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/lit/ - Literature

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22963903 No.22963903 [Reply] [Original]

What books do consoomers read?

>> No.22963907

stephen king
ya fantasy

>> No.22963922

Can someone tell me what all these figurines might cost?

>> No.22963934 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22963946

Having a book collection is the same thing as a having a funko pop collection. It's the same energy. Stop fooling yourself. This is why real men own e-readers.

>> No.22963963

It depends. The problem isn't in collecting itself, but rather, in the aesthetics of it. Collecting ugly things is a sign of a poor spirit.

>> No.22963990


back of napkin math here, 27 figures per shelf x 36 shelves, $11 (generously cheap) makes it around $7200

>> No.22964006

They buy folio society editions and then buy cheap paperbacks of the same book only to not read either and watch a YouTube video about it instead.

>> No.22964048

I partly agree with you in that it's important not to totally disregard the aesthetic sense of your home. But I don't personally see why a book collection should be physically beautiful -- primarily it should be functional, the books that are cheapest, easiest to access, easiest to make notes in, even if they're scrappy old paperbacks. The books themselves might be beautiful but the covers don't have to be, unless you can afford them. And even then, books with beautiful covers like Folio Society might make a nice ornament but in my experience tend to be too unwieldy for reading.
This is also why I despise all the bookstagram accounts because the people who do them seem like complete posers, even when the books they're posting are good. Reading is not so much about the external fashion aesthetic but the internal aesthetic of the mind.

>> No.22964060

I noticed the little guinness records logo so I looked it up.
>The largest collection of Funko Pop! figurines is 8,002 items, achieved by Paul Scardino (USA), in Stephens City, Virginia, USA, on 3 December 2023.
>Paul re-claims this record, having first achieved the record in December 2018 with 4,475 items. Most of the figurines are out of their boxes and neatly displayed in Paul's home.
He doubled his collection in 5 years. Saw another article about another dude whose collection was over 1 million usd when he had something around 7000 funkos. This exceeds the loathed funkowall, it's a funkohouse.

>> No.22964106

The Horus Heresy
It might not be the worst thing ever written but there's no way 50+ book series about the lore behind a toy line is good.

>> No.22964131


>> No.22964138

>This is why real men own e-readers.
enjoy your EMP and/or bitrot

>> No.22964141

No it isn’t, because those books have actual value in them besides pop culture fun. A book can actually improve the human mind and soul, an adult toy for show can’t. Books deserve more respect than that, all human knowledge from the past rests in them.

>> No.22964213
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extremely grim

>> No.22964223

Brendon Sanderson

>> No.22964360

YA novels

>> No.22964369

This, only normies collect books on a shelf to show off to other normies, it is totally vain

>> No.22965053

Nothing. You'd be surprised how little manchildren and consoomers read. When they do read it's usually bland slop or a book that's doing the rounds on social media, for example 1984. Both of these books usually end up not being read past the first few pages

>> No.22965060

Silence, overzealous iPad babies.

>> No.22965115

I've found that the physicality of real books helps with remembering information.

>> No.22965310

I have a consoomer weeb friend. He buys tons of shit that he doesn't even use, collects figurines (including funko pops), board games that he'll never play because he has no irl friends and some other shit. He's in some heavy debt because of his addiction and can't save any money. He collects and reads Mangas, but I don't consider illustrated books for manchildren as genuine literature.

One time he posted his Jo Nesbo book collection on the group chat. Said that he's only got two left to have the whole thing or something like that. I was really surprised and asked him what does he think about his books.

He said that he doesn't even read them, and that he doesn't really like reading books. When I asked him why does he buy them, he said that they look good on the shelf, and maybe he'll read them in the future.

So, I'm guessing that consumers just buy the current bestsellers that they'd find on the front page of Amazon or something, and then shelve them.

>> No.22965381

Massive cope

>> No.22965475

I have a consoomer friend and his habits are quite similar. He has some graphic novels and mangas on a shelf that he mainly has too look at the pictures therein. He doesn't read at all, he just watches movies, entire TV series and plays videogames. I think he has a box set of LOTR that he's never once opened.

