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22269668 No.22269668 [Reply] [Original]

Draconic rule Edition

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

>Thread Question:
If the protagonist is a resentful victim of circumstance that hates society, then is this a kino story or cringe?


>> No.22269763

Has anyone read D&D 'Draconomicon' or 'Fizban's Treasury of Dragons'? I'm in a mood for something draconic, but while people claim Fizban's great, some claim Draconomicon is still superior. I don't know what to choose.

>> No.22269781
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Thought on Japanese light novels? I have not read much Western fiction in a long time. But I have been reading LNs, notably Spice and Wolf, and That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime. Though I enjoy both (esp. Spice and Wolf), I suspect anime is the only reason I read them over Western books.

>> No.22269814

that's literally the Milano's Duomo https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milan_Cathedral

>> No.22269862
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I can't speak for reading actual Light Novels, but if the adapted material is anything to go by, they are horrible. They are more often that not basic, shallow, overly emotional and dramatic in all the wrong ways, while not providing any insightful ideas about people or the world. Worse than a mere pop-corn stories, as they pretend to be serious and valauble, while in actuality cater to man-children and infatilized adults.

With some obvious exceptions that jut out of the sea of trash, avoid at all cost.

>> No.22269884

Old books that don't show their age? Recently read Lord of Light and have been reading other works of Zelazny, but besides Amber most have not been that good.

>> No.22269963
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It was real lmao

>> No.22269965

did you think people made it up? this entire book is cuckfic

>> No.22269976

It seems more like the western equivalent of power-fantasy Light Novels, dude literally just effortlessly does everything

>> No.22269988

Are there any cool intrigue-based, “battle of wits” mindgame fantasy/sci-fi novels like Death Note? Is that was Gloriana is like?

>> No.22270032

the Stars my Destination holds up surprisingly well for something written in the 50's.

>> No.22270063

Thanks, I give it a try.

>> No.22270168
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>first few chapters of What We Do to Survive
That's not what I was expecting

>> No.22270187
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>It seems more like the western equivalent of power-fantasy Light Novels, dude literally just effortlessly does everything
For 16-year old me, this book was a lot of what I liked at the time: High-agency individual with a tragic background who was at the same time a genius who could push himself through adversity and flex on his contemporaries.

Name of the Wind is not unique in this, not by a long shot, but it synthesized a lot of what made books like these so intriguing and engaging. Too bad the author could never follow up all the mythos with the actual events. If I read the book today, I think I'd still be largely engaged due to the crisp portrayal of tragic genius the book has going for itself, but power fantasy and cringe would significantly decrease my enjoyment.

Hmm, now that I think of it, has this type of fantasy kind of fall to the wayside? I know the current mainstream is extremely feminized, but don't girls have their own power-fantasy portrayal of high-capable individual (the tasteful kind)? I know the cliche of a young, fierce and passionate woman who struggles to bring good and societal change to the people around around her. However, it has been years since I've read fantasy wrote by a woman that wasn't an erotica, so I guess I should actualize my perception.

Any recommendations for fantasy written by women that include high-agency female protagonist?

>> No.22270223
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Any good fantasy books about holy paladins kicking the shit out of cults, heretics, and demons?

>> No.22270237

Idk if anyone here cares, but they announced the 2022 Shirley Jackson Award winners:

>The Devil Takes You Home by Gabino Iglesias (Mulholland Books)
>Where I End by Sophie White (Tramp Press)

>The Bone Lantern by Angela Slatter (PS Publishing)

>What the Dead Know by Nghi Vo (Amazon Original Stories)

>“Pre-Simulation Consultation XF007867” by Kim Fu (Lesser Known Monsters of the 21st Century)

>We Are Here to Hurt Each Other by Paula D. Ashe (Nictitating Books)

>The Hideous Book of Hidden Horrors, edited by Doug Murano (Bad Hand Books)


>> No.22270265
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How's this? And the stuff he wrote before. The blurb says it's a "modern" take on classic fantasy, so it's immediately suspicious. I don't see any LGBT tags though.

>> No.22270301

What if the setting is post-apoc and the paladins use power armor and weapons?

>> No.22270308

ehhh sort of We Are All Legends

>> No.22270325

As long as it’s good (based)

>> No.22270346

The book is Gideon Ira: Knight of the Blood Cross, but I think the author was found guilty of wrong-think on a jewmazon because you can't buy it (or his other books) on Kindle there anymore.

>> No.22270363

Does he have a website?

>> No.22270385

None that are selling his books. I have no idea what happened. Unless he pulled them down himself? Sorry I rec'd you something you can't read kek. It's pretty much exactly what you're looking for too; Christian knights in power armor brutally murdering demons and satanists.

>> No.22270402

Jeruselum Man trilogy is that. Except it's a western

>> No.22270441

>kino or cringe
yikes, newfag trash right off the bat, probably the same dude complaining about demanding and enforcing discussion *he didn't approve of

>> No.22270539

I found a few dodgy links that have the “pdf” and the main Amazon or thrift pages with $60 copies. It’s a shame, the book seems pretty good.

>> No.22270604

>Mostly w*men
Color me surprised. Typical modern trash

>> No.22270645

If I knew how to rip books from my kindle library I'd rip the whole series since it's the only way to read them now apparently.

>> No.22270661

There's an old version of Kindle for PC and a calibre plugin that can do the job, or you could DM the author on Twitter

>> No.22270671

That sounds like a lot of work. I think you're just gonna have to bite the bullet on this one.

>> No.22270683

Mediocre. The big twist that you could see coming a mile away was, the mc who thought he was the typical chosen one isn't and it's actually the mentor character.

>> No.22270703

You put the title in the name field so my filter for these threads didn't work

>> No.22270727

...it has ever been titled like that, every thread as far as I remember.

>> No.22270776

I wouldn't really call the guy from we are all legends a holy paladin
He fucks a witch and takes part in all sort of sorcery and demonic shit because he's a coward

>> No.22270810

It's in the name field, not the title field, so OP's name is /sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General instead of Anonymous

>> No.22270818

You might be right, I've installed 4chan chrome extension and still working out the quirks.

>> No.22270836

Spoiling books are you faggot. Well, my own fault for using 4chan.

>> No.22270875

>Woman on the cover
already a huge red flag

>> No.22270938

Not him but I just bought the only copy online because it sounded cool and I collect sword and sorcorery

>> No.22270998

>it's actually the mentor
Based? But only if she's a mature woman

>> No.22271041
File: 1.15 MB, 595x898, 62895426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blade of Dream, Kithamar #2 - Daniel Abraham (2023)

Blade of Dreams was far better than Age of Ash, which I enjoyed as well. Its style comes close to what I believe to be the ideal sort of low fantasy. There wasn't anything still present that bothered me from the previous book, so I had no reason to give this any less than my highest rating. Each book I've read from Abraham has only further cemented his status as one of my favorite authors. He's near the top of the most consistently enjoyable authors I've read and possibly has written the most series that I've highly rated.

Age of Ash began with Harvest while Blade of Dream began with the preceding time of Midsummer, which provided what happened before the first book. Although this second book takes place simultaneously with the first book from Harvest onwards the events depicted are almost entirely different. That's to be expected as none of the viewpoint characters from the first book return as one here. Some of the characters who aren't viewpoints this time appear again, but mostly only in the background and they're often left unnamed. I expect that this layering effect will continue in the third book.

