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4106480 No.4106480[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I translate hentai manga from Japanese to English. I have not left my house in nearly a decade, and I rarely interact with anyone even online (no friends, etc) so I have a hard time creating natural dialogue. Does anyone have any tips to help me improve? I really hope I get a response that's not from a bully.

>> No.4106485

leave your house.

>> No.4106486

it's time

>> No.4106506

Just wow

>> No.4106505

I just want some basic tips on writing natural dialogue. For example what's a normal / sexy way to say "vaginal discharge"?

>> No.4106514

Read other highly regarded translated hentai? Just start fapping to English hentai again.

>> No.4106522

Please be a joke.

>> No.4106524

I consume lot's of media and from my experience it does not help that much in creating your own dialogue. I need help with that.

>> No.4106527

I chuckled.

>> No.4106528 [DELETED] 

P-please go back to /h/ please

>> No.4106529

Get really involve in the hentai your translating, think about what makes each sentence sexy and reconstruct it in English.

>> No.4106532

pretend to be a girl online and have cybersex with people while taking screenshots of what they say for future reference in your work

>> No.4106537
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>I have not left my house in nearly a decade
u...wot. How do you survive? What the fuck is this? Get out of here, man. Go do something meaningful. Fuck, you make me depressed. I mean, we all need our downtime doing unproductive things, but we also need to have some sort of greater motivation. I browse 4chan and shit, sure, but I temper this with doing things that I consider to be actually greatly important. I bet you never even went to college. You need help m8.

>> No.4106538

This thread is brilliant - OP you're fantastic.

>> No.4106541

>a sexy way to say vaginal discharge
I'm... not sure there is one.

>> No.4106545

"pussy juice" has always been a favorite of mine.

And yeah all I can say is read more of anything with dialogue or start talking to people again. Those are my suggestions, I don't need to hear the reasons why you won't do them. There is no magic solution to writing better dialogue (or writing better in general)

>> No.4106547

I'm sometimes amazed at how dumb /lit/ can be.

>> No.4106550

Thanks for the suggestion, I do try to do that, but it's very hard for me to make something sound natural.
I actually do do things that I think are important, for example what I'm doing right now making this thread. It's self improvement. And I never even graduated from middle school let alone college. I dropped out in the 7th grade.
Thank you for the suggestion.
Thanks for the support but you don't need to bully other people.

>> No.4106553


I'm testing his fiction, retard. I'm seeing if he can come up with a well-thought-out response. And on the off chance that he tells the truth, then I say everything in earnest.

>> No.4106556

I'm going to kill you and wear your skin as a suit if you impugn the honour of OP again.

>> No.4106557

>posting on 4chan
Well I never...

>> No.4106558

>I'm testing his fiction, retard.
That is one of the strangest backpedals I've ever seen used on 4chan, congratulations.

>> No.4106561


>I never even graduated from middle school
Implausible fiction. I can't suspend my disbelief.

>> No.4106564

looks like you've got this 4chan shit all figured out

>> No.4106576

You seem to be an okay guy, though. Judging by your attitude, I'd say you probably will find a way of improvement that works best for you.

>> No.4106578


I do. I'm glad you recognize that in me.

>> No.4106580

I couldn't think of a response that would convince you, but I just wanted you to know that your comment made me feel really badly.

>> No.4106584

OP you're great

>> No.4106588


Nah man it's no problem. We all have to improve our fictions. But come on man, that's really shark-jumpy. You'd get your ass arrested for truancy, dude. Couldn't pull it off.

>> No.4106592

Yeah, he's an asshole, don't listen to him. You're awesome, OP. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

>> No.4106594

My mom told everyone she was homeschooling me but really she wasn't.

>> No.4106597

Thread of the year.

>> No.4106598

OP could be older, or perhaps in a country where you don't get arrested for that shit.
I mean, I live in Canada and I've never heard of someone getting arrested for truancy.

>> No.4106599


Well why didn't you just say that, then?

>> No.4106606

He has poor dialogue skills.

