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21692641 No.21692641 [Reply] [Original]

Give me your 10 favorite books and you will be blessed by a happy event this week

>> No.21692693

Thomas the Obscure
Hadrian the Seventh
The Baphomet
The Recognitions
Against Nature
Dissipatio H.G.
Les chants de Maldoror
Venus in Furs

>> No.21692695

First Alcibiades
Minor Hippias

Never bothered to read anything post-ancient Greece yet

>> No.21692700

i'm holding a small amount of hope for a literary contest that was supposed to announce its winner/finalists a damn week ago
moby d
sailor who fell from grace
the idiot
lost weekend
crime and p

>> No.21692766

Let the Right One In
Star Wars Revenge of the Sith
The Silence of the Lambs
Star Wars Lost Stars
Thanos Titan Consumed
Chumps to Champs
Halo The Fall of Reach
Mission 27
Blood in the Garden

>> No.21692798

1. Being and Time
2. Fear and Trembling
3. Sickness upon Death
4. Of Spirit
5. Roadside Picknick
6. The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction
7. The Snow Leopard
8. Frederick the Second
9. Question concerning Technology
10. Present Age

I hope that everyone in this thread will be blessed by a happy event too!

>> No.21692831

I hope you're right, Anon. In no particular order:
>Bel Ami
>Histories - Herodotus
>El Túnel
>Father and Sons
>Anything by Plato

>> No.21692834

Bible counts as 66 books

>> No.21692842

Even euthyphro?
Phaedo is good.

>> No.21693007

tenth of december
sot weed factor
one dimensional man
genealogy of morality

>> No.21693034

Too hard to limit it to 10

>The Letters of Vincent Van Gogh
>DH Lawrence-The Rainbow(also Sons and Lovers, and a bunch of short stories and novellas)
>Henry Miller-basically his entire oeuvre but especially Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymus Bosch, The Colossus of Maroussi, Tropic of Cancer, and the essay An Open Letter to Surrealists Everywhere
>Emerson’s Essays
>Thoreau’s entire oeuvre basically
>Whitman-Leaves of Grass
>Hemingway-complete short stories, TSAR, AFTA, FWTBT, and TOMADS
>Plutarch-Lives and Moralia/essays
>Nietzsche-Thus Spoke Zarathustra
>Cellini’s Autobiography
>Faulkner-AILD, and TSATF
>Dostoyevsky-his big four novels
>Sophocles’ plays
>Gogol’s entire oeuvre
>Mann-Buddenbrooks, DIV, and The Magic Mountain
>The Tao Te Ching
>Dos Passos-USA Trilogy
>all of Stendhal
>all of Flaubert
>McMurtry-Lonesome Dove
>Rilke’s entire oeuvre
>Eckermann-Conversations with Goethe
>Casanova’s Memoirs

Many more I can mention as well

>> No.21693045

TS Eliot Collected Works
Henry IV part 1
Anna Karenina
Death of Ivan Ilych
As I Lay Dying
The Kite Runner
Open Secrets

>> No.21693050

Admittedly the pool is very small, but here goes

The Picture of Dorian Gray
White Fang
Oliver Twist
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Collected M. R. James
Starship Troopers
The Old Man and the Sea
Wuthering Heights
Phantom of the Opera

>> No.21693055

Anna Karenina
Catcher in the Rye
The Crying of Lot 49
Gravity’s Rainbow
Culture of Narcissism
The Sailor who fell
The Stranger

>> No.21693074

The Last Kingdom
The Memory of Earth
Army Ants: Nature's Ultimate something something
The Mote in God's Eye
A Long Way Gone
Rendezvous with Rama
A Fall of Moondust
Night Watch

In no particular order. Have a promising stack right now that I hope to find some more favorites in

>> No.21693081

Whoops, cut off the last one: Dancing in the Glory of Monsters.

>> No.21693107

Savage Detectives
The Crossing
49 Short stories
Guards! Guards!
Ostatni do Raju

>> No.21693140
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No particular order:

Gravity’s Rainbow
Blood Meridian
Homage to Catalonia
The Book of Lights
Don Quixote
Storm of Steel
Stella Maris

>> No.21693262

1) Mulamadhyamakakarika
2) Samyutta Nikaya
3) Lamrim Chenmo
4) Shōbōgenzō
5) Abhidharmakośabhāsya
6) Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra
7) Vimalakīrti Nirdeśa
8) Bhavasankrati Sutra
9) Guanxin lun
10) Bhāvanākrama

>> No.21693299

Flowers for Algernon
Don Quixote
Slaughter five
The stranger
A confederacy of dunces
Man in the castle
Savage detectives
Ham on rye