The primary viewpoints are Garreth Left, the eldest son of a major trading house, and Elaine a Sal, the heir to the throne, which makes the story take on a significantly more romantic bent when compared to the first. Minor viewpoints include Divol Senit, a captain in the city guard; Lemel Tarrit, the head chef for the royal family; Finar, a bargeman for the Left family, Vasch, Garreth's younger brother, and two that can't be named without spoiling. Not only viewpoint characters matter though as some of the best characters with the most impactful scenes that provide for the most thoughtful consideration are those whom seemingly have the least agency of their own.

The prevalent theme, which each character explored in their own way, was identity and expectations. How much do the expectations of forces outside of ourselves determine who we are? Is the cost of self-determination worthwhile? Are mutually beneficial compromises between the self and society the best possible outcome? There's a particularly well-written passage near the end that lays out an approach to navigating life through knowing which compromises are necessary to have a satisfying though not ideal life. How one ought to live and how that affects others may require painful consideration, though those who don't at all may be ones causing the most pain to themselves and others.

I had some doubts about whether Abraham could tell the same overall story three times, but all of those doubts have been dispelled. A change in perspective can make all the difference. I eagerly await the third book, which assumedly will come out sometime in 2024. This second book will be released on July 18th, 2023.

I received this DRC from Orbit through NetGalley.

Rating: 5/5

>> No.22271065

your """reviews""" are SHIT

>> No.22271226


>> No.22271299

What does "pozzed" mean to you? If it doesn't mean its literal definition to you l, then don't say it does. Say what it means to you personally.

>> No.22271391
File: 1.06 MB, 768x768, Spy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I could write a very Kino Fantasy Espionage novel. I am going to do it. Wish me luck mates.

>> No.22271409

I enjoyed the 1st book, but dropped the series on the 2nd. If I remember correctly it was because the mc starts getting really close to this archer girl and then she ends up cucking him immediately.

>> No.22271438

Tales of the Ketty Jay and The Braided Path are clean btw. If a bit simpy. Suppose modernity gets everyone.

>> No.22271469

>I think I could write a very Kino Fantasy Espionage novel. I am going to do it. Wish me luck mates.
Just don't try to be clueluess retard thinking himself able to come up with everything by himself. Check real esponiage and spy stories, check the popular ones and see what worked. Good luck.

>> No.22271498

Also, catch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khRJMiquAjA

>> No.22271535


>> No.22271604

Any good lovecraftian horror book that have a focus on weird ass world phenomena? Kinda like Lord of Mysteries' sealed artifacts but in a larger scale. Deep Sea Embers scratched the itch and I'm looking for more.

>> No.22271795

I just finished V.R.T in the Fifth Head of Cerberus and I felt quite proud that I guessed that V.R.T. took Marsch's place well before it was more explicitly revealed. A very cathartic story, yet still very cynical. It was nice to see Veil's Hypothesis was essentially proven correct. My understanding is that Marsch died to the tiger, and the boy took the opportunity to take over his person, but I know Veil's hypothesis indicates the Abos kill the humans to take over their persons. The boy, despite seeming quite nice, had every motivation to kill Marsch and take over. Anyone else have thoughts on the book? The three stories combined might be my new favorite novel. I still have much of Wolfe to read though.

>> No.22271812

If anyone is interested in rather unorthodox books, I greatly recommend the Wandering Unicorn by Manuel Mujica Lainez.

It's basically a more modern take on the chivalric romances, with the fairy Melusina narrating the adventures and misfortunes of two of her descendants in the context of the 12th century with the Second Crusade going on. It is an absolutely beautiful (even if tragic) story, and the characters are all very charming.

>> No.22271839

Also, is there any indication elsewhere that I may have missed on whether Eastwind or Sandwalker survived in the previous story? The father claimed to be a descendant of Eastwind if I remember correctly, and although he was a con man and the mother was the true abo, I assume the father stole the claim of descent from the mother who had no reason to lie.

>> No.22271987

Fifth Head discourse is an conundrum wrapped in a mystery surrounded by a fog of enigma. I also finished it recently and I understand it considerably less now than I did before looking up discussion about it.

All I know is I liked it a lot and it's good.

>> No.22272034

Shucks, I read Wizard Knight as an adventure story with a fascinating look at King Arthur and Faerie and divinity but I guess silly ol' me couldn't see that it's just a dream from an absorbed fetus.

>> No.22272095


>> No.22272145
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Rec me fantasy that has pic related vibes.

>> No.22272294


>> No.22272331

Rec me fantasy that I haven't already read.

>> No.22272341

You'll have to list everything you have read first then.

>> No.22272386

I've read everything.

>> No.22272402

Start writing.

>> No.22272427

The Kormak saga.

>> No.22272438

Bran Mak Morn
Elric of Melnibone

>> No.22272450

How much raw fucking should there be in sword and sorcery stories?

>> No.22272458

Gene Wolfe has a fair number of them in the fandom. I saw that thing and realized it's basically the only proper analysis of Wizard Knight and fucked right off. I'll stick to a coming out she story, horny aelfs, and Valhalla tyvm. It's almost as long as one of the books.

>> No.22272462

*coming of age, not coming out she

>> No.22272477

Your tongue speak truth when you try to clumsily lie

>> No.22272485

there's so much there even on the obvious level, let alone it being a medieval story and the medievals wanting everything to be an allegory - griffins have the nature of the king of birds and the king of beasts, and so are an allegory for Christ, and a griffin takes Able to slay the dragon. and tons of things partake of two natures, the human-dragon hybrids are also of two natures but are bad, the most low god has many natures and they're all bad because it's a symmetrical creation, why can't someone who's really good at Wolfe also read Discarded Image this is killing me.

>> No.22272497

As much as there needs to be.

>> No.22272522

This is unironically a interpretation of the story that is gaining in popularity.

>> No.22272532

One thing I didn't get, that the interpreters of the book often believe, is that the abos originally come from trees. Now I am wondering what else I missed. Still, I am absolutely in love with the book.

>> No.22272535

I hope you know now that abortion is wrong.

>> No.22272639

based Fifth Head discussion. Is There a better scifi novella collection?

>> No.22272647

I doubt it. The way the stories are perfect by themselves, but are so enriched by being intertwined, makes it all a cut above.

>> No.22272846

got 85 pages of my fantasy book done.

gotta keep going.

>> No.22272882

I recommend either proper waifufaggotry, marriage and all, in which case you needn't do anything graphic, or full on smut with women getting dominated and learning to enjoy it. Obviously, don't embrace modernity at all, there is nobody to bully your amateur ass into it anyway. Unlike professional writers, the poor fucks.

>> No.22272910

Thank you m8 <3

>> No.22272914

Well, I don't really see the parallels with popular writing. Conan doesn't really have much full on smut, it's just a girl every story the barbarian fucks once and leaves for the power fantasy's sake. Elric has the mildest waifufaggotry. In heroic fiction or just 'moral' S&S there are simple romantic interests. Maybe there are books or stories where the author is free with including narratively important sex?

>> No.22272936

>Maybe there are books or stories where the author is free with including narratively important sex?
Like rape or something? If you are itching to write NTR, need I remind you that that would be modernity, and modernity bad.

>> No.22272975

No. I talk of literature as of art, even commonly pulp genres. By narrative importance I mean some theme or plot it serves.

>> No.22272988

Rape is commonly played for drama, wouldn't that count? I suppose you can come up with some magic system that's uses sex. Or something.

>> No.22273391

It's called sword and sorcery, not cock and cunt.

>> No.22273403

Raw fucking doesn't mean rape. I just mean blatant easy treatment of sex as a part of the story. It seems to be treated normally even in supposedly prudish high fantasy.
It's not veil and cross either. Sword and sorcery characters are like ancient people, and ancient people went around naked and fucked behind only a courtain when they wanted.

