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/lit/ - Literature

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21380884 No.21380884 [Reply] [Original]

Good evening /lit/. Here's todays find:
>Lord of the Rings Folio Society 1990 2nd edition, 1st impression.
I've been looking for this one for quite some time. I could never find it inside the United States or even in good condition outside of one sealed set that was marketing for 500 euros + shipped from Ireland. I scored it for $300 from tolkien bookshelf. Here's some pics, let me know what you think. I personally believe it to be the most beautiful LOTR ever produced.

>bound in elephant hide
>set in barbou and libra display type
>wonderful symbology and beauty of the binding of the rings of power
>red topstain is really nice
>printed and bound in great britain

anyway here's some pics.

>> No.21380886
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>> No.21380889
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>> No.21380895
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>> No.21380901

You’ll get a lot of hate because of jealousy, I bet. Nice books

>> No.21380902
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>> No.21380907
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that's it for now. Let me know what you guys think


I believe they have one set left if anyone is interested! It's quite unusual for them to have any, not sure how they came about two.

>> No.21380919

Most anons are poor and neets from what I’ve seen. A lot of anons take offense at physical book, especially new ones; even more so for expensive collectible editions

>> No.21380924

i'm quite an old fellow. I enjoy collecting books I thought others here might as well. meant no offense.

>> No.21380928
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With all due respect, that looks like style over substance.

>> No.21380937
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I need you to elaborate. It features artwork by the queen of denmark interestingly enough.

>> No.21380943
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>> No.21380979

I’m older too, have a good job, and have some collectible books myself. Nothing crazy; Easton, Folio, First Edition Library, etc. I wasn’t coming at you at all

>> No.21380982

It just reminds me of when people buy hardcover versions of Charles Dickens and Jane Austen...the idea of a neat, uniform collection of "classic" novels is more appealing than the content of the novels selected.

>> No.21380992

but this is tolkien. LOTR never got its definitive release in his living days.

>> No.21381006

fucking beautiful edition

>> No.21381035
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isn't it? the artwork is the cherry on top and the typing is superior to any other edition.

>> No.21381044

I'm jealous, OP. That's definitely well worth the $300. Congrats

>> No.21381067
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glad you think so. Love you guys

>> No.21381134

share some of your collections. this is a collector thread after all.

>> No.21381270
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I hate fancy editions of books like this, they're so gaudy and tasteless. I buy a lot of books at estate sales and thrift stores, and I always re-sell books like these. Keep a library of first editions and you'll have something significant when you're older. Anyway, here are two cool first ed/first prints I thrifted over the last couple years. Total investment ~$5

>> No.21381315

sometimes when your opinion is bad you should just keep it to yourself. but nice books

>> No.21381355
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I picked up this CS Lewis for nothing, like 5 bucks. It paid for allmyxmas presents.

>> No.21381372
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My rare books include important academic books and semi hand mades, but seldom folio society. Stacks of 18th century books litter my rebinding shelf.

>> No.21381390
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The other volumes on on my desk.

Everyone has hand-colored books, right?

>> No.21381404
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I also have 4 of the eight memoirs,these are the posthumous, the other 4 being humous, of Frederick the great. And a few old copies of Montaigne

>> No.21381445

I own a first edition of Virginia Woolf and even I think OP is a compete faggot. Jesus fuck, elephant skin...

>> No.21381462

Can’t condone the elephant skin. I would never own it even if free

>> No.21381464
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I have some of the Virginia Woolf first edition autobiography from Hogarth.

Many of my more valuable books have watermarks. This one has a unicorn.

>> No.21381468

>lit is full of faggot tree huggers

who woulda guessed

>> No.21381471

Did Folio actually use elephant hide?

>> No.21381477

That's badass

>> No.21381484

>posts 15 pictures seeking validation for his consoomer purchase
what a retard I am for implying any insecurity on your part, apologies and upvotes good sir

>> No.21381509

>one of LOTR's themes is preservation of nature
>get a book bound in elephant skin

>> No.21381589


not OP. Just came to laugh at you

>> No.21381632

ok what leather do you want it bound in because as far as I know all leather comes from animals.

>> No.21381637

Elephant skin is a renewable resource. Just grow more elephants.

>> No.21381661

The elephants die and why waste the hides? Most elephant today comes from two sources: sustainable elephant in Thailand (dead elephant, not hunted) and old reworked elephant. Same with sea turtle leather.

>> No.21381668

>op makes a thread actually about books

wow that must a first for this shit board.

>> No.21381911

That doesn't make sense though. The author provides the substance. If the book is a classic then the substance is already supposed to be good. The book binder provides the style. How can it be style over substance if the style isn't determined until after the book is created? Why can't books be pretty?

>> No.21381918

I'll let you know if the author provides the substance..

>> No.21381922

NTA but Folio Society are the Funko equivalent of lit.

>> No.21381945
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>le Folio Society

>> No.21381948
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>for an extra $150...

>> No.21381968
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Does this count? :]

>> No.21381974

there it is, the prefabricated NPC post

>> No.21381996

Nigger, there are already enough elephants. They'll fucking survive being made into 300 books.

>> No.21382389

>Samue l Pepys - My diary desu (in eight tomes)

>> No.21382393
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Beautiful copies, anon.

>> No.21382412


>> No.21382419

pure contrarianism is so boring. At least explain why you don’t Like it.

>> No.21382581

because it's fucking soulless overpriced garbage

>> No.21382602
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Beautiful edition. I have this one, but I don't like it very much.

>> No.21382682
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I got the newest limited edition set. They're fucking huge. Heavy. Love them but definitely only picking them up to read to my children one day. Not the edition I'd crack open for the annual read.

>> No.21382694

>$300 collectors item which will never be read and exists as shelf decor
freakin epic!!!

>> No.21382697

Yeah. Folio is hit or miss unfortunately and their new stuff pales to their old work.

>> No.21382716
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Got my Suntup Animal Farm today. Quarter cloth, letterpressed on a Heidelberg. Very light bite.

