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22783352 No.22783352 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any similar characters to Fang Yuan in western lit?

>> No.22783357


>> No.22783360

Glanton from Blood Meridian unironically

>> No.22783473

Why are pre-established, mature and intelligent characters so rare in fiction? I am so desperate for a literal intelligent senior citizen main character in any book.

>> No.22783535

Because western lit has been raped by the christian influence and moralfaggotry and “turn the other cheek” mentality has been fused into every single main character and moral point of the every story. Can you image the heights western fiction would reach if christianity never happened? There would be so many unique, stories with characters with different moral frameworks and wisdom, there would be no preachy “message” at the end of every novel about being a good goy and letting enemies rape your women because violence is bad, and most importantly there would be no woke tranny shit that is direct consequence of christianity

>> No.22783579

there's "The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared."
I've never read it before

>> No.22783591

It's literally normie core

>> No.22783600

This what drove to towards Chinese fantasy literature.

Western fantasy: protagonist, that helped by remote elderly powerful figure (mage, god, etc), meets bandits that want to kill him and rob. He easily overcome them with magic sword and let them live, because he CAN NOT BE LIKE THEM. And this bullshit everywhere - movies, tv series, comics. Well comics about heroes especially, they all based on that.

Meanwhile - Chinese fantasy protagonist. Lucky to find material belonging and knowledge of people past, build himself from roots to level of omnipotent god in power and knowledge. Trying to elevate his clan, family on same level. He meets opponents - here you get 20-chapter longs story of him trying to escape for sake of his life, overcoming his own limits and return to take revenge later on whole clan, or he just killing bandits without remorse. No pity for who seek death.

There is no turning of the other cheek - there is strike back. There is search in help, there is one man power and his will to go through, to build himself.

>> No.22783611

Nice try, RI hater. You made it all too obvious though. Next time, make it a little more subtle, like one or two words wrong.

>> No.22783619

Your criticism is a generalization.
And the powerlevfaggotry and dicksucking of the Chinese protagonist is the dregs of storytelling, no better than pornographic schlock.

>> No.22783680

Its not generalization when 99% of western fantasy is le good vs bad and good wins in the end. There is not a single instance where main character rapes a woman or beheads a peasant just because he wants to. Why not? Its a fantasy, not real life, why can’t the protagonist be insane? Because even if the author is atheist, christcuckery is so deeply imbued in his soul and he can’t even fathom that morally ambiguous or straight up evil character might be interesting.

>> No.22783693

Are you stupid, or just retarded?

>> No.22783706

Worse, he's jewish.

>> No.22783712

I’m not the one who worships jewish god, christcuck.

>> No.22783717

Jews hate chinks, retard.

>> No.22783720

Name three (3) acclaimed works of western fantasy where protagonist is morally grey/evil

>> No.22783729
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>BRO imagine how much GOOD CONTENT we would have to consume if Christ did not strictly define good and evil
this might be the most pathetic pagan/atheist (same thing) cope yet

>> No.22783751

there is no cope man, christian god doesn’t exist. christ was a charismatic jew who started his own cult that spread and tainted the western world. the ideas of christianity are silly and retarded and that retardation spilled over in the western literature and ruined it. I know you don’t even believe in christian god yourself, you just hate trannies and whores and niggers so you cling to conservative institutions like christian church and play pretend christian on the internet. I’m telling you man, western world would be so much more intellectually developed without christianity

>> No.22783758

What's the point of reading chinaslop when you can just read the Odyssey. Odysseus already does all yhe hecking crafty things that this shit jerks over.
But honestly that kind of writing isn't unique to Chinese stuff. It's everywhere in Western historical/fantasy fiction. I remember reading Bernard Cornwell and all of his books have this sort of deal going on with them.

>> No.22783777

The best thing about fuang yang is that he sacrifices others indiscriminately for his sake.

>> No.22783779

How does one start reading wuxia? I've been meaning to read Reverend Insanity for some time.

