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6123101 No.6123101 [Reply] [Original]

Has there ever been a novel that provided as much of a cathartic experience as the conclusion of the final, 26th episode of Neon Genesis Evangelion?

>> No.6123104


>> No.6123137

The incredible adventures of go back to /a/

>> No.6123152

I love Eva but I'm sure there are a few.

Off the top of my head I'd say that my favourite part of Starship Troopers gave me a similar feeling to CONGRATULATIONS.

The part where Johnny's in boot camp and on the verge of dropping out, but then he gets a letter from his old teacher who he thought didn't like him and finds out the teacher was a fucking colonel in the mobile infantry and knew Rico had it in him to make something of himself, then he gets 'over the hill' and knows that he make it through anything else boot camp throws at him.

I love that book.

>> No.6123159


It's called cathartic experience and it's part of 60% of fiction at the very least.

>> No.6123191

That video was actually an incredibly interesting watch. Thanks anon.

Italian's are the masters of dubbing. Gendo's Italian VA is a beast, I recognized him from some other stuff.

>> No.6124231

The Mandarin sounds so unnatural, the Cantonese Shinji sounds older than Fuyutsuki, there was only one male and female VA each in the Russian, silent Spanish penguin and Disney English VAs

>> No.6124236


The Stranger

>> No.6124243

Don Quixote

>> No.6124297

I'm ashamed of how bad the Spanish dub is, as a Spaniard. Although apart from the original, I think the German dub actually sounds great. The others just range from bad to mediocre

>> No.6124342

>the fucking penguin holding it down every take.

>> No.6124479

Except in the one where they didn't bother dubbing him

>> No.6124607

Hunter x Hunter is better.

>> No.6125152


>> No.6125158

Harry Potter

>> No.6125168

What are books related to the themes of Evangelion. Freud & Lacan are obvious, Schopenhauer and Kierkegaard are both referenced, I've read that the human instrumentality project may have been inspired by Hegel, but I don't know enough about the H-bomb to verify. The Bible is obviously important, as are some Kabbalah and other occult shit, like there's a diagram taken from the Lesser Key of Solomon in one part

>> No.6125195

Harry POtter

>> No.6125196

There was supposed to be a question mark in there somewhere

>> No.6125219


>> No.6125236

The entire novel is the characters grasping on to what they have in the face of civil war, and once the war is won it's implied they're going to lose it in a marxist revolution.

>> No.6125244

I hated the last two episodes of Eva. And no, it isn't because I didn't understand them. I just through they were an awful way to end the series. Thank God for EoE.

>> No.6125266
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So something that I've been pondering for a very long time (which is partly Eva related and partly literature related). You see some of these stories with so many outlandish things, I have to wonder when it comes to how these people construct a story: is there such a thing as a terrible idea, or is there only terrible execution?

>> No.6125976

as i post this, am frightened at the video im looking at dis experience is shit i fuck you

>> No.6126009

Plebs don't belong here. Go back to /a/ or /jp/.

>> No.6126013


grow up

>> No.6126035

There is no original idea that is terrible.
And even a terrible idea can become at least decent with great execution.

>> No.6126040

I'd lean towards the latter.

And I don't think that's even /entirely/ objective.

>> No.6126187

Eva isn't that outlandish.

Space Runaway Ideon + Creator's experiences with depression + waifu's

>> No.6126294


>14 year old boy pilots a giant armored version of his mom while fighting giant space aliens to prevent all humanity from becoming stale orange soda

Seems outlandish to me

>> No.6126295

I like Evangelion, but even I have to admit some parts of it were incredibly stupid

Particularly the references to Christianity and Christian symbolism, almost none of them made any sense and were completely pointless

>> No.6126310


It's all mysticism man, none of it makes any sense.

>> No.6126319

Jesus I hate this fucking pleb opinion - including the sickening "but anno even said so!!!" who gives a shit what anno thinks

>> No.6126324

Not unless you study the Kabbalah/Sephiroth/Angels that the series is based on. It's all related back to the tree of life.

The ending is quite profound but its profundity matches that of the mysticism that it's based on. That's esotericism for you.

>> No.6126330

>muhh form / content dichotomy

hey gramps, the 18th century called

>> No.6126336

Agreed. Atheism is the Plebist of all religions.

>> No.6126341

please don't make this into dank tipping Fedora memes shitposting

>> No.6126349

Pretty much every good book. Eva isn't that good.
If you want a good anime watch Kaiba :^)

>> No.6126353

Haha, getting mad over poorly drawn cartoons.

Reevaluate your life.

>> No.6126355

>while fighting giant space aliens to prevent all humanity from becoming stale orange soda

Angels were trying to free their mother by removing a device that incapacitated her. Then their mother would have terraformed the Earth to make the planet more suited for their survival and would have wiped out humanity as Earth could no longer support human life.

Humanity merging into stale orange soda was something the leaders of humanity were planning to do, but they needed Angels out of the way first to do it.

>> No.6126364

:^) master troll

>> No.6126381

Christianity is a foreign, exotic religion for Japanese. Evangelion, like pretty much all anime, was made first and foremost for Japanese audiences.

So it's really not that surprising that often when they want to include exotic foreign mysticism in anime, they butcher Christianity, a religion they do not understand. It's really no different than, say, how the West treats Buddhism.

