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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 79 KB, 768x1157, notepad_by_freestock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7104888 No.7104888 [Reply] [Original]

Write your suicide note.

>> No.7104891

I don't have anything worthwhile to say.

This is why I must die.

>> No.7104893

the setting sun
autoerotic choking
he cums, as does life

>> No.7104903

Let's stop romanticising suicide please.

>> No.7104907

I don't know what to write, just read my diary tbh.

>> No.7104910

Not this shit again.

You write them for us OP.

>> No.7104914

written in cum

>> No.7104926

I am going away to travel the world by myself.

Please do not look for me.

>> No.7104934

>anything but this

>> No.7104939

if this is supposed to be a haiku, the first line only has 4 syllables

>> No.7104954

>I wish it was worth it

>> No.7104959

Where would you hide that your body wouldn't be found?

>> No.7104970

I don't know if my paranoias are correct, but if they are, HAHA CAUGHT YOU FUCKERS

>> No.7104977

I'd probably actually go travel to the other side of the country and then deep into the woods

>> No.7104979

idk how many times I have to explain to americans that syllables are literally l i t e r a l l y the least important part of a haiku. why don't you read a book for once, you might learn something

>> No.7104981


>> No.7104985
File: 151 KB, 723x989, buddha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buddhism and reincarnation research imply that you are reborn near where you die
>testimony says that, on death, you enter a dreamlike state and hunt down a couple fucking nearby to attempt to begin a new life
I'm surprised suicide tourism isn't a bigger thing, tbh.
If you're going to kill yourself, you should kill yourself near where you'd like to live.

>> No.7104989

i'm a kiwi though...

>> No.7104991



>> No.7104994

when i was 5 i pooped in the spagetti saus you all thougt it was roast befe >_>

gbye fam

>> No.7104995

Can I steal this business idea? I would be like a travel agent but for one way trips.

>> No.7105012

i have a confession......youre gay

>> No.7105023

stupid anglos

>> No.7105027

what kind of shitty note is that

>> No.7105041

You'll never be rid of us, Germaine


>> No.7105107

Don't look through my stuff please.

>> No.7105120

"eyYYY its yABOI chuky from the bronx... back agAYN today WIT ANADA CHAEYLENGE..."

after opening like this, I proceed with at least 20 pages of details about what inedible good I am about to consume

>> No.7105238

Plz delete my Documents folder


>> No.7105251
File: 63 KB, 323x312, smug gambia2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7105262

"So yeah, about tomorrow.."

>> No.7105263

This would be my note

Something about the way you taste
Makes me want to clear my throat
There's a method to your movements
That really gets my goat
I looked for silver linings
But you're rotten to the core
I've had just about all I can take
You know I can't take it no more

I've got a gut feeling
I've got a gut feeling
I've got a gut feeling, feeling

Centered 'round long time ago
On your ability to torment
Then you took your tongs of love
And stripped away my garment
I looked for silver linings
But you're rotten to the core
I've had just about all I can take
You know I can't take it no more

I've got a gut feeling
I've got a gut feeling
I've got a gut feeling, feeling

I've got a gut feeling
I've got a gut feeling, feeling

I've got a gut feeling
I've got a gut feeling, feeling

I've got a gut feeling
I've got a gut feeling, feeling

I've got a gut feeling
I've got a gut feeling, feeling

I've got a gut feeling
I've got a gut... woooo, hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo... OHHH

Slap your mammy down
Slap your pappy down again

Slap your mammy down
Slap your pappy down again

Slap your mammy down
Slap your pappy down again

Slap your mammy down
Slap your pappy down again

Slap your mammy down
Slap your pappy down again, oh move it up and down now

Slap your mammy down
Slap your pappy down again, oh move it all around now

Slap your mammy down
Slap your pappy down again, oh move it up and down now

Slap your mammy down
Slap your pappy down again, oh move it all around now

>> No.7105418


"I don't want to die
please help
(protip: you can't)"

>> No.7105421

>writing a suicide note when the universe stops existing as soon as you die
>implying existence isn't a spook

>> No.7105426

Neither am I black,
Nor pure and white.
Housing not oversensitiveness,
Or being laced with cold so sore.
And I don't belong to you anymore.

>> No.7105756

You probably wouldn't get a lot of return business

>> No.7105771


>> No.7105955

loling @ u

>> No.7105962

I'll come back to take you with me.

>> No.7105984
File: 246 KB, 1011x756, futurama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7106210 [SPOILER] 
File: 86 KB, 306x576, 1442080222226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Print pic related on bristol board and in the back write "Check THIS out"

>> No.7106219

"Don't forget to feed the cat."

>> No.7106231

Sorry, mom.
Father, I'll see you soon.

>> No.7106233

Having read IJ and Ulysses, I couldn't bear the thought of living after finishing GR, so I won't. Please excuse the mess, I've left money for a maid on the davenport.

>> No.7106255

It will be as if I had never existed and this but a quirk in the fabric of time.

