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22261185 No.22261185 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.22261195


>> No.22261208

Charlie's endorsement should be enough to let you know that Guenon is a waste of time.

>> No.22261213
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>> No.22261234



>> No.22261239
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>the head of a monarchy that's basically 2000 years old

Honestly, it makes total sense for him to be a perennialist, and it's a surprise we haven't gotten a perennialist monarch in the West before now. They have not been uncommon in the East but Charles seems to be the first Western example I can think of.

>> No.22261252


>> No.22261266

That's it Charles, let the English mask slip, show them that they are under the heel of a true Kaiser now.

>> No.22261284

to paraphase his saying that 'we revere the past not because of nostalgia but because it was marked by the sacred' btfos all evoloid larpers who make traditionalism something political

>> No.22262127

This nigga can't even keep the Church of England(where he reigns as Supreme Governor) in line. The majority of Anglican leaders from around the world recently got together and declared them apostate and the CoE as a province where communion with the Anglican Church is impaired. That's fucking insane to even think about. That a group of Anglican leaders—representing about 75-ish percent of all Anglicans world wide— felt that things had gotten so bad at Canterbury that they had to remove the traditional head of their church. These were the same Primates who were willing to put up with the Archbishop of Canterbury's tolerance for the heretical American Episcopal churches for the sake of keeping the church together. However, as recent events have shown, they could only be pushed so far before current trend-chasing agenda of the Church of England the broke the historically strong bonds of love with the rest of the Anglican Communion.

And what on Earth is this bozo doing? Would the Pope just dally around and mumbling on about traditionalism if the entire Roman Catholic church just one day decided that Rome had fallen into heresy and had to be excommunicated? Why is he just faffing about and dillydallying?

>> No.22262614

If he were a traditionalist he would immediately:
>disband parliament
>get rid of the welfare State
>stack the Church of England with radical right wing prelates
>expel the Jews, bankers, and financiers
>expel the left wing intellectuals and academics
>restore the gold standard
>declare a jubilee (forgiveness of all debts over a certain amount)
>restore the death penalty
>restore traditional education
>stop co-education
>stop free speech
>encourage family values
>discourage feminism as much as possible
>implement Virtue police and blasphemy laws
>make sodomy illegal
>make pornography illegal
>make alcohol illegal
>send in police on horseback to crush dissenters
>slap massive taxes on high IQ, educated people, or high income people who don't breed
When he came to my city I wanted to go out and scream from the crowd that he should embrace his destiny and stop the emasculated pantomime that the monarchy has been reduced to for ages. But I didn't get to.

>> No.22263873

Don't mind if i do

>> No.22264888

He's a traditionalist of the satanic pedophilic sort, not the christian sort. Everything he said in OP's quote is in line with the elite's plan.

>> No.22264930

>basically 2000 years old
even if you stretch it back to the beginning of the House of Wessex it's more like 1500 or so

>> No.22264938

>>make alcohol illegal
now wait just a bloody minute we aren't mohammedans here mate
ban football instead

>> No.22265724

>believes Guenon yet is no different from a WEFer

yeah Guenon is trash, esoteric crypto-Buddhist knowledge among the elites isn't gonna save the west

>> No.22265793

Britain is not a monarchist empire anymore, buddy. It's a parliamentary puppet of USA.

>> No.22265799

Well you'll call me satanic for giving what's due to Worsn and a pedophile for saying that women should be engaged while they're 15. I can't see how this is correlated with what Claus the Swab describes as the utopic future in his book.

>> No.22265801

Quick fix

>> No.22265856

Which is precisely why it's ridiculous to idolize someone like Charles. He's a figurehead and a figurehead who is not even doing what is within his power, which isn't very much, to counteract modernity or the American world order. If he wanted to harm the modern world system, he's presumably privy to all kinds of information about the activities of UK intelligence, the degenerated British upper crust (including members of the monarchy obviously), the media establishment, and the activities of US and Israeli intelligence inside Britain. He hasn't said a word and almost certainly won't.

And if you read his supposedly traditionalist speech on Islam, it's very obvious that he sees Perennialism as a way to produce a kind of moderate Islam that isn't hostile to Western interests, i.e. that doesn't physically fight back against modernity. Other Perennialists and Perennialist-adjacent people who touch on Islam very often have the same approach, it seems like basically just a "right wing" alternative to the progressive reformist agenda. In the latter case there are plenty of proven connections to Western intelligence, in the former case I think we can assume there often is. Look into what Peter Lamborn Wilson, Henry Corbin, and Seyyed Hossein Nasr were getting up to in Iran for instance. An academic clique formed around them in Tehran during the Shahist years and then after the revolution, surely a step towards tradition that a Shia-inclined Perennialist would embrace, they immediately left for the West. Fingerprints of intelligence if you ask me. Ditto Hamza Yusuf saying at every opportunity that jihad is illegitimate and we're in some special age where the sharia doesn't need to be established, he's also spoken at Davos.

