Renmei deals with existentialism, SEL about the human mind and Texhnolyze is very nihilistic and it deals about human mind.

Nope, but it's still a damn good show.

It's not, but it's one of the better coming of age stories.

Also, all 3 of you need to watch/read Legend Of The Galactic Heroes.

>> No.8564297
File: 70 KB, 223x351, Rye_catcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8564302

im the utena guy, and i respectfully disagree. i love rov/sm/utena so im biased but utena is definitely a greater artistic achievement than eva.

i started logh but stalled out for life reasons. ill finish it eventually though.

E7 is shit btw.

>> No.8564304

Name an anime deeper than Ping Pong.

>> No.8564306

Oh yeah. Books.

>> No.8564311

>It's not, but it's one of the better coming of age stories.
Yes it is better.

It's not even an actual coming-of-age story, it's a personal war drama, with one 'enemy' being the planet itself.

It's encapsulates the 'feeling' of the early 21st century thus far perfectly, is full of nostalgia about the mecha genre, and the rebirth of the family unit.

Everyone has seen LotGH.

>Haibane Renmei deals with existentialism
Are you 15 or something? It's about regret and grief and finding a place.
>E7 is shit btw.
Only if you have actual autism.

>> No.8564315

please make a compelling argument as to why E7 is literally ANY good.

i understand it might be hard to condense the message of a 50 episode anime into one 4chan post, but i believe in you.

>> No.8564324

It also deals with existentialism, are you retarded? And Eureka 7, while being great, isn't even near the top 20, and it's laughable to think it's better than NGE, which is one of the most inspirational shows ever made. And last but not least, not everyone has seen LotGH.

>> No.8564332

I have a class in 10 minutes.

Just go rewatch it, and you will see.
>it isn't even near the top 20
Except it's the best.
>It also deals with existentialism, are you retarded?
No it doesn't, body image and grief aren't existential. It deals with the existential/ontological question but not existentialism. Existentialism is a systematic approach to 'solving' the existential question like ontology is to the ontological question.

>> No.8564340

Legend Of The Galactic Heroes is the best anime ever made, Eureka, as good as it is, can blow it.

>> No.8564345

An argument from ignorance does not suffice.

>> No.8564346
File: 203 KB, 1680x1050, ghost_in_the_shell_2_inno_400_1680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Philosophy Quotes: The Movie.

>> No.8564356

Look, LotGH is above it, if only because of the complexity of the show and it's dozens of well written characters. Eureka 7 doesn't come near it's level, no show truly does. You can shill your E7 all you want, but I'm the one who's right here and we both know it, you just can't accept the facts.

>Not the original or SAC.

>> No.8564371

>NGE's immensely more talented lesbian cousin
fixed this for you

>> No.8564403
File: 26 KB, 720x480, http___i.imgur.com_K1BIwSI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but Utena is great. Nanami episodes are just brilliant.

Pretty funny reading all those narrow-minded pesuds disqualifying anime as an artistic medium.
>muh gotta feel superior and masturbate on my intellect to people on the internet

>> No.8564454

I'm actually curious, Is there any book that deals with the same themes as nge?

>> No.8564498

>damning an entire medium

I hope you aren't contagious.

>> No.8564672

>Look, LotGH is above it, if only because of the complexity of the show and it's dozens of well written characters.
A convoluted plot and flat tropes of people are not 'well-written' characters. LotGH is basically on the same level as ASoIaF but scifi and JP.

It's garbage, at least Tolkien tried to develop a new type of fantasy which is at least admirable.

It, like high genreshit as a whole, attempts to appear intellectual by making itself seem convoluted and abstruse. Even the horribly-executed mess that was NGE just tried to seem abstruse, giving it less insincerity and pretense than garbage like LotGH.

>> No.8564748

Can you link that Conan o brien interview?

>> No.8564753

The plot isn't convoluted it's actually very simple. It lasts a long time so there is a lot of information across the entire show but at no point does it get too complicated.

>> No.8564760

Convoluted doesn't mean what you think it means.

ASoIaF is not complex either, it is convoluted.

>> No.8564770

From a dictionary search: extremely complex and difficult to follow

Can you clarify what you mean?

>> No.8564835

The Counterforce section of Gravity's Rainbow kind of reminded me of EoE (though they aren't really that similar, I guess)

>> No.8564853

Not sure. I cried watching NGE. No book has made me cry.

>> No.8564942

>Terence Tao

Ok I'm sold

>> No.8565016

Bokurano (manga) is better than Eva

>> No.8565020

This board is dead, and this thread proves it.

>> No.8565033

Dictionary definitions are not always the correct ones.
Convoluted in literaryspeak is complexity with pretenses (thereby a negative connotation).

Complex would be positive.

A convoluted plot is one with an unnecessarily large cast and 'great size'. Very few can write a proper 'convoluted' plot, LotGH is not an example of good execution.

>> No.8565037

would you say The Wire is convoluted or executes it's plot well?

>> No.8565053

While watching it I didn't think it was convoluted, using your definition.

>> No.8565069

>Terence Tao

>> No.8565070

It does, I would argue it cannot be done in any visual medium.

The majority of 'epic' literature doesn't even fall under the category. It is, really, a modern thing and can be seen to an extreme with Gaddis' first two novels, where there is a cast of repeating characters, and randoms that themselves take part in dialogue. Then came the 'genre epic', which is inherently convoluted because it puts the style of 'largeness' above any actual substance of largeness. Viz. extended war and political dialogues that are perhaps associated with 'epics'/heroic poetry, etc. In short, it's just distasteful posturing.

>> No.8565078
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Get In The Robot by Roald Dahl.

>> No.8565113
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patrician spotted

>> No.8565168

Although, I don't really know; Evangelion was never my thing.

>> No.8565320
File: 132 KB, 1280x720, http___altairandvega.net_wp-content_uploads_2011_10_gg_mawaru_penguindrum_-_16_49ca1079-mkv_snapshot_09-42_2011-10-28_22-43-071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you think about Penguindrum, anon?

>> No.8565443

NGE is pretty good, but it's not even the best anime. Ghost in the Shell, Patlabor, Angels Egg, Haibane Renmei, Mononoke, Tatami Galaxy, Ergo Proxy, Serial Experiments Lain are all more cohesive and better written and executed.