Ah yes, the "jewish" God who was persecuted by jews and who followers persecuted them 2000 years thereafter. Are you perchance one of those pajeets the JIDF hires?
Read his post again mate, he's trying to derail the thread.
You can look for your "morally grey" protagonist in the next TV-slop trying to replicate GoT, the truth is that the reading medium is inherently orderly.

>> No.22783793

Who caught the bad end of a jewish factional dispute and whose followers let jews into their homelands as imperfected followers of the faith to run banking and cultural institutions you mean.

>> No.22783811

>How does one start reading Wuxia? I've been meaning to read Reverend Insanity for some time.
Wuxia or Xianxia?
Wuxia is basically those old chinese movies with little magic and more martial arts. For this, I would recommend the Jin Yong novels.
Xianxia on the other hand, is when the protagonist is trying to surpass mortal boundaries to become Immortal, usually involving him becoming a literal divine being. For this, Martial World or Er Gen novels. A Record of A Mortal's Journey to Immortality is good too, but excruciatingly slow. The best two are undoubtedly Lord of Mysteries and Reverend Insanity.

>> No.22783815

>Lucky to find material belonging and knowledge of people past, build himself from roots to level of omnipotent god in power and knowledge
This seem inaccurate in my experience. Chinese protagonists, and in general asian protagonists, tend to be the chosen one.

>> No.22783826
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>Nice try, RI hater.
What? I loved RI. It was quite 7.9/10 for me.

But there are few flaws that repented me for first try or bored:
Change of FY during his "Strength" phase in character and image.
Long dragging in "Strength - Zombie" part.
Attempt to include connection between real life and novel with that "Steal gu" master. Fuck that. Never break 4th wall.

Also - it's clearly that there was setup for Fang Yuan to fuck Bai Ning Bing, but author just didn't do it - so ruined such gay suspense.

YES. THIS IS GENEREALIZATION. Because I’m describing not just a genre, but genres from different cultures. How i do it without generalization? I'm not going to bring a fucking list of westerns and chines novels and compere them.

>There is not a single instance where main character rapes a woman or beheads a peasant just because he wants to. Why not? It's a fantasy, not real life, why can’t the protagonist be insane?
Even in Chinese culture this considered Evil. Just braindead evil and doesn't apply to main characters.

If we go back to specifics - even Fang Yuan who mostly considered evil - is completely rational. All his action driven by profit, driven by management of resources. He did feed young girl to bear - did he had any pleasure in that. Nope. Just a ritual that going to give him power (Gu). He did started war between two clans - did he hated them? Nope. He became "arm trader" and exploited merit system to syphon resource from clans.

FY - is not braindead retard that you described (that actually can be used to describe comically evil character that can be slayed by western hero) - he just lacks of morals, shame or honor. Just realpolitik. He is Machiavelli's prince of Xianxia.

Old Testament is actually taught typical normal moral - keep your people united, protect them, destroy your enemies to last child. And now we can see the difference between Israels ethnostate or EU-cucks, that allowed all lazy scum of Muslim world to come and rape their wives.

How can one odyssey to satisfy hungry heart? Also, this returning us to Nietzsche who was obsessed with preSocrates Greeks and praised old heroes and their morals and hated Christianity on same ground that we

>> No.22783848

>Fang Yuan

>> No.22783854

You seem knowledgeable, give me some RI-esque chinese stuff recs

>> No.22783915

Yeap, but chosen by destiny and lucky, not literaly supported and guided.

RI as i know is quete uniqe novel. Uniqe by quality, by deference in chinese fantasy world's law, uniqe by protagonist lack of emotions and will to profit.

I could recommend Er Gen's "Renegade Immortal" - but is slow and melancholic much. Also it first in list of Er Gen novels and give better understanding of his crossworld terms.

And my favourite - Dream Teller's "Legend of the Great Sage". There is MC is becomes more chaotic and demonic with every chapter, and literaly does not accept any morals because there nothing above his Ego. One the main ark was human-demon (as santient beast) war and his part in it, because he is human that become demon from his cultivation method.