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/lit/ - Literature

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4946939 No.4946939[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/a/ here. What's the literary equivalent of Neon Genesis Evangelion?

>> No.4946945

The Hungry Caterpillar

>> No.4946959

Placing your hand in a blender.

>> No.4946962

It depends on which aspects of NGE you want to focus on.
If you like the apocalyptic/mecha setting, I can't help you much as I'm not huge on sci-fi in literature.

However, if you want a book with extremely flawed characters, dwelling on introspection and hard choices, the list is nearly endless.

>> No.4946987

congratulations on your ability to write a great deal without saying anything.

>> No.4947006

Go back to your chinese cartoons, they are more on your level.

>> No.4947016

But i'm not the OP. I was just making the point that why even both posting if you're not actually going to say anything. If you'd left the text box blank while posting it would have been about as informative as the post you actually submitted.

>> No.4947021

People who try to compare literature to anime do not deserve a straight answer.

>> No.4947022

I'm OP. Everyone here is so mean.

>> No.4947025

Really? Your home board is /a/, surely. Have you ever tried asking for a recommendation on /a/? We're mean, perhaps, but relative to the sperglords on /a/ I don't think we're all that bad.

Also this thread is bait anyway, so what did you expect?

>> No.4947028

/a/ doesn't read books. Unless they're chinese comics.

>> No.4947039

wikipedia page for Neon Genesis Evangelion

>> No.4947044

sorry dude, there aren't any books as "deep" as evangelion, as far as i know

>> No.4947052

I don't know and I have never seen what you speak of.

However the malazan book of the fallen has been called the dragon ball z of fantasy.

Its not very weaboo though and while its not overly literary it is not exactly an easy read either.

>> No.4947061

We get this thread constantly, and it's fucking dumb.
Most of the things that separate Evangelion from most anime are very common in postmodern literature. Whereas most of the things common in anime aren't very common in literature. If you want something that fucks with your head/is oddly formatted and plays with meaning in a Postmodern kind of way try out Thomas Pynchon, though he's probably more similar to revolutionary girl Utena. If you want an ambitious but flawed magnum opus loved on a 4chan board but simultaneously derided on it as shit try Infinite Jest (it also has a bizarre ending if that helps). If you want a story of someone fighting against their fucked up surroundings and responsibilities in a magic realist setting while not being completely morally right themselves try Kafka's novels. These are all as entry level as Evangelion as well. I could go on but I'm not gonna cause this is probably a troll thread, I got shit to get done, and you probably won't read any of these.

>> No.4947113

Can this forced meme be ban/delete worthy?

>> No.4947163


Please yes. Everytime I see it I think
"gr8 b8 m8 I r8 your post 8/8 because it made me ir8"

>> No.4947166

This thread appears here every day and it's completely fucking meaningless, what is the point? Why did you make it? What does "the evangelion of literature" even mean? It's a pretty good mecha show with psychological elements. There's better.

>> No.4947167

Have you not heard the answer enough? Ender's Game

>> No.4947346
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>muh chinese cartoons
>muh chinese comics
>muh chinese this and that