>> No.21382722

It’s older and quite sovl. You have bad taste

>> No.21382730

>elephant hide
they bind shit in elephant leather? why
they're not farmed (or herded or whatever the proper word is) are they?

>> No.21382736
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Kek, you're a fag.

>> No.21382752

>It’s older and quite sovl
It's shitty soulless trash
>You have bad taste
Says the retard spending 300 dollars on some shitty soulless books
fucking retard
I know you wanted everybody in this thread to fawn over you and pretend the books you wasted your money on are beautiful and some are but you're a retard and your those LOTR editions are shit

>> No.21382755

Because retards like OP will buy anything

>> No.21382756

Your opinion is in the minority. Know well that it means jack shit too.

>> No.21382758

I mean it looks nice and I like it but cow would have been fine

>> No.21382759

It’s funny how first poster ended up correct. Look at these troops seething

>> No.21382767

No it isn't
Most people would call you a retard for buying such shitty looking books
Don't seethe because you're being rightly made fun of for spending money on trash instead of anything else

>> No.21382768

They don’t kill elephants for this. When they die from natural causes their skin is collected to turn into leather. Explain what’s wrong with that? Elephant leather lasts far longer than other animals and is much higher quality and a nicer texture. Many old books are bound in various leathers.

>> No.21382773


>> No.21382774

Take a shower before you lecture someone on their spending habits.

>> No.21382795

How much do you usually a produce, a normal week?

>> No.21382801

Fucking hell you really are seething hard at being made fun of for buying shitty folio edition of a mediocre book series

>> No.21382816

I’m only one of those posts faggot

>> No.21382823

No it isn't. You spent $300 on plain looking LOTR FUNKOs that aren't even leatherbound.

>> No.21382865
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Apparently T S Eliot was too smoothbrained to get what's considered a highschool staple now. And commie sympathizing kept Gollancz from publishing.

>> No.21382866

It’s leather bound in elephant hide. Can’t read or use your eyes ?

>> No.21382875

A bit expensive. Personally would not spend this much on books but thats cool man. I feel that.

>> No.21382889

>elephant hide
Elephant hide is a type of paper, retard. Holy shit, are you LARPing or did you actually think the books were bound in the skin of an endangered species? KEK

>> No.21382892

you dont have to be condecending.. im not him but i thought it was the leather

>> No.21382899

Yeah sure mate

>> No.21382908

HOLY SHIT! I just went into the thread and none of you faggots knew that elephant hide is a type of fucking paper! Wow. OP will enjoy his $300 deluxe cardboard books--you totally didn't fall for marketting overpriced consumer goods.

>> No.21382911

>you dont have to be condecending..
Yes, I do. You're hyping a retard for buying overpriced funko-books and underscoring the type of retarded faggot that gets duped into this shit.

>> No.21382921

That’s pretty cool OP.

>> No.21382926

NTA, I realize you're extremely committed to this "funko pop" line since you use it incessantly, but consider that all small or private presses exist to keep alive a printing tradition that employs bookbinding, letterpress and design jobs that would otherwise just vanish, and the contrast to mass produced chinese plastic couldn't be clearer.

It's really rather baffling you can have the animus against a sliver of the book industry that still produces something that isn't a glued together piece of shit, while posting on a literature board.

>> No.21382951

never heard of that before

>> No.21382962

/lit/, we need to talk. You've been slipping more and more over time but this last year has been particularly bad. I don't know if it's the influx of retarded zoom-zooms who were raised with the internet but somehow don't know how to use it or discordtroons inviting people over from /lgbt/--it's gotten to the point where I don't see a recovery. Shit slips every spring/summer but there's usually a bounce back; this year there hasn't been one. We have a Folio Society thread where everyone thought "elephant hide" was made from fucking real elephants! /lit/ being the big brain board has always been a meme but we could always say we were far from the most retarded space on 4channel. This is embarressing.

Take this faggot for instance: >>21382926. He can't differentiate quality from consumer collectable marketting and thinks briefly sperging out about bookbinding covers this up. It's just pathetic. I'm very disappointed in all of you. We need to do better.
>t. oldfag

>> No.21382981


Very nice. My HS library had a copy of this edition, in addition to the normal Robert Lee Howard hardcovers and Greg & Tim Hildenbrandt paperback. Loved poring over it.

>> No.21382993

If it makes you feel any better, I also assumed elephant hide meant material made from the skin of an elephant.

>> No.21382995

Wow, you’ve really given me a lot to think over. Thanks for explaining yourself so compellingly.

>> No.21383001


It’s bound in elephant hide, ignore this retard

>> No.21383007

I will be creating a discord for oldfags soon. Keep an eye out.

>> No.21383008
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How hard are you coping right now? Two minutes of searching found me this.

>> No.21383016

Wow this faggot got BTFO hard I see. Nice!

>> No.21383021

You’re smoothbrain retard that you think “bound” or “binding” refers to the paper. Let me explain your life’s story in one phrase, “you’re a faggot”.

>> No.21383028
File: 20 KB, 236x397, 309683DD-3047-45E2-BE6D-D58F07FA404A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nooo… not the heckin elephants!

>> No.21383078
File: 78 KB, 1708x585, retards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling retarded enough yet or do you want to add to the embarressment by arguing the book I posted isn't LOTR? Seriously, guys--I'm really REALLY disappointed in you. Buying into the marketting is one thing but thinking cardboard books are made from real elephants? For fucks sake.

>> No.21383086

>OP posted his shitty folio edition thinking it was literally bound in the tanned leather of an elephant
imagine posting your shitty folio edition thinking you'll get praise and likes and adoration and then getting blown the fuck out this hard

>> No.21383121
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>> No.21383132

Op ain’t even here yet all that remains is trannys trolls and niggers

>> No.21383135

Their sudden silence is deafening.

>> No.21383159

hello OP

>> No.21383192
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He thought he was getting books made out of real elepants. I can't stop laughing.