>> No.7106342 [DELETED] 
File: 954 KB, 386x205, tumblr_ml13zvVS8N1r867c2o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to 4chan

>> No.7106895

To those I loved and anyone else who cares to know:

All my life I thought that I would never live long enough to know and feel what it truly means to be happy.

I think I figured it out.

>> No.7106898

Oh, they'd find this with a belt around my neck, my hand on my penis covered in jizz and gunshot through my head.

>> No.7106949


It's more than a feeling, when I hear that old song they used to play (more than a feeling)
I begin dreaming (more than a feeling)
'Till I see my Marianne walk away
I see my Marianne walkin' away

*Air Guitar solo*

>> No.7106978

this is my diary tbh

>> No.7109082

gg no re

>> No.7109084

I don't need this shell any more. Dispose of it how you wish.

>> No.7109091

shiieeet, death is life cumming
you sir are a gentleman and a scholar

>> No.7109099

You should definitely blame yourself.

>> No.7109202

See you fuckers in hell.

>> No.7109205

Why a belt around your neck if you're shooting yourself?

>> No.7109211

People will try to console you and say that it's not your fault and that you shouldn't blame yourself. It is, and you should. Never forgive yourself for this.

>> No.7109694

The belt was for autoerotic asphyxiation

>> No.7110084

i'm beyond alive

or quote the bible, dunno what verse i haven't really thought about killing myself

>> No.7110113

It was written I should I should be loyal to the nightmare of my choice

>> No.7110132

I have no one to write a letter to

>> No.7110136

please post on my facebook saying i'm ded

>> No.7110140

I just clogged the toilet. Sorry guys.

>> No.7110147
File: 163 KB, 640x480, 1441114944616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't believe what they tell you. I did not take my own life. There are no circumstances which would lead me to cower away from life.
Find me. Please find me wherever I may be. Whenever I may be.
Find me.

>> No.7110152

Wrong picture too.

>> No.7110184


>> No.7110234

Please hang my little daughter too.

>> No.7110278

Excuse the blood.

>> No.7110351

It's not what it looks like -- I just hated all of you

>> No.7110508

publish my novel posthumously bye cunts

>> No.7110518

I fucked your nan

>> No.7110544

Damn, I wish my head could fit in the microwave.

>> No.7110629

dear fellows of earth
i cant be here any longer
my life and yours are different
together we are e
you are pi
they are 0

see you

>> No.7110654

I don't know if this was expected for all of you or not. Every suicide always strikes us as unexpected at first, and as expected at last when we look back and see the signs of what was going to happen later (even if the signs are not really there and it is just an interpretation of ours, an intent of looking for an explanation when there may be none within your memories).
I think objectively speaking there were a few facts in my behaviour that may have revealed this possible end (one of you told me long ago, how every time a catastrophe happens (shooting, suicide) the person involved seems to have my personality).
I don't really know the reason of my own acts, but there was no despair at the end, only thoughts that you may very well not agree to. Whatever happens doesn't really matter, and it's your view of life that makes you see this as a sad event rather than a happy one (like it is for me although you may not believe it).
Don't be sad, there is no reason to be. Forget what has happened focusing on what's left instead of looking back to the past.
Everything is okay now.

Love, N.

>> No.7110677


reasonable but uninspired

>> No.7110741

Thank you for taking care of me. I'm sorry.

>> No.7111664

>refer to my diary tbh

>> No.7111699

I will always love you.

>> No.7111703

You may be wondering why, if anon really does have a large penis, why he would kill himself. Surely, with so many men who would willingly take a life in exchange for a penis as large as anon's, he would recognize the value of his own life simply for the fact of his large cock.
You'd be half right. You see, as many blessings are, it is a curse. When anon walks, his head drags on the ground. Please, take your rod in hand and rub it on a gravel playground, take your rod and drag it against a hot blacktop after a day in the sun.
"Oh!," you say, "Oh!, anon, why do you simply not sling it around your shoulder?"
Well, I reply, that is nonsense. I am not a linebacker, I do not have the breadth to carry the weight of a flesh burrito as large as the one I possess. I would absolutely be bed-ridden under said weight.

So you see, I have no choice but the one I have made. Farewell, friends. P-----, please hang my cock from your shelf as a memento of me. Never remarry, if you love me.


>> No.7111715

Here's to hoping the next civilization will be more forgiving.

>> No.7111724 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 200x164, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going out with a bang.

>> No.7111734

Life is meaningless. I didn't do this out of sadness or pain but because I faced death for what it is, understood it's true nature and accepted it.
I couldn't look at life the same again, the same way you can't look at your parents the same way after you caught them fucking or a friend after you caught them stealing.
Life is temporary. So was my consciousness. So is yours. Don't console yourself, no matter how much your mind tries to shy away from death, see it for what it is.
Inevitable, permanent.

>> No.7111739

For sale: rope, slightly used.

>> No.7111746

later, crocodile

>> No.7111774

You mean
>For sale: rope. You haul.

>> No.7111775
File: 1.80 MB, 2145x2400, 8-4 suicide note.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7111811

You seem utterly insufferable

>> No.7111848


Hence suicide.

