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/lit/ - Literature

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23153803 No.23153803 [Reply] [Original]

Here's my current list for the year. I've been slacking

- D̶o̶ A̶n̶d̶r̶o̶i̶d̶s̶ D̶r̶e̶a̶m̶ O̶f̶ E̶l̶e̶c̶t̶r̶i̶c̶ S̶h̶e̶e̶p̶
- A̶ S̶c̶a̶n̶n̶e̶r̶ D̶a̶r̶k̶l̶y̶
- Negative Space
- Lolita
- Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea
- Ubik
- Dune
- The Book of the New Sun (finish series, I read the first book already)
- The Elementary Particles

>> No.23154059
File: 370 KB, 1400x2257, Gardens-of-the-Moon-3929460653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read gardens of the moon. It was okayish.

>> No.23154121

The Hawkline Monster

>> No.23154174

snow crash

>> No.23154210

Finish BotNS. Throw Dune in the trash (or give it to your 13 year old nephew).

>> No.23154256

Okay anon, read Dandelion Wine, The Jungle Book and War & Peace. Don't be afraid of W & P, it's actually an easy read and very engaging.

>> No.23154288

lol okay. BOTNS is very very good, someone irl told me I have to read Dune but it would probably the last book I got to on that list.
this looks lame
aahh I probably should read classic literature but anything pre-ww2 comes off as super boring to me. noted these down anyway, I want to eventually get into writing but should read at least 100 books before trying anything serious and classics are obviously good homework

>> No.23154358

Dune is fine, people are on hating spree because of the new movie.
You might dig Hyperion as well.

>> No.23154363

Piranesi is a good contemporary nightcap to SFF after you finish BotNS. I can't rec any other fantasy unless you like it written by women and doing things gin and tequila do to men and women differently. Robin Hobb and Diana Wynne Jones's Castle trilogy. In that order. You're going to need something light after Hobb if you read Farseer.

Then you can just focus on literature and go back to Tolkien and he sagas from time to time.

>> No.23154382

Where'd you hear about Negative Space? I just today came across it while looking for "hauntology" literature.

>> No.23154535

mentioned offhandedly in a tv thread, it piqued my interest. I'm just realizing it's very much contemporary which could be cool if it's actually good

>> No.23154729

Gormenghast trilogy

>> No.23155404

Good advice.

>> No.23155713

Did you like the book of the new sun?

>> No.23155760

The series gets better

>> No.23155873

Ok thanks, I'll continue with the series.

>> No.23156040

have only read the shadow thus far, it's incredible

>> No.23156441


>> No.23156565

Is the Book of the New Sun good? I usually don't read sci-fi but the concept sounds interesting

>> No.23156742

This, I just don't get all the hate the book have since the movies. You guys would hate anything as long as it's remotely popular just because of your pathetic secret club mentality. Grow up.
It's amazing, one of the best genre novels ever. Stay away from anything that might give you clues about what's going on in that world, the world building is like a puzzle

>> No.23157271
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Last Book in the Universe by Rodman Philbrick

It's a kids book, but that really doesn't matter. Nice quick sci fi read with a really cool premise.

>> No.23157346

the worst part about the dunc movie was how it's enabled the kneejerk contrarians as if enjoying something popular were a grave sin.

>> No.23159035

Try Laurus. I recently read The Elementary Particles, and it's very cynical and heavy, and despite its dry wit it does often take the tragedies it deals with seriously. Laurus, a hagiographic novel about the life of a medieval Orthodox man, is also contemporary and deeply enjoyable, but its exquisite beauty and fervent religious preoccupation may serve as a bit of a balm after the blows of The Elementary Particles. A Protestant myself, I don't agree with the text's ideas of salvation, but I adore it as a parable rich with love and passion.

>> No.23159531

looks cool actually. I think kids books are nice reads because they're so light and can usually be read in an afternoon
noted, ty! I'm not religious myself but I think stories incorporating those themes are usually really beautiful, that's why I'm such a fan of Philip K. Dick's work. I'm aware of how bleak The Elementary Particles is supposed to be but from what I've heard I think it will speak to me.