>> No.21383208

that is pretty funny lmao

>> No.21383222

hear me out

the elefolio society ltd

founded in 2022

>> No.21383239

What happened OP?
>Your opinion is in the minority. Know well that it means jack shit too.
I thought my opinion was in the minority? My opinion may mean "jack shit" but it certainly means a lot more than the opinion of a retard who spent 300 dollars on a book because he thought it was bound in the SKIN OF AN ELEPHANT

>> No.21383257
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Checked and kek's. He MUSTH be disappointed.

>> No.21383287

ELEPHANTBROS, we can't stop winning!

>> No.21383328

the substance is lord of the rings nigga

>> No.21383334

Can't wait til you pick up the gold plated DVDs.

>> No.21383340

What does that mean anyways, that the paper is a certain thickness or what?

>> No.21383349

>People are stupid for understanding a term to mean what it’s words are.

To be fair, the term is “Elephant Hide.” It’d be like making fun of someone for thinking “rubber tires” means a car has tires made out of rubber rather than that it refers to some interior component that is neither rubber nor a tire.

>> No.21383353

Is elephant better than crocodile or hippo? I'd think maybe their hide would have extra waterproofness or something.

>> No.21383360

Not him but it's a finish to the paper, like how other parchment papers have a specific finish for their purpose (e.g baking paper is a parchment paper designed to be greaseproof). Parchment itself is the skin of an animal, but parchment paper is a kind of cellulose paper. Generally the ones that have paper stuck on the end are paper, and vellums and other actual parchment won't say paper.
>tl;dr the elephants are vegetables

>> No.21383381

>To be fair, the term is “Elephant Hide.” It’d be like making fun of someone for thinking “rubber tires” means a car has tires made out of rubber rather than that it refers to some interior component that is neither rubber nor a tire.
I wouldn't make fun of a kid for believing a car has rubber tires. I'd make fun of an adult who spent a million on a car for having rubber tires
Just like i'm making fun of OP for spending 300 dollars on a folio edition he bought because he believed it was bound in the tanned skin of an elephant

>> No.21383390

Where does it say he bought it because of that? He could have bought it just because it’s nice looking and a well maintained copy of a rare set.

>> No.21383403

This >>21383360. They call it "elephant hide" because it makes it sound fancy/tough; Folio is about conspicuous consumption. I didn't know it was vegitable based but I think there are different varieties of it.
Sure, but would you make a thread bragging about your overpriced consoomer books and dig yourself in further and further? He got made fun of for being a snob and hopefully he learned a pricelss lesson (that only cost him $300 and a bit of pride).

>> No.21383405


>> No.21383408

To be fair, it's the paper industry which calls it elephant hide paper, not Folio alone.

>> No.21383483

Any Tolkien collector would love to have this set. You’re cringey

>> No.21383530

get back to slorping your goyslop you dumb golem

>> No.21383547

You literally bought this drivel because you thought it was bound with ELEPHANT SKIN you absolute retard

>> No.21383579


>> No.21383584

How dare you spend money on books. You should be buying... uhh...

>> No.21383589

Elephant leather?

>> No.21383657

still a beautiful edition, scummy marketing or not. why are you hating so hard on this anon, it's a collectors thread.

>> No.21383777


fuck off back to /qa/

>> No.21383872

>OP/folfags act like pretentious douchebags
>get butthurt whenever someone makes fun of le Folio Society (consoom)
>WE CARE ABOUT QUALITY! (sure...it's marketting)
>an anon mentions they're not even leather
>OP/folfags pile on and mock him because "ELEPHANT HIDE"
>anon thinks they're joking (elephant hide is paper tho)
>anon realizes: holy shit, they're actually this retarded...
>folfags: DON'T BE CONDESCENDING! (pot to kettle: you're black)
>anon points out: folfags just proved they're retards carried away by superficial messaging (kek)
>folfags care more about looking like they care about books than the actual books(conspicuous consumption)
>folfags are taken aback (I-IS H-HE...right?)
>anon: the absolute state of this board...cardboard = elephants
>one of them retardedly posts a picture that proves nothing (YOU'RE COPING!)
>one of them spergs about book binding (regurgitating marketting angle...WE CARE ABOUT ART!)
>gets called out, tries to say binding =/= paper (proving he is LARPing the idea of craftsmanship)
>but anon doesn't even have to point that out...
>OP/folfags: WE BTFO'd YOU SO HARD!
>anon knows if they actually cared they'd pay more attention to the books...
>Folio Society: Bound in printed and blocked Elephant Hide PAPER
>anons: kek kek kek
>anons: kek kek kek
>anons: elephant puns all around (kek kek)
>OP/folfags: Y-YOU'RE CRINGE...T-THEY'RE STILL N-NICE (seethe/cope)
>...but they already lost
>anon can even write a recap out of bordem while he laughs
>pretty cringe I admit...you kinda had to be there...but it's earned
>OP/folfags just learned earned condescention hurts a lot more than unearned snobbery
All that's left is OP figuring out he can pretend he knew the different between cardboard and elephants all along (LOOK GUYS, I'M BACK). But it's already too late.
The rest is cope.

>> No.21383877

Kekd thanks for the copypasta

>> No.21383945


>> No.21383958

Elephant hide =/= elephant hide paper
It's like confusing leather with pleather/leatherette.

>> No.21384042

This is from a schizoid brain

>> No.21384099

It's more like smugly going on and on about how much you appreciate fine food, becoming offended/throwing a hissy fit when someone points out you're eating Burger King, then that someone showing you a receipt that says Burger King.
OP brought the Queen of Demark into this, not me.

>> No.21384100
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rare shit

>> No.21384152

>can't differentiate quality from consumer collectable marketting
You can't spell marketing. You also never rebut what I'm saying, or make a case for what your elusive "quality" consists of. Presumably because you're just using emotional appeals devoid of any reason whatsoever as with your funko pop fixation, which seems to be the level at which you comprehend books.