A suicide note should ideally not leave someone to be missed.

>> No.7111858

>on the cover of a notebook in super tiny font
"running out of time
"see over page"

>and then i tear out all the rest of the pages and burn them before killing myself

>> No.7111861

>A suicide note should ideally not leave someone to be missed.
you are literally the worst kind of human being. You're pretending to be Patrick Bateman and your dumb opinions are terribly unoriginal and worst of all, you're just boring. Boring and cliche.

>> No.7111866


What opinions?

>> No.7111874


Moreover, what at all is "unoriginal" or "cliche" about the statement: "A suicide note should ideally not leave someone to be missed."

I've never heard anyone express anything remotely similar to that.

>> No.7111884


>> No.7111888
File: 541 KB, 768x1157, Sussudio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7111899

Sorry for the smell.
Hope this doesn't ruin the chance for another renter.
If I can I will become a ghost.

>> No.7111902

I'm sorry I wasn't a better friend. Sorry about the mess.

>> No.7111940

You've known this was coming for years. Don't lie.

>lol 9 months suicidal on a psych ward back in 2012, it's kind of obvious

>> No.7111990


>> No.7112000

I masturbate to the sound of zippers in fitting rooms


>> No.7112062


>> No.7112075


>> No.7112269

Call me Ishmael

>> No.7112287

Please pay a woman to fellate my dead penis. Thanks

>> No.7112559

"No funeral"

>> No.7113236

Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks

>> No.7113244

Smh fam tbh

>> No.7113489

There's no finished manuscript on my PC

Sorry, I failed.

>> No.7113611

sorry to all the people i've let down but i didn't like donnie darko as much as i pretended to at 14

>> No.7113619

Why not just use it for suicide too though? Why not just cum, and not take it off? Using a gun seems redundant.

>> No.7113628

tl;dr even if i was a loved one

>> No.7113634

if you're gunna go out messy might as well make it a real mess

>> No.7113639

We've woken up alone
No song to sing us off the edge
Our speakers have blown
This planet is an orphanage
Deep abandonment issues at our core
But if not each other, there's fuck all to really keep hustling for.

>> No.7113645


>> No.7113649

Change your Youtube style to Director to get an 11 minute time limit instead of the default 10 minute time limit

>> No.7113651

I actually wrote a suicide note once, but it was so full of hate and venom towards my relatives that I decided its stupid and basically convinced myself to not do it.

>> No.7113668
File: 104 KB, 803x688, fuck iit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


'A human life, filled with emotions, experiences and expressions cannot be summarized and represented by a few futile words on a piece of paper.

P.S. it was all your fault

>> No.7113681


>> No.7113810

I fucking laughed audibly on the train fuck you dude

>> No.7113854

Cancer would've been better. At least then you're a fighter. Now I just sit at home shitting blood, unable to sleep or eat. Funny how quickly people judge you for 'avoiding them' when you're too sick to get out the house. Interesting how little people care when there's nothing in it for them. I'm losing everything and I am ashamed. This is not a life worth living.

>> No.7113859

To write a suicide note I'd have to commit suicide afterwards. Otherwise it's just a note.

>> No.7113869

There's no spiritual rebirth in Buddhism.

>> No.7113899


this is actually a decent note, without the P.S. part

>> No.7114322

Pretty pretentious tbh

>> No.7114423

a suicide note implies youre writing it to someone who cares or is close enough to care about your passing.
youre on the wrong website for that op.

>> No.7114709

We're all ready dead, fuck it.

>> No.7114720

yours isnt much better

>> No.7114725

tbh mfw trolololol

>> No.7115034

At the peak of orgasm you pull the trigger

>> No.7115046

for the lulz! :3 xD

^this would be typed out in Comic Sans 16 pt font and pasted onto a picture of a furry wolf solving a math problem

>> No.7115077

Don't blame it on yourself... I simply spent too much time on /pol/

>> No.7115088

Nödtveidt said "The Satanist decides of his own life and death and prefers to go out with a smile on his lips when he has reached his peak in life, when he has accomplished everything, and aim to transcend this earthly existence. But it is completely un-satanic to end one's own life because one is sad or miserable. The Satanist dies strong, not by age, disease or depression, and he chooses death before dishonor! Death is the orgasm of life! So live life accordingly, as intense as possible!"

>> No.7115097

Underrated post.
Felt a feel.

>> No.7115106

i fucking tried.

>> No.7115505


>> No.7115645

...because i am good for nothing.

>> No.7115889

Don't you dare feign surprise.

>> No.7115920

Jump into a volcano.

>> No.7115927

Empty spaces, what are we living for?
Abandoned places, I think I know this door.
On and on, does anybody know what we are living for?
Show must go on.

>> No.7115934

Until Shelly, I was never happy. After Shelly, I haven't been happy. Wisdom killed me.

>> No.7115949

Where are you Leo;
Are you there Leo?
Don't lie man.
Be happy.
Are you happy?

>> No.7115951

GG no re

>> No.7115956

To some of you, this may come as a surprise, varying degrees of course.

