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/lit/ - Literature

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7021324 No.7021324 [Reply] [Original]

school, major, and what you're currently reading

>philosophy and spanish
>Madame Bovary

>> No.7021339

>prefer not to say
>portrait of the artist as a young man

>> No.7021340

>TPS reports

Now fuck off with you academic dick measuring.

>> No.7021350

why not

bitter tbh

>> No.7021361

Well don't be bitter. You'll probably graduate one day too.

>> No.7021363

Small school, smaller philosophy department

>> No.7021366


> UMD (college park)
> Computer Science and English (maybe classics too)
> mostly just books about Middle Welsh and Homeric Greek, but I just reread Nabokov's last three (completed) novels yesterday and I'm about to reread Faerie Queene by Spenser and then work on complete works of Ben Jonson

>> No.7021374

I never you said you were bitter because you graduated, I'm just saying you sound bitter in general probably because you're a turd

more to ya then, how do you like portrait? seems pretty pertinent as a student given its subject matter don't you think?

>> No.7021380

>University of Southern California
>computer science
>The Practice of Programming (Kernighan and Pike)
After this I hope to read The Mythical Man-Month.

>> No.7021386

>don't want to say
>The Idiot

>> No.7021388

I love it, it's quickly becoming a favourite. It's my first time reading Joyce and he's kicking my ass, his prose is just so sad and so beautiful that I can't help but take it slow and cry. Very pertinent, yes.

>> No.7021390

the dumbest thing possible
la bas

btw op are you a pretty girl

>> No.7021395
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Applied Math w/ economics emphasis
Moby Dick and lots of hemingway

>> No.7021400

Oh sorry, I thought you meant you were bitter about not graduating yet.

You can believe whatever you want. You're a big boy now.

>> No.7021417

what's dumber than philosophy?

you should definitely read dubliners, just as profound if not more so but more accessible. if you like the experimental aspects definitely try ulysses.

>> No.7021419

women studies
political science

>> No.7021421


Fucking faggot tbh

>> No.7021422

nah I was calling you bitter because your post sounded bitter tbh fam

>> No.7021430

Yes, thank you, I hope to read all of Joyce eventually.

Haha, why would I stop at Portrait if I love it? rhetorical

>> No.7021432

political science and history is dumb? how

>> No.7021439

why's that dumb

how does going to umich make me a faggot

>> No.7021444

History is fine, but have yo ever met a poli sci major? They're stupid as shit and have babby-tier political outlooks//knowledge despite "intensive" study.

>> No.7021449

I know, you already stated that. Now you're being redundant. You're going to want to clear that problem up if you want grades better than C+ in college.

>> No.7021459

history is unhireable and doesn't give any practical knowledge. The breadth of information we have on history is so wide that you can't be any use as an analyst, leaving you with teaching or a job that just requires a college degree, like insurance or working at starbucks.

>> No.7021467

I actually realized my initial post wasn't clear enough so I was trying to clear that up for you, also I'm a junior with a 3.995 :^)

>> No.7021474

No, I'm not from America. I don't think my nation has that course. Anyways, from a quick read of the wikipedia page of political science it doesn't seem half-bad.

>> No.7021476

Wow, I hadn't realized UMich standards were that low. I wouldn't know since I went to a good school.

>> No.7021489
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Because fuck Michigan that's why

>> No.7021491

>Université Paris-XI
>Les Chants de Maldoror

Non-francophones are missing out on so much it hurts to lurk here at times.

>> No.7021499

The Iliad (Starting with the Greeks), Walden, and some neuroscience textbooks

>> No.7021506

are you being ironic?
who are you, what classes are you taking fall semeseter

>> No.7021523

I may have lied, I'm a community college transfer student starting at umich this fall

>> No.7021529


>> No.7021541

pretty rude tbh (to be honest)

wish I knew french, would be pretty useful for some of the more modern books I want to read.

>bragging about community college gpa
mhmm ok lad

>> No.7021543

UT Dallas
Computer Animation
Poor Folk

Must suck being non-American.