>> No.21693323

The Magic Mountain
The Makioka Sisters
A Man for All Seasons
Manhattan Transfer
The Master and Margarita
Miami and the Siege of Chicago
Minima Moralia
Myra Breckinridge

>> No.21693337


>> No.21693358

6/10 of these start with M

>> No.21693449

Confederacy of dunces
Tom jones
Mason and dixon
The Saragossa manuscript
Song of the dead dreamer/Grimscribe
A canticle for Leibowitz
The expedition of Humphrey clinker
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman

>> No.21693469

the holy bible
War and peace
anna karenina
the brothers karamazov
a canticle for leibowitz
The Memoirs of Baron de Marbot: Late Lieutenant-General in the French Army
moby dick
roadside picnic
The Forever War

>> No.21693477

Lingua Latina per se Illustrata - Hans Ørberg
The Birth of Tragedy - Friedrich Nietzsche
Quantum Electro-Dynamics - Richard Feynman
Just So Stories - Rudyard Kipling
The Devil's Notebook - Anton LaVey
Faster Than the Speed of Light - João Magueijo
Black Box Thinking - Matthew Syed
The Misfits - Colin Wilson
The Old Man of Lochnagar - King Charles III
Journey to the Centre of the Earth - Jules Verne

>> No.21693505

The Road
On the Road
Revolutionary Road
The Flanders’ Road
The Famished Road
The Road Through the Wall
Main Street
The Street of Crocodiles
Cannery Row
Swann’s Way

>> No.21693531

>A Guide for the Perplexed by Werner Herzog and Paul Cronin
>Expanded Cinema by Gene Youngblood
>Sun and Steel
>Now Watch Him Die by Henry Rollins
>The Possesed by Dotoyevksy
>That Hideous Strength by CS Lewis
>Ghost Wars by Steve Coll
>Double Vision by Andrei Wajda
>The Gospel of Thomas
>Ghosts of my Life - Mark Fisher

Rate my list

>> No.21693542

Moby Dick
Almanac of the Dead
Invisible Man
Brothers Karamazov
The Trial
Agape Agape
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
A Wizard of Earthsea

>> No.21693615

The Sorrows of Young Werther
The Margites
Northwest passage
Red harvest by Joe Schreiber
Consolation of philosophy
Desert Solitaire: A Season in the Wilderness
The adventures of Jonathan corncob
Biography of Samuel johnson (probably this list is the most unique I’ve ever seen on /lit/
The revenger’s tragedy
The monk
Masters of Atlantis
The memoirs of Ulysses s. Grant
Bloody Red dot. Tryin' ter act civilized amongst us, isit? Ain’t foolin' no one wiv yor damn gibberish. No more worse then a abbo. I’ll recommend yer a fist ter the chuffin' groin, i'n it? Bloody babu
Made to kill
A Sportsman's Sketches
The flashman papers
Road to nowhere
Never read any of them yet, I’ll say 7/10. I’ll recommend you mel brooks’s all about me
The Melancholy of Resistance

>> No.21693666

> Biography of Samuel johnson (probably this list is the most unique I’ve ever seen on /lit/
I’m not sure if that’s a compliment but I’ll take it as such. I’ve passed up Boswell/Johnson quite a few times in favor of something else but I’ll take this as a sign and I’ll read it in the next couple months. Ive always chuckled audibly when I read the “I haven’t had a good roll in years” passage that is posted here once in a while. Which list is yours?

>> No.21693670

Satan trips confirms. Life of Johnson it is

>> No.21693699

The Sailor who Fell From Grace with the Sea
Blood Meridian
The Brothers Karamazov
The Buried Giant
Never Let Me Go
The Inferno
Death in Venice
The End of History and the Last Man
The Aeneid

>> No.21693748

Growth of the soil
San county almanac
Spring snow
AARL handbook

Recs with this vibe?

>> No.21693753

Oh no, i meant it as a compliment. My apologies for not making it clearer.

>> No.21693766

Zorba The Greek
The Brothers Karamazov
Paradise Lost
The Death of Ivan Illych
KJV Bible
Picnic at Hanging Rock
Imitation of Christ
A Gentleman in Moscow
East of Eden
Crime & Punishment

>> No.21693780

Epic of Gilgamesh
Metamorphoses (Ovid)
Divine Comedy
Les Chants de Maldoror
Cantos of Ezra Pound
Gravity's Rainbow
El Aleph

>> No.21693784

Tom Morgan from Warlock is one of my favorite characters. I’m going to take a stab a recommendation and say Viy by Gogol. It’s kinda a combo of the traits of a lot of the books you listed. Part picaresque, part folklore, part comedy and part horror. I never read anything like it. It’s less than 50 pages if my memory serves me so even if you don’t like it, no big loss.