>> No.21384163

Buying 1 expensive book that's made well and lasts generations is consumerism! You should've bought 100 mass market paperbacks!

>> No.21384167

You're still coping
You got blown the fuck out
just abandon your shitty thread
you bought a book because you thought it was bound with actual elephant skin
you're a retard

>> No.21384193
File: 22 KB, 300x500, Dumas Musketeers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an actual example of rare skin bindings Franklin Library did this edition of Dumas' Musketeers in buffalo skin.
How much did "My Confession" set you back?

>> No.21384201

It appears that you are feeling envious of someone who owns well-made, expensive books. This envy may be causing you to project your own feelings onto them, accusing them of having poor taste and being surrounded by garbage. However, it's important to remember that everyone's experiences and circumstances are different, and making assumptions about someone else's life based solely on your own can be unfair and unproductive. It's possible that you are feeling this way because you are surrounded by garbage in your own life, and this is causing you to feel inadequate and resentful of the success of others. Instead of lashing out, it may be helpful to try to understand and address the underlying feelings that are driving your behavior. It's important to be understanding and empathetic towards others, even if you don't always agree with their choices or lifestyle. By taking the time to reflect on your own feelings and behavior, you may be able to gain a better understanding of why you are feeling envious and how to move past those negative emotions.

>> No.21384220
File: 74 KB, 1024x768, 1444569629790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this has been one of the best threads to read in a long while

>> No.21384224

Not him, but it's overpriced for what it is. It's priced that way because some consumers feel the value of the object increases in direct proportion to the price. It's the same thought process as people who will pay 200 extra for a hat that has a logo.

>> No.21384238

I don't think Tolkien collectors really get to call people cringe. It's the model for neckbeards and comic book guy and d&d larpers. Finding ways to cringe at things is not historically socially successful for those people; usually it's quite the opposite.

>> No.21384252
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>You can't spell marketing
I have poor spelling. You can't tell the difference between a piece cardboard and an elephant. Cope, faggot.
>emotional appeals
Yeah, pointing out paper isn't leather after you faggots went ballistic about it was entirely based on emotion. It didn't demonstrate you didn't know the fuck what you were talking about and arguing on false perception at all. Once again: cope faggot.
Kek, why does that one make you seethe so hard? You bring it up over and over. I do what I want, faggot. They're like Funkos.

>> No.21384257

Based struggler

>> No.21384262

>it's overpriced for what it is.
I'm not sure you know "what it is". Are you comparing to a generic hardcover? The "I can buy this cheaper at WalMart" argument?

>> No.21384266

You're recycling the same shit over and over in some mental tardive dyskinesia. You can keep bumping the thread forever.

>> No.21384281

No, I'm saying a selling point of these is the markup. People even buy them second hand so they can look like they spent the marked up price. It's not a marketing practice unique to books, but it is a valid marketing practice to move books. It's also used for selling sunglasses produced in the same factory at the same specs except branding at various price points. It's not even unique to Folio in the printing industry, it's just that Folio focuses on that technique more than other presses in its branding.

>> No.21384304

>thinks folio society is fine press
The absolute state

>> No.21384307

It's a company that's just celebrated being around for 75 years. You're talking about the "markup" as if it's remained at a fixed point throughout those years, which it hasn't. The targeted market hasn't stayed the same either, it used to be a closed subscriber only institution. Likewise the variation in states ranges all along the scale of bookbinding. You just have no fucking idea what you're talking about, or alternatively you're throwing this fit based on your impressions over a branding they've had for a few years at most.
Somehow you manage to use your halfwit base of knowledge to pass judgement on the secondary market, which again contains 75 years of publishing, a very large portion of which is available for less than a new paperback.

>> No.21384315

>It appears that you are feeling envious of someone
Kek. Yeah man, constantly projecting the idea others are envious of you totally negates the books being geared toward conspicuous consumption.
>You're recycling the same shit over and over
You keep crying about the same shit over and over. It will never not be funny that you pretentious retards were told elephant hide is paper, made a big deal about how the books were made out of elephants, announced victory, and then had the words ELEPHANT HIDE PAPER from the Foilo Society website posted for you to look at (it was also hilarious that you all went silent right after). You were literally circle jerking about how much you care about quality and detail and didn't even know what the books were made out of--you're eternally BTFO. Cope.

Say, are either of you faggots (samefag?) the guy who thought this one >>21383008 was a gotcha for some reason? I'm willing to bet because unlike you I actually have an eye for detail.

>> No.21384319

You can literally say the same thing about Balenciaga's transition from couture to off the rack. I think you're hoping I know nothing about marketing or the printing industry but you really shouldn't be surprised by this if you're more au fait with Folio Society than I am. You'd be able to understand why they could get away with using covers that would gas on things they were selling to "collectors" for years if you were.

>> No.21384322
File: 21 KB, 200x200, 1212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Folio Society aren't actually printing high quality books then what publishing houses are?

>> No.21384328

Depends on the book, and also what you want to use it for.

>> No.21384329

Kek, he doesn't understand anon.
>regurgitates markeTTing material
>admits they're collectables (i.e. just like Funkos)
Oh no anon! I misspelled markeTTing again and called them Funkos again! I guess that proves you're right about everything.

>> No.21384339
File: 32 KB, 505x607, book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stuff like Novels or Academic Material, I suppose.

I really love the old way Books were printed, like pic related.

Its like theyre timeless.

>> No.21384338

I'm looking for something I can tell other people I bought that reflects I'm an intellectual who cares about literature. It will mostly sit on my shelf so I'm looking for something with a high quality slipcase (only the finest cardboard). My price range is $300-$1200 because it demonstrates just how serious I am about literature and will serve as a conversation starter if I ever make any friends who aren't online.

>> No.21384344

You didn't actually defend your previous sweeping statements in light of the information I just gave you which was clearly news to you. I have no idea what you know about marketing, but you don't know much about publishing or this company in particular.
>they were selling to "collectors"
It's hilarious you need to bring out scare quotes for collectors. I'm trying to imagine what you think small press appeals to that's not collectors.