>> No.22265859

Also a strong globalizing eco-religion aspect to a lot of post-Guenon/Evola Perennialist figures and material and this includes King Charles, it includes The Book Foundation (which publishes Muhammad Asad and Charles Le Gai Eaton), and it includes Abdul Hakim Murad.

>> No.22265894

You know the answer. It’s because he doesn’t actually control shit. He has money managers who indirectly tell him what to do and in exchange his family gets to keep their money, their estates, their celebrity, etc. Besides, everyone thinks Perennialism is based because of Evola and to a lesser extent Guenon, but even within those two there’s a strain that more or less overlaps with post-modern degeneracy. Somehow traditionalism always leads to drugs and butt stuff. Weird how that works…

>> No.22265908

Do you think the spread of traditionalism/Perennialism would be a positive development or a negative one?

>> No.22265910

When you own the Church itself and it pays you rent, it really doesn't matter what people say. The tenants concern is theology, the landlords concern is only about the rent.

HM I like this, especially the Pandora part at the end; false hope being the cardinal evil as any true Roman knows.

>> No.22265913

Charles is 74. He has no destiny.

>> No.22265928

hell, you're just a baby; he's 74.

>> No.22265935

This guy buys into homeopathy and other retarded horseshit.

>> No.22266021

you sound like you're suffering from homo pathos with the envy you're displaying there, /pol/troon

>> No.22266097

Hard to say but if it was positive it would be positive only insofar as it leads people to actual Islam and popularizes some legitimate criticisms of modernity. It does do both but both in a problematic way. I think most Perennialists eventually end up realizing that you need to leave Guenon and Eaton behind, or at least read them very critically, that they are not actually traditional in any real sense.

But some of the converts who come to Islam through Perennialism have a hard time letting go of it. I think this is usually because of political/cultural reasons (the desire for a uniquely Western form of Islam, which is unacceptable) and for the much more understandable reason that the Islamic intellectual tradition in the Arabic speaking world has in certain senses degenerated and in all senses is beyond the ability of fresh converts to access. And for the reason, also understandable, that Perennialists write from a basically Western perspective and can respond in more depth to uniquely Western issues. So it happens for reasons that are in some cases the fault of orthodox Muslims, even in the case of scholarship being accessible that's a fault since more could be done to translate great works. But it's a problem, Perennialism arguably (and I think most ulama say it does so idk how much of an argument it is) takes you outside the bounds of Islam/prevents you from entering Islam in the first place.

And then when it comes to the dangers of Perennialist critiques of modernity, a lot of them are Platonic or influenced by the Western far right tradition and many of those types of critiques are at odds with Islam. For example, all the anti-nominalism you see on the part of trads these days is unacceptable even for Ashariis and Maturidis. And even where Perennialist writers have valid critiques, which they often do, there's still the risk that these critiques are framed in such a way that you could wind up getting a right wing version of interfaith, something that certain people in this vein like Abdul Hakim Murad (and I'm not saying he's outside Islam) even explicitly call for.

Tldr though I do think there's valuable stuff to be found in Perennialist writings but the actual great works of Islamic tradition are far more valuable and the former have to be read through the lens of the latter and disregarded when there's a contradiction.

>> No.22266105

To be clear, do you find Islam preferable to Christianity for Westerners?

>> No.22266140

>or influenced by the Western far right tradition and many of those types of critiques are at odds with Islam
Also as an example of this, the universalization of the Hindu caste system that some Perennialists try to construct is not compatible with what the caliphates actually were, and is imo derived more from a Western far right nostalgia for Rome. The caliph is not divinized, he's as fallible as anyone else, and he's not invested with religious authority like the pope or a Roman emperor or pharaoh. During the Rashidun caliphates, he was elected by the most (religiously) knowledgeable members of society. The great Sunni ulama actually traditionally kept as great a distance from the rulers as they could in fear of becoming palace scholars. So religious authority in Islam is almost the opposite of how Perennialists think religious authority does and should work in some senses.

There are a lot of similar problems that come from Perennialism's origins and the background of the people who are drawn to it (and I mean far right and not Western/white). And a lot of related and sometimes overlapping problems where Perennialists will try to universalize a certain scheme but that universality totally breaks down when you get into specifics. That's really the core of why Perennialism should be largely dismissed I think, the "traditional religions" that Perennialists endorse differ from each other in all sorts of irreconcilable and very important ways (e.g. reincarnation vs one life and then judgement, that is not some minor "exoteric" issue and both cannot be simultaneously true). And the "traditional religions" don't have this idea of the unity of religions on an essential level and at least when it comes to so-called Abrahamic religions that notion of essential unity is explicitly heretical unless (sometimes, sometimes you don't even get this much wiggle room) you frame it in a much more limited way than Perennialists do. So there's a gigantic logical contradiction at the heart of Perennialism.