>> No.21693794

Any other Thoreau book. Cape Cod is very underrated but kinda bleak. The ship wreck scene is one of the most haunting things I’ve ever read. Some of his essays are great too, with Civil Disobedience, and A Plea for Captain John Brown being the standouts IMO. I’ve read the latter so many times I’ve lost count. I’ve always thought Thoreau is at his best when he writes with fire.

>> No.21693809

In no particular order

No Longer Human
Temple of the Golden Pavilion
Confessions of a Mask
Sailor who Fell from Grace with the Sea
Notes from Underground
Crime and Punishment
American Psycho
Harassment Architecture
Gothic Violence
The Bhagavad Gita

>> No.21693846

In no particular order:

Solenoid by Mircea Cărtărescu
Laura Warholic, or the Sexual Intellectual by Alexander Theroux
Novel Explosives by Jim Gauer
The Elementary Particles by Michel Houellebecq
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Of Time and the River by Thomas Wolfe
Mile Zero by Thomas Sanchez
The Dying Grass by William T. Vollmann
The Recognitions by William Gaddis
2666 by Roberto Bolaño

>> No.21693861

Have you read any of the other Seven Dream books by Vollman? I posted in another thread that James Fenimore Cooper’s Leatherstocking Tales gave me an itch for that precolonial/colonial North American wilderness setting, and Fathers And Crows is one of the books that got my attention. Vollman makes me a little wary though because I’ve heard all sorts of things

>> No.21693876

shit thats tough anon. not in any particular order but
Blood Meridian
Man's hope
Eumeswil(My Favorite)
One Soldiers War
Rings of Saturn
Memories, Dreams, Reflections
Storm of Steel
you liked molloy better? I personally preferred the unnameable. what was your favorite part of molloy?

>> No.21693884

Paradise Lost
The Temptation of Saint Anthony
Les Chants de Maldoror
Ficciones (especially Artifices, the second half)
Don Quixote
Blood Meridian
Disagreeable Tales

The KJV Bible would've been #1, but to cite my holy text, itself an anthology of 66 books, but that would feel like cheating.

>> No.21693885

Thank you, for the recommendation. Why is tom Morgan one of your favorite characters?

>> No.21693890

my retarded ass i only put in 9. thats why im a humanities major. Infinite Jest will be my tenth.

>> No.21693909

Blood meridian
Da vinci's Bicycle
Three novels
Impressions of Africa
Outer Dark
The Aleph
Nohow on trilogy
Pale Fire

Honorable mentions : Ada, The Castle, The Border trilogy, Rings of Saturn, Book of Sand, Stream System, Tatlin!, The Gift.

Not him, but Molloy is my favorite as well. I think its just funnier and the digressions are better delivered as to the book's philosophy. Malone dies and Unnamable are arguably better written, but they lean too hard on theory fiction. There were large swatches in the other two that I would read and nod and after 10 pages completely forget. The last stretch of Unnamable is extremely good though. My favorite part in Molloy was after Moran is abandoned by his sun and starts having a neurotic breakdown.

Based. Funes, Three version of Judas and Secret Miracle are some of Borges' best.

>> No.21693911

Catcher in the rye
The idiot
Kyra kyralina
Deep rivers
Chronicle of a death foretold
Watership down
Divine comedy
Mysterious skin
Orlando furioso
Mother night

>> No.21693944

Don Quixote
The Aeneid
Life: A User’s Manual
Terra Nostra
Kangaroo Notebook
The Garden of Seven Twilights
Between Dog and Wolf
The Hearing Trumpet

>> No.21693949

I've read them all. Argall is written in Elizabethan English all the way through. Fathers and Crows is an excellent book, as is The Dying Grass. WTV has a style all his own, and it takes patience to "get" it, but it's worth the time and effort.

If you're looking for precolonial/colonial North American wilderness literature, check out, if you can find them, the late Allan W. Eckert's 6-volume Winning of America series, consisting of The Frontiersmen, Wilderness Empire, The Wilderness War, Gateway to Empire, and Twilight of Empire. Eckert utilizes diaries and journals from that era in his narrative. Hardly anyone today knows about this work.

>> No.21693952

>there were large swatches in the other two that I would read and not and after 10 pages completely forget
know that feel. i read the trilogy in one go, 100 pages a day and i swear it rewired my brain. I tried to read a more normal book the next week and I swear nothing made sense, couldn't remember one word after the other. I loved the theoryfiction of unnameable. it was so desolate and strange. It made me feel a way I can't really pin down. hard agree that the last stretch is really good though.