>> No.7021545

>Computer Science (inb4 STEMfag)
>Blood Meridian

Does anyone read around here?

>> No.7021546

because I did half of my undergrad for free at an institution where I studied abroad and formed close relationships with other students and faculty before transferring to one of the best public universities in the country?

>> No.7021554

I realize it's nothing to brag about (even though I was working full time while I did it...) I was just meming

>> No.7021559

seriously, what can I do with a masters in philosophy. I can teach for 12k a year or get a perm teaching position at a college for, what, 45k salary?

I know some philosophy teachers at my CC make like 100k a year while teaching.


>> No.7021574

i go to Princeton and my dad pays for it so yeah

>> No.7021579

college profs make a lot more than 45 lad
a LOT more
even shitty assistent professors or associate speakers make more than that

public high school teachers make about that much, esp. starting out.

not to say you're cut out for it though, it's not an easy field to just walk into. You have to go at least a tier down from where you get your masters or phd at to teach, unless you do something worthy of note. I remember one black student graduated and immediately started teaching at harvard. he also wrote a shitton of groundbreaking material though and was published well before that.

>> No.7021589

Philosophy majors are some of the highest paid majors, statistically speaking. It gives you really good analytic skills (obviously) which really helps on the LSAT if you're considering law. On top of that it's just a general sign for companies that you aren't a two-dimensional man child who can't think abstractly or creatively.

But I guess it's not for everyone.

>> No.7021591

University of Oxford (UK)
Economic History
For whom the bell tolls

>> No.7021597

>it doesnt matter
>it doesnt matter
>it doesnt matter

>> No.7021606

Worst Hemingway book I ever read.

>> No.7021608 [DELETED] 

>A state university in California
>Philosophy (About this finish this year, continental based tradition) and Physics (finished last year)
>Re-reading the Critique of Pure Reason for several classes (also planning on working with Kant for my letter of admissions for graduate school)

>> No.7021610

It does suck to have access to upper-middle tier education for free thanks to tax money and a meritocratic numerus clausus.

If you're thinking about Camus or Malraux, it would seem to me that they would not lose much through translation Celine, Baudelaire, Maupassant, Musset, Houellebecq or anything from before the second half of the 19th century on the other hand...

>> No.7021611


Just started (p 76) and it's ok, but not really engaging

>> No.7021617

>>7021324 (OP)
>A state university in California
>Philosophy (about to finish this year, continental based tradition, albeit the curriculum was quite conservative comparatively to other departments) and Physics (finished last year)
>Re-reading the Critique of Pure Reason for several classes (also planning on working with Kant for my letter of admissions for graduate school)

>> No.7021627

Yeah. It's bloated if you ask me. A serious crime for a Hemingway novel to commit.

>> No.7021628

Stony Brook University
JD Salinger - 9 Stories

>> No.7021634

>Michigan State
>Gravity's Meme

>> No.7021645

Oh, cool. I didn't know SBU offered a JD Salinger major. You taking any good courses in Salinger Studies in the Fall?

>> No.7021648

cuny hunter
mason and dixon

did i fuck up?

>> No.7021649

Yes. "Implicit Violence: The Intertexual Evidence that Holden Raped Phoebe"

>> No.7021657

>majoring in art
how could that possibly be useful?
what/who is going to pay for the years it takes for you to master it?

>> No.7021661

You are. Thanks for paying for my grants with your taxes, pal.

>> No.7021664


Fucking rekt.

>> No.7021665

I mean to bring your education to fruition, not to graduate you dolt

>> No.7021668
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>measuring the value of an education in dollars

congrats at falling for the neoliberal meme

>> No.7021673

>not knowing what grants are
underage b&

>> No.7021676

well shit my prev temp phil teacher was getting like 14k a year

>> No.7021677

University of Gothenburg
starting French in like a week
Seven Pillars of Wisdom

>> No.7021678

>University of Oregon
>Political Science
>Lord of the Rings

>> No.7021680

I don't really have a horse in this race, but every single art major I know is employed. Some freelance and get commissions. Others work for design firms. Others are attached to institutions. I know the cliche is the unemployed art major with 200k in debt, but in my experience, that isn't necessarily true. There are plenty of ways to make money once you graduate. Think of all those uncreative worker drones like yourself who felt compelled to major in something "sensible" and now need to farm out their creative work to artists.