>> No.22266143

Islam is preferable to Christianity for everyone because it's true. Not in some contingent sense of reflecting a sophia perennis that's also reflected in every other "world religion", it's true and the others are either total falsehood or a degenerated version of Islam and in either case they can't save you.

>> No.22266157

And not to assume bad motivations here but if you're operating under the assumption that different peoples should have different religions or express the same religion in fundamentally different ways then that's a fantastic example of how far right ethno/civilizational-centrism distorts people's religious thinking. If someone's "belief" in a religion is premised on the belief that the social expression of that religion will be healthy for his race and/or civilization then that's not actual belief in the religion, it's a secular and modern view of religions where they're seen as serving some essential social function, seen as a political tool basically. Look at these agnostic "Christians" like Peterson, that's basically the same thing. And if someone's doctrine and practice when it comes to their religion is being determined by their racial and civilization outlooks then that's the same thing too. Your thought process should not be "is music being haram compatible with the Aryan soul", it should be "is music haram according to Islam as traditionally practiced and believed in?" and if you want to dig deeper into the matter than that, there are actually traditional methodologies that the ulama use for arriving at answers to these questions called usool al-fiqh (methodologies of the law you could say). And those methodologies have nothing to do with what race you are.

>> No.22266167
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>it's true

>> No.22266171

If you need to raise your bottom up thrice a day to a literal deity to find the mental discipline not to say idiotic things or gawk at women like a yard-ape, then ........ well ... fine. But you're only slightly less pathetic than the Christians, or maybe that's not fair, you're substantially better, but you're still a slave of heathen backward racial-supremacist ignorance originating from self-mutilating jews.

go fuck a child and smoke crack, you gotta build up that sin to have something to confess.

>> No.22266175

>But some of the converts who come to Islam through Perennialism have a hard time letting go of it.
Perennialism is the only reason to take Islam seriously. It's a complete joke without a massive amount of defense from other religions.

>> No.22266181

I've been explicitly saying that following Islam only to have some moral code or social morality or political scheme is not enough. I think it's good if someone enters Islam through that route because entering Islam is good (and the same goes for someone entering Islam through Perennialism) but that should be understood as just a route. You can't get your order of operations mixed up. Things are right and wrong because God says so. You start with God and that tells you what right and wrong even is, you don't start with your preconceived ideas of right and wrong and use God as a tool to make yourself and society at large follow those ideas more effectively.

>Islam is racial supremacist
It's not.

>> No.22266184

How many Islamic books from before modernity have you read?

>> No.22266192

Name one good social benefit of alcohol? I can name ten social detriments in response. Go out in your local city centre on Saturday night and see what alcohol does to society. Better legalise weed or mushrooms than alcohol

>> No.22266212

I am a Christian that was led to Christianity partly through traditionalism/perennialism. I think Islam is literally false and it does not take that much to realize that. I also think it is far from good practically speaking, but I am still curious about nuanced opinions people have regarding whether even false religious belief is preferable to atheism/scientism and I suspected that’s where the poster was going. Nothing more.

>> No.22266218

>I've been explicitly saying
Oh only just chimed in there to give a neutral opinion, I wasn't whoever you've been talking to.

Still... you kind of fall into the same problem of the others when you take that approach; that: the world/self/society isn't important as much as belief (in the religion as literally true), which reverses you back into jewish fables, hence:
>> you're still a slave of heathen backward racial-supremacist ignorance originating from self-mutilating jews.
which makes you an obvious shabbas goy from a non-abramic perspective, since you'll scream and fight to the death anyone who points out the flaws in the jewish mythology, whilst not even realizing what you're doing and who you're serving. And then all of that has filled your head and you're basically regressed to the teenager level again, only this time you're fortified in your depraved state (morally repugnant unlearned in decency) because you believe that "the world" ad "you" doesn't matter because proclaiming to believe that the jewish fables are literally true is way more important.

I don't mean this about you personally, but it's a commonality i've observed in friends who've ended up as either christian or muslim, a common regression in their conduct; coupled with intense hypocrisy: suddenly they think they lecture me, who has never been so bad and stupid as they were prior to their religion, as if "I'm" the one who needs "their" moral instruction whilst they visibly regress to the level of a dumb teenager in their personal conduct. Makes me very angry, to be honest, to have to watch that sort of thing occur.

question though:
how come I never needed a jewish religion to "guide me" in anything? If I'm just naturally blessed or God made me way more stronger than my peers, it would be nice if the religious cults would have their followers recognize this.