>> No.22965494
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Its not cringe if you have actually read them all

>> No.22965748
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I've been called a consoomer a lot. In my defense, I pirate a lot of stuff and despise Funko figures. I only buy stuff I really love and will read more than once. I mostly enjoy reading
>ya, especially Sci fi and fantasy
>Sci fi

>> No.22965752

>>ya, especially Sci fi and fantasy
>>Sci fi
I literally vomited. What the fuck is wrong with you? OUT OF MY BOARD NOW!

>> No.22965753

Poorfags have been seething with this cope since the printing press kek

>> No.22965755

I am what I am, as Popeye once said

>> No.22965762
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>> No.22965948

The printing press made books available to the middle class and poor; there's no need for them to seethe now that they don't need to pay for the labor of a hand-transcribed and illuminated manuscripts.

>> No.22966839

what if i need to have three books open at once?

>> No.22966954

I am getting less convinced that your posts are elaborate bait. I implore you to read something harder than what is on your shelf. You don't even have to switch genre's, there are plenty of heroic fantasy and sci fi books that are fantastic. You are missing out on what your hobby has to offer, I used to be like you in my teens, it does get better if you let it.

>> No.22966988

did you do a school mandated book report on a book like those?

i remember on 2000's forums people admitted to doing reports in school about star wars eu novels so much it became a meme

>> No.22967078

No I kept my interests to myself. I always did book reports on stuff that was more socially acceptable. Any time someone asked what I liked to read, I lied.
I'm 28

>> No.22967300

Ready Player One
Sword & sorcery novels that may as well have been generated by ChatGPT
Novelizations of movies and vidya games

>> No.22968210

My absurdly large collection of books is for my family's use. From my children's home schooling to anyone wanting to learn about third positionist theory and anyone in between.

>> No.22968266

are there even 7,000 different funkos. desu i don't want to know.

>> No.22968989

I hate e-readers, but books are too expensive where i live, is it over for me?

>> No.22968992

upvoted. paper books are wasteful and bad for the environment.

>> No.22969008

e-reader, smartphone, and laptop

>> No.22969118

>paper books are wasteful and bad for the environment
How many hours of electricity are wasted with someone reading an ebook? Compare that to the one-and-done printing of a book. Yeah, it's no contest.
Did you ever notice that people who like physical books don't really much of a problem with ereader people, but the inverse isn't true? I think we should start having a problem with digital books, because they seem to all just want problems.
Yeah, I know, you're just making a joke, but you've now become the representation for it. Fuck people who read ebooks, I can't wait for the Carrington Event to ruin your hard drives while all my physical books are safe and sound. I will be able to recall information, while you won't be able to recall shit because you won't have access to the internet or text files. :)

>> No.22969311

Joke's on you skrub. I buy the physical books I like after I read them on Kindle. Best of both worlds mafucka.

>> No.22969350

>people who like physical books don't really much of a problem with ereader people
>Fuck people who read ebooks,

>> No.22969355

heckin valid tbdesu

>> No.22969618

sounds hellish

>> No.22969854

prepare for onions overload

>> No.22969877

> redditor makes a post on 4chan
the post

>> No.22969945

Stop being poor.

>> No.22970056

I'm a data hoarder and have about 4.5TB of books.
...are you "merely pretending to be retarded" or what?

>> No.22970058

There's plenty of characters better than mine. Mine was specially useful.

>> No.22970474

usually don't post on /lit/ and for some reason found myself here today, so I'd probably count as a casual consoomer of literature.
Basically most of the "books" I read are webnovels / webfiction on royalroad or something.

>> No.22970525

My friend is a consoomer, he and his gf read YA fantasy and stuff by Robin Hobb.

>> No.22970660

it takes more energy just to ship the books to the store than the kindle uses

>> No.22970832

This would only be the same if funko man played with his toys for an equal amount of time as it takes to read a bookshelf

>> No.22972335

The Martian

>> No.22973007

Cope. Minimalism is cringe and another cope for being zoomed brained.

