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5716766 No.5716766 [Reply] [Original]

Why does STEM god tier hate the humanities?

>> No.5716771

Beacuse their tax money pays your welfare

>> No.5716778

an actual economics STEM-type might recognize the fallacy here: tax money does not "pay" for government outlays in any meaningful sense

>> No.5716780

My pet theory is that they hate their soulless and uncreative jobs, so they have to bash on someone else's life choices in order to feel good about their own.

>> No.5716785

Intellectual insecurity and the classic "robot hating emotions" trope, among other things.

>> No.5716790

>what's this avant-garde shit? a urinal doesn't look beautiful..


>> No.5716792

Well....Actual good STEM students who go out and get good jobs couldn't care less about humanities. The mediocre STEM idiots who are never going to get a job in their field, and spend the rest of their life working in a cell phone booth hate the humanities because they know deep down that they could have gotten a useless degree like that for all the good their god-tier STEM degree did.

>> No.5716794

>soulless and uncreative jobs
>that projection
we design the future whilst you sit in cubicles and rot your brain in front of a computer. Or you work in fast food.

>> No.5716796

I noticed that most of the STEM people are just plain people without high interests, and they study difficult stuff as they'd cut rock or other things = no real interest over the subject, they do that or else they'd be lost.
>I study chemistry and most of my peers are like that

>> No.5716798

The humanities is a good program. The people init are usually spoiled kids on their daddy's money. No one really spends their Uni tution on Liberal Arts stuff, since, you are better off a McBurger.

>> No.5716799

>you sit in cubicles and rot your brain in front of a computer. Or you work in fast food.
that projection

>> No.5716800
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Rosetta much ?

>> No.5716807

Seen as useless, as well as people who study the humanities are much more politically engaged and have much less hours than most stem. I had 24 and my best friend had 8, so they're more likely to party, more likely to do things like gather in the courtyard and slam poetry. It was a group of humanities students who formed a coalition and pretty much took over the student union making the place unbearable to those not in the union or had friends working in the shops.

>> No.5716810

>all my friends are freshman without direction

>> No.5716821

I'm enrolled in a master programme
and people except studying organic chemistry they entertain theirselves with soccer, stupid tv shows and going to club. I don't blame them but fuck they should shut their mouths when they talk about humanities

>> No.5716834

>they entertain theirselves with soccer, stupid tv shows and going to club
what's wrong with that? you can't expect someone to do one thing all day every day and not eventually lose their mind.
>you're studying chemistry, so the only thing you should ever be doing should be related to chemistry

>> No.5716840

I don't know, these folks their emotional circuitry isn't always on top and let that just be the thing you need to get somewhat of a decent grasp on the subject matter in these fields.

Their choice of ideology is mostly fascist too.

>> No.5716845

you must have a thick skull
I'm saying that they have trivial interests, they don't read books, don't listen to decent music, and except when they talk about chemistry they sound like retarded high schoolers.

>> No.5716846

Because STEM allows you to buy pussy while the humanities get it for free.

>> No.5716859

You're caught up in the spook of 'cultured'

>> No.5716867

>they don't like what I like
>i'm so much better than them
>they're stupid
>except for when theyre not
I like soccer, it's fun to watch and more fun to play. I like go to the bars with friends every now and then to relax and socialize. Does this make me stupid or mean that I don't have more than a superficial interest in what I study?

>> No.5716871

Is this comment written in English? Holy fuck, if this isn't your second language at least, you seriously need help. Maybe you had a stroke while typing that out?

>> No.5716875

Science, Technology, Engineering and Math are impressive sounding areas of study with implied high paychecks with great job stability, which translates into being promoted by politicians and educators. It's also easy to understand what a good STEM product or service looks like that results from the education.

Humanities don't have rock stars.

>> No.5716876

Not that guy, but you're clearly a dilettante. Not a serious thinker. Probably not a thinker at all.

>> No.5716878

i like that too, I play soccer and get drunk. but it's not the only things I do and talk about in my whole life.

>> No.5716880

His typing skills or keyboard are a bit iffy but it's perfectly understandable. You might be the one with the problem.