>> No.22273503

>I just mean blatant easy treatment of sex as a part of the story
We are overwhelmingly not on the same page lol. Did you mean "a lot of casual sex" the whole time? If not, I give up trying to understand.

>> No.22273515

The tree/fungus connection is something I get why people say, but haven't done enough of a deep dive to really fall one way or another.
The only obvious thing I missed was all of the connections between Phaedra and V.R.T.'s mother.

>> No.22273656
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Anyone here read Guin Saga? I read somwhere that it inspired Kentaro Miura when creating berserk.

>> No.22273669

Miura was a fan of Guin Saga. I've read a bit of it and it's much more classic Heroic fantasy though, with a lot of typical Japanese tropes.

>> No.22273903

I read it years ago it's basic af not that much fun desu

>> No.22273922

It kind of originated a lot of those tropes, apparently, so there's something to say for that. Or rather, originated their usage within fantasy stories. Or at least popularised them.

>> No.22273963

>Maybe there are books or stories where the author is free with including narratively important sex?

>> No.22274044

DMR Books

>> No.22274061

I fapped to the scene of Dalinar kissing his brother's wife the Queen

>> No.22274062

>The only obvious thing I missed was all of the connections between Phaedra and V.R.T.'s mother.
Lol, that sounds nuts, but now i want to look into it.

>> No.22274070
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>> No.22274089

What kind of fantasy is currently popular? Not only based on literature but all media like movies, anime, manga etc.

>> No.22274094

Pozzed (brown skinned alt people taking the battle to the man) and progression (litrpg and cultivation). There is overlap.

>> No.22274143

Black lesbians and their plucky chinese gay sidekick battling evil white people with their super special snowflake magic powers.

>> No.22274152

Name five.

>> No.22274162

Ok but are they actually successful? Just because something is pushed doesn't mean the people are eating it up? Or are they? Feel free to give me sales numbers or similar statistics. I'm seriously curious.

>> No.22274190

tl;dr: it's difficult to know

>> No.22274227

and this comment specifically for those skimming looking for stats. https://countercraft.substack.com/p/no-most-books-dont-sell-only-a-dozen/comment/8883524

>> No.22274236
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>Just because something is pushed doesn't mean the people are eating it up?
Look at Sanderson. Even the plebs in this thread eat that shit up. People are conditioned and told what to like and dislike.


>> No.22274252

or for something extremely rough
It's been updated since 2018

>> No.22274262

Sure. I also don't know what storefront would I have to go to to try and catch something new and obscure. I'm assuming some of these utterly failed titles are fiction, right?

>> No.22274288

nta, if you're attempting to troll it's a bad method for who you're replying to. If you're serious, it's simply a matter of looking at upcoming books to be published list, whether traditional or self-published, though the latter has far worse coverage, and then going to Amazon. I have no idea what the physical store situation is.

>> No.22274307

I literally don't know where to look up ALL upcoming and new releases and not just some popular selection.

>> No.22274315

Any good fantasy smut, I mean like crazy sex magic and the like not just holding hands with elves.

>> No.22274320

You keep asking this and I keep telling you Mana Master or any other smut cultivation book since they all have sex magic.

>> No.22274333

If we're just talking traditionally published sff, then sites like https://www.risingshadow.net/upcoming-book-releases goes a long way. Or you could try https://www.isfdb.org/cgi-bin/fc.cgi
For self-published it depends on what's specifically being looked for

>> No.22274337

That was 8 threads ago, but I did not catch that recommendation in time thanks!

>> No.22274344

Risingshadow increasingly has popular self-published that's becoming more traditional as well.

>> No.22274349
File: 1.54 MB, 1600x1026, Knight and Giant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any fantasy that feels like pic rel?

>> No.22274350

I've been trying to figure out the trends and the only common thing is a heroic protagonist who is a young male and goes on adventures for some ultimate long goal and meets a lot of unique allies and does who are possibly more interesting than the protagonist along the way. That's not new, but that's what still sells the best.

>> No.22274355

>hero's journey meme

>> No.22274396

Wizard Knight

>> No.22274429

>Gene Wolfe
alright sounds good

>> No.22274443

In a similar vein to Mana Master, Marvin Knight's Spellheart series eventually gets to more over-the-top magic sex stuff.
It's not GREAT but it's at least consistently 'good enough'. It's also sometimes funny, which is more than I can say for most 'silly' smut books I've tried to read.

>> No.22274449

I think I'll dig up the past for now. I'm not reading all that much, it'll keep me busy for years.

>> No.22274469

The short story Two Suns Setting in the collection Night Winds by Karl Edward Wagner.

>> No.22274472

It's also relatively easy to look up almost all the SFF published in any arbitrary year on ISFDB. Want a list of all SFF only pushed in 1947, 1955, 1963, 1979. Easy.

>> No.22274492
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Sounds like a plan. I've been using risingshadow till now. First novel of pic related is the last thing I read. Fun slop but the magic system is so offensively retarded it's stopping me from reading the rest.

>> No.22274503

>According to a forthcoming report from The Authors Guild, the median income for a full-time writer last year was $23,000

>> No.22274534

This is why you don’t quit your day job. You work part time and write part time, and it helps to have a wife for dual income.

>> No.22274597

>work part time
I could never. It's full time work and part time writing for me. Although it does help that I have downtime at work to write a little.

>> No.22274867
File: 607 KB, 1528x807, readd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/SFFG/ Recommendations:

Read Reverend Insanity, Lord of The Mysteries, Neuromancer, Hyperion, The Prince of Nothing

Also read The Wandering Inn, Between Two Fires, Mother of Learning, Cradle, I Shall Seal the Heavens, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Poppy War.

>> No.22274872
File: 339 KB, 891x686, LITRPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/SFFG/ Recommendations: LITRPG Edition

Read Azarinth Healer, Primal Hunter, He Who Fights with Monsters, Dungeon Crawler Carl

Also read System Universe, Dissonance, Defiance of the Fall, Iron Prince.

>> No.22274877

Your "recommendations" are shit.


>> No.22274888

He just read enough to get two lines of images and then stopped.

>> No.22274983

Just started Malazan, what am I in for /lit/bros?

>> No.22275003

tried to get into it twice but couldn't
too many changes in POV to characters I don't care about doing things I didn't care about

>> No.22275012
File: 79 KB, 1526x710, 1645583636013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Books with battles like this?

>> No.22275022

Is this AI generated or did you make it yourself?

>> No.22275025

Wait. Dejavu. Didn't you fags already had this conversation? Are you bots?

>> No.22275031

Bakker is KING
>Then the madness fell away. Once again it was the pure thunder of the charge. The strange camaraderie of men bent to a single, fatal purpose. Hummocks, scrub, and the bones of the Vulgar Holy War’s dead rushed beneath. The wind bled through chain links, tousled Thunyeri braids and Tydonni crests. Bright banners slapped against the sky. The heathen, wicked and foul, drew closer, ever closer. One last storm of arrows, these ones almost horizontal to the ground, punching against shield and armour. Some were struck from their saddles. Tongue tips were bitten off in the concussion of the fall. The unhorsed arched across the turf, screamed and swatted at the sky. Wounded mounts danced in frothing circles nearby. The rest thundered on, over grasses, through patches of blooming milkwort waving in the wind. They couched their lances, twenty thousand men draped in great mail hauberks over thick felt, with coifs across their faces and helms that swept down to their cheeks, riding chargers caparisoned in mail or iron plates. The fear dissolved into drunken speed, into the momentum, became so mingled with exhilaration as to be indistinguishable from it. They were addicted to the charge, the Men of the Tusk. Everything focused into the glittering tip of a lance. The target nearer, nearer … The rumble of hooves and drums drowned their kinsmen’s song. They crashed through a thin screen of sumac … Saw eyes whiten in sudden terror. Then impact. The jarring splinter of wood as lances speared through shield, through armour. Suddenly the ground became still and solid beneath them, and the air rang with wails and shouts. Hands drew sword and axe. Everywhere figures grappled and hacked. Horses reared. Blades pitched blood into the sky. And the Kianene fell, undone by their ferocity, crumpling beneath northern hands, dying beneath pale faces and merciless blue eyes. The heathen recoiled from the slaughter—and fled.

