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/lit/ - Literature

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6346958 No.6346958[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i find most books to be incredibly boring. pretty much the only writers i can tolerate are people who write like bukowski, cormac mccarthy, hemingway, you get the idea. most other stuff actually makes me want to vomit it is so fucking boring. i have access to youtube and the rest of the information on the internet so no i am not going to read your faggoty slow paced story about two people on a train and blah blah blah. i want something with a weird ass scifi fantasy plot that isn't an 'action' book because i'm not an idiot. why doesn't this exist? like if you took the anime series Neon Evangelion Genesis but then made it way less retarded and with less perverted shit and childrens cringeworthy shit. does this exist? why not? literature needs to adapt and get with the times and not be so boring. are there any writers who do this?

>> No.6346963

Stick to your Netflix, dipshit.

>> No.6346964

a bit late for april fool's mate

>> No.6346968
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>like if you took the anime series Neon Evangelion Genesis

>> No.6346975

i dont watch netflix, tell me what you think is good

>> No.6346984

>Implying Bukowski, Hemingway, and McCarthy are even remotely similar.

>> No.6346987

That sucks that you don't enjoy some books, but we can't really do anything about it

I think that good is just a term created by the neo-bourgeoisie sycophants to justify their pathetic fixed ideas, and I believe that it is pox upon the minds of the proletariat who are imprisoned within a jailhouse of language where they must define their lives within the stricture of morality created by the ruling class

>> No.6346989

they write in simple sentences without being pretentious or thinking that complex sentences make anything better

>> No.6346995

point proven i don't get off on talking like that. in my experience people who do are just trying to prove to others how smart they are, which makes them stupid because if they were smart they would realize how pointless this is, and probably want to avoid it at all cost. no one talks like that anymore. you're basically like a person who only listens to classic rock

>> No.6347063
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i think that capitalization is just used by the neo-bourgeoisie sycophants to justify their pathetic fixed ideas, and I believe that it is pox upon the minds of the proletariat who are imprisoned within a jailhouse of language where they must define their lives within the stricture of grammatical dogma created by the ruling class

>> No.6347073

>Trying this hard to make a "what is the neon genesis evangelion of literarure" thread

Holy fuck, you worthless autist. Your life is horrible right?

>> No.6347080

why are you so mad?

what is wrong with this board? you are all so angry and defensive it's grossing me out. i'm leaving. congrats, you won