>> No.5716888

>Humanities don't have rock stars
Harold Bloom is wheezing in his grave right now.

>> No.5716894

>talk about history to STEM's
>they start to talk about this stratego bullshit of battlefields

>> No.5716895

I'm also studying a STEM masters degree. Not only do I find ample time to study, complete assignments and do much wider reading, but I'm also able to socialise, go to the gym, do a number of sports and even get laid.

I think the main issue you are experiencing is that you are an autist with poor time management skills.

>> No.5716902
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>Humanities don't have rock stars.


>> No.5716903

but my dick is so hard

>> No.5716904

Is this whole thread just one guy samefagging?

>> No.5716912

There's a unique poster counter now, so you can check.

>> No.5716923

Because in the Anglosphere and to a slightly lesser extent in Scandinavia everyone is an arrogant positivist faggot

>> No.5716934

He didn't say anything about himself having not enough time, or any of the other people in his program not having enough time. He said that they have a very narrow range of interests.

>> No.5716956

>He said that they have a very narrow range of interests
no he said they have a very broad and easily accessible range of interests. for some reason he's salty that not everyone spends as much time reading and listening to better music than everyone else because for some reason his tastes are superior to everyone elses

>> No.5716967

18 unique IPs (plus me, so 19)

>> No.5716977

>soccer, stupid tv shows and going to club

You're reading into him/projecting too much, 3 things != broad

Considering some of the stupid shit Moot has allowed, this counter is actually really nice.

>> No.5716989

>the three things he mentioned are the only three things people are into
>there are exactly three things that his classmates are into that he finds annoying
you're trying too hard you fucking idiot

>> No.5716995

> Not only do I find ample time to study, complete assignments and do much wider reading, but I'm also able to socialise, go to the gym, do a number of sports and even get laid.

Who's trying hard now?

>> No.5717003

>everyone that disagrees with me is the same person
if you're the masers program guy, make backup plans for when you fail out

>> No.5717004

You say that, but you don't really know...

Science rock stars like Neil Degrasse Tyson, Bill Nye >actually a science guy, and Michio Kaku are constantly speaking out for their major. Hell there is a movie being made about Steven Hawking's love life. Technology stars like Dean Kamen are making huge news every day for their inventions. Numberphile is a giant youtube channel.

All of your humanity rock stars are at least 2 centuries dead.

>> No.5717033


>popularizers of science
>"le science is amazing, here's some cool factoids! pretty impressive hu le universe?"

You can't do that with the humanities without making a caricature and not spout sophisms. Most who popularize debates that belong to this field aren't actual humanities folks but shitheads like Sam Harris.

>> No.5717055

Man in his late twenties who loves his job teaching English abroad is about to give you the lowdown on STEMplebs:

>Astrophysicist friend since secondary school
>Never had a girlfriend or relationship
>Watches science shows everyday to learn more about physics but doesn't make any contributions
>Goes to the gym and enjoys watching the avengers
>28 years old
>Lives on his own and spends no money
>Goes out only to go to the pub once a week with his old mates or to a concert once in a while
>Repeats this shitty routine everyday of his life
>Never reads any books and laughed at me when I chose English lit back in our uni days

>Forensics friend
>Does the same shit as the first friend
>Has a girlfriend but it's the same one since he was 16
>Goes to football coaching once a week
>Tells me he doesn't enjoy his job and describes himself in paralysis
>29 years old
>Tells me he's gotten bored of his girlfriend but has a baby in the way and can't leave her and he is fond of her

>Doctor friend
>Only became a doctor because his father pressured him into it
>Never read a work of fiction
>Is married and has two kids
>He is depressed and goes to the gym like crazy
>You can tell he doesn't love his wife and that she hates him
>Arranged marriage pleb
>He calls me an idiot during uni for picking english lit and I could have picked something like medicine and made lots of money
>All his money goes on his home and wife and he just uses his spare time to go to the gym
>Spouts his pseudo intellectual philosophy about life every every time I am with him
>don't say anything because I don't want to break down his glory time
>legitimately thinks he's more intelligent than me because he's a doctor despite the fact he has no other world knowledge

>Mechanical engineering friend
>goes to the gym all the time
>only ever had one relationship and that was when he was back at uni and the girl dumped him after a month
>she was the love of his life and he has hated women ever since
>he started going to the gym ever since he saw her date a buff guy
>claims that's now why
>is a racist and sees blacks as inferior and makes fun of me for doing english
>claims it's because I wasn't smart enough to do STEM
>let him make his jokes because I know it makes him feel better
>he's currently jobless and his student debts catching up to him
>Depressed and only feels better by making fun of others

I've got a few other STEMpleb friends and they all share these traits as well as having individual characteristics that are dislikeable.