I tried ever so hard to carry on, I made it some of the way, but the way ahead seems too painful and unknown.

I have left, but I will never be gone. If you look hard enough you may find me, as we all do, I'll be every twentieth person you see in the street for a month, I promise you it's not me, I'll find you when the time is right. Live on and await my return, or rather, our reunion.

>> No.7116384


To someone tired of life's constant hardships, I have found death's warm embrace to be both welcoming and relieving.

>> No.7116585

Shit OP the wife had me arrested yesterday and told the police I said I was going to kill myself. Too soon.

>> No.7116882

Foi poeta, sonhou e amou na vida.
Álvares de Azevedo

>> No.7116976

Today I went on /lit/

>> No.7117450
File: 45 KB, 580x392, WIT DA COLORADO ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seek not my rotting corpse
It's doubtless been washed out to sea
of me there shall be no more
and you won't see me
You won't see me

>> No.7117627

existence is a mistake, you all should follow me into the abyss.

>> No.7117877

If the bible is true, let Satan greet me as a friend and ally.

>> No.7117914
File: 22 KB, 240x202, 0306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7117949

I live I die and live again

or rather:


>> No.7117993

If you are reading this i am dead.


>> No.7118014

I told you I put you in my suicide note Marlie

thanks for making out with me when I said it

>> No.7118115

What's so funny about this?

>> No.7118530

good taste anon, honestly any lyrics on that album could work as a suicide note.

>> No.7118584


>Never remarry, if you love me


>> No.7118599

No one will read this.
I am only committing suicide because I am the only person on earth and I am stuck with some horribly painful and incurable medical issue.
This is the only reason I would ever commit suicide.
Suicide is gaaaaaay af.

>> No.7118609


this was good

>> No.7118614

Dear people

This was not planned

I was just impatient that day

>> No.7119144

It was bound to happen eventually, i couldn't cope with reality. Don't feel Bad for me, for i was never truly happy. Thank you for everything, hope you move on quickly, do yourself a favor, erase me fromage your memories.

>> No.7119154

Fucking french keyboard piece of fucking shit

>> No.7120477

Make sure I'm dead and bury me deep. Thanks

>> No.7120481 [DELETED] 


>> No.7120500

A computer is better at anything than me.

>> No.7120512
File: 392 KB, 800x450, 865ba4477da17f4dd5e3a8c5ff0b4426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send this man to the mine, this to the battle,
Famish an aged beggar at your gates,
I was thinking about the ice that I put on, money that I've blown
Bitches that I know, everything that I've done wrong
And let him die by inches- but for worlds
Lift not your hand against him- Live, live on,
As if this earth owned neither steel nor arsenic,
A rope, a river, or a standing pool.
Live, if you dread the pains of hell, or think
I got my welfare check, smokin on that crack
Hell yeah, I'm unemployed, baby daddy-down my back
Your corpse would quarrel with a stake- alas
Has misery then no friend?- if you would die
By license, call the dropsy and the stone
And let them end you- strange it is;
And most fantastic are the magic circles
Drawn round the thing called life- till we have learned

>> No.7121149

So long and thanks for all the fish?

P.S. bury me with all my stuff and servants and make sure to hire women to wail and pull out their hair ;)

>> No.7121238

"Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn, whatever state I may be in, therein to be content."

Also I want to donate my body to Japanese pornography

>> No.7121244

This is beautiful

>> No.7121279

-Exodus 8:32

>> No.7121288

I'd honestly make a video saying good bye to everyone I know

but of all the times I've thought about suicide, it's made me sad. I can't see a reality where I want to die. The world is too interesting, too HUGE in 4 dimensions to leave. /lit/ of all people should know this. You can experience so much just sitting in a room

>> No.7121361

I feel disillusioned with everything,myself most of all. Goodbye.
Ps. I'm scared

>> No.7121404

*slow clap*

>> No.7121416

What have I become, my sweetest friend
everyone I know goes away in the end

>> No.7121984

Cremate me. All my possessions go to [niece].

>> No.7121989

They always said I was smart but lazy.

>> No.7122111



>> No.7122208

ephemeral eulogy
ebb from existence
evanescent of reminisce
echoes not in essence

recant what I cant
reimburse no purse
relegate no relative
remember no legacy

death in silence
diminishing of words
the draconian of life

>> No.7122230

why bother? no one would read it

>> No.7122370
File: 155 KB, 960x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7122395

>silent movie
>flickering silently
>superimposed on the retinas of my eyes


>> No.7122403

not sure what you mean but it is a translation

>> No.7122436

"I won't do it again"

>> No.7122893

after a while
bathroom tile

>> No.7123060

I'll be back. Start a religion named with the letter J and start mutilating your children's genitals asap.

>> No.7123203

You know what sucks about dying?
Writing suicide letters.

>> No.7123737



>> No.7123837

Life seems to be a black and white silent movie about nothing, flickering silently on film superimposed onto the retinas of my eyes.

The movie is almost over.

>> No.7123923

It's not that funny.