>> No.22275062

Who even knows anymore? Malazan ritualposter is the most confusing one to me because it's so benign.

>> No.22275066

Holy shit I didn't recognize it's his. Why is the verse so bad? Also kind of a mediocre passage.

>> No.22275099

Just finished the third book. Kino. Now on to the next

>> No.22275106

I tried asking /tv/ this, but they don't seem to give a shit.
A wheel of time trailer is coming out tomorrow. Are you guys willing to give the show a second chance? Or are you done with them after season 1?

>> No.22275122

was done with it before episode 1 ended

>> No.22275123
File: 90 KB, 1200x676, Wheel-of-Time-Season-2-Aes-Seda-novices-Egwene-Nynaeve-Elayne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attention grabbing image. Read filename for context.

>> No.22275139
File: 100 KB, 1200x676, Wheel-of-Time-Maidens-of-the-Spear-Aviendha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The middle one is Aviendha. This is supposed to be the woman who captures Rand's heart and takes his virginity. Oh right, I forgot, he's not a virgin in the show. But still, that's supposed to be giga emo chad's major love interest.

>> No.22275199

Goodreads has put out two new articles today about recent SFF and one with 84 SFF recs.
It's possible they may put out more, but let's take a look at these.

Past Three Years: Fantasy, Science Fiction
I've been reading and writing about current year SFF for a while now, so let's see how many I've read and wrote about.
5/72 for Fantasy, and 14/72 for Science Fiction which is about what I'd expect. I'll be trying to read a few more.
60/72 for Fantasy and 34/72 for Science Fiction were written by women based on a quick glance at names.

84 SFF recs
13/84 read, there's a definite focus on more recent works and those not suited to my preferences, though I may read a few more of these.
68/84 written by women

>> No.22275249

How did this piece of shit get a 2nd season lol

>> No.22275260

They were already filming the second season before the first season aired. It's complicated, but there were a bunch of delays due to covid, which pushed the schedule back and back. I guess the higher ups as Amazon decided it was better to shoot the second season sooner than later.

>> No.22275270

Oh yeah, and season 3 is already in the middle of filming. They started in April. So it's likely we're getting a 3rd season before they decide to shut it down.

>> No.22275279


>> No.22275284
File: 873 KB, 240x135, Baccano i&amp;m.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Annoyed Baccano will never be finished.

>> No.22275286


>> No.22275297

Right has whore-face. Looks like she should be doing porn. She'll probably ask for an open marriage.

>> No.22275301

This is what I would pick.

>> No.22275309

Not even worth a pirate. I wish pain and suffering on Rafe Judkins and every other shotcaller on the show.

>> No.22275323

Is that supposed to be a black albino?

>> No.22275556

the Broken Sword

>> No.22275573
File: 233 KB, 264x377, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never read anything as aggressively, enjoyably retarded as the Rokka no Yuusha novels and it's tragic they went on permanent hiatus when the anime bombed.

>> No.22275680

It's a shame the anime bombed becaue I really liked the Aztec like setting which was pretty unique for an anime. The mystery aspect of it sucked though becaue ot only made sense due to powers that were never explained until the end

>> No.22275695

The other five LNs were like that but more so, they only got more convoluted to a comic extent. Well worth it IMO.

>> No.22275767

I assume it's being produced in Canada. In which case it's prpbably receovong government funding. TV shows in canada can receove government finding for up to 4 seasons pf production, which is why so many series get cancelled after season 4, the taxpayer money dries up.

>> No.22275787

Are there any books or stories in which the resurrection of just a single corpse is significant enough?
I want something that captures the horror and significance of bringing the dead back to life

>> No.22275794
File: 288 KB, 1538x2000, s-l1600 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it the greatest Sword and Sorcery ever written?

>> No.22275802

There was a pretty grotesque chapter in Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell about that. Also there was horror and significance in necromancy in The Broken Sword.

>> No.22275826

The short story Undertow in the collection Night Winds by Karl Edward Wagner.

>> No.22275843

Interesting theory. But I would need a scrap of evidence before I can buy in.

>> No.22275852

Nah it's shot in the czech republic. Amazon used it as an excuse to open a massive production studio there which will also be used for other shows. Most of WoT's reported budget went into that studio

>> No.22275887

They spent so much on the set and everything that not making a second season is a bigger loss for them

>> No.22275952

Absolutely braindead drivel. Why do you keep driving the collective IQ of this thread down to single digits with your shitty ramblings?

>> No.22276002

Gawain and the Green Knight, the pic you posted literally has the two of them.

>> No.22276158
File: 597 KB, 510x735, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a sucker for description of locations in order to ground myself and visualize where everything's happening. This book is torture for that, because it barely offers anything to work with

>> No.22276221

I'm the opposite. I like it minimal. I'll do my own imagining.

>> No.22276238
File: 67 KB, 620x1000, FireCaste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rollicking fetid horror, the grandiose 40k shrunk like the head of a prized captive, somehow dehydrated even in the swampy airs of Phaedra. A disgusting planet for a disgusting setting, an elegant examination in the every day horrors of the Imperium played for honest horror. The commissars memed for their daily executions for showing the slightest cowardice is turned on its head both ways: the Lethean Penitents (With their dark Revelation; The Emperor Condemns!) are acknowledged by those most capable as being deficient by way of their mad faith. The main character is a haunted man who counts every execution he made, at the start of the novel numbering twenty seven.

Interesting use of antebellum South and steampunk as a flavor for the novel. The Imperium is by definition imperialist, why not have a subsection of recalcitrants who denied the Imperial Creed, full of wonder at steam and steel. Slavery acknowledged a few times makes it clear that they were not pure and benign in their ignorance, rather their zealotry took a different path. Well sketched characters all around, the haunted Poet Templeton, the belligerent Ensor Cutler, the wizened Waites, the zealot Audie Joyce battling the old Guard nobility in Machen. Their conclusion played well, everyone exited the stage with the dark respects granted to them by their actions. Some wandered off the page into legend, some exploded with hatred, but all of them no matter how shortly lived our acquaintance felt appropriately coda-ed.

The ultimate plot behind the novel was interesting, 40k has a love from me for its earnest ebullience, and this was about the wastrels that encourage such a thing. Many regiments of guard are given resplendence in a sentence or two, campaigns hinted at with a sad phrase. All are here to die, all are here to corrupt and molder and fester, abandoned like so many real men were abandoned in foreign lands denied their birthright and their retirement, the tragedy of the Guard is played out here to the hilt and you feel the characters' anger as they realize that this is a post meant to have them destroyed and shattered.

Fehervari understands 40 and also understands horror. On the grand scheme of the genre this is nothing new, no revelations, but it is an exemplar on how you can take an existing franchise and breathe new light into it. One is reminded of "Death Troopers", the Star Wars equivalent that I have not yet read. This will be the first 40k novel I have read in a while and it challenged me to continue reading. An interesting author, an interesting setting, the best the Tau have ever been done (although I loved the Last Chancers meeting with the Tau basically being the palace dinner scene from Temple of Doom, the mocking Kroot laughing at having the protagonists eat human flesh).