>> No.5717057

u r made of le star stuffs uwu

>> No.5717073

Do you have to have an English degree specifically to teach English in foreign countries or will a degree like philosophy let you do the same, as long as you speak and understand English fluently and their language to a decent degree?

>> No.5717076

Any degree will suffice depending on the country. Some countries specifically ask you not to speak in their language so that the kids/adults can learn better.

>> No.5717078
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>tfw all of the autistic social awkwardness of STEMfags combined with the pretension and interest in impractical subjects of Humanitiesfags
i should end it all

>> No.5717085

Hello! I have a PhD in biology. I do not hate the humanities, they have their own position. Without their efforts, we Germans would still behave like Australians, and that would be terrible!

Good night, Americans, I hope one day you will grow out of your 17th century morality straightjacket!

>> No.5717091

That's great. My school has both a good Graphic Design and Philosophy major, so I wanted to do both of them while already having been on my way to learning another language. It's not like it's my main goal, but it would be nice to have that in mind if I ever end up in a mindless job or feel like I need to leave the country for a while.

More on point to your earlier comment, I think it's money-chasing that's the root of the issue. If people are genuinely interested in STEM, I think that's fantastic and wish them well. But I feel like I see more and more people chasing after these degrees as some sort of security, both financially and in terms of social capital.

Does anyone else ever feel like jokes and comments about the uselessness of the Humanities change public perception of the worth of these degrees, making it harder to find jobs with them and repeating a endless cycle of devaluation?

>> No.5717098

>goes to the gym all the time
well at least they're all swole

>> No.5717104

this post is the answer to the original question. if stuff like that doesn't give you at least a little tingle of a sense of wonder, you're already dead

>> No.5717113


Nobody claims these empirical facts aren't wonderous, but try popularizing Heidegger's or Schopenhauer's ideas.
Go on, try it, it's a market ripe for exploiting, but I doubt it's going to deliver you much.
Alain de Botton does that and he's far from a star and never will be.

>> No.5717117

Nope, they're above average and the doctor one only works out his upper body. You should see them buy their protein powder and shit, it's funny as hell watching them be so insecure.

>> No.5717121

economics ain't a real science bub

>> No.5717288

Why be friends with someone you don't like?

>> No.5717298


>> No.5717304
File: 83 KB, 529x580, tyler-durden-489300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>think you're intellectual
>not an unemployed nihilist

>> No.5717342


w-when I'm published I w-will b-be redeemed ;_;

>> No.5717343

Nihilism is degenerate though.

>> No.5717346

>being the pleb that didn't understand the movie

>> No.5717349

They weren't creative enough to understand them.

They are dead inside.

>> No.5717351

>tfw loving every moment of my degree whilst my physics friends is suffering panic every second

Fuck you, James.

>> No.5717365

As a math major, this is most of my classmates.

I tried starting a conversation about math stuff and they just shut me down. ;_;

>> No.5717367

>being the pleb that respects the author's opinion


>> No.5717371

>being the pleb that takes the movie at face value

>> No.5717374

>I tried starting a conversation about math stuff
that's because fucking nobody likes math. my uncle has a phd in math and if he ever wants to talk about something besides sports or family or whatever he'll talk about physics for something because it's autistic as shit to talk about math

>> No.5717375

>being the pleb that respects the 2deep narrative


>> No.5717377

also a math major
i think this is because most people who study math (at my university at least) are also majoring in something else (economics or whatever)
they dont really care about math all that much

>> No.5717379

>being the pleb

>> No.5717386



>> No.5717388


>> No.5717391


>> No.5717395


>> No.5717402

Because they're in competition for funding. Also, being intelligent at one thing doesn't stop you being narrow minded about everything else. STEM are good at what they do, but once they start talking about economics or society, they turn into slobbering retards.

