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File: 194 KB, 1024x768, 1540590-neon_genesis_evangelion_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6261594 No.6261594[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the literature equivalent of Neon Genesis Evangelion?

>> No.6261610


>> No.6261612

It's been a while.

>> No.6261616

The original Evangelion?

>> No.6261617

>What is the literature equivalent of Neon Genesis Evangelion?
You lean literary.

What, as in the author ran out of ideas / expressive capability and decided to cheaply sucker punch people with shit fanfiction add ons? The Pauline New Testament of course.

>> No.6261623


>> No.6261660

what aspect of it is important to you?
That it's considered to be one of the classics? The theme? What it did for the mecha genre? That it set up some character tropes?

>> No.6261669

isn't nge parody of the industry and all the anime troupes, at least it was in the anime series


>> No.6261676

the fault in our stars

>> No.6261682

How many death threats have you written to Anno? Did one of them show up in EoE?

>> No.6261701

>How many death threats have you written to Anno? Did one of them show up in EoE?
None. EoE is a perfect Revelation according to Anno. p.s.: Congratulations! And here's some fanservice Like althusser shinji strangles his wife to death.

>> No.6261733

Finnegans Wake

>> No.6261771

I was thinking the same thing.

>> No.6261775

Of coarse.

Be serious here guys please.

>> No.6261785

what is the literary equivalent of THIS!!!
*cuts off you're dick*

>> No.6261797

Lord of the Rings

Probably the most influential work in a niche that people look down on because many fans are manchildren. Commercially milked for all it's worth. Lots of people still discussing it years afterward. "Deep" readings of particular elements are popular.

>> No.6261805

To be fair if OP asked "what are some good books with themes of loneliness and inherent human inconnectivity?" none would bat an eye.

>> No.6261823

>what is the literary equivalent of THIS!!!
>*cuts off you're dick*
A book about Greek myths, like Edith Hamilton's?

>> No.6261827

>"Deep" readings

u wot m8
It's fantasy porn.

>> No.6261841

>isn't nge parody of the industry and all the anime troupes

No, not in the slightest.

>> No.6261850


He's thinking of TTGL

>> No.6261855

I was thinking of those arguments about Ring = nuclear power / war / marriage / whatever, as well as the Shire and Mordor reflecting English countryside and industrialization.

>> No.6261858

>To be fair if OP asked "what are some good books with themes of loneliness and inherent human inconnectivity?" none would bat an eye.
But NGE is about Gendou fucking bitches and Yui winning the evangelions.

Which means I'd suggest The Leprechaun that Loved Oral Sex

>> No.6263001
File: 19 KB, 492x366, 1421819370608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more about depression and loneliness than anything else.

There are people who say it's a deconstruction of giant robot cartoons but I think those people are talking out their ass. It'd be more accurate to say it's a deconstruction of the type of person who watches giant robot cartoons.

There are some parts in the series, in particular that one part in the movie, which were probably meant to serve as slaps to the face for the audience.

>> No.6263031

'Deconstruction" is a naughty word, it's just a mecha anime which were quite inventive in the way they told the story, a "progression" is a more appropriate word.

All that scene did was slap my boner hard.

>> No.6263039

not sure, but the film equivalent is definitely the matrix. surface level allusion that stuns anyone with limited exposure to the arts

>> No.6263043

No, Eva was a deconstruction of the mecha genre. It didn't do anything new, Anno just took everything Gundum and Gunbuster did and said "this is unrealistic, I'm gonna make something realistic."

>> No.6263049


My university has a whole course on LoTR/Tolkein. Bloody English students.

>> No.6263053

lmao I wrote an essay on NGE and Nick Land sometime last year

NGE is a rich anime, replete with images more than substance. It plays with philosophical ideas to a somewhat decent degree, but it is certainly a deconstruction of the mecha genre, and otaku culture in general.

If we notice the rebuild films - 1.0 was nearly the same as the anime, 2.0 was pure fanservice, 3.0 ripped all that away again. The next movie is called 3.0+1.0 which indicates to me at least that Anno is going to make something like the darker, OTT 3.0, mixed with his original conception of the anime. I wonder how EoE will factor into 4.0.

NGE doesn't quite reach the heights of Ghost in the Shell, and has less to say about contemporary philosophy than something like Psycho Pass (which is very good, just got finished watching it) but NGE manages to still reign supreme on the Anime Power Rankings.

>> No.6263057
File: 2.50 MB, 720x540, EVA - Rough Preview.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever actually seen Eva?

Also let's get this shit started, somebody had to ask eventually:


>> No.6263061

Watch Death + Rebirth.
>mecha is shit and you're shit for wanting to bone Rei and Asuka
That's all that Eva is about.

>> No.6263062 [SPOILER] 
File: 49 KB, 425x600, 1426236399886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that rebuild stuff came from those posts that gets posted on /a/ as an image in Eva threads.

>NGE doesn't quite reach the heights of Ghost in the Shell
Is this a joke, not because of Ghost in the Shell's content but because it sounds like you're trying to sound like you don't know a lot about anime.

Oshii's live action movies were better.