>> No.7123927

Name a park bench after me

>> No.7125105


>> No.7125122
File: 281 KB, 1347x1035, 234234535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are suicide notes all notes to the big Other?

>> No.7125215 [DELETED] 

Fuck this gay earth

>> No.7125963

My entire life has been devoid of both meaning and substance. All of my relationships have been purely surface level. I have never once in
my life found genuine connection with another human being. I don't know what I've been doing wrong. I try to be nice, to be funny, to include
everyone but to no avail. What's wrong with me? I've had in my 18 years maybe 2 people whom I think I can maybe call my friends, I don't know.
It's all I want really. To be a part of a group of people who actually like me. So many people, too many to count, have pretended to like me. They
are nice to me to my face but as soon as I leave (or in their minds as I cut short my "overstayed" my welcome) they relish my absence and they become racked with
anxiety in anticipation with their next forced interaction with me. I don't even hate myself, I think. I mean sometimes I do but for the most part I think I'm an alright, likable guy. But at every turn, in every failed social interaction, in every masked show of amicability I am proven wrong. Time and time again
I am proven wrong. People don't like me. Nobody does and that is no exaggeration. Even my parents, those whose love is meant to flow everlasting, despise me.
They won't tell me to my face and they won't overtly show it but I can tell. It's the subtler nuances in their act that are broadcast to me. Like how Dad continues to chide
me over my non-attendance to prom or how quickly he acts to kill off the notion that we are similar in any manner but in look. Like how venomously the word Liar slides off my
mother's tongue, the way she looks at me like she has no idea who is in front of her. She doesn't think I notice her sideways glances full of animosity, but I do. They hate me, I know. Same with my brother.

>> No.7125965

I don't think there has ever been a point in his life where he thought of me as anything more than a minor annoyance. I hear about other sibling relationships, the closeness two people who occupied the same womb can
feel for each other, and I know that I have never had that. Not even my dog wishes to be around me- instead, opting for subservience towards those who show him
anger in place of understanding; infatuation in place of love. I've come to the conclusion that I just wasn't made to be happy, that I'm irrevocable broken in some sort of
integral way. I'm just always alone. Always. I am divided from other by self-erected barriers of distrust and disgust. When people see my unfortunate face they reel back
in horror; their minds eye flooded by images of inhuman beasts with whom they believe I share brotherhood. I look onto others with such envy. I want what they have, happiness.
They are always smiling, always laughing without deception. Even in their lows they can at least count on the support of the many friends they have accumulated and, failing that, the
pity of a family who loves them. In my lows I have nothing. I am alone in the void. There is no one their to help beat back the coming tide of oblivion. It is only me, flailing uselessly at
the inevitable black. Soon, I know, it will consume me whole and leave me in darkness. I don't know why I even bother. What is their to save? I've had a life that amounts to a big nothing.
That's all life is for me. A big nothing. I will live in mediocrity, never to rise above my station. Never to take the reigns of destiny. My existence will be middling in perpetuity.
My tombstone will be blank but for the words "He lived" scratched out by an uncaring hand.

>> No.7125966

Meaningless. Purposeless. Loveless. In those three words the sum of my entire being is laid bare.
In socialization I have failed at even the most basic of human functions. I don't know why, don't think I ever will, but I'm unlikable, plain and simple. When given the opportunity to show
me otherwise all whom I, at one point, may have naively believed to feel at least some sort of positive way towards me, have proven with a bluntness in their action that they don't consider
me anything to them. Less thought is given towards me than even the most fleeting of moments. That's all I am. A series of moments which hold no significance to those who find themselves
unfortunate enough to know me, the broken human, the misshapen creature, one so lacking in human-like function that he is to be ignored, forever, by those whom God loves enough to make, if not perfect, then
then at least functioning. All the trappings of connection have escaped me. I grasp, constantly, only to be meet with emptiness. This life has been nothing to me but a mistake.
What else am I supposed to do? I have tried for my entire life but here I am at 18 having experience nothing of love, nothing of happiness. I've just been chugging along convincing myself that the next chapter
will be different. It never is. It never will be. I will always be alone. My death means nothing because I never meant anything to anyone. Sure, tears may be shed, but it will be for show. If they really cared I
would be able to tell. I just want friends. I'm so tired of being lonely. I'm so tired of being tricked by those around me. I'm so tired of the actors who pervade my life. I just want it all to be over with.
Really though, what's the difference? Be it now or 50 years from now it will all be the same. I will be alone. No one will love me, no one will like me. So why does it matter if I choose to take my life
now instead of later?

>> No.7125970

The answer is it doesn't. Just like my life my death is utterly meaningless. What value can even be given to a life unlived. I just want to go away. My greatest wish
is to close my eyes for sleep and never open them again. Then I can be trapped in the many worlds of my mind; worlds of my own making whereupon I may craft for myself somebody to love and to cherish
and who would be sad that I died. It'll never happen though. I'm too much myself and that is my greatest failing. Life just isn't worth it especially one like my own. Disappointment after disappointment, that's
what marks my existence. Sometimes I dream that I was never born; that I had never crossed the ether into being; that I had stayed planted in oblivion- devoid of all my failures and all my fatal shortcomings.
Fuck this world. Fuck this life.