>> No.21384347

Arion press

>> No.21384358

>that reflects I'm an intellectual
You have to read the books for this to work. If you just want to tell them you bought something to appear intellectual and invest a lot of money in that, then just get Folio Society.
It's not my fault you don't know enough about Folio's production and marketing history to understand the specific covers I'm talking about, nor is it my fault you lack the material understanding why that would be caught by well educated consumers which the Folio society did not have many of.

>> No.21384364

Please continue bumping the thread with more of your autistic fits.

>> No.21384372

You once again can't actually address a single point made, and just get more handwavy with your criticisms. It's as expected.

>> No.21384376

>If you just want to tell them you bought something to appear intellectual and invest a lot of money in that, then just get Folio Society.
Sorry, anon. You're posting good shit and I was making fun of folfags. I appriciate your posts.

>> No.21384381

>Please continue bumping the thread
This is my thread, folfag.

>> No.21384401

When you claimed that I didn't understand Folio's marketing or printing processes you should have been aware of the risk I knew more than you do. And since you professed yourself to be more expert I have no need to give you the kind of spoonfed details of dates and materials and can simply tell you about the gassing issue as anyone well informed would understand what I'm referring to where they clearly sold to consumers with more money than sense until advertising standards caught up to them.

>> No.21384410

Holy shit, the prices, they're even more expensive than Folio Society kek. The books look great though.

>> No.21384416

No one said Folio is high quality. People ITT are envious because OP didn't buy mass market paperback like them. It's called ressentiment.

>> No.21384422

They are obviously high quality. If they weren't they'd be getting into legal trouble.

>> No.21384424

>being this bad at Nietzsche
Might want to back away from the thread there OP

>> No.21384431
File: 3.86 MB, 1497x2000, 52261ADD-0E99-44A1-B084-F5E43B509301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Folio society is not fine press. It’s mass consumer books that larp like they are actually fine press. It’s just like easton press. Disgusting.

>> No.21384442

>They are obviously high quality
Not particularly.
>legal trouble
They give people what they advertised, and if the consumer finds that it's worth it for what they were directly told they would get, there is no legal recourse. This relies on the consumer knowing, or not knowing, the appropriate price point of a work and its construction.

>> No.21384443

>People ITT are envious
See >>21384315. Conspicuous consumption for LARPers.

>> No.21384459

Caveat emptor, retard.

>> No.21384460

Then why did OP show us his low quality press? And point out the exotic elephant leather used?

>> No.21384469

Fine/vanity/small/collector's press threads always turn out like this. I was gonna post my Houyhnhnm Press edition of Finnegans Wake but you faggots are so god damned tedious. Puerile and insecure shitbags. Unironically this board is worse than /v/ at this point.

>> No.21384473

elephant hide is gonna become the hot new /lit/ meme

>> No.21384506

No one here actually knows, and they'd just call you a consoomer if you did show one such example.

>> No.21384514

>It appears that you are feeling envious of someone who owns well-made, expensive books
I own cheap paperbacks and i'm fine with it
You're seething after getting blown the fuck out
keep treasuring those "elephant hide bound" LOTR books you pseud

>> No.21384518

I want you to know I don't hate you for being resentful. I'm trying to help you understand yourself.

>> No.21384524
File: 27 KB, 619x453, crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys, OP is gonna shoot himself if you keep on pressing him about how he didn't actually acquire a book bound in elephant hide

>> No.21384530

No he's just in here pretending that we're mad for not owning his deluxe leather hide folio books he totally didn't get ripped off for

>> No.21384537
File: 1.16 MB, 2250x4000, p7e8beo3utt91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's the added fact that they don't even look good. i've seen one or two good folio edition books but the rest, including ops elephant hide LOTR collection look like shit

>> No.21384541

Checking in on this thread again. Maybe after all the memes, /lit/ will admit I was right (>>21381270) about how finding first editions at thrift stores and estate sales is more interesting than buying new, faux-antiquarian books from meme publishers :^)

>> No.21384544


>Thread starts with OP showing off a fancy edition of LOTR because he thinks /lit/ will find it interesting.
>Thread ends with anons getting into a vicious argument over elephants and Funko Pops.

Never change, /lit/.

>> No.21384547

A good first step to overcoming envy is to acknowledge that you are envious. I'm not mad at you. I won't be mad if you admit it out loud. I'm genuinely trying to help you because I care about your well-being. Envy is not good for your health.

>> No.21384555

Keep disguising your seething rage under an elephant-hide veil of irony.

>> No.21384556

You sure seem fixated on Funkos anon, care to share your collection?

>> No.21384563

Seething about?

>> No.21384568
File: 372 KB, 1440x1920, qwqw5zxmdrr81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Folio society are basically the criterion collection of books. most of them look like shit and they're just an excuse for consuming shit under the guise of being an "intellectual"
nothing more than a faux-higher class funko pop
and there's the fact that they look like shit
get a second hand leatherbound book from a used bookstore instead of spending your hard earned money on this tacky drivel

>> No.21384573

Getting utterly blown the fuck out?
Or do you still believe the books you made this post to brag about are clad in elephant hide? You think someone went out, waited for an elephant to die of natural causes and then went to all the trouble of harvesting its skin and tanning it just to bedeck the exterior of some shitty edition of the lord of the rings?

>> No.21384577

>that fucking top row

jesus christ, could they overdo the spine cover any more?

>> No.21384583
File: 94 KB, 698x665, ohnonono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at how fucking ugly these are
imagine spending 1000 dollars on this crap

>> No.21384587

it's like they can't decide if they want to be a comic book or novel

>> No.21384591

Don't have to imagine, I bought that one, it's cool

>> No.21384596

1) Please stop cursing so much. It's inappropriate language.
2) I'm not OP or angry about the book not being bound in elephant hide.
3) I entered the conversation because I saw that you were being envious of OP and are seeking any way to disparage his purchase as a result.
4) Please reflect on your posts and realize what you're feeling.