>> No.6263068


It's a deconstruction in the sense that it bothers to look at the psychological effect of teenagers piloting a massive harbinger of death against eldritch abominations that want to kill them in violent and horrific ways.

>> No.6263074

No, it wasn't. It wasn't the first who played with tropes and fucks sake changing things up a bit isn't a deconstruction. There is in fact no such thing as a deconstruction, it's a pop culture term only.

>> No.6263077

Space Runaway Ideon you weaboo trash.

>> No.6263082
File: 128 KB, 500x526, The two fags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever since Mobile Suit Gundam mecha series have shown their protagonist's struggling to deal with what they do.

I'd say that Rei and Asuka are the most deconstructiony thing in Eva, since on the surface they look like perfect waifu's but Rei, rather than just being shallow or poorly characterized and submissive like many anime girls, is actually cold and distant to the point where she's inhuman. Asuka seems hot-blooded and exciting, but she actually has serious emotional issues and the way that she acts is just an attempt to deal with how her childhood fucked her up.

I thought Eva was about facing reality and learning to accept yourself and other people. It's pretty open to interpretation though, it tends to mean different things to different people.

And did you mean EoE? Death and Rebirth is the stillborn EoE that ended up being 75% recap of the series with the beginning of EoE at the end.

>> No.6263083

Only idiots like Psycho Pass, it's I'm an intellectual because I reference books the anime. It's shit tier.

>> No.6263091

Haha. I don't blame you. I've seen so much fiction now that all I do see in every story is some god-damned allegory behind every thing. I have to convince myself that I'm just "looking for it". As a rule of thumb, now, I only go with it if it is repeated enough to not be a coincidence and there is something into the surface level plot which back it up (which I'm also seeing too much of...)

>> No.6263099


Those old-school anime have aged so poorly. I don't know how people manage to sit through them.

>> No.6263103

get betta taste brah
or keep watching psycho pass 2

>> No.6263105

It just proves that nge isn't a revolutionary deconstruction, only a logical progression.

>> No.6263106
File: 338 KB, 778x658, 1425348820726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've gotten to the point where I only enjoy things for their aesthetic value. Most stuff below surface impressions arguably isn't there and probably doesn't even have that enough value to be worth the effort of getting to it.

Somebody recently asked me if I wanted to hear what *really* happened at the end of Birdman and I told him to fuck off. That might have been a bit much but if we were supposed to know exactly what happened there it would have been shown to us. Things are left open so people can interpret for themselves, not so autists can scrutinize every detail until they find the true meaning.

Animal Farm was about farm animals, fight me.

>> No.6263108

So it's Ergo Proxy?

>> No.6263110
File: 574 KB, 674x779, Hiromi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much old anime have you actually watched?

Gundam 79 is still incredibly watchable despite its cheap animation.

>> No.6263111


>good taste

Seriously though, even venerable old-school titles like Macross have aged like milk.

>> No.6263112

Ergo Proxy at least wasn't retarded. It tries to be good and is a decent Dick homage.

>> No.6263118
File: 2.19 MB, 1440x1080, KNIFE FIGHT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many parts of the show were shit even for the time. I like to think that Millia's eye error's were all Anno or some other animator fucking with people as a joke, there's no way that same mistake could have been made that many times over the course of the show.

Do You Remember Love? on the other hand still looks amazing.

>> No.6263127
File: 2.02 MB, 664x430, Do You Remember Love - Dogfight.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For comparison this is what Do You Remember Love? looked like.

>> No.6263132

>fight me.
Why, you're the one losing out, not me.
I don't over-analyze anything, I watch movies, anime/whatever once only, I don't pause and try to interpret anything - I do that as I watch it - how you're supposed to do it! And yet I still get most of what I watch (I think).

Look the thing about getting these allegories and what not often comes down to if they're relatable to your experiences, you need to have prerequisite understanding of the themes they present. I've found this to be true. You know that feeling when something's bubbling right under the surface and you just can't get it? You're just not there yet, and that's nothing be ashamed of - hell it's the beauty of fiction that we're able to pick up any at all. When I was younger I couldn't understand anything but the superficial plots of more complex works, and that's just the way it is.

>> No.6263156
File: 23 KB, 260x326, 518Pvh8gYmL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6263159

Fear and Trembling by Kierkegaard.

>> No.6263160


Haven't the creators admitted that they had no substantial knowledge of Christianity and just used Christian symbols in order to look cool?

>> No.6263164

No idea, but I'd believe it.

>> No.6263165


That actually does look pretty good. I might give it a watch.

>> No.6263168
File: 446 KB, 664x430, DYRL34.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure that you see Super Dimension Fortress Macross before Macross: Do You Remember Love?

You also need to leave a while between them. It's better that way.

>> No.6263175

>he doesn't know that Genius is that which combines the concious and the unconcious

>> No.6263180

No you don't. Only the first 6 or 8 episodes are probably needed to know from what they start off in DYRL.

>> No.6263183

It's not that you need to see what happens before they get into space, the show is generally agreed to be the better version of the Macross story.

DYRL? is just loads of fun and fanservice.