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21663747 No.21663747 [Reply] [Original]

especially regarding Evolian and Guenonian Traditionalism. All start:
What is meant by Tradition.
The metaphysics of perennialism.
The cyclical conception of time.
Action/Contemplation Being/Becoming Quality/Quantity.

Feel free to name more, advanced Traditionalist concepts also welcomed.

>> No.21663840

Idk nothing makes sense to me anymore. I just see ancient Aryans everywhere, "traditionalism" has become a meaningless term, at best I'd translate it to "a biological environment where members of the Aryan species rule as aristocrats over humongously retarded yellows and blacks"
In the beginning I found this world view based but recently I have started to question my sanity

>> No.21663891

why did Guenon write under the pseudonym 'Palingenius' in his youth?

>> No.21663915
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we need to fill our traditionalist manifesto with something
>whatever the modern left is doing, let us do that ten years later
so we're okay with gay interracial couples burning the flag in bondage gear while getting bummed in a main street?
>as long as there are no kids about
and the flag thing?
>we don't care about the flag, race and nation mean nothing to us
... okay
>and low taxes, taxes are theft and theft is untraditional unlike me who is traditional

>> No.21663990 [DELETED] 

I think a message that is especially clear in Evola's exposition of Alchemy is that what really separates the profane from ancient knowledge was a practice, a discipline more than cerebral speculation, capable of effectively(though not systematically) produce "tangible"(by analogy) effects on one's state. Too often all of these works are understood as merely ordering this or that symbol in this or that box of some cerebral systematic "metaphysics" as understood in today's philosophical tradition, but the real chasm between the fulcrum of what they are trying to say and the modern mindset is this supposed art|discipline.
Not even stating myself that it's real, but if one doesn't understand this I think one doesn't understand either, though from what I've read the active element is highlighted more heavily by Evola, albeit we may only be dealing with nuances of the word "active", which of course he doesn't mean "bodily".

>> No.21664005
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>> No.21664006

I think a message that is especially clear in Evola's exposition of Alchemy is that what really separates the profane from ancient knowledge was a practice, a discipline more than cerebral speculation, capable of effectively(though not systematically) produce "tangible"(by analogy) effects on one's state. Too often all of these works are understood as merely ordering this or that symbol in this or that box of some cerebral systematic "metaphysics" as understood in today's philosophical tradition, but the real chasm between the fulcrum of what they are trying to say and the modern mindset is this supposed art|discipline.
Not even stating myself that it's real, but if one doesn't understand this I think one doesn't understand either of the two, though from what I've read the active element is highlighted more heavily by Evola, albeit we may only be dealing with nuances of the word "active", which of course here doesn't mean "bodily".

>> No.21664700

Traditionalism is nothing more than ancestor worship.
Might as well start smoking spiked hookah and commune with the spirits during the next aurora borealis.

>> No.21664868

All causal forms are an extension of their absolute idea/s. Modern society has rejected the perennial absolute idea , therefore we live in a world where every idea has material origin.

>> No.21664890

All tradition means is doing something because it's been done in the past and it's "good" and it's always been done that way. It's a zero-thought process action and quite lazy.

>> No.21664918

>What are the core concepts of Traditionalism?
Human can't up. Only Down.
Unless Up come Down to Up human.
Civilization used to revolve around the Up that had come Down to help us Up.
The Up has come Down many times over the course of history, and before history too.
These Ups that came Down could be passed on from one Upped Down to normal Downs to make them Ups.
This is called the chain of Ups.
In The West the chain of Ups has been broken, or any that remain are in hiding beyond the reach of most Downs.
Asia still has some Ups.
Unfortunately this is the age of Downs so even Asian Ups are deteriorating.
But fear not young Down, the Up never fully abandons the Down even in the most Down of ages.
There will always remain the possibility for a Down to Up.
Sometimes a Down can Up without a chain, but this isn't a Down Upping itself, it is the Up Upping an Individual Down.
This is extremely uncommon, most people claiming to have been Auto-Upped are really just Downed Downs thinking they have been Upped by confusing the In-between with the Up.
It will not always bee the Age of Downs, the Age of Ups will return.

>> No.21664924

traditionalism/perennialism is a modern(probbly too modern) , syncretic and speculative intelectual practice, thus the opposite of a true tradition, a true tradition should conenct you with a living corpus of knowledge pass from master to disciple, since it deals witha subject of study that tracends language, trying to suprass this problem by aspiring to find a common denominator between traditions is the most western shit ever, is just crypto-structuralism, in some ways you can call Guenon the first true posmodernist

>> No.21665765

Primordial Tradition = solar body of glory.

There's an occult war going on right now. What are you gonna do apart from read books like a fag? All the secrets are out in the open.

>> No.21665778

Idiotic. Traditionalism isn't syncretic, it is synthetic, since it synthesizes based on fundamental principles. That doesn't mean everything Guénon said was beyond criticism, but what you're saying is brainlet/shudra-tier and Guénon has already addressed such simple criticisms.

>> No.21665783

Epic redditpost m'dude. These nazichuds should learn about science then theyd stop believing in sky spaghetti daddies and spells.

>> No.21665852

Hinduism but replace dharma with being super white. The traditionalist school is just the westernization of hindu worldview, with some unique perennial concepts.

But basically if you just get hinduism, or buddhism and substitute the goal of enlightenment for the goal of becoming the pastiest whitiest blondest palest person, which makes you a based aristocrat with aristocratic qualities like looking like a school shooter and holding your cum in so you can do hermetic magic

>> No.21665884

The Trads don't really put much emphasis on biological race.

>> No.21666026
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1. i am a simpleton who can't make it in this complex, modern world

2. the world should cater to me and my limited capacities, intellectual or otherwise

3. of course i would have been in the 0.0001% of the aristocratic ruling class in times past and not a filthy peasant, even tho today i am as far away from the billionaire ruling elite as earth is from neptune

4. i am so fucking horny, oh god, why oh why can't i get laid????? surely its modernism's fault and couldn't possibly be the healthy evolutionary instincts of women who don't want to entrust their genes to a dysgenic autist with lax hygiene like myself.

>> No.21666029

This but unironically

>> No.21666697
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Can't run proper principles of leadership and tradition on the average fleshie ... ofc, you can always try and put makeup on a pig ... now you got painted pork chop, nice job!