>> No.4106611

Because he's the real deal, you foul spawn of a shit-eating frog.

>> No.4106613

What type of hentai you trying to translate? Shoot me some of the fetishes, I might be able to help.

>> No.4106615
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>> No.4106619

So does anyone have another tips? Does "pussy juices" sound natural to you or is there a better word?
There's no real genre in particular, anything from lolicon to guro to vanilla.

>> No.4106618

Hey, OP, you should step outside for a minute and then come back and report to us on the experience. it'll be fun.

>> No.4106621

There's gotta be a certain something trippin' you up, right? Your motivation to post here per-say?

>> No.4106622

Frankly, I like 'vaginal discharge'. It's got a refreshing radicalism to it.

>> No.4106623

Someone from /jp/ whining about bullying.

4chan really does never cease to amaze me.

>> No.4106624

I can't right now my sister is in the kitchen right now and I would need to pass it in order to go outside, plus she would be wondering what I'm doing. I also did go outside recently because I had to move, I just only go out 2-3 per year.

>> No.4106632

He's not whining. He has just made it clear what he does and doesn't want from us as posters within his thread. He has that right, and you're churlish to ignore his wishes.

>> No.4106631

I used to word "brang" because I thought it sounded normal but I got like 3 or 4 comments saying it wasn't. I didn't know it was improper grammar.

>> No.4106633
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>my sister is in the kitchen right now and I would need to pass it in order to go outside

>> No.4106636

I honestly don't even know what Brang means, so I'd probably agree with them.

>> No.4106637

Maybe lose the 'pussy' and just call it juices.

>> No.4106642

As in "Um.. You brang me to the school infirmary"

>> No.4106644


>> No.4106646

Thoughts on "girl-cum?" I've always thought it was weird

>> No.4106650

It's slang for the past tense conjugation of "bring".

>> No.4106654

I think he meant "brought"

OP maybe you should do some distance education/online classes?

>> No.4106659

I think it's a British incorrectism.

>> No.4106656

You are apparently brand new and have no idea what kind of nest of cunts /jp/ actually is.

>> No.4106662

Should be 'you brought me',

By the way, the best way to cure agoraphobia (speaking as somebody who didn't leave the house for seven months once) is to go in steps.. Every day, look out the window. When you're comfortable with that, try sitting in a different room for short periods. Gradually establish the whole house as somewhere you're comfortable with. Then, go sit on the porch. Sit for as long as you can manage, until you feel comfortable. DON'T rush, that'll fuck you up - this process can take a long time - two three months isn't a bad estimate. Gradually, gently push your boundaries.

>> No.4106681

What country do you live in OP?

>> No.4106682

I don't think I have agoraphobia, just social anxiety. However leaving my house would mean I would have to answer to someone where I was going, which keeps me inside. I have snuck out a few times early in the morning to take a walk, however last time I did someone was out walking their dog and as they passed me they said "Good morning" and I didn't know how to respond so I didn't and it made me feel really embarrassed.

>> No.4106683


How have you not killed yourself already?

>> No.4106695

I thought Agoraphobia WAS the fear of being embarrassed in public, thus keeping people inside

>> No.4106697

Well it's more to do with people than being outside though.

>> No.4106700
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>I can't right now my sister is in the kitchen right now and I would need to pass it in order to go outside
That's just an extra thing to report on. C'mon, do it for science!

>> No.4106704

Well, the same method applies. What my therapist did was she drew a triangle. At the top of the triangle, I put the most frightening thing imaginable - so in your case, maybe giving a speech? And, at the bottom, I put the least frightening thing, that is still slightly nerve-wracking - maybe talking on IRC?

The trick is to slowly climb up they pyramid. First, talk to people on IRC completely anonymously, until you're comfortable with that. Then try chatting to somebody on the phone, and so on, until you get to the point where you're talking with ease.

>> No.4106709

My agoraphobia was literally about large spaces. Was fine with people, but clouds, tall buildings, and stars scared the shit out of me.