>> No.22266229

>I think Islam is literally false and it does not take that much to realize that.
Haha, whereas I think it has more value as a secular thing - not by much though, as I just said here: >>22266218

I mean, the notion that the slavering baby-eating mythos of the primitive boily-mutilating do-nothign hebrews has any validity or reason to take them seriously in teir idea that "a god" is literal and not a social thing, ... is a bold claim on their part which flies in the face of universal religions (religions around the world, ancient religions as being scientific things; augurs studying the weather and how well the crops will grow to provide use to their people).

a primitive animal cutting up its own offspring, living in squalor, screeching that he's the chosen race of the god of "everything" is hilarious from an outside civilized perspective.

>> No.22266235

That's a central point of Evola. And of course tradition is political, politics derive from tradition.

>> No.22266254

>And of course tradition is political, politics derive from tradition.
I'm not sure he meant that as a positive thing or an endorsement,
beliefs inherited and which refuse inquiry can be either correct or incorrect; helpful or harmful; it's a stasis to just do whatever was done that happened to be done in your village.

>> No.22266260

I mean: the word Ethos is derived from Ethnos, but Ethos is not Logos, as the 32 Roman Virtues are not planted into your head automatically; they're learned by you or not learned by you. Racial supremacism says otherwise.

>> No.22266267

I don’t think Evola disagrees with that sentiment.

>> No.22266648

>beliefs inherited and which refuse inquiry can be either correct or incorrect; helpful or harmful; it's a stasis to just do whatever was done that happened to be done in your village.
That's not what Evola meant by tradition, which is why people should really use the term Perennialism instead when discussing the Traditional School people imo. When they say tradition they mean the "sophia perennis" and lowercase t traditions that embody it. Eating fermented salmon in the winter because your great great greats did it isn't what Evola was talking about. Not that what he was talking about had much more legitimacy but the word traditional here can be misleading.

>> No.22266876

“If when you say whiskey you mean the devil’s brew, the poison scourge, the bloody monster that defiles innocence, dethrones reason, destroys the home, creates misery and poverty, yea, literally takes the bread from the mouths of little children; if you mean the evil drink that topples the Christian man and woman from the pinnacle of righteous, gracious living into the bottomless pit of degradation and despair and shame and helplessness and hopelessness, then certainly I am against it.


If when you say whiskey you mean the oil of conversation, the philosophic wine, the ale that is consumed when good fellows get together, that puts a song in their hearts and laughter on their lips, and the warm glow of contentment in the eyes; if you mean Christmas cheer; if you mean the stimulating drink that puts the spring in the old gentleman’s step on a frosty, crispy morning; if you mean the drink which enables a man to magnify his joy and his happiness and to forget if only for a little while life’s great tragedies and heartaches and sorrows; if you mean that drink, the sale of which pours into our treasuries untold millions of dollars which are used to provide tender care for our little crippled children, our blind, our deaf and dumb, our pitiful aged and infirm,; to build highways and hospitals and schools then certainly I am for it.”

>> No.22266890

This is the best explanation I’ve heard

>> No.22267489

Islam is gay and for low IQ, low class mutts. Christianity isn't much better, both are semitic.

>> No.22267520

what the FUCK

>> No.22267547

Clown in the desert cave happens to talk to god everytime he needs someone murder for him or needs to get his dick wet

>> No.22268002

This makes more sense, and this: >>22266267

very hard to imagine any of the thinkers of the early 1900's not vomiting in disgust to see their 'spiritual followers' in the present.

>> No.22269184

Perhaps this modern Church of England is Charles taking the Left Hand path

>> No.22269254
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>sees Perennialism as a way to produce a kind of moderate Islam that isn't hostile to Western interests, i.e. that doesn't physically fight back against modernity.

The ultimate own goal of the monkey was setting on a lineage with the provenance of Joseph Smith's scrying mirror confabulations, Sunni 'sufism' no less. HAH!

>> No.22269259

It's a social and economic regulator that results in lower population (at lower IQ) and lower ability to resist top down engineering the same as Lord Milner et. al. pushing 'socialisms' on the continent, ultimately getting their heart's geopolitical desire in the partition of Europe. Dumb animals.

>> No.22269429

>Better legalise weed or mushrooms than alcohol
get roped, hippie degen

>> No.22269471

Why did Allah allow Christian countries to obliterate and colonize the entire muslim world, to the point where arabs today live in made up countires whose borders were drawn by westerners?

>> No.22269515

Why did God allow the entire Christian West to secularize to the point where most of them are glorified agnostics or outright heretics? Why did God allow the fall of Constantinople and Outremer? You can do this for every religion.

>> No.22269761
File: 133 KB, 490x600, Kierkegaard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why did God allow the entire Christian West to secularize to the point where most of them are glorified agnostics or outright heretics?
To remind us to live as into genuine Christians

>> No.22269762

To remind us to live as* genuine Christians

my bad