>> No.7126013

are you me when i was younger? you need to come to the realization that living for the approval of other people is pointless. start loving yourself and if other people dont dig you then thats their problem.

>> No.7126217


>> No.7126296

How Can That Note Be Real If Your Death Isn't Real?

>> No.7126308

He's probably samefagging it up, or there are like minded idiots on 4chan.

Choices, choices, it could be either - it could be both!

>> No.7126400

Now what kind of note is this?

>> No.7126445

"Theyre going to make this look like a suicide."

Hopefully I'll end up a creepypasta and lol my ass off in Hell_

>> No.7126455

*tips*= fedoar

>> No.7126459

If this fucking pen stops working one more time I swear to god I'm going to fucking kill myse

>> No.7126500

«Where the fuck is Wallace?»

>> No.7126519

can i use this plz

>> No.7126531

pce lil niggas lmoa

>> No.7126561

Do not revive me, I will sue you if you do.

>> No.7128266

>Pasta thread? Pasta thread!

>> No.7128380

mah nigga

>> No.7128409

'ayy lmao'

>> No.7128443

I hated Mondays.

>> No.7128450

Just going to say hi to dad, i'll give him a hug for you.

>> No.7128899

i'll be back

>> No.7129321

your suicide note

>> No.7129352
File: 68 KB, 530x530, 1369084029228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7129358

This one's even worse

>> No.7129364

Jokes on you.
I can't die.
Prove me wrong.

>> No.7129425

Testing something, brb.

>> No.7129432 [DELETED] 


>> No.7129436

mental illness

>> No.7129631

I can't take it anymore.. I didn't know it for sure until now. But deep inside me always feared this moment would turn in my last reality.
Now my dick doesn't work anymore and this fucking cancer hurts really hard; I'm sorry for the mess.

>> No.7129639


>> No.7129766

just fuck my life up fam smh

>> No.7129870

>writing your own suicide note

smh tbh fam

someone at a funeral home will write my obituary note when I pass away at a peaceful age of 92 in my sleep

>> No.7129872


>> No.7129895

>Nobody writes a cryptic Joycian Suicide note which turns out to just blame their suicide on their parents

Smh tbh

>> No.7129902

I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.

>> No.7129913

Dear Mom and Dad.

I've decided to kill myself since life is an inherent contradiction. It's not your fault, you had shitty parents too.

Please tell the following people that they were the people who truly understood me:
- [redacted critical theory professor A]
- [redacted critical theory professor B]
- [redacted psychoanalyst]

There is a locked chest under my bed with a great work of poetry. The key is buried in Forest Park under the bench where I would go to drink with Ben. Please use my savings from [redacted restaurant] to publish it and give away copies to those in need.

I love you.

>> No.7129921

i just feel'd a little

>> No.7129937

THAT is an obscure fetish

>> No.7129949

underr8ted tbh

idk if even zizek has thought of this one yet m8

m8 m8 8m8 8u8888

>> No.7130009


Oh yeee Oi! it seems to the seams and undone by all these! Whit pallid constitution surely fell undone him in all sorts he indeadly dead resolve his resolve to shoot thirst and wax later. upright, straight and bent to the ninties, his rigour 's never moreth'n tis it today. And were the "aim lies" to be reconciled sow forthrichly wed disrepute sum the forward thusly. This pregnant momentum shant be overlooked in deed two its first origasmi. A clay is but naught besides the sticky bits that set it to mould. This that acclimates and profiterolates, mold of the unkept sprite. The sprite unkempt with nary a keeper. An ablution of mother's to have at bayed once that staked min work of tabular rations. A dividation of that o'er hand per happenstances permit build aught off nothing. But nay, the oranges let to rust upon time have a resular skin hath been unpeeled.

>> No.7130033

Thank you anon! I knew you wouldn't let me down

>> No.7130045

Next time do it yourself fag

>> No.7130263

'no one saw the person hiding deep within, behind my shallow exterior'
I shove a polly pocket up my ass for the coroner to find then blow my brains out

>> No.7130337

yawn tbh

>> No.7130981

Ever since I was a child, I dreamed of living a normal life but now, that dream is impossible. Ever since I became an adult, life has been nothing but a burden, at this point, the burden is too hard to carry. I used to be able to escape from this depression, now it's rare to find something that will take my mind off of despair. How can I love anything when I don't even love myself?

>> No.7130997

I, too, hope to quote Kendrick Lamar in my suicide note.

>> No.7131411

Life was alright, time to see what death's like.

>> No.7131440

Don-t worry, if you find this note, it just means a game of Russian Roulette went bad; you should be more annoyed that my bet, now lost along with my life, was your inheritance.

At least I'm not one of those sad-sacks that never got over the late-teen puberty of "nihilism", and if my soul does exist I am proud of such.

>> No.7131463

There's a 20 dollar bill hidden in one of my books.