>> No.21693977

>Portrait of the Artist
>Crime and Punishment
>The Evenings
>Birth of Tragedy
>Hamlet (I'm counting it leave me alone)

>> No.21693999

Don Quixote
De Avonden
De kapellekensbaan
Max Havelaar
Eline Vere
Donkere kamer van Damokles
Master & Margarita
Gargantua & Pantagruel

>> No.21694004

Thanks. I’ve sampled The Dying Grass before and I seem to remember that it started kinda plotless. Lots of correspondences and background info that gave set the setting a la Dos Passos’ USA Trilogy. Maybe I’m getting TDG mixed up with something else though, it’s been a while. Any chance you’ve read Bradford’s Plymouth Colony writings? I believe Library of America has a collection about that era that has interested me lately. Anyway, I’m going to make a resolution to read some Vollman this year. I’ve been putting him off for years. Appreciate your response

>> No.21694020

Tao Te Ching
The Road
Bukowski poem collection
Blood meridian
The 6 books in my In Search of Lost Time

>> No.21694034
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In no particular order
Trainspotting (got me into reading when I was younger)
Infinite Jest
A Clockwork Orange
Desert Solitaire
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
The Gallows Pole
Coin Locker Babies
Bioshock novel (lol)
I know I’m a midwit but I likes what I likes, simple as

>> No.21694049

>The 6 books in my In Search of Lost Time
Which one was your favorite?

>> No.21694057

For me, it was the 150 page long party scene in Guermantes Way.

>> No.21694083

Alice in Wonderland
Tao Te Ching
100 Years of Solitude
Industrial Society and Its Future
Gravity's Rainbow
The Lord of the Rings
Kick The Drink Easily
Blood Meridian

>> No.21694099

In no particular order:

>> No.21694101

The Lord of the Rings
God-Emp of Dune
Storm of Steel
Soul of an Octopus
Night in the Lonesome October
Look Whose Back
American Psycho
Decline of the West
Don Quixote

>> No.21694114

Oryx & Crake by Margaret Atwood
Moo by Jane Smiley
Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro
A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
My South Seas Sleeping Beauty by Chang Kuei-hsing
The Belgariad by David & Leigh Eddings
Play It As It Lays by Joan Didion
Not Saved by Peter Sloterdijk
Pathmarks by Martin Heidegger
Staying with the Trouble by Donna Haraway

>> No.21694139

In no particular order

Island (Huxley)
Buddha’s Little Finger (Pelevin)
Master and the Margarita (Bulgakov)
Gravity’s Rainbow (Pynchon)
Infinite Jest (Wallace)
Steppenwolf (Hesse)
Republic (Plato)
Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell (Huxley)
Animal Farm (Orwell)
S.N.U.F.F (Pelevin)

>> No.21694148

The Bible
Divine Comedy
Count of Monte Cristo
Morte D'Arthur
Jerusalem Delivered
The King In Yellow

>> No.21694191

I’ve been meaning to get into reading some Pelevin. Which of his works would you recommend starting with?
I hope to see more of his books translated.

>> No.21694203

I’d say Buddha’s Little Finger is his best work and where you should start. I didn't really like Empire V, but Generation P / Babylon is decent, it has a heavy modernist vibe, S.N.U.F.F is great. I’ve been waiting years for his newer work to get translated, sucks man.

>> No.21694204

oh and The Sacred Book of The Werewolf is fucking terrible, easily Pelevin’s worst work.

>> No.21694261

The Long Ships
Soldier in the Mist
The Other Songs
Shadow over Innsmouth and other short stories collection by HPL
The Deluge
The Pharaoh
Cyberiad/Tales of Pilot Pirx
The Crime and Punishment
The Imago Sequence and other short stories collections by Laird Barron

>> No.21694273

Wittgenstein’s Mistress
The Mezzanine
The Evenings
Life a User’s Manual
The Crying of Lot 49
Crime and Punishment
Max Havelaar
The Catcher in the Rye

>> No.21694376

The Man Without Qualities
In Search of Lost Time
The Sound and the Fury
Dog Years
Conversation in the Cathedral
Good Soldier Svejk
Pedro Paramo
Tristram Shandy

>> No.21694420

The Aleph
Master & Margarita
Pale Fire
House of Leaves
Hard To Be A God
Lord of the Rings
Memoirs of Hadrian

>> No.21694455
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I've only read 40 decent books, so I only feel qualified to provide my 4 favorites

