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23212924 No.23212924 [Reply] [Original]

Guenon fails to take human nature into account, the reign of quantity and the signs of the times is basically a tirade againt Guenon's personal inability to get with the times and embrace change, imagine if everybody had done what Guenon's suggests in the book, we wouldn't have the internet, major advances in Genomics and medical science, clean water for billions, the Nissan GTR, Neon Genesis Evangelion and Metallica. Would we all live in a village and grow our own food and happy to do so, dying at the ripe age of 40? probably, but for how long? Boredom and the drive to reach for the stars is inbuilt into our programming, for better or for worse.

>> No.23212932

4/10, will receive responses.

>> No.23212956

Never listen to a man named René

>> No.23212995
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>be me, a modern tech-savvy philosopher
>decides to dive into René Guénon's "The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times"
>expecting a chill read about how everything used to be better in the old days
>instead, gets hit with the metaphysical equivalent of "back in my day, we walked uphill both ways in the snow"
>Guénon starts off with "modern world? more like MODERN WORST"
>me, sitting in my smart home, surrounded by IoT devices, feeling personally attacked
>he's all about the spiritual over the material, saying we lost our way chasing the latest iPhone release
>can't help but glance guiltily at my collection of slightly outdated tech gadgets
>Guénon goes hard on traditional values, like a spiritual grandpa
>says we should return to ancient wisdom, kinda makes sense until he suggests my smartwatch is the reason I feel empty inside
>starts questioning if my microwave really does bring me closer to enlightenment
>he's not all about that modern progress, says it's basically quantity over quality
>meanwhile, I'm here thinking about how many more episodes of "Ancient Aliens" I can binge in one sitting
>"Is Guénon suggesting I won't find spiritual fulfillment in Season 12?" I ponder, deeply offended
>decides to take his advice, try to connect with my inner traditionalist
>turns off all electronic devices, attempts to meditate or something
>lasts exactly 2 minutes before I'm bored out of my mind
>realizes my drive to reach for the stars might just be coded into my millennial DNA, or maybe I just really like WiFi
>tries to imagine a world as Guénon wants it, where we're all happy growing our own food and dying young of boredom
>pictures self in a village, living the simple life, no internet, no memes, no Metallica
>a single tear rolls down my cheek as I whisper, "Enter Sandman" to the uncaring cosmos
>comes to the conclusion that maybe Guénon has a point somewhere in there
>but also realizes that perhaps there's a middle ground where I can keep my tech and still find some deeper meaning
>decides to start small, like using my smartwatch to remind me to meditate or something
>Guénon might be onto something, but I'll take my enlightenment with a side of WiFi, thanks

>> No.23213031
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>> No.23213164

>we wouldn't have Neon Genesis Evangelion or Metallica
the horror

>> No.23213171
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>> No.23213775
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we need less things

>> No.23215382

I’ll take strawman for $200, Alex


>> No.23215608
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>> No.23215615

No we just need foids to stop being whores

>> No.23216799
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1. I don't see why spirituality and technology have to be divorced from progressing together. psychokinetic abilities should be researched and enhanced with tech. >>23213775
too much stuff most certainly weighs us down, >>23215615 as does being hedonistic nihilists.

2. Human nature seeks novelty, the rain and flowers and wild animals and ghosts no longer captivate us. We have world wars and gadgets and endless entertainment, now THAT is novel.

>> No.23216824

an AI wrote this.
we're doomed