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File: 14 KB, 444x244, The-End-Of-Evangelion-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6663993 No.6663993[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there any literature that's similar to Neon Genesis Evangelion?

>> No.6663998
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Asuka uber alles

>> No.6664001

I approve

>> No.6664007
File: 164 KB, 1064x983, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6664013

the bible

>> No.6664030

It's subtke though not preachy, so no.

Op. Watch runaway IDEON closest you get.

>> No.6664092

There's a difference between driving a point home and preaching.

>> No.6664093
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>> No.6664106


>> No.6664120

I know this thread has been done a thousand times but it's hard for NGE to translate into a piece of literature. Even if you were to throw the same kinds of themes and story around (plot) then you're still missing the deeper-layer of medium, expectations, creator that proves integral to NGE.

NGE really is one of the few TV shows that manages to make the audience need to question how they usually react to things. It's an overwrought, over-the-top, existential drama about a whole bunch of nonsensical post-modern shit but it's one that absolutely requires paying attention to how the audience is interacting with it (and ergo its creator) in a kind of closed-loop cycle.

People are simply too aware of literature as being a piece of writing designed and created by an individual to have the same effect.

>> No.6664125

Why do people like this cartoon? The plot is fucking retarded.
God sends big creatures to destroy humanity and people fight them with robots?
Really? Its fucking moronic.

>> No.6664132

thats not what happens at all, watch it sometime lad

>> No.6664142
File: 20 KB, 306x306, tumblr_np0xpph2uS1t7xjvdo2_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you even watched it. It's about way more.

>> No.6664147

Gravity's Rainbow. No, I'm not kidding. One such example is Slothrop's disappearance in The Zone mirroring Shinji's periods of self-reflection during Third Impact

>> No.6664149

Fear and Trembling by Kierkegaard.

>> No.6664161

well, it's not the plot but all the subtle implications and simbolism it has that made the show what it is.
It can be seen as how a young guy goes through adolesence to become a man, add some religious simbolism, psychoanalisis, fucked up relations and hot bitchez, and BAM you got NGE. In this moment it isn't what it used to be because (I think) it was supposed to shock teenagers with 2deep4u stuff, but it isn't that retarded of an anime. You really don't have to take chinese cartoons plot's too seriously dude.

>> No.6664168

Yup, plus all the stuff about the Kaballic tree of life at the end, as well as the paranoia and general psychological instability of most of the characters.

>> No.6664172

>You really don't have to take chinese cartoons plot's too seriously dude.

Go read YA fiction then. Fucking faggort.

>> No.6664178


>> No.6664193

I know you are trying to bait but, could you explain the reasoning of that post?

>> No.6664199
File: 432 KB, 500x394, tumblr_ngf7txMmi41tmpagfo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still not third impact

meh ;__;

>> No.6664201

do you take aristotle seriously

>> No.6664204

Only religious zombies who like anime kitsch can enjoy this shit.

>> No.6664210

You dont have ot take YA fiction seriously as well, Just enjoy it haha (dumb animu face)

>> No.6664217

Only atheist fedora tippers who like western kitsch can't enjoy this shit.

>> No.6664238

I'm saying that you don't have to take the plot too seriously and make a rigurous analysis about it if you want to 'understand' NGE praise, but all the simbolism and shit is to be taken seriously in Eva. You can't think 'well, it sure is retarded that an angel is some cube that bleeds a shit-ton' and just say it's shit and refuse to consider the other merits it had in it's time. The plot is not the reason of why Evangelion was considered interesting or important for it's time. It's like reading Finnegans Wake and saying 'wow, this guy just made up words that I don't understand, he sure is a hack, this book is shit'.

>> No.6664249
File: 383 KB, 816x458, mari_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rebuild > NGE

>> No.6664308

I wonder, what part of the NGE (considering it gets praised as a whole, finished completely product) was actually intentional and is not simple overthinking and projecting of things people wish were true but in fact they were just a coincidences. I mean, surely Hideaki Anno and the rest of the production team have given the interviews, but I've never done any research about it. Can you help me out with this? After all, art analysis is a rabbit hole and you can find patterns everywhere if you are crazy enough.

>> No.6664317



>> No.6664349

Is it legit?

>> No.6664354

>the bible is preach.


>> No.6664355

>Implying any self respecting and intelligent japanese watches anime.

>> No.6664369

>Implying there is some "original interpretation"
>implying writers or directors don't have presuppositions and unconscious influences.
>Implying writers are not products of their culture and society.

(cute animu face)

>> No.6664383

Dom Casmurro.

>> No.6664416

Arno Schmidt

>> No.6664539

Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World has similar sekaikei themes, though on a purely internal level.

>> No.6664773
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Third Impact is supposed to happen during New Year's Eve.
Be patient, anon.

>> No.6664792

That's too much of a convenience, the imagery? No!?

>> No.6664802
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I understood it just fine without even knowing about Kano. Let's not project our own shortcomings -- just because you had to go dig online for explanations not all of us did. Like, seriously?

>> No.6665173


I think you misunderstood what I meant. I know that's an easy get out but you're being a twat so I'd rather not go into it.

>> No.6665204

>i understood it just fine

ive read this so many times on this board and the poster never knows anything about what they're talking about haha

>> No.6665211

good one

>> No.6665222

>in this moment
lol euphoria

>> No.6665259

Sorry for being a twat. It's based on an apparent misunderstanding as you say, please go on. I don't normally mean to be a dick.

>> No.6665288
File: 18 KB, 400x400, 32de5f8cb1044c7f84f88012d3bf2409_400x400..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any literature similar to Oyasumi Punpun?

>> No.6665459

I remember watching 3.33 for the first time, I couldn't believe what I was watching.

>> No.6665480

john green or some normie shit.