The Stand
The Wind-up Bird Chronicle
The Trial
Brothers Karamazov

>> No.21694479

The Opposing Shore
Count of Monte Cristo
Bhagvad Gita
Les Fleurs du Mal
Wind, Sand and Stars
Une Vie
Dead Souls

>> No.21694498

Hundred Years of Solitude
The Magic Mountain
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
East of Eden

>> No.21694531
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The Holy Bible
The Betrayal of the Body
Crime and Punishment
La Divina Comedia
This Time, The World
Martin Eden
David Copperfield
The Sayings of the Desert Fathers

>> No.21694663

Molloy was the funniest and I really liked the imagery, the wandering, etc. I really like Watt (pain in the ass though it is) and even early Beckett like Dream too. But The Unnameable is really great too and definitely more of an endpoint SB was going towards in his writing, while Malone is a bit more awkwardly imo in between the two. (Though the Texts for Nothing I find kind of pointless and unimpressive if you've already read The Unnameable.)

>> No.21694686

I don’t have ten favorite books.

>> No.21694699

Well then I guess you just won't be blessed with a happy event this week

>> No.21694712

That is because you cannot even name 10 books.


>> No.21694768

In no particular order
1.Actual Air - David Berman
2. On Being Blue - Wiliam H. Gass
3. Thank You, Steel China - Sean Kilpatrick
4. Watership Down - Richard Williams
6. The Tunnel - Russel Edson
7. Gulping's Recital - Russel Edson
8. Shepherds In The Mist - James Tate
9. Of Course Blue Affects My Way Of Shitting - Petrit Halilaj
10. Julius Knipl Real Estate Photographer - Ben Katchor

>> No.21694881

Thanks Anon, I was just looking at the Flashman thread and thinking "I need to get around to reading those".

>> No.21694944

but one of the books is called game of thrones

>> No.21695041

War & Peace
Anna Karenina
Grapes of Wrath
East of Eden
Crime & Punishment
Inherent Vice
Infinite Jest
Animal Farm
Haunting of Hill House

>> No.21695047

I did read the boethius consolation and I enjoyed it :)

>> No.21695061

probably swann's way as it's the one that made me fall in love with Proust's writing and Combray reminds me a lot of a summer town my family went to when i was a kid

>> No.21695133

Montaignes Essais
Divine Comedy
Gnostic Bible
Sermons of Meister Eckhart
Faust, Young Werther and Goethes poems (slightly cheating here but I can't decide)
Arthur Koestler's Autobiography
Lord of Light
Kafka's Diaries
Hegel's Philosophy of History

>> No.21695161

I won’t give them to you but I can tell you them:
The Wind in the Willows
The Malay Archipelago
The Waves
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
The Master and Margarita
Patrick Leigh Fermor’s walk trilogy but I’ll choose one, Between the Woods and the Water
The Wind’s Twelve Quarters
The Draco Tavern

I’m reading Ulysses at the moment and i’d like it to become a new favourite but I don’t think I’m smart enough to understand it the right way yet, maybe when I’m older.

>> No.21695230

Moby Dick
The Diamond Sutra
The Book of the New Sun
If on a Winter's Night a Traveler
The Fall
Life A User's Manual
Infinite Jest
Don't Forget the Oatmeal

>> No.21695287

Moby Dick
War and Peace
The Brothers Karamazov
The Count of Monte Cristo
Doctor Faustus
The Rainbow
Blood Meridian
The Red and the Black
Sketches from a Sportsman’s Notebook

>> No.21695371

Infinite Jest
Brothers Karamazov
The map and the territory
Epitaph of a small winner
Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy
This side of paradise
Portrait of the artist as a young man
Fight Club
The book of disquiet

>> No.21695434

War and Peace
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Mason and Dixon
Don Quixote
The Joke
Gravitys Rainbow
Guermantes Way (but also all of isolt)

>> No.21695497

I’d like to take the opportunity to thank all of you: I’ve added half a dozen books to my reading list so far from this thread. Please carry on.