>> No.21384606

Kek thread. Folio books aren't that bad, just don't buy them new or you're being shafted. Their new year sale puts most books just slightly more expensive then new hardcover and make them okay value. Second hand is decent value too.

>> No.21384611
File: 48 KB, 446x621, ugly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will curse however much I please
You are OP
You are OP
I am not envious in the slightest. Why would i be jealous of shitty looking books that cost a fortune? I can go to a used book store and get something that costs a dollar that has more soul and looks better than anything the folio society is selling

>> No.21384624

They're just books anon, they don't have souls

>> No.21384625
File: 985 KB, 245x180, E0118114-7B38-4186-82A5-F84B1AB41A63.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21384626

only smart post itt

>> No.21384631
File: 627 KB, 2150x2498, WzWwljg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If a book could have a soul then folio would not have one
Wordsworth classics covers, ugly as the are, have more character and soul to them than folio do

>> No.21384632
File: 785 KB, 1170x1558, 8312AD8E-4B6F-4D6D-8936-8D25C5376A81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, reminds me of this.

>> No.21384636
File: 32 KB, 715x716, 1667776419002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get that not investing your personal value in physical objects is a good thing and that mindless consumption is Big Jew working its black magic but you fags really go above and beyond about being obnoxious teenagers about it despite all being consoomers yourselves.

>> No.21384637

Someone who isn't jealous wouldn't be this invested in trying to make OP feel bad for his purchase. You've already sunk several hours into googling information and finding whatever you can to insult the press, OP, and anyone else ITT who isn't being resentful for what is admittedly a bookshelf of paperbacks that will soon disintegrate and cost more in the long term.

>> No.21384638

I wouldn’t own a folio society book if you gave it to me for free. So cringe.

>> No.21384640

You're investing the exact same kind of values as Folio collectors but in the opposite direction. Taking pride in miserliness is just the opposite extreme of pride in opulence. You're literally no better than elephant anon.

>> No.21384648

This board will not succumb to soulless consumers anon. Maybe try reddit?

>> No.21384649

It always had, consoomer.

>> No.21384651

>despite all being consoomers yourselves
Speak for yourself

>> No.21384654

You're right, I forgot that some of us here are practicing Zen Buddhists or forest ascetics that live off of tepid water and two hundred calories a day with only a cold rock for a pillow. Retard.

>> No.21384655
File: 253 KB, 1000x1000, u9fx7jvv7ta31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're spending countless hours in this thread responding to me
I'm making fun of how ugly these books are and laughing at the people who spend their hard earned money on them to post on the internet to brag about how cultured they are
The're trash. Soulless trash for consumers to show to show off to each other. No different from funkos, watches, mechanical keyboards, "audiophiles", etc
Either you're OP, a folio society shill, or somebody who has spent so much money on their shitty editions of books that you now have to defend them online
>muh paperbacks
I can buy countless hardbacks for a lower price that look far better and will last just as long as folio socety. I can go into a used book shop and buy a vintage book that's already a hundred years old for a few dollars. I would rather own the cheapest, shittiest looking paperback than be part of the folio cult

>> No.21384660

>folio society are the only company that make good hardcovers that will last a long time

>> No.21384661

I'm not an employee at Folio Society.

>> No.21384662


>> No.21384669

Seethe, poorfag.

>> No.21384671
File: 73 KB, 700x700, i34syfbiub131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why spend two hundred dollars on this trash?

>> No.21384688
File: 2.90 MB, 4032x3024, 0711B3EF-EE3A-4FC8-8507-67EF6FE83731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know they are not elephant skin quality but i really enjoy collecting penguin books from the 60s/70s
(ignore the top right books)

>> No.21384689
File: 1.51 MB, 4032x3024, e4dc84d3-6348-4f1f-a5ca-0650eb963e24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon, check these out, just bought them last year. Pretty cool, right?

>> No.21384693

Pack it up, folks. /lit/ is dead.

>> No.21384698


>> No.21384700
File: 1.14 MB, 2124x852, Real Elephant Hide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Folio fags: Eternally BTFO

>> No.21384710


>> No.21384714
File: 1.01 MB, 2000x1500, 2c6e2125-3c2c-4091-8d54-78ddb6ae8391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, maybe you'll like these two better?

>> No.21384716
File: 57 KB, 479x497, CB12CE2B-C324-46EE-BF5F-37B83D935B49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21384720

Folio Socialites....

>> No.21384721

Cool it with the homophobia.

>> No.21384722


>> No.21384726


>> No.21384730

The Schopenhauer vs. Hegel heavy magnets debate thread was definitely a lot more kino imho.

>> No.21384745


Please don't tease the Elephant Man.

>> No.21384762

>OP never even said elephant hide is elephant skin
>the people saying it was elephant skin were the ones complaining about its usage
>now people are making fun of OP and acting like he was the one saying its elephant skin
Why is /lit/ so oblivious and bad at reading?

>> No.21384764
File: 100 KB, 1131x853, njvk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21384766

stop with the damage control, OP
you've embarrassed yourself enough already

>> No.21384769

Wishful thinking.

>> No.21384770

Shhh, let the proles have their fun, they don't get much of it.

>> No.21384778

This is obvious to anyone that noticed he mentioned the type as well. It's like if he mentioned it was printed on moldmade paper and then then next two hundred posts were about saying it wasn't actually made of mold. But hey, it's well known that /lit/ doesn't read.

>> No.21384783

This thread reminds me of a conversation I had with my brother several years ago.

>Be me
>See an actual, honest to God book in my brothers house: a Barnes and Noble hard cover of the Odyssey
>I am shocked
>Brother. . .I, you're actually reading?
>"Ha, nah, just got that so people think I read when they come over."

>> No.21384788


>> No.21384797 [DELETED] 

Holy cope. The spacing gives him away. >>21380907 >>21381589 (TOTALLY NOT OP!) >>21383001. What's next, photoshopping some (You)s to save face?

