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/lit/ - Literature

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829436 No.829436 [Reply] [Original]

Are there other fantasy novels worth reading?

>> No.829441

The Hobbit

That's about it really.

>> No.829443

A Song of Ice and Fire

>> No.829450

A Wizard of Earthsea

>> No.829468

I don't normally go for much fantasy, but I just finished a Game of Thrones and FUCK ME that is a good book.

Also Elric/Michael Moorcock in general.

>> No.829469

The Worm Ouroboros

>> No.829471

Everything by Guy Gavriel Kay. Seriously. I cannot get enough of that guy.

>> No.829472
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This novel is God-tier

>> No.829476

The older Discworld novels.

>> No.829493

Seconding these. Lions of Al-Rassan is majestic.

>> No.829513
File: 160 KB, 340x358, War_of_the_Spider_Queen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The War of the Spider Queen saga.

6 books by 6 different authors. Based around Forgotten Realms, it's a long tale about Menzoberranzan and drow. (sans Drizzt)

I was a big fan of Salvatore's stuff anyway, so these 6 books were fucking awesome to me.

Drow culture rules.

>> No.829563

I've always been reluctant to reading fantasy books that aren't Tolkien for 3 reasons :
- He fucking invented fantasy as we know it today. Everything else feels like an immitation.
- I'm having a hard time believing other fantasy novels can be as epic and in-depth as LotR
- Other fantasy books' covers all look like metal album covers

>> No.829573

Good Fantasy for 13-year-olds - Dragonlance / Forgotten Realms

Good Fantasy for 16-year-olds - Wheel of Time / Sword of Truth

Good Fantasy for 20-year-olds - ??????????????

>> No.829577


Oh, anon, you're such a card. You almost got me.

>> No.829591

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>> No.829602

The First Law and The Prince of Nothing are some of the best fantasy I've read, besides A Song of Ice and Fire ofcourse.

>> No.829610
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>> No.829618


>The Prince of Nothing


>> No.829624

>Good Fantasy for 20-year-olds - ??????????????


>> No.829644

why did you do that?

>> No.829645

The Prince of Nothing is amazing.

I would also recommend Robin Hobb, although not the Soldier Son trilogy, which is...a bit extreme, even for her. Hobb hates her protagonists, you see, and does nothing but figure out what would be the most painful thing for them to go through, and then does something even worse.

That reminds me!

Stephen R. Donaldson and his Thomas Covenant series is a must read if you want to claim to be a /lit/erary man.

>> No.829647

Depends how you define fantasy, OP. If you want something that stays close to the stock orcs and elves end of things but is more adult your choices are pretty limited. Try Prince of Nothing.

If you want literature of the fantastic, you have to be willing to accept a certain lack of D&D monsters and tropes. Try Gormenghast.

>> No.829654



>> No.829661

Just read that the other day. Weird and evocative. I liked how it built up the Death God over several stories.

>> No.829665
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>> No.829667

My fav. Tolkien's work is actually The Children of Hurin.

If anyone knows simillar novels do tell please.

>> No.829668
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>Someone else read Gods of Pegana

>> No.829675

Bridge of Birds is really really good. Fantasy set in ancient china, its like a third straight fantasy quest fare, a third comedy, and third caper story.

>> No.829681

This one lists "Assassin's Apprentice" by Robin Hobb as a coming of age story. This is technically true, but also wildly misleading. Do not, for love's sake do not read the book if what you want to read about is a boy who grows up to be a respected and successful adult.

The tale Robin Hobb weaves is filled with heartbreak and misery and just basically deviates in every conceivable way from what you would expect in a coming of age story. The only reason it's not a complete lie is that the protagonist starts out young and gets older over time.

>> No.829682

Legend of the Seeker.

>> No.829683


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>> No.829692

Haw haw haw, that's a TV show.

it's based on the Sword of Truth series, which is probably the second worst fantasy series in the world. The worst, of course, is Christopher Paolini's abortion, Eragon.

>> No.829696


You're such a fucking pansy. The soldier son books were particularly good.

>> No.829700

If by good you mean they made Fitz look like he had an easy life, yes.

>> No.829715

The Old Kingdom Trilogy - Garth Nix

>> No.829720
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forgot my image

>> No.829724

Been meaning to read Steven Brust's "Jhereg" for ages. Comes universally recommended.

>> No.829728

Been a while since I read them, so might be nostalgia-goggles here, but I think Tamora Pierce did some good stuff.

>> No.829744

I don't know if I should ask this here or not, but I'll go ahead anyway.

Been reading Discworld recently. Just finished the first book and I rather liked it. Just asking if all the books in the series are of similar quality or if they get worse as they go on (if so, when should I stop?), I'm asking this because there are, what, over 30 books in the major series? I find it hard to believe that they don't worsen as they continue but I could be wrong here.

Also OP, read some Earthsea and George RR Martin

>> No.829758

Pratchett's early stuff is bluh, the more recent stuff is fantastic. He only gets better.

>> No.829766

He gets better dude. So much better.

>> No.829767

Shit, seriously? That's fucking awesome right there.

>> No.829773


I enjoyed those books so much when I was younger.

>> No.829776
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I'd say Michael Ende's The Neverending Story is the best fantasy book ever. But just because it's different than most fantasy. I like that the fantasy there is not loltolkien but has a mixture of all sorts of mythologies. It feels more middle eastern than anything at times. It's also cool how it subverts the typical escapism of fantasy books. I also loved that it wasn't "epic", it was more personal. It felt more important because of that.

Am I the only one who feels this way? (Considering it hasn't been mentioned in any list)

also in b4 retards think the movie = book