>> No.7131533

I really enjoyed reading this. The middle bit could be more clever but nice faux Joyce

>> No.7131549

I want to go back across that sea
with my hands out
and I will rise from the water
though I'm cold and wet I will be clean

>> No.7131554


>> No.7131611

This is a suicide note

>> No.7131643

I'm sorry about this. I just haven't felt ok in a long time. Tell my mom it was an accident.

>> No.7131644

Dear Mother,
I know this is going to be very hard for you. You're going to want answers, and you're not going to find them. Please trust me when I sincerely say that I simply don't enjoy living and haven't for as long as I can remember. It's just not for me. Everyone doesn't like the same things, and I don't like this thing. And please don't blame yourself. You have been wonderful, loving, supportive, everything you could have been. I am an individual person and this is my decision and my fault and no one else's.
So I really urge you not to go seeking for answers to why I could have done this terrible thing that society frowns on so much, and I especially urge you not to search for answers as to my mental state in my internet history, or the folder in my H drive called 'terrible things' that contains all of the pornography I masturbate to. You literally don't need to know about that, and it will only upset you.
But if you do choose to look in it, and maybe even watch some of the videos (and I would once again caution against this in the stronger terms), please be assured that the various incest videos are unrelated to you. My enjoyment of the incest fetish is based on enjoying seeing people transgress taboos in a safe fictional way and in no way reflect my buried Oedipal feelings towards you. I guess some of the ladies do look a bit like you, but honestly it's only occurring to me now and played no part in my decision to masturbate to them.
Love and Kisses

p.s. tell my sister I hate her

>> No.7131669

Suppose the earth is predicted to become uninhabitable for human bodies soon due to abrupt climate change. Will humans then be reincarnated as other species? And what if the planet becomes uninhabitable for all life?

I fear that I won't get a break after being done with this human life. I fear that I'll be catapulted into another life, in another form, as another being struggling hopelessly to make do with a dying world. I suspect I'll experience this frustration over and over and over, in form after form, before this planet can no longer facilitate the hellish marry-go-round of "life".

What do you think anon?

>> No.7131678

10/10, will use as my own suicide note. Thanks.

>> No.7131680

Gay marriage can't melt steel beams.

>> No.7131960


>> No.7131968

dead soon

>> No.7132002

Don't sugar coat it.
Let the truth out.
I'm gone, and it's that way.
Goodbye, I loved you dearly
(Insert name and will)

>> No.7132021

Best itt

>> No.7132058

Dear mother, I'm sorry, I wasn't good enough.
Dead brother, I'm sorry, I was always an asshole.
Dear friends, Please forgive me.

I love you.


>> No.7132076

I'm sorry Mama
I never meant to hurt you
I never meant to make you cry
But tonight, I'm cleaning out my closet

>> No.7132085

,,Blame it on the neoplasm"

>> No.7132100

I know, I know I've let you down
I've been a fool to myself
I thought that I could
live for no one else

But now through all the hurt and pain
Its time for me to respect
the ones you love
mean more than anything.

So with sadness in my heart
I feel the best thing I could do
is end it all
and leave forever
whats done is done, it feels so bad
what once was happy now is sad
I'll never love again
my world is ending

I wish that I could turn back time
'cause now the guilt is all mine
can't live without the trust from those you love.
I know we can't forget the past
you can't forget love and pride
because of that it's killing me inside

It all returns to nothing, it all comes
tumbling down, tumbling down,
tumbling down,
it all returns to nothing, I just keep
letting me down, letting me down,
letting me down,
in my heart of hearts,
I know that I could never love again
I've lost everything
everything, everything
that matters to me,
matters in this world

I wish that I could turn back time
'cause now all the guilt is mine
can't live without
the trust from those you love
I know we can't forget the past
we can't forget love and pride
because of that, its killing me inside

>> No.7132223


>> No.7132502

>It's 'hanged', not 'hung'

>> No.7132510

I just want to say

Goodbye to the people who hated on me
Goodbye to the people who loved me
Goodbye to the people who trusted me
Goodbye, goodbye to everybody

>> No.7132511

nobody liked my linkin park jokes.
but in the end it doesnt even matter

>> No.7132528

I am the people who trusted on you

>> No.7132592

As if you fucking plebs deserve to know my inner most thoughts

>> No.7132627

so im well hanged?

>> No.7132637



>> No.7132649
File: 420 KB, 500x354, 1419291344116.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not leaving a 200k word manifesto

>> No.7132688

I am actually doing this. I am also going to live my final days as a quixotic suit playing at being a consultant for businesses of some vague kafkaesque description. Eventually I will piss off the wrong people and die in a confirmation of the absurd.

>> No.7132698

Nobody gives a shit about you

>> No.7132716

"Absolutely no reason except I have no gf"

>> No.7132722

You are categorically wrong. While I know that nobody (else) cares about me, its probably most accurate to say that I exclusively care only about myself. This is why I believe should be used in relation to this scheme. Their rights and interests are no concern of mine. Nor are maybe the rights and interests of my baser self. I am a impetuous ball of blithe solipsism and thats how I will die.