>> No.4106715

>however last time I did someone was out walking their dog and as they passed me they said "Good morning" and I didn't know how to respond so I didn't and it made me feel really embarrassed.
That's beautiful, OP. If you one day find that you have nothing to live for, remind yourself that you have made a poor depressed soul feel infinitely better about his feeble excuse for "social anxiety"

>> No.4106716

I thought IRC wasn't anonymous?

>> No.4106721

Not sure that's so extreme. I'm pretty normal and I think I've done that a few times- people speaking to you when you don't expect it can be weird, especially when you're concentrating on something else.

The not-leaving-the-house and not-being-able-to-speak-to-own-sister thing is a bit out there, though.

>> No.4106750

>people speaking to you when you don't expect it can be weird, especially when you're concentrating on something else.
I know, and I agree. I've felt the same.

It's just that I find the fact that he didn't know how to respond to "good morning" to be one of the most genuine-sounding depictions I've heard in a long time. Such a simple response, something which is pure impulse to 99% of the English speaking population. It really does wonders for me to hear of such a thing.

>> No.4106759

You chose your handle. You could change it every day if you wanted.

>> No.4107566

>no bully
>>>/jp/ is that way

I'd suggest you start reading drama and lurking irc. In particular Shakespeare and soap opera.

>> No.4107828

Why would Shakespeare help me? I've never read it before, but I don't think that's what I'm looking for. What do you mean by soap operas? Do you have any examples?

>> No.4107836

Is your sister hot? Pics please.

>> No.4107853
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Are you actually too awkward to talk to your own family? That's so wacky.

>> No.4108213
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If you're still around OP, I've always wondered just how accurate are h-manga translations? Is the dialogue collection in this picture accurately translated, or do the translators just come up with the most absurd dialogue they can just for their own entertainment?

>> No.4108237

Are you a giant cockroach OP?

>> No.4108263

It's probably mostly accurate.
Is that supposed to be a reference to The Metamorphosis? I don't understand how me and him are the same at all.

>> No.4108271

^what this guy said

You might have to rewrite some of the rest of the dialogue around it, tone-wise, though.

>> No.4108272

>I translate hentai manga from Japanese to English.

So you're one of those guys who translate the

>my hips are moving on their own!


Is that really the literal/strict translation or just the way some person TLed it and it kind of became de facto?

>> No.4108273

How much time did it take to put that together?

>> No.4108347

What is the problem?

You're having trouble translating hentai figuratively? You're writing something unrelated and need some dialog?

If you're writing a story the ask yourself - how does this dialogue move the story along? The characters are as moronic and stupid as all other people out there for the most part, and thus have nothing to say.

Keep their mouths shut until they one needs to say something that moves things along. Or to show someone who reacts to the first. And so on, but get to the point.

Also, as an exercise, take a short story or scene - of your own or someone else - and eliminate all the non-dialog narrative. Rewrite it completely as pure dialog. Everything, everything the reader needs to know, has to be said by a character. Now don't be brainlessly ham-fisted with this, try to make the conversation flow naturally. So you'll have to suggest or hint a little, rather than describe. You'll probably find you have to cut out quite a bit. For that last, keep in mind, your readers have an imagination of their own. Use that to get around clogging, clunky, details.

>> No.4108354

>The characters are as moronic and stupid as all other people out there for the most part, and thus have nothing to say.

>Keep their mouths shut until they one needs ...

Ouch. See what I mean?

>> No.4108376


That was just something I came across while browsing /a/. It may be hard to believe, but there are some versions that are about two to three times the size of the one I posted.

>> No.4108406

Sometimes more literal translation would be "my hips are moving selfishly" and sometimes "my hips cannot stop moving" depending on the sentence.
I'm not writing something myself, I'm trying to make the translated dialogue seem natural in English. I can make a literal translation, but the problem is localizing it to make it sound normal. Your suggestion doesn't really help me because my question was how to make natural dialogue and your answer is
>try to make the conversation flow naturally
which is what I'm having a problem with and asking for tips on.