>> No.5717404


>> No.5717417

b-b-but math is aesthetically pleasing... i-i-it's the poetry of abstract ideas anon.... notanautist dot jaypeg

everyone want to go into finance or is majoring in CS at my uni... it's so depressing. I'm like the only person who likes math because it's interesting and helps with my writing/reading.

>> No.5717420

For fucks sake

>> No.5717425


2kool4skool guys.

sweet shitposting.

>> No.5717429


>> No.5717433

math is simply a tool to be used at your leisure to solve real problems

>> No.5717451
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sweet argument pleb

>> No.5717456

Are you typing in all lowercase and with no full stops so it's easier to see who you are in this thread? Are you the new arrow girl?

>> No.5717458

math is the dirty old beat up carhartt jacket of STEM. it's not pretty, or cool, or inspiring, but it helps you get the job done.

>> No.5717464

no, i'm just doing other stuff and its not a very high priority to use correct spelling grammer syntax etc

>> No.5717486

True nihilism. Now you understand.

>> No.5717535
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Most of them have no real exposure to the humanities. Our culture is very STEM oriented. STEM "gets results" which is all that matters to our culture. Science is wonderful, but Scientism is misguided and extremely prevalent. Humanities, especially philosophy, is seen as useless and therefore not worthy of time or attention. Not only is it not useless (STEMfags tend to overestimate what science can do for us and underestimate what the humanities can do) but worthiness of time and attention is not necessarily tied to the results, progress, or utility of an endeavor. We read literature because we like to read literature. It shows us things we would not have otherwise seen. It makes us think in ways we would not have otherwise thought. That could have a practical use in how we live our lives or run our societies, but even if it doesn't it's not useless because we still enjoy it for itself.

>> No.5717536

The average high school student knows STEM fields are profitable, so many intelligent but unenthusiastic high school students study a STEM field in college. Since the studying and shit doesn't pay off until after college, to justify their present life, these unenthusiastic STEM students frame their choice of major as an objectively "right" one.

>> No.5717562


Literature and liberal arts is not useful when everywhere 80 % of the kids are studying liberal arts. It is an impossibility.

We have millions upon millions of people studying the "arts", becoming "intellectuals".

It is industrialized, mass production of mediocrity.

STEM is no better. The single intractable problem of our time is over population. We have turned humanity into something resembling a can of sardines. The greatest freedom is to have privacy and one's personal space. In the "market" of humanity we are assigned a value and a number, and told to "self-actualize" when it's really all just a joke.

STEM fags have been assigned a slightly higher value on their barcode and thus lord it over the liberal arts kids here on the internet.

It's the same shit you see with european posters constantly making snide remarks about how stupid americans are. They have been told by mass media (made in america, ironically) that europeans are culturally superior. There are 400 million europeans, so how they could be anything other than cattle is a puzzle to me, but like STEM fags lording it over the liberal arts kids, they revel in their assigned superiority.

It's the narcissism of small differences. We are ants.

Art and science dies with the rise of the metropolises, the bureaucracies and review boards and decision by committee, the argumentum ad populum of capitalism, the one-sized fits all of communism (just like the capitalist market!).

>> No.5717594

While I agree with most of this, I would say a great magnitude less than 80% of students in university are studying any arts subjects (unless you meant that as hyperbole).

>> No.5717597

>write a normal non-troll post
>just a drip of piss in the bathtub full of it

>> No.5717628

Over population isn't the problem, the problem is all of us still pretending that there is enough work to be done to continue basing our place in society as individuals purely on what we are able to produce economically. Until we get past that, everything everyone does is basically unimportant because there are too many people trying to do shit.

>> No.5717633

>Literature and liberal arts is not useful when everywhere 80 % of the kids are studying liberal arts. It is an impossibility.
>We have millions upon millions of people studying the "arts", becoming "intellectuals".
Another problem with our culture that I think can be at least partially to blame on Scientism. Because we are so results oriented, in order to justify studying liberal arts we have to say its useful somehow and that it's something people should do for a living. That's ridiculous.