>> No.7021683
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>> No.7021685


>> No.7021688

If you're working as an adjunct (temp) professor you're effectively making less than minimum wage with no job security, no benefits, and absolutely no guarantee of advancement (which isn't to say there's no possibility).

Welcome to academia in North America, where you suck dick to survive or sink like a rock.

>> No.7021692


>> No.7021694

>University of Washington
>Pre-Major - Either CS or Math
>A New History of Western Philosophy

>> No.7021701

who is going to pay for you to draw after college? stop avoiding the question.

>> No.7021704

>artistic grants are only for undergraduate students

He's right. You don't know what grants are.

>> No.7021705

>University of Missouri
> CS
> Aenid

>> No.7021706

That's literally the opposite question to the post I responded to, but for your answer I'd refer you to >>7021680 as being pretty accurate.

>> No.7021710

>Mount Saint Vincent University
>Master of Psychology
>Blood of Elves by Andrzej Sapkowski

Fuck you, it's a good book.

>> No.7021714

what makes you think it's a good book?

>> No.7021727


It's tightly written, without all the needless exposition or description that most fantasy novels have. The plot is interesting and moves at a brisk pace. There are clear themes and motifs that are interesting and are reflected in the plot.

Also, it's a silly fantasy setting with elves and mutated monster hunters. So, that's cool.

It reminds me of Paul Verhoven films, which used science fiction as a way to discuss more abstract and interesting things.

>> No.7021732

Calvin College
What Would Jesus Deconstruct?

>> No.7021734

>also umich
>Meme Jest and The Possibility of Altruism

>> No.7021736

There's a lot of math/sci here.
Surprised tbh.

>> No.7021735

I'm a post-Heideggerian leftist who believes the dialectic exhausted itself the way any negative philosophy inevitably must - in suspense, with Adorno. I find my political views align most with Jean-Luc Nancy but I also believe there is value in the cognitive mapping being carried out by contemporary Marxists who still make use of the dialectic. I'm a politics major.

>> No.7021755

I'm starting there this fall as a community college transfer, any advice?

>> No.7021758

Surprised that STEM people are the only people left who can sit down, read a book and understand what is written in it beyond their solipsistic feelings?

We're on 4chan, anyways, so it's obvious you're going to see more compsci, engineering etc.

>> No.7021765

>obvious you're going to see more compsci, engineering etc.

Don't know if I follow. I'm not being negative here, just surprised.

>> No.7021769

I'm transferring too, but from out of state, so I can't really offer any advice. sorry m8.

>> No.7021775
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>University of Vermont
>Political Science, minor of Philosophy
>Treatise on Human Nature and On the Road

>> No.7021778

that's okay, good luck anyway!

>> No.7021786

you too! If you see a preppy, short, kinda twinky guy in any of your classes that would be me. Feel free to say hi if you're not super weird.

>> No.7021787

Be prepared to take it up a notch. You were a big fish in a small pond. Now you'll be average at best. Community college is a glorified high school. You're actually going to be doing real college work for the first time, so you're going to have to try.

I didn't go to Michigan, but I was a community college transfer to another prestigious school, and that was my experience. It can be a real ego blow to get that first B on a paper, or not be the immediate favorite student of every professor you have. I saw some of my fellow transfers get their asses kicked. Others felt they had something to prove and worked extra hard. Be one of the latter.

>> No.7021804

Georgia Tech
Hitler biography by Fest

>> No.7021806

>SUNY Buffalo
>Chemical engineering
>Notes from the Underground

Enjoyed Notes a lot, and am thinking about starting the Brothers K. How well versed with the bible do i need to be to really get the most out of the book?

