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/lit/ - Literature

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7376974 No.7376974 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a fan of tv shows like The Prisoner, Carnivale, Twin Peaks, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Serial Experiments Lain, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Haibane Renmei or The Maxx. So psychological dramas with surreal elements. What are some books similar to those?

>> No.7376981


>> No.7376984
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>> No.7376985

The Evangelion manga.

>> No.7376990
File: 25 KB, 261x400, 9781780748498[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also 100 Years of Solitude

>> No.7376994

>americans are evil
fuck off commie-lover

>> No.7376998

Its about two preachers in a war over a 50s rural Jamaican church with magical realism elements...

>> No.7377000

>He doesnt know its Jim Crow he is supposed to get riled about

>> No.7377001

Siamese by Stig Saeterbakken

also 100 Years of Solitude.

>> No.7377004

I read it. But I didn't like it as much as the manga, far from it. I love Anno's direction, especially his shot composition on top of that lots of great, animated sequences by Iso and Yoshinari. The narrative is also more easy-handed and the exposition isn't as creative.

>> No.7377009

>the American government has committed and still commits horrid actions

>> No.7377010

Was going to add that I read those:
But thanks for the recs regardless.

>> No.7377011

2666 would probably make a big Twin Peaks fan happy. Also Something Wicked this way Comes

>> No.7377013
File: 28 KB, 220x340, 220px-Song_of_Kali_bookcover[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is a mindfuck OP. The first Gunslinger might be good too

>> No.7377020

If it is for the benefit of america and its citizens, so be it.

>> No.7377021

There's a book that gets memed here often, I forget the name. Endless Joke? I think it'll be right up your alley.

>> No.7377026

What kind of mind fuck is it though. I like the kind where you are able to put the pieces together, though I do enjoy the initial confusion. But I don't want to be left with nothing to satisfy the need to solve the puzzle in the end. Even if it takes re-reading.

>> No.7377039

Its a detective novel set in Calcutta where the protagonist slowly gets drawn into the world of a resurgent thuggee. Frankly, the atmosphere is one of the best ive ever read, and it doesnt hold back ever.

Also, clive barkers books of blood are cheap but effective mindfucks

>> No.7377078

The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer

>> No.7377113

Can mods please make threads like this bannable?

>> No.7377150

Blood Meridian - McCarthy
Dreaming of Babylon - Brautigan
Labyrinths - Borges
The Invention of Morel - Bioy-Casares
The Third Policeman - O'Brien
The Spy Who Came In From The Cold - le Carre

>> No.7377158

asking for a specific niche recommendation not present in the sticky is a good thread, m0. it's what most of the people interested in reading books about the topic do. rec something applicable or fuck off and don't post

>> No.7377187

Surrealism is not niche. In fact, there are numerous graphics about it circulating around here. Fuck off back to /tv/.

>> No.7377190

Bing bang boom.

>> No.7377198

Vurt by Jeff Noon

>> No.7377204

>I like the kind where you are able to put the pieces together, though I do enjoy the initial confusion. But I don't want to be left with nothing to satisfy the need to solve the puzzle in the end. Even if it takes re-reading.
Sounds like Gene Wolfe.

>> No.7377237

I'm >>7377150 and you can't even read the OP. He's asking for psychological drama with surreal elements. You're just pissed off you haven't read enough of the Surrealism chart to know which ones have aspects similar to this and which ones don't. So, to show you how it's done, here's how I arrived at my recs
>Blood Meridian - McCarthy
This is the religious and moral aspects of Carnivale and Twin Peaks with the fight between dark and light. The Judge could easily be the Preacher in Carnivale or Bob in Twin Peaks. The atmosphere and setting is much like Carnivale's frontier. And I need not mention the Western episode of The Prisoner either, since that's just obvi
>Dreaming of Babylon - Brautigan
It's a psychological drama about being prone to surrealism and fantasy. It has a similar zen tone to its detective as Twin Peaks.
>Labyrinths - Borges
It's amassing effect of going deeper and getting nowhere that The Prisoner aims for and would probably appeal to a SEL fan.
>The Invention of Morel - Bioy-Casares
This one counts for Lain's premise's fans. Technically, it's sci-fi not surrealism, so it being in the surrealism chart always trolls me a bit, like how Borges isn't magical realism.
>The Third Policeman - O'Brien
Twin Peaks, definitely The Prisoner especially the Many Happy Returns episode
>The Spy Who Came In From The Cold - le Carre
The Prisoner, but also just an excellent psychological drama where you don't get all the pieces til the end like OP later specified

You can fucking leave for having not one productive thing to say and not mentioning any books. You're a fucking pseud who thinks he's a princess and doesn't have to read. >>>/out/

>> No.7377270

OP here and thanks a lot. I was actually thinking of checking out Blood Meridian today, because it was mentioned in the darks souls thread. Labyrinths is book which I have read and I found the stories wonderful. One of my favorite books of all time. This makes me even more confident in checking out the titles you suggested.

Btw, I didn't like the cowboy episode. One of my least favorites along with the fairy tale one. My favorite ones were Checkmate, Hammer into Anvil, Living in Harmony and of course the last two. I still can't stop smiling when I remind myself of nr. 48's trial.

>> No.7377288

The prisoner is a great show

>> No.7377292

The Western one was an insert because they extended the production schedule. I was joking about that one because it's a really superficial comparison to say "they're both Westerns". It's much more like Carnivale, and the Judge really could be the Preacher and the Kid the Kid.

I guess you meant
>My favorite ones were Checkmate, Hammer into Anvil,
>My favorite ones were Checkmate, Hammer into Anvil, Living in Harmony
since Living in Harmony is the cowboy one. The Spy who came in From The Cold, I really recommend you get because it's the mindgames of The Prisoner without the village.

The Third Policeman is way darker than Twin Peaks, but just as funny. It might even be bleaker than The Prisoner.

I think you'd enjoy any of them really and most of the other recs in thread are good for similar things.

>> No.7377333 [DELETED] 

Yup, somehow mistook it with Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling. Even though I heard it was just a pretext for McGoohan to work on another film.

>> No.7377354

Yup, somehow mistook it with Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling. Really liked that one, even though I heard it was just a pretext for McGoohan to work on another film.

The ending was also a suprise to me because in most mind screw anime you have a shift comedic, stilly to more serious by the last eps. Somehow I expected it to be the same with Prisoner. In the end it practically turned out to be the opposite.
>so it being in the surrealism chart always trolls me a bit
I think most of the ones I mentioned in OP, maybe besides the Prisoner aren't exactly surreal. They have their aesthetic derived from surrealism but in the end all the "weird" aspects are actually real in the context of these shows. They aren't like the mental projections or hallucinations in Pynchon Books or Lynch movies.