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6383924 No.6383924 [Reply] [Original]

Why all the hate for Lutherans? Lutherans use wine, not grape juice for communion. and they don't have Christian rock. Any they're not fundamentalists.
>The words inerrant and infallible can be understood in ways that lead to interpretations of the Scriptures that are contrary to the Scriptures and what they teach. These terms imply a precision alien to the minds of the authors of the Scriptures and their own use of the Scriptures. These terms can be used to divert attention from the message of salvation and the instruction in righteousness which are the key themes of the Scriptures. They may encourage artificial harmonizations rather than serious wrestling with the implications of scriptural statements which seems to disagree. They may lead people to think that if there is one proven error in the Bible, however minor, the whole teaching is subject to doubt. Therefore, we recommend that the words inerrant and infallible not be included.

NONE of the shitty burger protestant denominations came out of Lutheranism, most came out of the English Dissenters or Calvinism or some weird cult started in the U.S.

>> No.6383932


>> No.6383943
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>> No.6383957

She's not actually ordained by the ECLA

>> No.6383969

>going around worshiping god

>> No.6383971

Martin Luther was a jew hater. Not trying to start the conversation on that topic but being Lutheran was a pass to roam Nazi Germany as free as a bird.

>> No.6384013


>Not trying to start the conversation on that topic

But you just did.

Saying "not trying to" doesn't magically exempt you from the fact that you are trying to.

>> No.6384029

in fairness, not too many religions are fond of jews

>> No.6384050

Everyone hated Jews in those days.

>> No.6385976 [DELETED] 

Nietzsche was more responsible for Nazi German, imho

>> No.6386051

Martin Luther was a inane hater of *Judaism*, not Jews for muh genetic purity. The Nazis ripped Jews out of convents and Lutheran Churches as well, there's no reasonable way you can say Luther set some precedent for that, I doubt most people inj Germany had even read Luther's antisemetic tracts. The Nazis themselves were far more influenced by The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and only tried to lump Luther in with their cause, but I as I said there is absolutely no precedent by Luther for targeting Jews based on heritage.

>> No.6386104

I also might point out that Luther's antisemitism came a long time after he wrote all his influential writings (and during which he was sympathetic toward Jews as he favored freedom of religion), and it was never incorporated as a doctrine into any Lutheran denomination.

>> No.6387586


because /lit/ orthodox and Catholics think everything different is heresy. This is the only place where I've ever been called a non-christian for simply belonging to a congregational church. Even my uptight Catholic and Episcopalian friends accept my Christianity despite my Calvinist leanings.