>> No.21695504


Red dot? Get a load of this retard, everyone, he thinks Buddhism is still Indian

>> No.21695527

Borges - Aleph
Barzun - The Use And Abuse of Art
James Tiptree - Her Smoke Rose Up Forever
Tao Te Ching
Alan Watts - Tao, The Watercourse Way
Simon Singh - The Code Book
Greg Egan - Axiomatic
Ishiguro - Remains Of The Day

>> No.21695535

based literature enjoyer

>> No.21695545

After Dark
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Crime and Punishment
Pride and Prejudice
The Secret History
In the Miso Soup
The Pale King
The Sun Also Rises
Less Than Zero
The Idiot

>> No.21695647
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>> No.21695649

Borges, Labyrinths
Rushdie, The Satanic Verses
Conrad, The Secret Agent
Bronte, Wuthering Heights
Hilton, Lost Horizon
Huxley, Brave New World
Haidt, The Righteous Mind
Rhys, Wide Sargasso Sea
Kafka, The Trial
Nozick, Anarchy, State, and Utopia

Difficult to think of ten because I'm retarded

>> No.21695729


>> No.21695754

Don Quixote
The grapes of wrath
Pedro Paramo
One hundred years of solitude
The Belkin Tales
Les fleurs du mal
The Waste Land
Romancero Gitano

>> No.21696061


>> No.21696093

The Day Lasts More Than A Hundred Years
A Confederacy Of Dunces
Meditations Of Marcus Aurelius
A Canticle For Leibowitz
Works And Days
Fortress Besieged
The Golden Ass
Anne Of Green Gables
The Cloud Of Unknowing
The Jungle

This happy event better be passing my motor speech midterm tomorrow

>> No.21696201
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Lord of the Rings and the Silmarillion
The Arch of Triumph
The Scarlet Sails
Demons (Dostoevsky)
Madame Bovary
Paradise Lost
The Star Dreamer (Agnes Castle)
Everything by Kipling and Agatha Christie
The children's novels of Valentina Oseeva
Bonus Shakespeare's the Tempest

>> No.21696210

Based for Master and Margarita and Tolkien together, I like to compare their portrayals of the devil
Very based

>> No.21696224

>The Golden Ass
This and Satyricon have been on my list forever but I never get to them. You got anything that would make me excited to read Apuleius?

>> No.21696237
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Don Quixote
Infinite Jest/Pale King/IJ
La Commedia -> Paradiso/Oppiano Licario
Catcher in the Rye/Franny and Zoey
Ulysses/Finnegans Wake
Gravity's Rainbow
Tropisms/(The Planetarium)

>> No.21696239

It’s an ass made of gold anon. If that doesn’t get your motor running I’m not sure what will. (Nta but bumping with lame jokes)

>> No.21696310

Absalom, absalom!
Moby Dick
100 Years of Solitude
East of Eden
The Sound and the Fury
Fathers and Sons
Heart of Darkness
Confederacy of Dunces

Bonus: favorite textbooks
Principles of Modern Chemistry Oxtoby
Cellular and Molecular Immunology Abbas
Physical Chemistry Atkins
Primate Evolution and Adaptation - Fleagle
Molecular Driving Forces - Dill
Physical Biology of the Cell - Philips
Harrison's Cardiovascular Medicine
Medical Physiology - Guyton
Mathematical Biology - Murray
Molecular Cell Biology Lodish

>> No.21696353

>Physical Chemistry by Atkins
A man of taste and distinction. Might I also recommend Advanced Inorganic Chemistry by Cotton and Wilkinson?

>> No.21696357


>> No.21696416

Extremely based for The Lost Weekend

>> No.21696434

It's a really fun magical realist story about a dude who falls in love with a witch, and betrays him by turning him into a donkey. He is sold to many different masters, and tries to escape from each. Eventually he finds that religion is what he needs to be saved

>> No.21696443

It has smut between a blond boy and a redhead on the first few pages, than there is fantasy adventures and theological discussions

>> No.21696464

Have you anons read Petronius as well? How do they compare?

>> No.21696501

Haven't read Petronius as of yet but GA was so much fun I might; I guess I would recommend it because it has a little of everything, info on the lives of Ancient Romans for /his/fags, fantasy adventure for genrefags, theology for the religious

>> No.21697517
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Under the Volcano
Invisible Cities
Consider the Lobster
Confederacy of Dunces
Blood Meridian
Robert Graves' Greek Myths
Todos los Fuegos el Fuego
100 Years of Solitude

>> No.21697779

The Sea Wolf
The Iliad
Omon Ra
The symbolism of the cross- Guenon
The book of the subgenuis
The dwarf- lagerkvist
Complete poems of urmuz
Kafka on the shore- murakami
Decline of the west- Spengler
Bonus is the Bible

>> No.21698750


>> No.21698772

Forgot to mention Ken Kesey’s Sometimes a Great Notion on my list so it gets it’s own post

>> No.21698836
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>Very based
Thanks, anon.

