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/lit/ - Literature

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3321899 No.3321899 [Reply] [Original]

I want to read a novel that features the de/reconstruction of a popular motif/theme/whatever in a way that blows my mind away.

To give you an idea: In the domain of animation Neon Genesis Evangelion and Panty & Stockings are reconstructions of Christian motifs in the manner I have in mind.

So, suggestions please.

>> No.3321917

shut the fuck up, you don't know waht those words mean

>> No.3321926



>> No.3321931

Don't say words you don't understand. True smart people are able to communicate even the most complex ideas in the simplest terms. Only pretentious pseudointellectual douchebags use big words to appear smarter.

>> No.3321932


What do they mean, then?



>> No.3321934

Infinite Jest is a deconstruction of bad literature.

>> No.3321935

If you don't get it, mate, you haven't read the NT in a concordance mode.

>> No.3321936

Shut the fuck up. SHUT THE FUCK UP. Don't fucking look at me, man. That's right, bitch. Say that shit to my face. What then, motherfucker. Huh? HUH? I thought so, bitch.

>> No.3321941


I don't get it. Enlighten me.

>> No.3321945

i hope you're like 15 years old

>> No.3321952

A really really common reading of the NT is that it deconstructs The Law and reconstructs it in Christ. At the level of text, metaphor, man's relationship with god, etc. etc.

Matt 5:17 is a within text clue "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil." KJV

>> No.3321988


What's "The Law"?

>> No.3321989

Eva reconstructs... Christain... What the fuck are you talking about?

Anyway read some Discworld. Guards Guards singlehandedly takes apart (and then puts back together) dragons, cop stories, million-to-one chances, the power of the written word, and a bunch of other shit. This series is dope.

>> No.3321992


This is what I meant by reconstruction:


Is it wrong?

>> No.3322035

Read the OT. You'll need a reading guide, an exegesis, and an annotated version.