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/lit/ - Literature

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7248256 No.7248256 [Reply] [Original]

Is neon genesis evangelion a crash course for the bullshit called nihilism? If so thanks god I never wasted my life reading it.

>> No.7248261

No, weeb.
Go read the wiki on nihilism.

>> No.7248265
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>he doesn't watch anime
>he isn't a nihilist
>he thinks NGE is about nihilism
>he posts anime on /lit/

>> No.7248275

Pretty innovative cinematography but it would be better if they sticked with giant robots fighting

>> No.7248277

>About Nihilism

Holy fuck I swear that 95% of people who watch anime are fucking retarded.

>> No.7248284

this tbh

>> No.7248285

*holy fuck I swear 100% of people who shit post on /lit/ are retarded.

>> No.7248298

NGE is misanthropic; Anno was essentially denouncing anime and the culture around it when he wrote it. In an initial format that he knew would become popular (unlike several of his previous works.)

And look, it's basically the Japanese Star Wars now.
Nihilism is only propagated by children who started with Nihilism.

>> No.7248299

I think it has some freudian shit going on with shinji wants to fuck rei who is his mothers clone. The whole cross and kabalah shit is just filler but the ending is nice; trying to explain the whole Jungian Self and the world around shinji. In terms of nihilism, based on what Kaworu's has said in the reboot they are trying to give a go at Nietzsche's Eternal recurrence with making shinjis choice useless with every apocalypse. Or maybe all of this is bullshit. (probably).So maybe you are on the right track but we still need to see the new NGE movies to confirm that.

>> No.7248301

>watching the rebuilds
why do this to yourself?

>> No.7248303

>About nihilism

Jesus fucking christ anime fans are the dumbest people. NGE is just a highly stylized, provocative, mecha-psychological anime that's well made. Everything about it is superficial, from the pointless christian references to the beta complex of Shinji.

>> No.7248315
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mah waifu, thats all.

>> No.7248320

>well made

It is rushed sometimes, pretentious sometimes, dumb sometimes with a shitty ending.

>go at Nietzsche's

Thats why you aways feel a fedora tipping from the screen after episodie 10

>> No.7248328

That's not the real Asuka.

>> No.7248331

At least you have good taste in that regard.

>> No.7248334

Why do you think it's okay to post your animus on a literature board?

>> No.7248337
File: 7 KB, 259x194, asuka penpen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asuka Soryu is best girl, but Asuka Shikinami is hands-down the worst girl.

>> No.7248341

You sound like the kind of person who Christposts without a shred of irony.

>> No.7248342

No, it's about anxiety and disconnect and shit.
But why do you hate nihilism bro?

>> No.7248350
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>being this buttblasted that i insulted your sacred cow

>> No.7248357

How did you get nihilism out of NGE? You really should explain your thought process.

>> No.7248361

Basically by the way /lit/ generally portraits it

>> No.7248364

Lol no, it is a critique of the otakus, and in a way a 'deconstruction'. But these are only a handful of scenes in the series. The most obvious denouncement would be at the beginning of EoE, where it's a clear fuck you to the otakus critizing the series. The rest is pretty straight forward, no real critic of the industry or anything, just that neets should experience the world.

>> No.7248365
File: 56 KB, 764x556, 267900_386440014787542_1705951137_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asuka is the best girl not matter what shape she takes.

>> No.7248366

Does anyone think that the class rep is low-key best girl? For you nerds who don't know, she's the one looking on demurely at Asuka in that pic.

>> No.7248370

She's okay. I like all of the girls in NGE, but with such stiff competition in MIsato and Rei I don't see how she could compete. She's better than Ritsuko, though.

>> No.7248372

I think you're just pulling nonsense out of your ass
Two people on /a/

>> No.7248379

Also the we fight god at the end is too cliche for me

>> No.7248380
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Ritsuko's not even a girl in my mind. She wants to be her father too much and has short hair (short hair, incidentally, is why I can't vote Rei for best girl despite her other sterling qualities).

>> No.7248389

>fight god

>> No.7248390

The reason I can't vote for Rei is that she doesn't receive enough development. She's a really good character, but in comparison to Asuka she's not as well fleshed out in my opinion. Plus, Asuka manages to be vulnerable and believable as a 14 year old girl while being a fucking badass in EoE.

>> No.7248393


>> No.7248395

God I hate weebs. I can't wait until trump deports them all to mexico.

>> No.7248398

They don't fight god. How can people misunderstand something so hard? This show is really good and all, especially for anime, but it's no fucking Ulysses. It's not like it's some incomprehensible avant-garde piece that is confounding and enigmatic. It's pretty fucking straightforward.

>> No.7248401

>while being a fucking badass in EoE.
Don't use words you don't understand.

>> No.7248402

When did they fight God?

>> No.7248406

Asuka may be the most sympathetic character in the whole series. Misato could be but I think her age makes it harder to feel for her all the time, though my hedonist phase in college has made some of her insecurities hit closer to home than they did when I first saw Eva back in the day.

>> No.7248409

I fucking love anime, but this is not the place for it. This is the LITERATURE board. For LITERATURE.
Anime goes on the ANIME board. The board for anime.

Why do you all discuss EVA when Serial Experiments Lain is clearly the best anime ever made?

>> No.7248411

I think it might be a troll, i've never heard anyone make this leap before.
Mostly because there is no fight at the end

>> No.7248412


God send angels to destroy the human race because they went too far, exactly same history for fullmetal alchemisty and at least 30 rpgs I remember playing during my teenager years.

Now I'm gonna watch ergo proxy expecting more laughs from the 'deep' moments

>> No.7248417
File: 23 KB, 490x480, lain smirk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying /lit/ could even SEEM to understand

>> No.7248421

There are people in this very thread that think the last 2 episodes were important and deep when in reality it was just some shit they whipped up because they ran out of funding.