>> No.21699225

>The Lord of the Rings
>Moby Dick
>Paradise Lost
>Sinuhe the Egyptian
>Johannes Angelos
>Decline of the West
>The Last Wish
>Divine Comedy

>> No.21699275

Spring Snow
Portrait of an artist
Book one of the Histories
the Republic
St Maximos’ early writings
The Ulster Cycle
Collected writings of Patrick Pearse
Genealogy of morals

>> No.21699493

The Wind in the Willows
Sculpting in Time
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Runaway Horses
The Joyful Science
The Rings of Saturn
Napoleon the Great
The Count of Monte Cristo
Death in Venice

>> No.21699765

Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe
Everything That Rises Must Converge by Flannery O'Connor
Whose Justice? Which Rationality by Alasdair MacIntyre
Concept of the Political by Carl Schmitt
The Great Heresies by Hilaire Belloc
The First Circle by Solzhenitsyn
The Samurai by Shusaku Endo
Collected Short Stories by Anton Chekhov
La Bas by J. K. Huysmans
Considerations on France by Joseph de Maistre.

>> No.21699867
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>Whose Justice? Which Rationality by Alasdair MacIntyre

>> No.21701759

The happy event arrived. Bless you OP

>> No.21701886

>Venus in Furs

fucking awful

>> No.21701897

>>Gogol’s entire oeuvre

Diary of a Madman even? So fucking bad.

>> No.21701917

Master and Margherita
The Trial
Mother Night
The loser
The Iliad
Jerusalem Delivered
Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems
The Will to Power
De Rerum Natura

>> No.21701921

Under the volcano
Ada, or Ardor
Henry IV (the Falstaffiad?)
Don Quixote
Sentimental Education
Blake's prophetic books
Paradise Lost

>> No.21701932
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Beyond patrician taste

>> No.21702135

Dante and Dostoevsky together is automatically based, Church fathers and David Copperfield take the cake

>> No.21702180

no order

House of Leaves
Moby Dick
As I Lay Dying
American Psycho
Haunting of Hill House
Book of the Damned
A Separate Peace
Ethan Frome

>> No.21702390

>leaves of grass
>dickinson complete poems
>spinoza's ethics
>the darkening trapeze
>jesus' son
>complete stories of flannery o'connor
>if not, winter
>beyond good and evil

>> No.21702988

How to win friend and influence people
12 rules
One piece

These are the only books I have read based on 2022 booktok and reddit recs.

>> No.21702992

It had its moments but it’s not my favorite. I like his weird stuff. His play The Governmental Inspector cracks me up. So stupid and strange but hilarious.

>> No.21703002

The Trial
A Hero of Our Time
The Confusions of Young Torless
Heart of Darkness
Of Mice and Men
The Stranger
Notes from the Underground
Lord of the Flies

>> No.21703818

Is that the femdom BDSM novel?

>> No.21704072

What is the issue?

>> No.21704251

Broken Sword
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket
At the Mountains of Madness
Titus Andronicus
Shakespeare's Sonnets
Prose Edda
Trois romans
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.21704304

The Castle
Moby Dick
The life and adventures of Remus
Promised Land
Pokorno Roze
Lord of the Flies
The Oddysey
The trial
Dziady part II
Dziady part IV

>> No.21704549

The Futurological Congress
The Karamazov Brothers
The Trial
The Castle
The Metamorphosis
Woman in the Dunes
Face of Another
The Heart of Darkness
The Silmarillion

>> No.21704580

fiction only
The Dispossessed
Children of Dune (but whole series good imo)
Brave New World
Master and Margarita
Invisible Man (ellison not wells)
Haunting of Hill House
Interview with a Vampire
On the Road
I, Robot

>> No.21704635

The System of Objects
The Consumer Society
House of Leaves
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
Tender Is The Flesh
The Society of The Spectacle
The Age of Surveillance Capitalism
Permanent Record
The Plague of Fantasies
Fanged Noumena

>> No.21704724

Is Permanent Record actually worth reading?
snowden kinda seems like a hack

>> No.21706136

blood meridian
the prince
the little prince
death in venice
the death of ivan illych
child of god
don quixote

>> No.21706148

How the fuck is the system of objects your favorite when Baudrillard called it retarded?

>> No.21706377


>> No.21706512

Anon I ....
Srsly you are literally me, but ... a better version of me
There's a lot of good books astonishing and of great enjoyment in the world but only a few of truly touching.
I would add Bunin and Pushkin's poetry, but please do continue the list. I already saved it so I can check on those gray spots.

>> No.21707211

In no particular order:

Blood Meridian
White Noise
Slaughterhouse Five
Kafka on the Shore
Goodbye to All That
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
The Road
Catcher in the Rye

>> No.21707225

>Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
Read more nonfiction

>> No.21707240

I thought it was an interesting perspective nonetheless, especially the part where the author offers his view that the agricultural revolution may have done more harm than good initially.