>> No.7021808

How much Dosto have you read?

>> No.7021810

Only Notes so far

>> No.7021814

Your field is going to dry up soon, mark my words.

>> No.7021818

I finished brothers k this summer. I know my Bible, but you honestly don't need Biblical knowledge to get it. Characters frequently namedrop some important writers who were part of the intellectual canon of the time, but just check the footnotes and you should be fine. 10/10 great book.

>> No.7021821

It's only been around for about 40 years. More likely psychology will dry up before neuroscience will.

>> No.7021822

it's easy
what classes are you taking

>> No.7021826

that's what I was thinking it would be like but thank you, that's really good and helpful to hear.

will do!

>> No.7021829

You have no Idea, sonny, you have no idea.

>> No.7021832

Pretty sure you have less of an idea. If you do, you could actually say something substantial. But if you're incapable of doing other than being vague and patronizing, I'm going to assume you're full of shit, as any reasonable person would.

>> No.7021833

Don't skip to Brothers then.
Without giving too much away, I think it's in part one of Notes, the narrator mentions a bit about a Ge painting? Something you'll want to take a look at is religion in Russia while Dosto was writing. His opinion of Ge was influenced by it, but was altered by an event and had an effect on his writing that influenced The Idiot and later works.

Really, I'd just read Dosto in release order. You can skip his short stories, but read his other major works first at least.

>> No.7021835

will do!

>> No.7021838

German 101
History of American Radicalism
Intro to Symbolic Logic
Law &PHilosophy

>> No.7021852
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>University of Western Australia
>Tough Guys Don't Dance by Mailer

Great read thus far. Anybody have an opinion on Mailer's stuff?

>> No.7021863
File: 26 KB, 185x250, The_University_of_Tennessee_221139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>UT Knox
>The Remains of the Day

>> No.7021869

>University of Southern California
>biomedical engineering
>The Art of War

>> No.7021878

It's cute that you get upset when someone lightly criticizes your field.

It's also equally as cute how you claim to attend MIT when you can't differentiate the basic fundamental principles of psychology and Neuroscience.

Daww, you're just a little buddah bellied baby though, aren't ya?

You'll learn some day, but for right now I must say it would be in your best interest to research some current trends in neuroscience research and attempt to correlate it with previous trends of rapidly increasing academic fields in the past.

Your comparison to psychology is interesting, on that note.

If you sincerely believe that neuroscience is a field of scientific inquiry meant for the long term, then you would be best advised to reconsider your priorities in life.

>> No.7021884

>Mythology + The Theory of Poker

Is it bad practice to read more book at once? I limit myself to 1 fiction + 1 non-fiction and switch depending on the situation and my mood.

Only worthwhile reply in this thread.

>> No.7021894

Not my field. I'm not that guy. I think you're full of shit so I'm calling you out.

And saying "just do the research and you'll see lol" isn't a substantial response. If you can't articulate your position, its probably because you don't actually have one.

>> No.7021903

yes, it's very bad to read more

>> No.7021904
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Unless you've got killer memory, yes. You might remember the plot, but you'd probably have trouble determining themes, social context, etc.

>> No.7021906

lel I'm taking that intro to symbolic logic class as well, couldn't fit law and philosophy in with my other classes though

>> No.7021931

yeah i managed to fit it in when they added an extra discussion section. logic is going to be so boring.

What area/s of philosophy are you interested in? I'm mostly into Anglo-American ethics, but I read some French continentals sometimes. I'm also planning on getting into anti-philosophy and pragmatism.

>> No.7021943

>CUNY Queen College
>Film and Media double major
>The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand

(I wanted to see what all the fuss was about.)

>> No.7021944

Think what you want, buddy boy.

No skin off my back. If you want to turn what was originally intended to be advise in regards to the career prospects of an up and coming member of the work force into a petty argument so that you can massage your ego and chalk another point up on the white board for "Internet arguments that I think I won, lol" then go right ahead.

