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22468031 No.22468031 [Reply] [Original]

modern don quixote but its about someone obsessed with COVID pandemic restrictions instead of chivalry novels

>> No.22468052

Book about a guy with no friends who stares at walls

>> No.22468053

What would his “heroic” adventures be though running around stabbing people with the vax in his beat up Prius with his companion Tyrone? make it make sense anon

>> No.22468140

old people telling stories about other people dying

>> No.22468178
File: 172 KB, 1024x683, 5CCF113E-3956-4994-8E70-16FA1CD82563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story following a group of slackers fighting for an insurgent group in a Second American Civil War.

They all work behind friendly lines, doing menial shit like guarding check points and sorting ammunition.

Inspired by a documentary I watched following young Afghan National Police officers who neglected their duties to smoke hash and fuck girls lol.

>> No.22468182

What documentary? Sounds awesome

>> No.22468192

A writer (myself as the author) writes a sequel to The Catcher in the Rye, and has to battle Salinger’s ghost and the Salinger estate in court. I hope it will play out in real life and I document it in real time

>> No.22468223


Been awhile since I watched it but I remember it being pretty funny lol. The Afghans don’t give a fuck about fighting the taliban, they’re just chilling out.

>> No.22468338

A book about collective struggle of Chuds and Beckies. Chads only wanted to fuck Stacies and Stacies only wanted to fuck Chads. This condition marginalized Beckies and Chuds. Being left with horrible situation, Chuds and Beckies finally had sex. It turned out that their offsprings were intellectually superior due to the high IQ of average chud (depressive people tend to be intellectually superior btw, Schopenhauer told me so I guess).

With their intellectual superiority, the next generation of Chuds and Beckies began to plan systemic invasion and colonization to the territories of Chads and Stacies only to take revenge over humiliation, and degradation.

>> No.22468348

Monsters Inc

>> No.22468349

Sounds like the average /pol/tard. it's a shit idea.

>> No.22468383

A western style xianxia/wuxia story where the core theme is that the Chinese are an inhuman race of genocidal, amoral bugpeople who will do anything so long as it benefits the individual. The cultivation system will be a deliberate bastardization of the cultivation system used by many chinese novels, in fact, it will look unbearable to anyone who has actually read a chinese xianxia/wuxia novel. The names will be a complete hodgepodge of vaguely East-Asian sounding names; the tropes will be distortions of the already distorted tropes present in many western-style xianxia/wuxia novels, and if I'm competent enough as a writer, the entire story will look like an overt example of cultural imperialism against the Chinese.

Upon it being recognized (no matter how many chapters it may take) as such, I will respond to their comment in badly translated mandarin, making them think that I'm a white man pretending to be Chinese in order to escape any criticism. I'll continue writing the story from then on but become more blatant with the anti-Chinese propaganda, mimicking the jingoistic nationalism present in many Chinese webnovels, up until the backlash makes any attempts at writing impossible. Then I will respond to every critic's comment in fluent mandarin, refuse to elaborate, and delete my account.

I have no idea why I even thought up of this scheme other than to LARP as a false flagging glowie.

>> No.22469007


>> No.22469021

A sequel to Infinite Jest taking place during COVID (Year of the Pfizer Vaccine) Hal is still autistic, Gately refuses to wear a mask and gets in wacky situations because of it, Joelle becomes a Vtuber, Orin is still a coomer but he's addicted to AI sex chatbots now

>> No.22469302

I'd read that

>> No.22469313

only people still obsessed with COVID are hñthose who think they are the only ones not obsessed, so the windmills certainly would be synagogues

>> No.22469345

>The Afghans don’t give a fuck about fighting the taliban, they’re just chilling out.
Anon i don't know how to tell you this but the fight is over the potheads lost

>> No.22469351

A book showcasing the difference between some prepped up university student in the US and a hard working Mexican national, in the end saying that they're both retarded people that shouldn't even be breathing. The student being arrogant and having his worldview be supported by small things he consciously decided to take in as a consequence of his inability to fully consider the full scope of an issue, something that most sheltered people who have their voices heard are prone to, and the Mexican also being displayed as an opportunist whose only intention is to feed from the relaxed immigration ever more prevalent in America, a person that at first, would be considered to be the one the reader should have identified with and been on the side of, but later on proving to be just another person whose limited abilities to contribute to an ever changing society regardless of his roots, also shouldn't be pitied in any way. That's basically the gist of what I'm trying to get at, but I think that eventually I'll start trying to branch out into different types of subjects using the characters I've created.

>> No.22469976

I wanted to write a book about a group of kids that up and leave there families during their senior year of highschool to start a comune in Slap City CA set in modern-ish times

>> No.22471054

Eccentric group of rich people steal some poor dude's car and document his attempts to find it. Basically a reverse "Dude, where's my car" combined with the Truman Show.