Ideally 100% of the kids would be studying liberal arts while pursuing real jobs. It's not the desire to study liberal arts that is so fucked up in our society, it's the desire to want to be some kind of neo-aristocratic layabout.

>> No.5717649

Is it 1925 again?

>> No.5717682

You're an admirable person, please tell us about your life (no sarcasm).

>> No.5717763

Should I become an english/literature teacher if I have a genuine interest in it?

>> No.5717781

oh no m8 here it is

you will breed brats brafferly, nio thanks like

yhey ainy a proplr, proplr, people, wont luv yr




the wokinh vlsddrd VLSDDRD CLASSEES

thereis no ecaspe

if your smaryt youd dobest to go onna dole
no life i society
just dole and community
maker a commune for good peeps
but the lot wont care yreah?

kee[p iy pure.








>> No.5717814

If you have an interest in sharing/teaching it, sure.

>> No.5718339

Humanities don't make you an efficient implement of profit or consumerism, they just foment independent thought.

>> No.5718347


>> No.5718370

STEM majors think that STEM jobs are hard and that is why they pay good money.
STEM jobs are in reality jobs nobody wants to fucking do, and that's why they are in demand.

who would want to be a fucking engineer when you could be a successful author?
the problem is there are a million people wanting to be authors the competition is too strong most people will fail. Become an engineer and the competition is still strong for the best spots, the FUN spots the creative and rewarding spots, but your average ENGI pleb will be doing grunt work and getting paid okay wages because the work sucks.

>> No.5718372


As long as you also have an interest in teaching.

>> No.5718378

what is a better society? one where more people dedicate their lives to the "fun" jobs like being a celebrity or one where people are willing to work harder to do the boring work that makes things happen?

or do you not value the work done by engineers as it's probably just a way for capitalism to exploit things etc?

>> No.5718401

please share more i had fun reading these.

>> No.5718410

>implying it takes any effort

>> No.5719298

What the others said, also if you are ready to be content with a relatively low salary.

>> No.5719854

that last one is the average stemtard on 4chan

>> No.5719861

>performing the actions necessary to keep himself alive
pick one

>> No.5719864


>> No.5719905

Because STEMshit usually do really need that STEM degree and 100% sure job because they are from poor families. This is ofcourse justified. The first generation in your family that goes to uni should be a STEMfag, while the stemfag should raise atleast one of his children to be a humanities academic. Basically the hate boils down to poor trash hating their caste of birth.

>> No.5719911

>be STEMfag
>rich parents
>never really worked
>filled out a tax form first time at age 28
>all colleagues' parents are reasonably rich
>the one guy from Ghana even speaks German fluently, parents sent him to a private German school

I wouldn't say that researchers are poor, in "the West" it's mostly the good old white middleclass doing research.

>> No.5719924

because humanity majors complain about having a difficult time while STEM majors actually have a hard time. Also, don't you find it funny that /lit/ has more STEM threads than /sci/? Where is it that you people feel you're being made fun of?

>> No.5719958

Now, you can tell me that the engineer who helped design the necessary concrete alloys to build the Sydney Opera House or the engineer who builds a suspended highway through a forest to help isolated people while causing minimal damage are helping people, so be it, the guys who are creating new chemicals who impact less on the biosphere or whatever the "useful" engineering people are working on, fine. But I have somewhat of a long post to make, and I want all of you people who preach about the usefulness of STEM grads to think about it:

But let me tell you a story. I live in a little town that's about half an hour from the state's capital, and I go to uni there, and my uni is in the south wing of it, the "noble" area. My gf lives in the north wing, the lower-middle class / suburbs area, and most of my friends who live there are either downtown or in the east wing (the bohemian areas). The south area, the one I spent most of my time in, is shock full of these huge condos, a lot of them empty and surrounded by layers of barbed wire, broken glass, electrical fence and whatever else they can come up with to keep squatters away. Also, the two biggest favelas (you know, brazilian slums) of the city are there, and even though the city hall has done a state of the art sanitizing work in the south, the center-south is pretty much taken by bums.