>> No.21707266

Why would he do that?

>> No.21707274

That's one of the parts that annoys me. He doesn't realize that people turned to agriculture because it offered one massive benefit which that we can rely on a steady, largely predictable supply of food instead of continuing our nomadic life style where search for food was always a priority which meant going hungry sometimes.

>> No.21707284

I’ve never read Bunin but if we have similar taste I’ll check him out. I’ve been meaning to read Gorky as well for a while. Some other books I love
>Julius Caesar by Shakespeare
>Memoirs of Hadrian by Yourcenar
>Wuthering Heights by E. Bronte
>Jane Eyre by C. Bronte
>A Glastonbury Romance by Powys
>Sometimes A Great Notion by Kesey
>Anabais by Xenophon
>Of Human Bondage by Maugham
>Bolano’s big 2 novels
>Look Homeward Angel by Wolfe
>Winesburg Ohio by Anderson
>Marquez’ big 2 novels
>The Wind Up Bird Chronicles by Murakami
>Nostromo by Conrad
>The Third Policeman by O’Brien
>Mason & Dixon by Pynchon
>Don Quixote by Cervantes
>most of Chekhov
>most of Kafka
>Bhagavad Gita
>Moby Dick by Melville
>Nine Stories by Salinger
>Shadow Country by Matthiessen
>Victor Hugo’s big two novels
>Warlock by Hall
>The Road by McCarthy

>> No.21707289

I guess you're one of the handful of people on /lit/ that isn't an Uncle Ted acolyte.

>> No.21707565

The Unbearable Lightness of Being
Les Miserables
One Hundred Years of Solitude
A Confederacy of Dunces
The Sun Also Rises
Pale Fire
Poetic Edda
The Remains of the Day
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

>> No.21707664

1. In Watermelon Sugar
2. Stone Junction
3. Mason and Dixon
4. Dispatches
5. Armies of the Night
6. Red Harvest
7. Death Sentences - Chiaki
8. The Dharma Bums
9. The Pale King
10. A Scanner Darkly

>> No.21707702
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The Time Machine
The Power of Awareness
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
Covert Conditioning
Self-Directed Behavior
The Age of Steel
Playing Ball on Running Water
The Mind Parasites
The World of Null-A

>> No.21707796

>Karl Marx - The communist manifesto
>Karl Marx - Das Kapital
>The essential Marx reader
>J.K. Rowling - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
>J.K. Rowling - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
>J.K. Rowling - Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
>J.K. Rowling - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
>J.K. Rowling - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
>J.K. Rowling - Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
>J.K. Rowling - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

>> No.21707992
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The Aeneid (Vergil)
All Things Are Possible (Shestov)
The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (Blake)
Dead Souls (Gogol)
Heraclitus: The Cosmic Fragments (Kirk)
Philosophy Before Socrates (McKirahan)
Eugene Onegin (Pushkin)
Cratylus (Plato)
The Histories (Herodotus)
Lyrical Ballads (Wordsworth & Coleridge)

>> No.21708045

why look at this shiny new bait

>> No.21708047

Based retard

>> No.21708051

I would cut so many of these off.


Actually a lot of this is boring or dumb - about half.

>> No.21708693

The Aleph And Other Stories
On Writing
Gravity's Rainbow
The Crying Of Lot 49
Don Quixote
The Torah

>> No.21708760

Again? Just fiction now then.

Whatever collection of Edgar Allan Poe's short stories you have
The Monk
Whatever collection of H.P.Lovecraft's novellas you have
Beyond the Aquila Rift novella
Jack of Shadows
The Prince of Nothing, yes, just the first trilogy
Starship Troopers

>> No.21708766

The Brothers Karamazov
The Death of Ivan Ilych
Notes from Underground
White Nights
The Idiot
The portrait of dorian gray
Faust 2

add something from Robert Greene too kek

>> No.21708772

Fuck off, faggot
Go back to reading Chesterton

>> No.21708829

Unironically one of the better lists itt

>> No.21708878

Plato's Republic
Brothers Karamazov
Book of the New Sun
Red Rising
Count of Monte Cristo
East of Eden
Parallel Lives Plutarch
Essays by John Gross
Baghavad Gita

yes it's 13, whatever

>> No.21708885

in fact I will add

Moby Dick
Histories by Herodotes
Terry Pratchett
Kingkiller Chronicles
Robin Hobb

>> No.21708888

oh and Philip K Dick

>> No.21708936

As I lay dying
Naked lunch
Confessions of a mask
The Wild Boys
Fun Home
Blue of noon
A happy death
The Book of Disquiet
The Sound and the Fury