>> No.4108469

>comes to lit
>asks to not be bullied
/lit/ is a board dedicated to 100% non-stop trolling and abuse.
Just a friendly heads-up.

>> No.4108537

ITT /lit/ gets to practice feeling superior to a troll

>> No.4108580

Shakespeare is all 5 act plays conveyed _entirely_ through dialogue.

Dialogue mate.


Download some BBC or last 20 year adaptions.

I suggest starting with romantic comedies.

Soap Operas:
All My Circuits
Days of our Lives

>> No.4108634

>Knocking on the door of my baby factory
is still one of my favorites.

>> No.4108654

>yer advise be invalid

Unleash the bullies!

>> No.4108710

post pic fatgot

>> No.4108734

I didn't think it was bad advice, just not good for my situation, I'm sorry.

>> No.4108898

If you think some regular interaction would help OP I could leave my email for you.

>> No.4109549

I really dislike talking to normalfags so I'll have to pass sorry.

>> No.4109571

>tfw OP still hasn't gone outside and reported on his experiences

Disappointing stuff, man.

>> No.4109595

I have no desire to go outside. What would I gain from it?

>> No.4109602

that's what i fantasize about doing if i was rich, i'd just stay inside my condo never have to talk to anybody

>> No.4109610

A fascinating story to tell /lit/, obviously.

>> No.4109612

>I translate hentai manga from Japanese to English. I have not left my house in nearly a decade, and I rarely interact with anyone even online (no friends, etc) so I have a hard time creating natural dialogue. Does anyone have any tips to help me improve? I really hope I get a response that's not from a bully.

I hope you at least get paid for this shit. If not, kill yourself.

>> No.4109615

you can tell us what it's like out there.

>> No.4109626


I've got hundreds of them.


>> No.4109642

This shit is gold.

>> No.4109769

Why would I get paid? It's pretty much piracy.

>> No.4109787
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Thanks for posting this.

>> No.4109814

Hey, OP, can you write a story about your crazy otaku life?

>> No.4110799

It's not very crazy.

>> No.4112822

>>dropped out in the 7th grade
How have you managed to get a job?
Have have you managed to live this long?
You're living the dream OP share with me your wisdom.

>> No.4113270

>not going out in years and being unable to speak even to close family members
That's pretty wacky, yo.

>> No.4113292

OP is obviously working on a character

>> No.4113304

I have never had a job, I just live with my mom.

>> No.4113335

brush her teeth

>> No.4113352

have you sexed your mom yet?

>> No.4113860

So you only want to create a dialog that seems natural without relying on something like common sense?

If so, then maybe you can try to read some article about dialog simulation or conversational agents used in AI computing, how artificial intelligence listen to you and make an appropriate respond (like this one "http://www.pbs.org/speak/ahead/technology/").).

You do not need to understand the computing part of the articles you read, just try to understand the logic of these systems and use it to simulate the natural dialog you want.

>> No.4113942

have you tried strengthening your own speaking skills first? Maybe you should watch some TV shows, see how normal conversational dialogue flows and improve your own through that.

If worse comes to shove, maybe you can practice by chatting on omegle or something. I'm assuming you're not nervous unless it's face to face.

>> No.4114651

>says this
>says his life is not very crazy

>> No.4114716

this thread this glorious thread

>> No.4114772

That is the book you need to read. You are very similar to him. It will help you improve yourself.

>> No.4114792

I have read it already. I don't see the similarities. The main difference being that he wants to leave his house and he is miserable, I am not.

>> No.4114802

you may feel adequate (that is, not suicidal), but you need vitamin d and exercise to feel good. nobody talks to people when they're running, you should try that

>> No.4114809

I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. Tears formed in my eyes. I'm going to make this my Cover Photo.

>> No.4114813

Thank you so much.

>> No.4114893

I take vitamin D supplements and do squats sometimes.

>> No.4114977

Looks like your life is sorted then.
You have seemingly held up remarkably well emotionally in your 10 years of solitude.

