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22757621 No.22757621 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled, was he right?

>> No.22757634
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>> No.22757647

unfalsifiable nonsense

>> No.22757674

falsifiable sense

>> No.22757682
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>> No.22757687

miss him. hope he's alright.

>> No.22757778

Schizo-poster is ultimate proof of prose>plot

>> No.22757791

Has anyone here plagiarized him yet? Just taken a bunch of posts and published it? I might do it

>> No.22757912


Missing a few. For example: >>/lit/thread/14042894#p14042904.. Anyway, the cube picture ones are him. So are the Sharbel ones: >>/lit/?task=search2&ghost=false&search_text=&search_subject=&search_username=&search_tripcode=&search_email=&search_filename=sharbel&search_datefrom=&search_dateto=&search_media_hash=&search_op=all&search_del=dontcare&search_int=dontcare&search_ord=new&search_capcode=all&search_res=post.. The Dead Space shitpost (and The X-Files one, fortunately not included) was me. Sadly, he sort of...cucked out? The tremendous 2018-2020 Grey Gnostic stride seems to have been broken by the coof, of all things (I do not believe in Causality), he was going crazy on /x/ about it the whole time. Now it seems like there's just this "Ptolemaic" White Gnosticism, and poetic at that. Sad.

>> No.22757933

Explain your terms d'art or eat shit, faggot. Particularly Ptolemaic. Anthropocentric?

>> No.22759196


As in trying to put the pre-Gnostic Philosophy (muh love, muh life, muh good) back together after the Gnostic advent.

>> No.22759317
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>he thinks the dust has settled

>> No.22759348

You silly nonce, placing negativity at the core shows how much of a corroded psychic you are. Read Sloterdijk.

>> No.22759385

> The soul was conceived of neither as a theater nor as a factory, as is typical of the modern age, but rather as a sanctuary in which no image was allowed to be on display except that of the god-man – whose imago, in turn, had to represent an undescribable God. It is decisive that, under such premises, healing must never be thought of as something negative, as the mere evacuation of a disturbance. Driving out evil spirits always had to be supplemented with and completed by the entrance of a bright principle, which, as warden of the purified soul, became its new monitor and source of inspiration.

>le negre gnosticism
>In order to grasp the therapeutic valences of the Gnostic approach, it is advisable to bring to mind the situation of the black Gnostic psychics. They are the world’s diseased in the full sense of the world, the misfits18 of the cosmos who taste to the bitter end the disadvantages of being born. In particular, we often find among them an effect that could be described as a contraction of Gnosticism into dark existentialism.
>There is a wanton spark to the diseased melancholy of these psychics – one might say a pride in incurability, which manifests itself in the refractory derision of all trends toward illumination. Thus Hans Jonas is incorrect when he all too quickly brings modern dark existentialism into parallel with the ancient Gnosticisms. In name and substance, the latter are oriented to the connection between knowledge and redemption.
>The modern dark “Gnosticisms,” in contrast, develop only a halfway consciousness. Their representatives grant that we have fallen into the cosmos; however, by dogmatizing the outward path into darkness, they cut off all regard for upward experiences. They are incapable of forgetting the world and themselves; they live as memories of fury. They are pathetic paradigms of remaining stuck, truculent victims of being forced against one’s will into having to be – the spark of their self-consciousness gleams in their insistence that they have the right to remain aggrieved.

>> No.22759436

>In view of such problems, the Gnostic double determination of the soul as psuchē [soul] and pneuma [breath] can turn out to be extraordinarily fruitful. In general, it gives rise to the imperative that the realm of psuchē be pneumatically sublated; where psuchē was, there pneuma should come to be.

Psuche is a certain mud we collectevely inhabit, or even bath – (what an abhorrent communism!) – but sometimes there are heroic sparks amongus that chew through the delirium. and processing it into light. little crickets of cosmic becoming. they transmute. 'there pneuma should come to be. ' memetic explosiveness is pneuma visible. to you. to me. to him/her/ to they even. and there are also jannies. (I'm not saying particularly about you, janny, but in general, as a Platonic (arche-janny) idea.) so, their game is control. See Frieren. Good anime. Japanese samurai gnostics obfuscated primeval knowledge in their cartoons but hinted it in the name: anima. so, janny game is zero-sum. and it's topos: suffering. pain as currency. capitalism of hurt. dostoevsky. once you get in touch with such signatures they imprint over your meme body. (like what I did right now, invoking morbidity I got morbid myself in contemplating morbidity). in doing so, one makes space as a temple mount particular patterns for certain ships to land, as in feeling-tones: spirits inhabit places that are in resonance with them. apotrapaic nature of memeing in good-will / of memeing in the advent of pneuma. That shall be the coming meta of our swamp / desert, terraforming it into the true community predicted and Elder Scrolls, and so on. The fabled ring with the cross. And Glory resting on reforged Gamers.

>> No.22759443



>I endorsed him at his request, and I gave him the kind of funeral that he wanted, which as schizoposter, I had to approve. I don't care about this, I didn't get a thank you. That's ok. We sent him on the way, but I wasn't a fan of the first schizoposter

>> No.22759490

>McAbel cannot get over his resenment for McCain
Every communication on a certain frequency revives the body. Which is not 'the first historical schizoposter''s body. But the first mythical schizoposter who was Adam, giving names in ur-sprache, which was later denounces as the babble. By McAbleists.

