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4947876 No.4947876[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Sit down and get comfy
An AMA with John Green


>tfw he made his username thesoundandthefury

>> No.4947880

God damn you people.

>> No.4947883

I didn't know aeroplanes had WiFi. Already learned something from Almighty John.

>> No.4947889
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They don't.

It's not permitted.

He's crashing the plane.

>> No.4947947

I honestly don't understand what you faggots have against this guy. Sure, he's a total and utter pleb, but he seems nice and harmless. His crash course vids are nice if a bit shallow, and his vlog stuff is sort of engaging.

Baffled by /lit/ yet again.

>> No.4947952


We want bottom selling authors.

>> No.4947955

I'm not sure what him being "nice" has to do with anything, but he sure isn't harmless considering his influence and fandom.

>> No.4947960

"I mean, I do spend a lot of time on reddit, if that's what you're asking."

~popular writer with the username 'thesoundandthefury'

This is the state of things.

>> No.4947968

What do you expect him to do with this "influence"? Is he gonna tell his fans to conquer lands in his name or something?

>> No.4947970

He's going to misguide them, teach them that they've learned the basics of something when they haven't (see his Crash Course videos), teach them to think that the argumentative trope of "studies show..." is a valid one when not actually citing the studies or checking the methodology of the studies.

Basically, encouraging non-nuanced, uncritical thinking.

>> No.4947974

long distance flights do

>> No.4947976

In that regard he's not at all different from most sources of information (television, newspapers, youtube) and education (schools, colleges, universities).
Why all the hate towards him specifically?

>> No.4947984

>Well other people suck so everyone should be allowed to suck so calm down lol xD

The world is so fucked

>> No.4947985

I mean, I don't hate him. I think there's more backlash toward him on here because he is the face of writing and reading for a rather large subset of young people when, arguably, engaging with literature as a young person usually means confronting uncomfortable ideas and nuanced thinking.

And, I mean, it's 4chan so...resentment is also a factor.

>> No.4947995

I know that sounds slightly depressing but it would still be better than an author that spends a lot of time on 4chan instead

But think of it like this: reddit is the modern day bon-fire gathering that Homer would have sang to and had his audience

though i fucking hate reddit and would rather 4chan

Don't despair!

>> No.4948006

Pinecone posts on /lit/ though

>> No.4948012

who is Pinecone

>> No.4948015

It's just the whole deal of this writer who is very popular with young people adopting a username "thesoundandthefury" to signal literary familiarity all the while posting on a site which would likely "downvote" and possibly ban the actual William Faulkner.

I don't think Homer would have approved of people participating in bon-fires from a distance. I think Reddit and internet forums in general (including this one) go against most Classical values almost by default. Too much safety, no real risk.

>> No.4948022

Absolutely not what I meant.

If you look carefully at my post, you'll see I used the word "specifically", and I did that in order to indicate that I am talking about John Green himself and the hate he, specifically, receives here in the context of (a) what the other anon said about his influence and fandom, and (b) the general state of things, in which this hate and vitriol can be directed at things that have more influence, or ever other things with the same measure of influence as Green.

I'm not trying to justify him or the potential harm his influence has. I'm just asking why HIM, and not all the other things that influence society in the same manner.

>> No.4948026

>potential harm his influence can cause*

Is this better? Not a native English speaker.

>> No.4948027


John greens books are tales best told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing

>> No.4948033

Ask him to reply to this letter his fans wrote:


>> No.4948048

Pynchon is the greatest American contemporary.

regards bloom

>> No.4948064

gravity rainbow is just as trash as finnegan's and infinity jest

>> No.4948193