>> No.22471056

is she built like a fridge? why do people write

>> No.22471066

metafiction about a novel which features a character charismatically making good race realist and other /pol/type arguments, and the fallout that hits the author

>> No.22471145 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 800x600, tumblr_aaac68dec1191d99e60203e158ae27be_7517a079_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A realist novel: it's about a woman who gets job at a shabby local-government-run art museum in a bleak, vaguely Northern Europe coastal town - but that's not important.

The idea that I liked is based on her coworker at the gallery having a mute, autistic brother to whom the narrative focus switches for the duration of certain chapters.

In the brother chapters, he's wandering around town, around the grey dunes and sandy woods, the 19th-century public gardens and the secret 17th-century grottoes. And he's solving a series of puzzles that are exactly the kinds of things you'd get in a 90s point-and-click game. LucasArts-style, Grim Fandango-style.

Like he finds the wheel for the old pump, fixes the pump, and now the fountain springs into life. He steals the zoologist's key, he sneaks in and takes the rare bird eggs, he trades them to an unethical hotel chef for a map of the tunnels beneath town. It's described in close detail, his actions neutral and mechanical - almost like reading a walkthrough, but with slightly more vividness, I would hope.

And the developments that unfold through the brother's problem-solving form the backdrop to the main narrative, and also indirectly cause pivotal plot points in that narrative. The woman sees the fountain is now flowing, so starts eating lunch on the stone benches around it, where she meets a zoologist freaking out about his bird eggs... etc...

The ending of the main plot would center around, and be instigated by, the ending of the brother plot. Like, he finally solves all the puzzles and uncovers some old treasure from the mad baron who founded the town, and it [somehow tbc] causes a crisis for the art gallery, and brings all the tensions to a head.

The title would be Goblinhome. 'Goblinhome', the start of the book will tell you, is the literal English translation of the name of the town (the real name of which, or even what language it's in, is never given).

>> No.22471152
File: 111 KB, 800x600, tumblr_aaac68dec1191d99e60203e158ae27be_7517a079_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about a woman who gets a job at a shabby local-government-run art museum in a bleak, vaguely Northern Europe coastal town - but that's not important.

The idea that I liked is based on her coworker at the gallery having a mute, autistic brother to whom the narrative focus switches for the duration of certain chapters.

In the brother chapters, he's wandering around town, around the grey dunes and sandy woods, the 19th-century public gardens and the secret 17th-century grottoes. And he's solving a series of puzzles that are exactly the kinds of things you'd get in a 90s point-and-click game. LucasArts-style, Grim Fandango-style.

Like he finds the wheel for the old pump, fixes the pump, and now the fountain springs into life. He steals the zoologist's key, he sneaks in and takes the rare bird eggs, he trades them to an unethical hotel chef for a map of the tunnels beneath town. It's described in close detail, his actions neutral and mechanical - almost like reading a walkthrough, but with slightly more vividness, I would hope.

And the developments that unfold through the brother's problem-solving form the backdrop to the main narrative, and also indirectly cause pivotal plot points in that narrative. The woman sees the fountain is now flowing, so starts eating lunch on the stone benches around it, where she meets a zoologist freaking out about his bird eggs... etc...

The ending of the main plot would center around, and be instigated by, the ending of the brother plot. Like, he finally solves all the puzzles and uncovers some old treasure from the mad baron who founded the town, and it [somehow tbc] causes a crisis for the art gallery, and brings all the tensions to a head.

The title would be Goblinhome. 'Goblinhome', the start of the book will tell you, is the literal English translation of the name of the town (the real name of which, or even what language it's in, is never told).

>> No.22471157

A book where a /pol/ack slowly comes to accept and embrace his inner transsexuality

>> No.22471173

The soldiers and families of the Legitimate American Revolutionary Party have to make their way to the last free airport in Miami, which is expected to fall in mere days. From there they can be airlifted to Cuba (and then easily get Russian paperwork to emigrate to China) because if they don't they're fucked.

>> No.22471203

A splatter noir version of Suskind's pidgeon

>middle aged wagie snaps
>kills his boss slicing his throat with a broken bottle
>becomes bodyguard at rural brothels, often collects protection money
>one day the madam from a brothel doesn't pay, he snaps and kills her with some gardening tool
>visits his crush from highschool, she's married now
>husband answers the door, protagonist slices his throat
>drags the woman out, slices her tendons and then she crushes her head with his car as she is unable to move
>police chase
>end up in warehouse
>kills one cop, other one shoots him and protagonist falls back, disemboweling himself on a crane hook or something like that
Didn't really think of an ending.

It was initially meant for movie adaption

>> No.22471210

write this now

>> No.22471409

I'd read this

>> No.22471918

I wouldn't, I didn't even read the post

>> No.22472080

nobody asked you you illiterate fucking nigger

>> No.22473029

A story of an indian prince who gets passed over for the governorship of a province so he travels to china and writes the centralized exams there and becomes a bureaucrat

>> No.22473181


>> No.22473851

No "normie" or government has given a shit about Covid in over a year but you motherfuckers wont shut up about it, will you?

You are like the GME stock cultists

>> No.22473868

There's already a book about this, right? It seems familiar.