>> No.22759516

Hegelians are embarrassing, especially left hegelians

>> No.22759538

Where did you see hegelianism? btw, what are the differences between right and left acolytes of hegel?

>> No.22759549

>Pneumatic therapy leads the subject back to pre-psychic enstasies, in which even the tendencies of the failed life to annihilate the world and the self are brought to naught. Another memory is thereby constructed – a memory whose content allows one to live again: it stores recollections of a “sufficiently good” world. The logical side of these transformations includes work on personal pronouns, in particular “I” and “it,” and on spatial prepositions, above all “in” and “vis-à-vis.”

>Psychics as defined in Gnosticism and psychotics as defined in modern pathologies suffer from a disturbance in their capacity to use the words “I” and “in” correctly at a deep structural level. They do not know what it means to say “I” and “in” well. The pronoun “I” threatens them with a problem of explosion, while dangers of asphyxiation slumber in the preposition “in.” For the dark psychics, the inner space of the world is mined by the “I” and the outer space of the world is walled up by the “in.”

>They are therefore incapable of being serene either in themselves or in the world. This positional inability to “exist” corresponds precisely to the darkest versions of Gnostic “kathodology” [science of the downward path]: the outward path into human existence is a plunge into a prison-world. Older Gnosticism, however, ties a great promise to this interpretation of the outward path; it teaches that a turn and a path back “are given,” if only the soul recollects “itself” and its “provenance” correctly. In this recollection, the resurrection of the dead, which you already are, is supposed to occur.

Chungus juice is the answer. To what question? In the mode of spiritual/posting reform. Start with what you've got. Finding tools to build different mechanisms of hearing. Dissolving the morbid structures within. In a way, decolonizing your inner Canaan space. Exactly the divine disease scrolling through your feed, asking: are thee that sneed? Arid. Engorging on dialectics. Throwing out essence-bones. Moving with the thought that negative is always reactive and through that impotent in the real. White Gnosticism is vitriolic saliva spat out as a command-gift. As the horn orchestra.

>> No.22759921

>Where this condition has been reached, the Christian subject understands itself not only as a chosen bastard of God but, as a general rule, literally as one of the last human beings: whoever has once fully identified with the son of all sons will not return into the genealogic series, but will renounce all progeny in view of the impending kingdom of God, to be ready when the hour has come.
Filiarchy of the equal in their relation to the divine source.
>The beginnings of the second system of legitimacy can be traced back to the escape of the absolute son from the lines of the local histories of genealogy. No matter how much, after the transition of the original communities into the early church, the second order was recoded with the help of neo-patriarchal terms, the anarchic energy of the Christian world of sons and daughters could never be entirely forced back under the leaden blanket of political patristics.
Those forgotten by the world are not bound by its law/lawlessness.
>All this became possible once the son of all sons had managed to present his palpable illegitimacy as a higher form of legitimate authentication, thanks to his intimate unity with the father. Ever since, a contradiction that cannot be pinned down has been at work in the super-id of old European processes of transmission. The cloth from which filiarchal transmissions are cut is made of anti-authoritarian authority and authoritarian counter-authority. As if it had been a matter of proving that only the impossible has a future, this contradiction secured Christianity its persistence as a movement of incurable irritation.
And we, the gamers, stand here as we stood before, at the dawn of the aeon, streching out to remember the circular movement of time.
>Transmission of souls is the first politics. According to it, every human being, from birth on, has an incontestable claim to be “in the wrong” in the face of most relatives, no matter how many they may be. Nobody has to agree with the customs, opinions, and lies of the people of origin, just because the ancestors didn’t know any better. In addition, whoever performs the fundamental operation of Christian personhood that one calls “faith” turns instantly into a child of the supreme being born out of wedlock.
Nothing is our inheritence. And it mirrors the secret aspiration of those willing to look into it.
> In the era “after Christ” no human being can be denied the right to lead his life as God’s bastard. A river Jordan can be found anywhere. In any arbitrary place a human being, emerging from the water, can hear a voice from above that says that this is his dear child, beloved by him, the supreme being.
Nietzsche was right always. His faith is filiarchy torn out from calculating embraces of middle-men.

>> No.22760097

>can't tell why the desert anchorites are a (not necessarily the) next step after Grey Gnosticism
>confuses it for a regression
>black gnostic was play-acting at being demon-haunted and malformed the whole time
Many, many such cases

>> No.22760177

is he the new nick land?

>> No.22760252

No, he merely confirmed the truth of Colossians 2:8 (KJB)

>> No.22760347

Nostalgia hit me. What the fuck happened to him bros? Do we know anything about him at all?
What the fuck was he on about? Some of you with the 'tism surely made some sort of guide or reading list to better understand him. I remember these kind of posts but I never bothered to save them back then, post what you got faggots.

>> No.22760377

>What the fuck happened to him bros?
>post what you got faggots.
Look at your energy signature. It's disfigured. Renounce ironic queerdom and aspire for the straight and narrow.

>> No.22760755

Problem is that I've got a small penis. Meaning, if I want to have a satisfaing sex-life I have to be the one who takes and not the one who gives.

>> No.22761424