>> No.6126385

>Hurr fucking durr

I wish autism was fatal

>> No.6126390

Sorry dude, but very little of the imagery and references made any sense. For example, what's the point of having explosions in the form of crosses? Conventionally a cross is meant to represent sacrifice, atonement, or salvation. It doesn't make any sense to present it as an explosion, unless Anno was trying to say that religion promotes violence or something, which obviously wasn't the case.

There was a lot of stuff like that in the series, I remember this one time they showed an image of the Tree of Life and it basically had no significance at all. It also didn't really make any sense for the antagonists to be called angels either

>> No.6126567

John Green has more connection to the human experience than children cartoons ever will.

>> No.6126582

>there will never be a war on weeaboos

>> No.6126633

Jesus, why do people keep doing this.

All of the references to Christianity are an amalgamation of gnosticism and shinto worldviews as seen through a nihilistic, materialistic lens. They don't make any sense because they can't be made sense of, any "point" made from them is necessarily a mystery. The Angels (which are aliens, and remember that Humanity itself is an Angel) are beyond our limited individualized understandings, because they are beings just like us but each is entirely unified and from a different genesis. The skeleton key is that the souls of Lilith and Adam (remember that these are names given to them by humans) lived in the bodies of Rei and Kaoru and their only real wish was to observe the world and humanity, which they came to love in the persons of Commander Ikari and his son Shinji. There is no meaning, the entire story is that of beings trapped in reality's eternal recurrence, forced to live the same lives with the same situations, mistakes, fears, and hopes over and over again.

>> No.6127202

That book doesn't have enough space marines

>> No.6127228

Evangelion is really good though. I have no interest in anime but I loved NGE.

>> No.6127245

How was Steppenwolf cathartic to you? The ending was... pathetic?

>> No.6127251

I thought the distribution of space marine parts and non-space marine parts was pretty good.

If you want a book which gets this wrong, read Armor, by John Steakly. That book had great space marine stuff but is so stingy with it it's maddening.

>> No.6127855


None of that disproves the fact that they were turning into stale orange soda so that a giant teenager with a vagina in her forehead could get her clit pierced.

Yes, I understand the reasons within the story that all these things happened, but that doesn't stop them being outlandish.

>> No.6127876

I think the issue here is that you were implying imaginative fantasy/allegory=bad, and that a story needs to be "realistic" or plausible in the real world to not be a "bad idea". I guess what the other anon is trying to say is that it's pretty easy to trace the genesis of the themes of Evangelion, and that it's pretty solid fantasy/allegory, and none of the elements of the plot or symbolism are "lel randum" or anything. that it's structurally sound, and not "outlandish" as a piece of fantsasy

>> No.6127897


I've never really liked anime, but damn do I agree with the above posters. NGE was amazing and I highly recommend it.

>> No.6127925


I've always wondered just how much liberty you can take with religious symbols pertaining to mysticism. It seems like you can actually do pretty much whatever you want, at least with more obscure religions like Kabbalah.

>> No.6128121

But there are plenty of Anime that are as good as NGE. Check out Texhnolyze, Serial Experiments Lain, and Legend of the Galactic Heroes.

>> No.6128386


Requesting books on mysticism and kabbalah so I can piece this shit together, the only thing I understand is that everything is supposed to relate to becoming one with the creator again.

>> No.6128395


EoE is better

>> No.6128476

Texhnolyze is pretty great, but come on, better than Eva? No way. It has a more intriguing philosophical premise, and is a great demonstration of the Allegory of the Cave, but the art, plot, character development...all of that I think fell short. It really sped up starting around episode 18 and had a fantastic conclusion, but I think it could've been much better paced. I didn't really care about the protagonist or many of the side characters. They're both good, but I think Eva gets more of a 9.3/10 where Texhnolyze is more of an 8.5/10. Eva was overall executed better, and is more immediately accessible.

Lain is utter shit.

LoGH I agree is a 10/10

>> No.6128555

Why do you think being "outlandish" is bad?

>> No.6128593


When did I ever say it was bad?

>> No.6128825
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>texhnolyze is good
Never understood the love for that show. I just got bored out of my mind waiting for something besides nothing to happen to characters I didn't care for. I guess if I had waited 18 episodes maybe I would have gotten that.
>lain is bad
Lain's only fault is sexualizing lain far too much.
>LoGH is a 10/10
now this is something I'm gonna have to disagree with. I loved the show but it had a lot of elements that are particularly played out and simplistic.
>yang is goku
>every single time someone important is going to die there is some not very subtle foreshadowing
Also far too many characters who's only fault is some version of pride. Almost all the female characters are forced and only really exist to give a main character a love interest. There's more than that but whatever.

>> No.6129288

The best anime is Shigurui, but it still needs a second season

>sexualizing lain far too much.
Lol are you retarded

>> No.6130679

All anime is garbage made only for children and manchildren, but
>Almost all the female characters are forced and only really exist to give a main character a love interest
They at least got this right

>> No.6132093

>All anime is garbage made only for children and manchildren, but
What about Serial Experiments Lain? That's pretty avant-garde.

>> No.6132122

>made only for children
That's bad why exactly?

>> No.6132230

>avant garde
Not so. Don't get me wrong, it was a brilliant anime with lot of interesting experimental elements, but that doesn't necessarily qualify it to be avant-garde.

>> No.6132235

it's about as avant garde an anime airing on TV can get, I guess