But hey, who am I to criticize an individual who feels that ad hominem in the form of "you're full of shit" is a legitimate counter argument. Clearly that's the pinnacle of rhetoric right there, right?

Thanks for keeping it civil, my man.

Have a good one.

>> No.7021947

>what/who is going to pay for the years it takes for you to master it?

well, the cuny system is one of the most affordable schools in the country, so my debt is not so bad.

>> No.7021959

I'm just using it as prep for grad school in an unrelated field tbh

>> No.7021964

lol fair enough

>> No.7021979

How can I win an argument when you haven't presented your case? I'm not attacking you, I'm attacking your inability to present your case. I suggest you take a look at your own tactics if you feel so strongly about rhetoric.

>> No.7021998

CS Major here, I use it as a break from staring at a screen. Plus, literature is pretty based. I think you're just seeing a lot of STEMfags because its 4chan. Most of the other Engineering majors where I go just play videogames or do frat shit.

We are the outliers.

>> No.7022120

>Kenyon College
>Econ and Math
>To The Lighthouse

>> No.7022137

I am legitimately interested in why you think neuroscience is going to dry up.

>> No.7022143

Basically he thinks that neuroscience will soon learn everything there is to know about the brain.

This may be true eventually, but probably not any time soon. Anyone studying neuroscience now will likely have a lot of work do to for their entire life.

>> No.7022154

Much appreciated.

>> No.7022162

>Ryerson University
>Math (any job I want, 300k starting)
>Early Greek Philosophy

I got it specifically for Heraclitus. I find myself agreeing with nearly everything he's claimed, but I'm not done is section yet

>> No.7022295

Hey man.

>CUNY Hunter
>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.7022626

LSE Uni of London
Masters of Public Policy
Amartya Sen

>> No.7023047

>Johns Hopkins
>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.7023070


As someone with graduate level training in psychology, I'm going to have to disagree with you.

For the average person, it should be totally fine to read more than one book at once.

>> No.7023072

this image is interesting to me

>> No.7023078

BSc Sociology
The Desperate Politics of Postmodernism, Structures and Processes of Urban Life

>> No.7023095

pure #spectacle... laughs

>> No.7023108
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>blood meridian

>> No.7023136

>Rutgers (unfortunately)
>Free Will As An Open Scientific Problem by Mark Balaguer, Prolegomena To Any Future Metaphysics by Immanuel Kant and rereading Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man by James Joyce

>> No.7023159

>a community college
>prefer not to say
>The Tao of Pooh because it got me into Taoism and improved my life

>> No.7023183


did you know john kennedy toole taught at hunter?

>> No.7023319

>Carnegie Mellon
>Mythology and Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.7023344

>University of Montevallo
>undecided, went in as English major but lol jobs
>picking up Starship Troopers, Armor, more of Dostoevsky and maybe some more Vonnegut

>> No.7023363

The smartest kid I knew growing up went to umich on a full academic scholarship and is currently studying philosophy.

>tfw both your parents went to umich and you didn't get in

>> No.7023400

>Macalester College
>Philosophy and Asian Studies

>> No.7023478

> English
> The Odyssey, for personal reading not for class

>> No.7023492

>ENS Lyon
>Haute Surveillance (Jean Genet)

>> No.7023523

muh nigguh

Apparemment y'a encore plus d'américains sur /lit/ que sur /sci/. Ça ou bien les euros ont juste une honte pas rationnelle de leur système éducatif.

>> No.7023651

>Information Studies
>Folklore and the Sea by Horace Beck

>> No.7023665

Euripides - Tragédies complètes 1

>> No.7023686

>pas rationelle

Ils ont raison d'en avoir une telle honte - une honte irrationnelle - semble-t-il.

Allez je me moque hihi.

Université de Genève
Umberto Eco - Lector in fabula

>> No.7023697

>Princeton and my dad pays for it

me too, what year are you?

>> No.7023704

>English & Visual Arts
>Runaway Horses & Journey to the End of Night

>> No.7023710

me too

>the old man and the sea

>> No.7023712

>state school, looking to transfer
>political science and french literature
>the iliad (trans. lattimore)
Les Chants de Maldoror looks pretty based. How is it so far?