I plan on reading more of the Dark Coil and trying to understand its strange pathways as the Warp allows all time to meet.

>> No.22276339

5 is a single digit.

>> No.22276403

Frankenstein; or The Modern Prometheus

>> No.22276410

I was going to say none, because its all slop, but there are actually some decent recs for this here. Kudos for people finally having some taste.

>> No.22276486

Is the silverglass series a good read? I've had it on a list for a while but haven't actually gotten around to it until recently

>> No.22276561

Not really strictly a resurrection but I suppose it does fit.

>> No.22276794
File: 3.00 MB, 1000x563, 1664974281537730.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if you like feminist blonde wide barbarian women.

>> No.22277004
File: 1.01 MB, 720x1692, 1664274966358087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TWI 9.54 C
There is no chance Erin gets killed for real this Volume, right? Right??
She's been getting some crazy death flags lately I feel like and honestly I really can't think of many interesting ways the Volume could end that aren't a repeat of V8's ending besides either Erin actually dying, her ascending to almost God status or hacking the system in some crazy way.

Since a big break is coming, is Gravesong any good? Can I get the whole thing anywhere?

Also Valley a qt.

>> No.22277147
File: 650 KB, 2105x1170, IMG_0467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically Bakker’s Second Apocalypse

>> No.22277161
File: 33 KB, 475x646, 1667989452667344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Writerfag here. What is your guyses opinion on universities in medievalesque settings? Sick of them, want more, no opinion?

>> No.22277166

>blonde wide barbarian women.
Horrible, disgusting

>> No.22277189
File: 910 KB, 650x870, litrpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LITRPG Edition

>> No.22277192
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>> No.22277212
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>> No.22277250

Does it have sex scenes with hot jet fighter ladies?

>> No.22277361

I will watch it and have a good time, because the books are not so great that I will sneer at one of the better fantasy TV offerings out there.

>> No.22277584

Your image would be Xianxia Edition.

>> No.22277683
File: 95 KB, 297x374, 1674921452369549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early Philip K Dick holds up, I always have a soft spot for Jack Vance so I'd suggest Demon Princes maybe, and Triplanetary was way more fun than I'd expected

>> No.22277768

Erin's not getting killed. Those are not dead flags, dead flags were what we got in Volume 7. This is just Erin constantly acknowledging she's likely to die on Solstice day, which in stories meant she's either surely won't die, or the author is going to do something interesting.

Gravesong can be found on many pirate sites like z-library or Libgen.

>> No.22277776

GOR, Chronicles of the Counter-Earth

>> No.22277885

Any good horror fantasy book that's preferably on the shorter side? I've already read a few classics like Cthulhu etc

>> No.22278031
File: 47 KB, 470x488, VxKgZVM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any hope Hugo?

>Best Novel
The Daughter of Doctor Moreau, by Silvia Moreno-Garcia (Del Rey)
The Kaiju Preservation Society, by John Scalzi (Tor Books)
Legends & Lattes, by Travis Baldree (Tor Books)
Nona the Ninth, by Tamsyn Muir (Tordotcom)
Nettle & Bone, by T. Kingfisher (Tor Books)
The Spare Man, by Mary Robinette Kowal (Tor Books)

>Best Series
Children of Time Series, by Adrian Tchaikovsky (Pan Macmillan/Orbit)
The Founders Trilogy, by Robert Jackson Bennett (Del Rey)
The Locked Tomb, by Tamsyn Muir (Tor.com)
October Daye, by Seanan McGuire (DAW)
Rivers of London, by Ben Aaronovich (Orion)
The Scholomance, by Naomi Novik (Del Rey)

>> No.22278044
File: 38 KB, 249x360, true benevolent king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even 10% of the books have been translated so no. Which is a shame because it's probably THE Japanese fantasy series almost no one beyond Japan has read. Going by anime adaptation it would be right up most people's epic fantasy alley.

>> No.22278160

>but the final total stands at 147 volumes and 26 side-story novels, with the last seventeen volumes and five side stories being published posthumously.
It's far less than 10%
I bought the 5 translated physical volumes as they were released in paperback. They were ok. I don't know if I'd read more. The anime is kinda a mess though, especially later on as it skips multiple volumes, including some of the ones translated into English. It probably skipped a lot of the Japanese as well. The Seven Magi manga, officially translated, is an absolute disaster.

>> No.22278312

what is all this gay shit

>> No.22278560

It's all pozzed

>> No.22278587

Any philosophically dense sci-fi? I already read some Lem

>> No.22278629

John Crowley's The Deep and his other book Engine Summer
Gene Wolfe's Fifth Head of Cerberus and his other novella The Death of Doctor Island

>> No.22278674
File: 1.36 MB, 2640x1692, islands-ocean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am struggling bros, I have nothing to read, recommend a good power fantasy/cultivation/xanxia. Must be non pozzed
pic unrelated

>> No.22278711

Legend of the Condor Heroes.

>> No.22278865
File: 78 KB, 504x761, The Golden Age.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this book is freaking rad. very much digging it so far

>> No.22278867

might as well try this
>Lord of the Mysteries by Cuttlefish – 9/10
>Dungeon Crawler Carl Series by Matt Dinniman - 9/10
>Cradle Series by Will Wight - 8/10
>Worth the Candle by Alex Wales - 8/10
>Infinite Realm by Ivan Kal - 8/10
>Mother of Learning Series - 8/10
>Ave Xia Rem Y by Mat Haz - 8/10
>All The Skills by Honour Rae - 7/10
>Iron Prince by Bryce O'Connor and Luke Chmilenko - 7/10
>Chrysalis by RinoZ - 7/10
>Forge of Destiny by Yrsillar - 7/10
>A Thousand Li by Tao Wong - 7/10
>Mark of the Fool by JM Clarke - 6.5/10
>Retribution Engine by Akaso - 6/10
>Beware of Chicken by Casualfarmer – 6/10
>Wandering Inn by Pirateaba - 6/10
>Virtuous Sons by Ya Boy - 6/10 (Re-Reading)
>Bastion by Phil Tucker - 6/10
>The Primal Hunter by Zogarth - 6/10
>Sufficiently Advanced Magic by Andrew Rowe - 6/10
>Reverend Insanity by Gu Zhen Ren - 6/10
>Heaven's Laws by Apollos Thorne - 6/10
>Battle Mage Farmer by Seth Ring - 5/10
>I Shall Seal The Heavens by Er Gen - 5/10
>Soulhome by Sarah Lin - 5/10
>Soulship by Nathan Thompson - 4/10
>Azarinth Healer by Rhaegar - 3/10
>Reincarnation: Threads by Michael Head - 3/10
>Paladin of the Sword by Marvin Knight - 2/10
>Portal to Nova Roma by JR Mathews - Dropped
>>The Human Emperor by Huangfu Qi - Dropped
>He Who Fights Monsters by Shirtaloon - Dropped
>Coiling Dragon by Wo Chi Xi Hong Shi - Dropped
>The Elevation Chronicles by Captain Capslock - Dropped
>Last Ship in Suzhou by Lungs - Dropped
>Defiance of the Fall by J.F. Brink - Dropped

>Still Reading (Cultivation)
20. Way of Choices

>Still Reading (LitRPG)
18. Dissonance
19. Re-Start #1
20. Fostering Faust

>> No.22278893
File: 158 KB, 1000x1000, poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, seeing this pic makes me believe what the faggets in here said. That Logan Jacobs and Eric Vall are actually the proxy accounts for Michael Scott Earle. They art is the same as those shit books.

>> No.22278984

When the fuck is E William Brown gonna release audiobooks? Fucking pay piggies ruin everything, an author is only productive when they are hungry. A starving artist always put in the work. Look at GURM, after he got paid with GoT tv money, he was set for live (however long that will be with his obesity).