>> No.7248422

I find that while I think Asuka is very sympathetic, that she's very polarizing to most people that see the show. Maybe it's because she acts like a bitch, but when the show goes into such great detail into the characters psychology it's pretty damn easy to see why that is.

I'm talking about it cause the thread's here and /lit/ is infinitely smarter than /a/ (which isn't an incredible feat I know). Lain is really good, and certainly has more philosophical depth than Eva, but I don't think it hits as many highs with it's characters and story. It suffers from the same issue as The Stranger for me, that it places it's philosophy above it's aesthetics and character development. Still quite excellent though, and a worthy competitor to NGE for best anime of all time.

>> No.7248424

Did you accidentally watch Gurren Lagan and misunderstand its plot?

>> No.7248425

Read the first post, I tought it was about nihilism that is daily featured on /lit/. Now you see what I did?
episodie 20 something

>> No.7248428
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>God send angels to destroy the human race because they went too far
You dont watch it, did you?

>> No.7248430
File: 235 KB, 500x275, Evangelion Analysis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7248431

>same story as fullmetal alchemist
is this some fucking elaborate baiting

>> No.7248432

I dunno if you've seen EoE, but the vast majority of the themes, ideas, and much of the aesthetic of that movie came from the last two episodes. Really, EoE is just an expansion of the ideas presented in the original finale. It's obviously much better, but it's clearly very deeply rooted in what the original finale started, but couldn't finish due to financial concerns.

>> No.7248435

I think you misunderstood this one

>> No.7248436

The show is anti-solipsism, not anti-nihilism.

>> No.7248439

What is the Evangelion of books?

>> No.7248440

Oh shit another one using the same bullshit plot. Maybe I overrate innovation but I really hate cliches.

>> No.7248442

Book of the meme sun

>> No.7248445

What is the Lain of books?

>> No.7248446

Wasn't the point of her character that she kept dying repeatedly and so any character development made always regressed?

>> No.7248447

None, because Lain only works in a visual medium.

>> No.7248448

Well yeah, you're gonna trigger a bunch of robots when you make a mecha anime with a hot, smart, bitchy girl like the ones most people who watch mecha animes can't have in real life.

>> No.7248451

Mona Lisa overdrive

>> No.7248453

Your posting on it

>> No.7248454

Scar talks about it in a episodie he is remembering the time his brother was still alive.
Shinji's father explains that man tried to create another god and now god is furious and send the angels to punish humanity.

>> No.7248456

If i'm being an honest man and not memeing, I'd say probably something by Philip K. Dick, Lain is great but it's really not THAT hard to understand

>> No.7248457

Why didn't they clone a more competent pilot like Asuka instead? Checkmate evatards.

>> No.7248462

That's part of it, that she wasn't able to make a meaningful action because she would just be revived no matter the outcome, but I still think that we could've stood to learn more about her in other aspects. She remains a bit of an enigma for the entirety of the show.

>> No.7248466

>fuck I need to explain to my pussy son why he has to fight
>I'll make up some shit about the angels being sent by God. Just like his gay video games

>> No.7248468

Because Asuka is vain and has a quick temper, generally emotionally unstable and difficult to control, whereas Rei is far easier to command.

>> No.7248471

>unironically using Gendo as a source of information

your next words will be 'Humbert Humbert was a reliable narrator'

>> No.7248473

Also why did they bother getting fucking useless Shinji instead of just using more clones.

>> No.7248478

Who is the Gendo of books?

>> No.7248480

His synch rate.

>> No.7248481

The Eva units are made to fit only one pilot, since they incorporate the soul of the pilot's mother. There are problems if you try to swap pilots from one unit to another.

>> No.7248492

Why they are fighting angels in the first place?

>> No.7248496

>why don't they just let the monsters from space kill everyone
Truly a mystery.

>> No.7248498

They tried 2 kill the world.

>> No.7248503

What would happen if they just left Earth? Their technology seemed advanced enough.

>> No.7248506

1. To stop them from starting Third Impact and taking their place in the Human Instrumentality Project.

>> No.7248510

>clone mother
>use multiple souls to make evas
>clone son/daughter to pilot
ez no more retarded drama queen kids to ruin everything

>> No.7248511

Left earth and went where?

>> No.7248513

Truly a mistery since they are nihilist and dont give a shit about life

>> No.7248515

Oh fuck wrong quote.

Anywhere else, make a generation ship and go to another star or something.

>> No.7248517

>Nihilists want to die
First off, I don't think they're nihilists.
Additionally, most nihilists just take it to mean that you can assign your own value to things, so if they decide that fighting angels would be a kick in the pants, they will fight angels.

>> No.7248521


This tbh fam

>> No.7248522
File: 25 KB, 512x288, images-36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't they just take the Galaxy Express?

>> No.7248523

Why aliens would want to fuse themselves into one? Do they suffer from muh parents sucks too?

>> No.7248525

>Evangelion sequel set in an interstellar ship
Fund it

>> No.7248542
File: 14 KB, 480x480, FB_IMG_1445102336773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys, have you realized this is /lit/ and it's not /a/?

>> No.7248544

Eva is literature if you watch it subbed.

>> No.7248546

Asukaposting is its own thing, tbh. Evangelion is a Manga and a highly referential show, so simmer down.

>> No.7248549

keep saying that :^)

>> No.7248552


>> No.7248569

It's the pinnacle of existence, they would be able to fully actualize themselves. We can only guess as to what forms they'd take after reaching it, as we don't see things through their eyes.

>> No.7248583

They would become humans.