>> No.21384801
File: 196 KB, 698x1528, 1671066040541880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21384813

Holy cope. The spacing gives him away. >>21380907 >>21381589 (TOTALLY NOT OP!) >>21383001. What's next, photoshopping some (You)s to save face?

Replied to the wrong person.

>> No.21384814
File: 138 KB, 722x529, ExOccidentae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only purchase books from publishers which publish stuff no one else is mostly untranslated fin-de-siecle works but they almost always have really nice quality books including hardcover/collector's editions of the most impressive works.

this one only publishes collector prints that are often well over $100

>> No.21384823


>> No.21384826

imagine not having several favorite indie publishers like this guy in 2022. There is basically nothing good being published by big box publishers anymore, if you're not following independent pubs you're probably reading a lot of modern trash.

>> No.21384829

So this must be OP as well >>21382981
And this one isn't OP, no spacing >>21380937

>> No.21384832
File: 230 KB, 750x1334, 5175B23C-8051-4199-9B0A-853D0E61CA2A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am actually OP. I haven’t visited this thread since yesterday at like the 30th reply but it’s good to see you guys so excited.

>> No.21384838

Keep coping. You missed this one: >>21384745.

>> No.21384837

>Ex Occidente
That motherfucker has owed me ten books for almost two years now and keeps sending me shit I never ordered. Really well made books, though.

>> No.21384842

Re:>>21384838 (Probably not OP btw, kek).

>> No.21384846

OP has been spotted
>elephant hide
This thread writes itself.

>> No.21384850
File: 404 KB, 600x399, f0495817695731.562bd98395b63.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know you're never going to open a book that costs that much so why even buy it? If I was buying pointlessly expensive books I'd get this thing The Book of Smokeless Fire which is a grimoire for summoning Djinn thats based on an ancient magic recipe archeologists found near King Solomon's temple. Collectible edition is $100 on amazon.

>> No.21384851

This was predicted.
>All that's left is OP figuring out he can pretend he knew the difference between cardboard and elephants all along (LOOK GUYS, I'M BACK). But it's already too late. The rest is cope (>>21383872)

>> No.21384857

damn good to know. They do look damn good though. I wonder if they ever pop up secondhand for cheap.

>> No.21384864

schizo thread

>> No.21384871

OP probably bought The Lord of the Rings because he's interested in that, and he didn't buy that book because he's not interested in it. That's just my guess.

>> No.21384876

Jesus Fucking Christ, just reading the description it's obvious you got ripped the fuck off. This is the same kind of language that shitty watch companies use to make people who know nothing about watches buy their overpriced skeletal dial bullshit with chinese movements.

>> No.21384882

You act like I didn’t know what I was buying and I haven’t been searching for a good set for years. To find one in the US is already difficult.

>> No.21384885

checked and keked

>> No.21384893

You bought a tacky looking and overpriced set of books, I'm sorry anon, but that's just what happened.

>> No.21384894

I have books worth much more that I have read. The other books in the picture >>21384100
are worth just as much if not much more for some. What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.21384900

You can literally buy a used laptop and go to McDonald's wifi and download those books for free online, dumbass.

>> No.21384904

Congrats you have an opinion. To me this is my most favorite LOTR set.

>> No.21384906
File: 219 KB, 1280x1280, 1654723216630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying a laptop
Sounds like consumerism to me, anon. Just steal the books from a book store or a library.

>> No.21384913

I take it back, My Confession is pretty rare in any form. Although I did just pirate it.

>> No.21384915

yeah man just fucking download a rare as fuck Lafferty novel and an equally rare Wolfe collection from the archive.org
fucking thirdies man

>> No.21384918

>You act like I didn’t know what I was buying
You thought you were buying Elephant Hide but you were buying cardboard.

>> No.21384921

what are the two on the right?

>> No.21384922

Then you thought wrong.

>> No.21384923

Why would I download them for free when I can have pieces of history and objects? I am human not a gay robot
I could even keep them and pass them down and sell them to collectors like myself later on in life. They are art. Art is life. life is beauty.
Mcdonalds is death. Downloading books is ugly

>> No.21384924

You started this thread to get your dick sucked over your overpriced books, if you got them because they were your favorite and that's all that mattered, you wouldn't have posted them.

>> No.21384928

do you seriously think any of those books aren't available to pirate online? I only buy books you can't pirate and its almost exclusively recently published translations from indie presses. Anything even remotely well known from before the 21st century is easy as fuck to download. What book do you think you can't get, I'll get you a link

>> No.21384929

This. OP, this is the wrong board for books.

>> No.21384930

True, posting books on /lit/ is offtopic

>> No.21384932

This is a gay and retarded opinion, books are about conveying knowledge, ideas and stories.

>> No.21384936

Alright, then try one out from that pic. Plan(e)t Engineering by Gene Wolfe.

>> No.21384937
File: 771 KB, 1701x2545, ThereAreDoors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Archipelago by R A Lafferty
Plan[e]t Engineering by Gene Wolfe (has the only New Sun map in it)

>> No.21384944

I bet you have a shelf of paperbacks. Disgusting, go back to mcdonalds

>> No.21384946

Posting your books to not discuss their content but rather their fancy cardboard is very stupid.

>> No.21384949
File: 1.74 MB, 4602x1936, shelve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is yours, OP? I wish I had such a nice collection.

>> No.21384952

>spacing pattern
>same pattern of terse mildly condescending seethe
>gets BTFO by meme
Kek. You thought you were getting an elephant.

>> No.21384955

yes. Thank you

>> No.21384956

And yet.

>> No.21384961

Get better shelves, poorfag.

>> No.21384962

I buy the books that are available and in the best condition I can get them in. The only books I have that are my hardcover seven volume set of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, I think I paid like 75 dollars for all 7. There are those who read and those are those who want to appear to be those who read. Fags obsessing over what their books look like are the latter more often than not.