>> No.22279017

>You know, seeing this pic makes me believe what the faggets in here said. That Logan Jacobs and Eric Vall are actually the proxy accounts for Michael Scott Earle. They art is the same as those shit books.
Logan Jacobs and Eric Vall are names used by authors and multiple ghost-writers, that's why the material is so uneven. You don't really think all of those books were written by the same two people?

>> No.22279025

I am saying that Michael Scott Earle is also a ghost writer farm.

>> No.22279028

Logan Jacobs and Eric Vall are almost certainly the same sort of group. Dante King and Simon Archer I've seen people say they might be, and those two definitely also have 'non-smut' names (DB King and SA Archer), but if they are they're a different group. Just seems too different. Either way, almost all of the output of those 4 are just middling at best.

>> No.22279058

You're STILL mad, or just meming?

>> No.22279092

About whom? GURM? Naw. I know I will not get another Song of Ice.
About E William Brown? Yes. Mad and salty.

>> No.22279237

I wonder how a non-fan sees the show.
And what in your opinion, does the show do better than the book?

>> No.22279259

That guy has to be a shill or he has incredibly low standards. The show is one of the worst tv show's I've ever watched. I don't even really know how it stands as an adaptation but standing on its own it's fucking terrible.
>one of the better TV fantasy offerings
Fucking Shannara Chronicles was better than WOT. It was mind numbingly bad in almost every way.

>> No.22279298

I was relatively indifferent to WoT before the show, never read it never had more than a vague interest in it. I dropped it about half-way into episode 1 because the wardrobe looked cheap, the acting didn't sound sincere, and there weren't enough hot people to make up for those two problems.

>> No.22279300

That's kind of what I was expecting to hear from a non-fan. On the off chance that he's not a shill or troll, I would still like to know how sees it.

>I don't even really know how it stands as an adaptation
It hits the important story beats in a condensed format. Unfortunately, leaving out a lot. But that's always going to happen when you try to translate an entire tomb to a mere 10 hours of television.

The real problem adaptation wise, lies in the details. They got many things wrong, which I won't bother listing all of them here and now. But trust me, any WoT fan could rattle off a bunch of stuff that was wrong.

IMO, all of the problems could have been ignored by general audiences, if only the production was better. If the acting was a little better, if the special effects were a little better(looking at Loial), if the editing was better, if the music was better. Then I don't think general audiences would care about what fans care about. But unfortunately, it's just kind of drab and monotonous.

>> No.22279322

What's crazy is there are so many fans of fantasy, especially after GoT, and so few shows of such low quality. Meanwhile, China is shitting out tons of fantasy tv series and movies with generally pretty good production values. I wonder how long before western audiences pick up on them.

>> No.22279341

It felt like watching a tax write-off.

>> No.22279346

The first four seasons of GoT were legitimately good tv. Great production values and a plot that followed the source material as best as it could. The last four seasons of GoT had none of that. It looked like shit, had plotholes everywhere, and the showrunners just made up whatever they wanted. WoT, Witcher, and RoP followed the model of the second half despite the first half being what made the show so good. Everyone wants to be the next GoT but no one wants to put in the work or follow the source material because they think they can do it better.

>> No.22279372
File: 1.21 MB, 2658x3501, 50893434378957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 more week
This wait is fucking killing me

>> No.22279373

Unfortunately, the case. it's not only about following source material. it's also having writers that are decent at taking the source material, and condensing it down into the TV time restraints. And good directors capable of transforming the source material in a compelling viewing experience for the scene. And of course good editors that can take the film and arrange them in a way that probably rises and falls creating suspense and excitement. Good wardrobe makers, good prop artists, good special effects arts. All that stuff.

It really feels like Got 1-4 was just a 5 year long fluke.

>> No.22279403

Any examples? The main problem would be lack of translation, but I'd gladly watch fantasy/xianxia tv show if it's good. It has to have at least english subtitles, though.

>> No.22279437

I never watched it, but it wasn't a fluke. It was born in a different era when TV producers thought they had a chance to steal the movies' mantle of glam. So they tried to do great work. They aimed for apex cinema but without the time constraint. Now they have different goals which we all know about.

>> No.22279457

There are a ton on youtube to sift through. The genres ranges from action to girly dramas to detective fiction, all in the same general ancient mythical China.

I enjoyed the shows 'Snow Sword Stride' and 'Nirvana in Fire' and 'Demigods and Semi Devils'. But there are a million of them as well as one off movies.

>> No.22279473

They're rough drafts for visual adaptations and it shows. If it has anything worthwhile to say it goes straight to manga.

>> No.22279495

>And what in your opinion, does the show do better than the book?
I never said it did anything better than the books. It does different things, which is why I watch it. If I wanted the same thing again I would just read the books again.

>> No.22279507

Yeah, I guessed you might have given such a tedious response when I wrote that.
I'm not even going to bother asking you any more questions, because you're just going to be more dodgy, and I'm not in the mood to deal with that today.

>> No.22279532

Le fedora papist ruined me for most other hard SF, I'll be reading it and thinking "John C. Wright would have done this but made it beautiful"

>> No.22279597

Watch Thunderbolt Fantasy. It might be offputting at first because the entire show is done with puppets, but it's fantastic.

>> No.22279614

>There are a ton on youtube to sift through. The genres ranges from action to girly dramas to detective fiction, all in the same general ancient mythical China.
>I enjoyed the shows 'Snow Sword Stride' and 'Nirvana in Fire' and 'Demigods and Semi Devils'. But there are a million of them as well as one off movies.
Anon, I've checked them and they all look to be ancient chineese dramas, wuxia at most, but not fantasy, not by a long shot. I'm not against some solid dramas, but I want to watch fantasy.

>> No.22279638

only other hard scifi I've read is apparently Blindsight and The Expanse #1-3, both of which I liked well enough.
but this Wright book is so fun and whimsical, not what I was expecting at all

>> No.22279864

They have crazy magic powers.

If you want CG monsters try something like Douluo Continent.

>> No.22280350
File: 57 KB, 257x385, Hero_in_the_Shadows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good list of fantasy that isn't completely pozzed?

So far I've got

>David Gemmel's Drenai Series
> GOT (or at least it isn't in your face and annoying about it)

New to fantasy and I hate the way politics is shoved down my throat. It's tough to find a straight white male protagonist in a decent novel that has been published in the last few years.

>> No.22280450
File: 63 KB, 600x415, THWRFPWRSL1986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Define pozzed. Or you just hate any book with women in them? I'm genuinely asking because i don't want to post a huge ass list for some /pol/tard.

>> No.22280479

He gave you examples, doofus

>> No.22280607

I slowed down my reading, but ramping back up. and need more, where the hell do I go now that book cc is dead?

>> No.22280644


>> No.22280647

Most Sword and sorcery. So Conan, Kane, Elric, etc
The Broken Sword
The Prince of Nothing
Anything by Jack Vance and Gene Wolfe

>> No.22280649

Just read Pale Lights by the guy who wrote Guide to Evil. It's heavily build around conspiracy and subterfuge. It is a webnovel and has some grammatical and spelling mistakes but is really well written and paced, with unique setting.

>> No.22280799

Except the second series features a Mary Sues that rivals Rey in stronkness.

>> No.22280948
File: 148 KB, 1200x1200, prison break.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why the fuck did Mieville stop writing fiction? Was it really GOMMUNISM?

>> No.22280957
File: 404 KB, 1366x767, 9su34efqckz71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problem with production values in GoT has always been proportionately related to how much screentime dragons had. I don't think the show's budget was lowered, but rather they had the same amount which they now had to cover a lot MORE with. Costumes especially took a nosedive simply because they fell under actual physical assets, for example.