Now, let's go to the east and northern zones, since the central area is already pretty crowded as it is, and despite the vain, absurd attempts of the city hall in the later years, they haven't managed to "revitalize" (read: gentrificate) it.

>> No.5719960

cont. (I'm sorry guys)

As you people might know, Brasil has been growing more and more, and that obviously brings in building contracts, with people being able to quit rent (or illegal occupation). The area my girlfriend lives in is pretty much a student's area, due to the proximity of the Federal University of Minas Gerais, one of the biggest unis in the country. The ABSURD amount of buildings they're constructing out of fucking nowhere constantly makes me think: Will there be people to occupy such buildings, or are the contractors doing this shit because they have the money and the need to move said money? The east area is pretty much unnocupied, most of it's population being bohemian young people who like the "little town" ambient of it or older families who are growing more and more. A appartment's rent in the central area, with bedroom, livingroom, kitchen and bathroom, is somewhere around 500 dollars (plus expenses), while a HOUSE with two bedrooms, livingroom, office, kitchen, a little garden / garage and two bathrooms in the east area is the same, and you can probably WALK from there to downtown.

Obviously, there is plenty of space in the city already, but this space isn't occupied because the people who exist outside this space can't afford to occupy it, and the state, loving all the tax money it gets, allows more and more condos to be built (to virtually no one)

Summing it up, it's not usefulness per se that creates these huge, impersonal buildings (and, consequentially, stem jobs), it's the need to move money around while completely ignoring any tenets of urban planning, occupation and (ACTUAL) usefulness.

>> No.5719971

>what is a better society? one where more people dedicate their lives to the "fun" jobs like being a celebrity or one where people are willing to work harder to do the boring work that makes things happen?
That's a false dichotomy.

>> No.5719975

>Also, don't you find it funny that /lit/ has more STEM threads than /sci/?
It's because STEMfags are viciously insecure and shitpost up our board with threads about their studies.

>> No.5719997

you're an idjit

>> No.5720027

OP was clearly being ironic. The other STEM thread in the catalogue calls them plebs. Who exactly is shitting up this board?

>> No.5720049
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>who would want to be a fucking engineer when you could be a successful author?
lel, because most people grow out of story time when theyre 8. you have less exposure to STEM than STEMfags have exposure to the humanities, so your ability to speak of what something like engineering is like is even less than that of an engineer to talk about what humanities students do. engineers do badass shit, and especially at higher levels, it requires a surprising degree of creativity (especially since it's creativity that must also satisfy natural conditions)

>> No.5720057

Honestly, I wish I was better at Mathematics than Literature. Life would be a lot easier I imagine.

>> No.5720063

Bachelor's degrees are in a transition state from delimiters of class membership to certifications of high-skilled vocational training.

As the size of the elite shrinks, petite bourgeois managers who share social perspective are becoming less useful, and technical specialists capable of replacing them with algorithms and networks are becoming more useful.

There is no STEM VS HUMANITIES. There's just a small intra-class struggle over who should share more of the management of the proletariat.

In the end we're all just upper-middle class kids, but society has shifted and will no longer support all of us being upper-middle class. So some of us will have to be downgraded.

Rather than creating a Leninist class of would-be petite bourgeois to lead a revolution, this will probably just create a bunch of neurotic alcoholics.

>> No.5720081


>not being both

You're small time baby.


>> No.5720334

>who would want to be a fucking engineer when you could be a successful author?

You've answered your own question here

>> No.5720510

>because it's autistic as shit to talk about math
>caring about that
Your uncle needs to find similarly minded friends with whom he can sperg out.

This is assuming that he's actually doing academia and contributing to maths, and not just being a statistics/quant monkey for some finance firm.

>> No.5720525


>> No.5720544

>Not being /sci/ AND /lit/
Plebs, all of you.

>> No.5720562

Do you even fucking know what that word means? If English isn't your first language, leave.

>> No.5720578

>we will never have /phil/ and /hist/
>even if we did get /hist/ it would become /pol/ 2.0
feel with me

>> No.5720806

i do feel with you anon. I do.

>> No.5722223
File: 306 KB, 600x450, 1415584731484.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


well said

>> No.5722308