>> No.4115640

man if you spent a decade without goin out you should probably change your approach to the problem
but maybe you are perfectly ok with your life. if that´s the case, good for you

>> No.4115696

Yeah I don't know how I missed it.

Also top lel at people trying to convince OP to leave his house. /lit/ of all people should know there isn't anything inherently positive about functioning in society, especially destructive ones.

>> No.4115728

I'd say being able to communicate with other humans is more fun than not being able to, meself. Also I imagine OP's family are worried sick.

>> No.4115731

>implying "functioning in society" is the only thing you can do out there

lol brainwashed faggot

>> No.4115732

Fun is subjective. Plus internet.

>> No.4115735

>fun is subjective

>> No.4115741

What else can you do?

It was your defense, not mine.

>> No.4115774

you can appreciate new aesthetic stimuli, I think we all already know that life has no meaning and that not being a functioning part of society doesn´t automatically make you miserable or more miserable than the others, but OP talked about self-improving so maybe he isn´t 100% satisfied with his life, oder?

>> No.4115787

> I think we all already know that life has no meaning

No. /lit/ is not populated by edgy teenagers who are just like you. Sorry to burst your bubble.

>> No.4115817

Then what do you think the meaning of life is? You don't have to be an edgy teenager to accept that life is meaningless.

>> No.4115834
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You can download or order all the aesthetic stimuli you'd ever need from the internet. The only reason I'd ever leave the house willingly would be to travel and see something really cool like pic related.

You don't have to accept that life is meaningless to stay indoors either. Maybe life has too much meaning and it's overwhelming. The only thing I'd expect /lit/ to agree on is that there are many ways to live. If you preach individualism you have to go all the way.

>> No.4115919

Fun is just a buzzword.

>> No.4116101

My family doesn't care, and I am communicating with other humans right now.
Is anyone 100% satisfied with their lives? I came here for something pretty basic like help with a hobby that I have. That doesn't mean I hate my life.

>> No.4116141

Your /v/ is showing.

>> No.4116339

>Is anyone 100% satisfied with their lives
dunno man, does it matter? nobody said that you hate your life, as nobody says that your way of living is wrong, no need to be so defensive, maybe you are also a happier person than me, I found you interesting so I was just trying to talk not to judge you or teach you how to live, sorry for the off-topic

btw I´m not this guy >>4115728, but communicating IRL is a different thing than doin it through the internet, stuff like
>You can download or order all the aesthetic stimuli you'd ever need from the internet
is complete bullshit, you could say that internet is not worse than real life or a good replacement but you cannot say that they are the same thing

>> No.4116349

The post with the salt-flat wasn't OP, it was moi.

>> No.4116397

I wasn't trying to be defensive, I was replying to someone else who said that maybe I wasn't satisfied with my life 100% and I was just trying to illustrate that most people aren't and I'm not any different. In terms of communication online is different in real life, well technically it is, but the majority of it is the same. At the core, communicating is just exchanging ideas, which you can do online, and in most of the same ways you can do it in real life. There are pros and cons to either, however I think it's mostly the same. I think you are trying hard to be open, but you still come off as playing into societal norms a little too much, if that makes sense. The internet isn't necessarily a replacement for real life, because it's part of real life. I remember talking to a guy once who said the only way someone can be happy is by having a job and knowing you are being a productive member of society, and I told him I get the same feeling from playing an MMO that he gets from a hard days work. He thought I was full of shit. I don't know where I was really going with that, and this post wasn't meant to be defensive, more explanatory, sorry if it came off that way. I have nothing to really defend because I think for the most part I am happy with my life.

>> No.4116432

I love it when people think "the real world" isn't analogous to an MMO. Wage labor/competitive education system/etc. is more akin to an MMO than even regular RPG's are.

>> No.4116921

>It was your defense, not mine.
Yeah, and I'm wondering why you think 'fun is subjective' undermines it.

>> No.4116953

You sound like a hardcore neckfag.