>> No.22281010

one look at what he HAS been writing should tell you that

>> No.22281024

Mmm, chinese rpg art style book covers. The best way to say your book is not worth a try.

>> No.22281165

I like Cenotaph road better than this.

>> No.22281228
File: 83 KB, 400x388, 1671813833052799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just read The first Dune and Dune: Messiah books and I'm not sure on how to feel about the series.

While I love Herbert, his writing and his wacky ideas. and can see how many other author's were inspired by his works (including Bakker which quite literally blatantly copied way more than he should), why is Paul such an insufferable Gary Sue?

>> No.22281460

He’s the product of thousands of years of Bene Gesserit breeding, so he’s supposed to be better than everyone else. And how is he a Gary Stu when he’s not even strong enough to follow the golden path? Anyway you should keep reading because you’ll probably like Leto II more than Paul

>> No.22281486

It's just that Kellhus reads so much better than Paul, even if he's an amoral "monster". Paul's emotions are a little bit displaced more often than not, especially his anger.

>> No.22281716

Messiah is somehow worse than Dune. It's incredibly fucking retarded that we are somehow baited into believing that the Ghola would be allowed anywhere near the Imperial family.

>> No.22281733

>takes his virginity.
Males do not have virginity to be "taken" unless maybe you're a homosexual talking about sodomy. While there might technically be some rare circumstances where the metaphor might make sense, 99% of the time it is a bad one. Male virginity (unlike female virginity) has no intrinsic value and there's nothing worth "taking." Male chastity in general is only important insofar as it contributes to stable society and thwarts spread of venereal disease.

>> No.22281739

>implying I gave the waste of time any chance past book 3.

>> No.22281755

Holy shit take your fucking meds

>> No.22281823
File: 230 KB, 1159x665, 1543000550067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22281824

holy based

>> No.22281845

>Male virginity (unlike female virginity) has no intrinsic value and there's nothing worth "taking."
incorrect. learn what pair-bonding is. you are not a god and you are not infinite.

>> No.22281924

I love Gemmell, but he started adding some light pozzery to his novels at a certain point. Granted it doesn't come across as pozzery compared to today's full blown zogslop fantasy, but it's still there.

>> No.22282224

Mushoku Tensei is one of the only LNs I've found worth reading, but not because of how good it is, only there is so much extra information in there (mostly world building) that they've removed from the anime or outright changed that people who are really big fans would be interested in. But don't get me wrong, it was a good choice to cut that shit out. The LN is a bloated monstrosity, and an absolute slog to read. So, essentially what >>22279473 said. It's not rare for LNs to take 10 or 15 pages to go over the most pointless details, which wouldn't be so bad if they had good prose, but almost none of them do. I'm not sure how it is in English, because I read it in Japanese, but Danmachi actually had some surprisingly good moments in it, few and far between as they were.

>> No.22282234

12 Miles Below


Icy death above. Monster-filled dungeons below. He must fight or freeze.

Extreme sub-zero temperatures suffocate the surface. Frozen structures of bygone eras span across massive ice-wastes. And the survivors closely guard any technology rediscovered within them.

The only escape from the deadly climate is beneath the surface, but that doesn't mean it's safe...

Monstrous machines lurk in the depths. Unhinged demigods war against them, dying over and over, treating it all like a game. The depths themselves shift over time, more contraption than rock.

When an expedition into the far uncharted north goes terribly wrong, Keith Winterscar and his father get trapped together in a desperate fight for survival. Stumbling upon an ancient war of titanic scale, the two will need to set their differences aside while they struggle against gods, legends, and the secrets of the realm that lies below.

>> No.22282235

>considered one of the most stereotypical fantasy archetypes
>barely any fantasy written about them
why is this always the case with morally good archetypes? i'm fucking sick of reading about thieves and necromancers.

>> No.22282264

Thieves I believe but are there really a lot of books about necromancer MCs?

>> No.22282293

The modern Paladin is entirely a creation of d&d. If you want to read about them, you'll have to read d&d related books and gamelit.

>> No.22282323


>> No.22282327

The Bible

>> No.22282336

A Song of Ice and Fire

>> No.22282402
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I need books similar to this series. Guy uses mind and magic to make magitech and fuck people up.
Anything similar?

>> No.22282416

Isn't this smut?

>> No.22282457

It has some smut, but the story and plot is really good. It's basically a well written story that happens to have smut in it, rather than a smut book that tries to attach a story.
I just skim the smut scenes, and I enjoy reading the series.

>> No.22282462
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Who in their right mind would read a story that will never be finished?

>> No.22282463

Admit it, a little blood rushes to your PP

>> No.22282472

>learn what pair-bonding is.
Not very relevant. Women who desire a pair-bond may avoid wasting energy trying to obtain one with a man known for extreme promiscuity. But there's minimal advantage to having no sexual experience vs a modest amount. Certainly nothing remotely comparable to the value a female virgin brings to her first mate. In fact, as a male, pair-bonding to a woman who has already filled her womb with another man's seed has a derogatory name: cuckoldry. Meanwhile, males have extra reason to value female purity because it's additional assurance of paternity.

>> No.22282494

>story and plot is really good
no it is not, oh my god.

>> No.22282578

I just looked it up and according to most reviews it's Isekai wish fulfilment haremshit. So you're lying about it being well written.

>> No.22282583

They aren't mutually exclusive.

>> No.22282585

Yes they are.

>> No.22282707

So because something has X that automatically makes it Y, according to you? Then I can't help you. I just want books similar. Most self published books aren't well written and don't button up their plot.

>> No.22282742

I don't need or want the help of someone who calls Isekai wish fulfilment haremshit well written with a straight face.

>> No.22282760

No he didn't.
My favorite of his is The Keys to Paradise and Jade Demons Quartet.

>> No.22282767

I see you are just a lonely sadboy and want (you)s. This is the last reply you'll get from me. It's obvious you don't even read. You're just here to shitpost.

>> No.22282788

Reading self-published haremshit isn't reading.

>> No.22282849

you're gay, breh. Pick up some Conan and eat shit

>> No.22282860
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>Reading ... isn't reading

>> No.22282902

>pair-bonding to a woman who has already filled her womb with another man's seed has a derogatory name: cuckoldry
Well, widows are clean, both IRL and in storytelling. I have doubts about more spicy shit that you can get away in stories: like rape victims or sex slaves and such, translating into real life.

>> No.22282993

What’s it about anon?

>> No.22283050

This, deep sea ember and LoTM are awesome you have fine taste sir

>> No.22283064

Can somebody recommend sth. Similar to "villain retirement"?
Basically the protagonist is the villain and unstoppable and side character just try to deal with the chaos/evil shit the protagonist does(more example "invincible comic", "The boys Series, Homelander")

>> No.22283084


>> No.22283146
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Any books with widows? Never knew i needed that in my life until now

>> No.22283168

Fuck. Are you me? I went to look for widow porn after I read his post too.

>> No.22283175

I could never actually get into dune because the protagonist is so unlikeable. I’ve tried like 3 or 4 times and always just lose interest about halfway through

>> No.22283192

Not as a main love interest and not off the top of my head.

>> No.22283199

You're a virgin

>> No.22283277
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Lol. I'm being serious.
No worries, a quick search online and i've already found three, Swordheart, Bridge of D'arnath and "Blacktongue and Grim" by Juliet Marillier (Sevenwaters was based) i will go down the widowed waifu rabbit hole.