>> No.7023734


> Math and Comp Sci
>Thomas Mann

300k? Math? Maybe if you go in Actuarial stuff or go in to Applied Math. Honestly the main reason I'm majoring in Comp Sci is so I can make a living... What are you planning on doing with a math degree by itself?

>> No.7023736
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> Narration & Knowledge - Arthur Danto

>> No.7023739

fight fight fight fight

>> No.7023803

Are graduate students even allowed to have school spirit?

>> No.7023817

>tfw your university doesn't even have an arts program

>> No.7023822

I don't care I just want to see some funny shit on the news tbh fam

start some big shit thx

>> No.7023840

That makes three
>math and philosophy
>The Man Who Was Thursday

>> No.7023842


most /lit/ school confirmed

I live in hyde park do I count as number four?

>> No.7023879
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Graduated and pic related.
It's enlightening.

>> No.7023888
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>dfw getting hooked up with an Amherst professor as an admissions reference

>> No.7023898

At first it sounds a bit edgy but when you get into it, it's like nothing you ever read before.
Very surreal ; if you like André Breton you'll like it.

"300k starting" is a /sci/ meme. Don't underestimate a pure math degree, however.

>> No.7023930


>Reads this thread.
>Issues challenge.

The older I get, the less impressed I get with intellect. So many of us go to these classes, without even understanding the consequences of the student debt which eats us.

More importantly, so few of us are even capable of accepting a different life plan, outside of the one that Boomers crammed in our throats.

Watching bright people make terrible mistakes makes me believe there is far more to strength than merely being smart.

My dog is better at listening than most human beings are today. And there is more power in listening, than there is in thinking.

>> No.7023987

>Student debt
We don't have that in France (except for the retards that go to private business schools).

>> No.7024001

Americans have it good. Finland has absolutely no tenures anymore, meaning that no professor has a guaranteed job for more than five years. With there being only 12 or so universities in the whole country, the whole job situation depends on not having a fallout with a clique of academics.

>> No.7024007


>> No.7024013


Well, I'm glad the French are sparred from having to think hard for alternatives to school.


>> No.7024038


>> No.7024050


Nobody can win them all, anon.

>> No.7024175



>> No.7024874

Princeton rep! I only live in princeton [/spolier]

>> No.7024898

American education is dogshit chiefly because of Tenure and other job-preserving red tape all the way down to the elementary level making it impossible to reform schools on an individual, state, or federal level.

>> No.7025048

That's so cool, I'm only starting there this fall

we should meet :3

>> No.7025072

Tiens, un normalien

>ENS Cachan
>I, Claudius

>> No.7025225

Doit bien y avoir un Ulm ou un X qui traîne sur /lit/.

Je peux pas être le seul parisien ici de toute manière.

>> No.7026104

I did not. Did you know that Vin Diesel is an alumni?

>> No.7026122

>all the way down to the elementary level
tenure really isn't a thing outside of university level, and it's also really hard to get. Especially these days. A vast majority of professors are adjuncts that can be dismissed at any time and bounce from school to school taking work where they can get it.

Furthermore, I don't see how teachers having job security makes reform "impossible". You set standards and teachers have to follow them. Oh wait, they've tried that for decades and it's only made shit worse because people are forced to teach to help kids pass standardized tests instead of actually educating them.

>> No.7026341

as someone with anecdotal evidence, ever since i was little I have read 2-3 fiction books at the same time and in school i remembered plenty compared to the other kids.

>> No.7026497

> Michigan State
> Professional Writing
> Consider the Lobster by DFW

>> No.7026575

>applied physics and linguistics
>The Recognitions

>> No.7026739

>chemical engineering
>Fox & McDonald's Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and The Crossing

>> No.7027529

>Imperial College, London.
>A Clockwork Orange

>> No.7027555

>a school so bad it would be embarrassing to say
>The Selling of The President