>> No.7132760

You are the biggest faggot ever

>> No.7132777

Yes, pretty much. I didn't become a suicidal neurotic with so little self respect as to humiliate himself in the pursuit of art overnight. I am aware I am full of shit but the problem is that I have to do something rather than nothing.

>> No.7132811
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>> No.7132826


also don't open my laptop

>> No.7132828

this one's pretty good tbh

here goes lads

"You guys might be feeling bad but it's all good. Death is just another thing, I'm sure I'll see you all on the other side, in some time. It never ends!! p.s. even when I was sad I was happy, thanks for the support crew."

>> No.7133056


At the risk of sounding like a faggot, this sounds like a cool idea and I hope you get whatever you are looking for out of it.

>> No.7133142

Every day, the world gets a little bit worse. Today was the worst day in human history, and tomorrow will be worse than today. I will not see that world, but for you who live on, no day shall be brighter than the day I left you.

And yet you will say that I was mad for doing what I did.

>> No.7134449

>implying this isn't a meme suicide

>> No.7134485

Today I woke up as a cockroach.
I don't like bugs, so I went and did the right thing.

>> No.7134547

We must all do our best to reduce suffering in this world.

>> No.7136077


>> No.7136081

Says the guy about to make all his loved ones suffer while simultaneously excluding himself from any future opportunities to reduce suffering in the world.

>> No.7136137

Jokes on you, I don't have any loved ones or opportunities. :^)

>> No.7136138


>> No.7136142

I feel bad for whoever would find your body

>> No.7136271

You should write one because you're on very thin ice fucker.

>> No.7136406


>> No.7138388

>kill self
>it ain't me starts playing

- anon

>> No.7138486

Vi ses i Nangijala.

>> No.7139268

jumping into a volcano wasn't a bad idea after all.

>> No.7139288


>> No.7139318


Go to bed Empedocles. Next time start with the Neanderthals.

>> No.7139351
File: 550 KB, 800x1157, i am ded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine

>> No.7139675

>Just came out that way, there's something about that lyric that echoes my real feelings towards myself.

>> No.7140047

>reincarnation research

>> No.7141992

I have lead a lonely and sad life, and I no longer want to endure it. Apologies to my loved ones

>> No.7141998

Not bad

>> No.7142000


>> No.7142992

the dreamer is still dreaming

>> No.7143095

This is a test for quantum immortallity
and quantum suicide.
Please do not grieve if I have passed as I am alive in another dimension
thank you
Yours truly -insert name-

>> No.7143936

I wanted to see if I had it in me, so I took the train to work early.

>> No.7143954
File: 4 KB, 116x137, 1438969055917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7144011

I'd write some kind of baloney-bible about how to attain happines through a love for literature and anal sex, then print out a shitload of them as very small books the size of a pack of cigarettes. I'll wrap most of them in cellophane.

I'll then proceed to preach on a large square about my beliefs, having some of my books in front of me, as well as some anal dildos (both free to take, of course). I'll finish by saying how I will die for your happiness.

As my sermon ends I'll rip off my pants, shoot myself in the head, and then, as my muscles loosen up, I shall proceed to shit out the cellophaned books, showing everyone how well literature and ass go together.

>> No.7144019

I said no pickles on my burger damnit.

>> No.7144068

Not really funny

Anal stuff lol lol like just write a bible and like hand it out and people will be like what and lol they'll turn up to my funeral, rigte? You write like a 13 year old, or an autist.

Abstract but sincere. Heartbreaking.

Interesting for its own read, but I wouldn't care to ask myself why you did it.


Written before you did it... Didn't you learn from Icarus?

Kind of thing your mother would get angry at, and everyone else understand.



I would demand a definition of the word "wrong" and criticise your belief that the entire world is worse because you feel worse.


Good on a first read. Re-reading is dull.

Excuses excuses.

Would laugh if real.

Would respect if real. Socratic in that deeply human curiosity.


Good. Made me laugh.

I did. Waste of my time.

Would be a perfect note to accidentally find from a friend who did commit.


Oh, and here's mine:

Alas the heaven's keep their sacred white - the one which I am bound to miss. Instead to be wound up in Hell's foul clutch: For this I am sorry.

>> No.7144151

Laughed and sort of empathized with the incest. Why the fuck did I have to have a mother with a perfect Greek ass.

>> No.7144325

i like this.

>> No.7144527

noses are red
violence are blue
u thought I wasn't dead
but the jokes on you

>> No.7144873

I know that means little at this point, but I am. I tried, I think you would all agree that I tried. To be true, to be strong, to be kind, to love, to be right. But I wasn't. And I know you knew this. In each of your ways. And I am sorry. All is lost here. It's inexcusable really, I know that now. How it could have taken this long to admit that I'm not sure, but it did. I fought till the end. I'm not sure what that is worth, but know that I did. I have always hoped for more for you all. I will miss you. I'm sorry.

>> No.7144880

This is my least favourite life.

>> No.7145153

Complete idiot.

>> No.7146068

best note in this thread

>> No.7146068,1 [INTERNAL] 