>> No.22283315

If you want to watch a literal slave prostitute with a kid work as a waifu, I suggest Dave Duncan's "The Seventh Sword". There is also a 17 year old widow side character, for a few chapters.

>> No.22283328

>Lol. I'm being serious.
So am I. I like matures, and when I saw widow my lizard brain made me search for widow milf.

>> No.22283351
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>Dave Duncan
I really have to get into him, Seventh Sword, A Man of His Word and his other works have been in my tbr for the longest time.
Btw i'm reading Feist's Conclave of Shadows and the main character marries a widow with a kid but it's like book 24 in the riftwar cycle so i wouldn't recommend reading it just for that lol

>> No.22283433

Gone Native, A DC fanfic

>> No.22283532
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Would you read this?

>> No.22283538
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Rec me S&S/Heroic Fantasy that feels like you're reading the lyrics to a Black Metal album.

>> No.22283549

Paladin of Souls

>> No.22283554

Lord of the Rings

>> No.22283608


>> No.22283615


>> No.22283769


>> No.22283799

No one is reading Fantasy in novel form anymore. Everyone is reading fantasy manga, watching fantasy anime and movies. At best they are listening to audio books.

>> No.22283832

I read fantasy novels :(and i'm to autistic for audiobooks

>> No.22283867

Eh, I actually like Tamsyn Muir

>> No.22283883

Currently 200 pages into Gardens of the Moon by Eriksen, is every book in Malazan this shit?

>> No.22283890

Just read bakker instead

>> No.22283913

Y'know what? This is gonna bug me if I don't know what happened to those books, so I'll just email the author to ask. Looks like he's got a contact email on his site.

>> No.22283918

>Azarinth Healer
>Primal Hunter
Aggressively trite and shit
Heard good things, might be good, never read it
>Dungeon Cuck
Ehhh maybe might be okay
>Iron Prince
Never read it but that cover looks like it's trash

>> No.22283927
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>power fantasy/cultivation/xanxia
I will readily shill my own
Prologue excerpt:

Her head toppled from her shoulders.

When her killer picked up her disembodied head and placed it so that she had a good view of the city, saying that he was sorry, that it was for his family… Only then did the reality of her betrayal sink in. He’d been bought by the same scum who had turned her home to radioactive glass.

Krahe. That had been her name.

In the moment her head was severed from her body, a chain of Dead Man's Switches embedded in her cybernetics went off. Among them, turning her body into an autonomous humanoid weapon was the first. The local news cycle that night ran wild with reports of a rampaging “cyber-zombie”.

As the man who she had trusted and who had betrayed her met his end at the radiation-blasters embedded in her arms, the second of Krahe’s Dead Man's Switches went off.

The rotten, corporate heart of Megacity Gamma, and with it the HQ of the Whitestone and Bergmann Financial Group… It all went up in nuclear hellfire. Such was the scale and resilience of corporate megastructures; nothing less than a fusion bomb would have sufficed. The megacity’s intranet followed when the last Dead Man's Switch activated: a self-replicating AI was unleashed, running rampage through any system even slightly related to Whitestone.

These were the treasures of a woman who had lived through corporate wars and cataclysms without number, who had stood against the closest thing her world had to gods.

The three curses of a righteous warrior whom her own world had rejected.

Brunhilde Krahe died with the image of a nuclear fireball of her own making, burned into her artificial eyes’ corneas. With the last shred of backup power in her head, the cyborg rumbled out her final words.


She died filled with regret and refusal, for this was a scene she had never wanted to see. The only reason she hadn’t done this of her own volition, why this was a Dead Man's Switch to begin with, was the knowledge that the true masterminds of Whitestone would just prop up another finance group in another city with even tighter corporate security.

“It was all for nothing…”

A truth she could not accept, hoping even unto death that her act would at least stir another like herself into action. She hoped that eventually, the subhuman parasites behind the likes of Whitestone would be strung up from their own ivory towers as they rightly deserved.

Those who had killed her thus met the same fate, even if she was not there to see it. No, Krahe had long departed for the timeless journey through the cosmic void between worlds, only to be snatched up by the whims of cosmic coincidence.

>> No.22283959

He kickstarted a trilogy btw. Successfully.

>> No.22283961

Is this your OC?

>> No.22283977

shit bait

>> No.22283995

I want to try writing a fantasy novel again. Whenever I write, I inevitably end up writing somewhat closer to the prose style of the last author I read. With that in mind, who should I read to set myself up to make something good, or at least interesting?

>> No.22283999

More to the point: you have never fucked a virgin.

>> No.22284000

Didn't realize we were nearly at bump limit when I started writing my review, sheeeit. I'll save it for the next.

Is that you, Akaso...? Take me home. The rest of this genre has been so exhausting. Jokes aside, interesting enough excerpt to make me want to read further. Evokes strong imagery, hits a note like... Terminator 2 'Sarah Connor watching the apocalypse' against a massive corporate zone getting deleted.

>> No.22284001

Gene Wolfe

>> No.22284012

I do have a fancy hardcover of BotNS permanently on my nightstand already and I'm not joking, so that'll be my fallback. I love Wolfe but I think I would have a really hard time with that, both with emulating it and with trying to sell it.

>> No.22284016
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I never stopped. Engine is still going. I'm about to start a "hidden sect tries to sacrifice a city, gets stomped" arc for Vol. 7.

Picrel is a first render pass for the illust for that arc.

I've been real happy with how Cherno Caster is turning out as well. It doesn't stay in Megacity Gamma, to be clear. It's all about Krahe getting yeeted into a world that isn't completely fucked and schizoing out, trying to find the puppetmasters behind the scenes so it doesn't end up the way her home did.

>> No.22284026

I am of the retard, forgot to link the fic

>> No.22284033

Blessed. Plan to pick RE back up at some point and check out Cherno Caster when I'm done with these last 3 titles. You do all your own art or is this commissioned work? Looks great, really dig the style.

>> No.22284037

It's all commissioned. How far along into RE were you before you dropped it last?

>> No.22284051

Wrapped it at the end of Vol. 2. Been a long ass while.

>> No.22284061

Oh. Well I hope you at least get to the end of Vol. 4, though hopefully all the way through. I feel that the highest peaks for the series are the finales of Vol. 4 and Vol. 6.

>> No.22284149

Edgar Alan Poe

>> No.22284177

I need your help. I have read most of these books >>22274867 and returned them all. I also tried the universally loved one, the one about the cuck, and it was shit. The stormlight one was okay but didin't do it.
The last book I really enjoyed in fantasy was Magician: Apprentice. Also a big LoTR fag. Musashi isn't fantasy but I really enjoyed that one as well.

I have tried to do this on my own and been repeatedly disappointed. I need a good fantasy book. Just one.

>> No.22284186

What's baby's first fantasy and Sci-fi? The most I've read is Japanese light novels and manga. I got recommended Hyperion in the other thread. I've heard Sanderson being popular but he seems bland. Recs for me?

>> No.22284210

Pick up Morningstar by David Gemmell. Can't comment on Sci-Fi, because I don't read that garbage.

>> No.22284288

A bit similar to Wolfe, but maybe.

Faulkner's probably good. One of those shitty early AI encoders did suggest that my prose was already "similar" to his, so it might be a more natural fit.

>> No.22284359

^ that, Starship Troopers, and one or two random Philip K Dick novels is your basic normalfag "I read scifi" kit. Maybe round it out with some contemporary trash like Annihilation or Three Body Problem.

>> No.22284386

Thanks anon!

>> No.22284469

Yes! Morningstar by Gemmell is great

>> No.22284679

New Thread:



>> No.22284709

not even page 10 yet faggot

>> No.22284750
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>> No.22285003

The Faerie Queene