>> No.22973044


>> No.22973059

why is it that funkopop collectors always looke like this? obesse with glasses and full beard, i swear they are the reason why i dont find beards masculine anymore

>> No.22973078

other than star wars expanded universe stuff or shitty manga they dont read shit, which explains how retarded they are, they are the reason all those "ending of x movie eplaied" even exists because even the reterded slop they consume its too much for their brains to process so they need some else to state the obvious for them

>> No.22973139

lots of incredibly shitty modern fantasy like a court of roses and thorns

>> No.22973189

Because millennials make every choice in their lifestyle based on popular media while still suffering from aging/their inherent laziness. That's how you get 35 year old dudes who grow a beard bcus it makes them look like a warrior who don't do anything to maintain their body because millennials can only be passive in their pursuits. Perhaps only the glasses aren't a result of such a faggy life if you don't blame overconsumption of videogames.

>> No.22973192

Physiognomy. Funko collectors look like this because how they carry themselves is a reflection of how they treat others and what value they give themselves, which is very little. Pay close attention to EVERY part of his person.

>glasses because either his eyesight is totally crap or his eyes are fine, but he thinks glasses make him look smart
>a beard because his jawline is lousy so he grows out his facial hair to hide his imperfections, but he doesn't care about actually maintaining his beard so it looks shitty
>a t-shirt because he values comfort and what's familiar and easy rather than try something new or different

He's exactly as he presents himself. An unmotivated/lazy manchild who doesn't love himself or other people, and places all of his value in material objects because he hasn't been truly happy since he was very young. He values things being easy and low-effort, so he will buy the easiest thing in the easiest way possible all while his body gets worse and worse.

>> No.22973401

Manga, except by reading them they mean watching the anime and buying the manga as merch

>> No.22973437

Based DC and marvelchad

>> No.22973573

that cover is A tier

>> No.22973798

unfortunately the book isn't

>> No.22973801

Enjoy being homeless

>> No.22974065

the glasses are too. if they cared about their appearance, they would wear contacts.

>> No.22974297

I almost never see normies using e-readers.
The only time I see people reading anything in public it's a £10 vanity-brick.

>> No.22974315

>home school

>> No.22974389


>> No.22974703

you sound like a deranged poltard waiting for nukes to drop or
>Carrington Event
or any other unrealistic event happening.
First you must learn that NOTHING EVER HAPPENS.
After you internalize the two axioms of life you also might understand that it makes absolutely no fucking difference where you read your midwit shit on. A normal individual will have both.

>> No.22974708

All those garbage books for 40 year old women that clog up the bookstore so you can never find anything interesting.

>> No.22974719

A physical book is a more pleasant reading experience, main problem is it takes up space on a shelf.

>> No.22974736

You could argue that e-reader owners most likely pay on average more for books than physical copy readers. This is first assuming most e-reader users pay for their books rather than finding epub. Most books can be found second hand or cheaper elsewhere compared to their digital counterparts. I’ve seen large bookstores filled to the brim with cheap books ranging from a quarter to normal prices. This isn’t speaking to the quality of the text but rather the availability of pre-existing physical books. Thoughts on this?

>> No.22974741

Not the anon you replied to, but:
1) most people buyt their books new, buying used books is mostly done by extremely avid readers and poorfags
2) Everyone I know who has an e-reader just pirates their books.

>> No.22974754

They love anything Lovecraftian buy have never read the works of HP Lovecraft with maybe a lot of Stephen King but his more modern releases not the cool 80s titles where he was high on cocaine and alcohol all the time


Funkeos have no value at all and just sit there gathering dust with books you can at least develop your vocabulary better or learn to appreciate some sort of art form

>> No.22974898

glasses are fine. His beard is fine. T-shirts are fine, he's in his own house.

I bet he body mogs you too. Wouldn't even be suprised if he has a good job and a nice nerdy wife.

>> No.22974904

I resold some DC funkos for 130 usd

>> No.22975159

>if they cared about their appearance, they would risk an eye infection

>> No.22975175

you only get eye infections from contacts if you're a lazy slob

>> No.22975652

Are funko pops just NFTs for the tech illiterate?