>> No.21384965

He can't, he spent his last dime on white cardboard.

>> No.21384967

I'm not OP. But I have been making condescending posts the whole time because it's funny seeing your autism rants.

>> No.21384968


>> No.21384973

>I also knew Elephant Hide was a type of paper

>> No.21384975

I have that Pepys set too but up to volume 11, where are the rest of yours? Need to read them some damn day.

>> No.21384977

If there's two things that I know coming into a thread that will make /lit/ seethe it's Cormac McCarthy and Folio Society. Every post in this thread has just been *chef's kiss* the perfect pitch of midwittery and insecurity. See you lads in the next Corncob thread.

>> No.21384978

>samefagging like the beginning of the thread
OP is pathetic.

>> No.21384981
File: 2.37 MB, 1581x791, bought.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine buying any books besides what can't be pirated. I just picked up all these, none of them are online for free from what I can tell.

>> No.21384982

Anyone who says chefs kiss is a zoomer and also a redditor.


And a pseud to boot, fucking sweet, anon.

>> No.21384986

What's "kek"?

>> No.21384988

Correct! I'm all of those things. No, I won't go back.

>> No.21384992

Good for you, anon. :)

>> No.21384997

It's a very rare meme. I'll sell it to you for $300 complete with a 100% Elephant Hide slipcase.

>> No.21384998
File: 82 KB, 763x1000, ksew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21385001

I'm so glad your generation is going to suffer even more than mine.

>> No.21385005

Could you do 280 and give me a cheetah leather slipcase instead?

>> No.21385006

Don't worry fren, you'll still be alive when it all collapses. So what did you think of The Passenger?

>> No.21385017

Personally, I would much rather the book be bound in leather than elephant. There's what, 200 elephants left in the world? How many fucking cattle do we have? The bovine population can afford to strip their skins for a few books

>> No.21385027
File: 49 KB, 512x512, hd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing as the very rare 100% elephant hide LOTR Folio Society Collector's Set OP bought has recently gone on sale for a 5% discount, I think we can make a deal. Are you ok with snow leopard leather?

>> No.21385042
File: 69 KB, 826x534, bk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit OP, you could have put that $15 towards shelves that aren't made of particle board. No hard feelings, maybe you can email them and complain about missing out.

>> No.21385048

Whoops: >>21385042

>> No.21385056

There are always sales from Tolkien bookshelf. I purchased mine from abebooks which was connected to the bookshelf. Also that guy pretending to be me isn’t me. I mentioned earlier in the thread they had another set available. I would recommend getting it if you like it. It’s not easy to find in such good condition.

>> No.21385059

I have a feeling you were bullied as a kid.

>> No.21385062

They are my bed headboard. It allows me to stare at my books when I am having sex

>> No.21385065

>I mentioned earlier in the thread they had another set available
Does it come with elephant skin binding like yours does?

>> No.21385069
File: 3.77 MB, 4032x3024, 20200423_165007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The solution to avoid being judged is to buy the stupidest looking editions of whatever book you want.

>> No.21385070

I never said elephant skin was real skin. But okay.

>> No.21385086

You can't buy taste

>> No.21385089

I actually enjoyed that game when it came out.

>> No.21385098

You can. Want sour? Buy lemons. Want spicy? Buy hot sauce.

>> No.21385101

>someone who wrote like me just hung around the thread the entire time and I magically appeared right when the meme dropped
>also, I totally wasn't samefagging at the beginning of the thread
Sure, OP. Sure.

>> No.21385103


That wasn't me. I'm not OP.

>> No.21385109

Neither am I! When you lie to strangers you're really just lying to yourself.

>> No.21385117

I just realized something. You're OP. You've been pretending to be a schizoposter to make yourself look good.

>> No.21385118

I found My Confession without issue but I can't find that one anywhere, I really didn't think there were any Gene Wolfe books not online but I stand corrected. Now I want that book.

>> No.21385120

You really should stop projecting and trying to defend the practice of retroactively justifying a purchase. My 67 year old dad obsessively collects CDs (despite my mom being the main breadwinner and him having a teenager's understanding of finances) and often he goes out and buys some CD that he just heard about on CD Universe or something, and he'll hear maybe one song from it, and then just order the CD. He has done this more times than I can count. Then he actually listens to it, and many times he doesn't really like it and I can tell, but he'll deflect or ignore criticism of the music and he'll pick out one or two things he likes in the music to cope with the fact that he just spent 15 dollars on some music he's never listened to. This is a very self-centered boomer thing to do and it is obvious to everyone else but the boomer it seems. You should probably reflect on your posts and realize what you're feeling. You shouldn't have to work this hard to justify your purchase. It is very possible you wasted your money.

>> No.21385123

Sure thing, OP.

>> No.21385125

ohhh its just a limited run collection. Thats not quite the same as My Confession which is actually only being sold for over $200 in any form online. Who knows what quality the pirate pdf is.

>> No.21385130


>> No.21385136

>if enough confusion is spread and I call the funny guy a schizo, people will forget how folio fags (and OP) thought the books were literally made out of elephants
Next level pathetic.

>> No.21385138

great thread /lit/ ;3
(I was pretending to be OP, and some of his detractors)

>> No.21385139

Can you all find Young Wolfe 1992? I want a physical copy but will make do with online for now

>> No.21385145

How did you know that's what I'm trying to do?

>> No.21385146

Just looked this up and it's awesome. Who wouldn't want a book on summoning djinn for their shelf. One review said "if we were magik inclined society this book would be considered a WMD". Lmao.

>> No.21385181

>this topic is the fastest one on /lit/ by a fair margin
You're all illiterate and brown.

>> No.21385186

Writing style/tone. Formatting. Samefagging.
Timing. You can never be 100% sure on an anonymous message board but there's enough circumstantal evidence to believe it. At the very least, a significant number foliofags thought the books were made of actual elephants. At most, OP felt so badly about being a retard that he torpedoed the funnest part of his thread. Either way, that's sad and at his expense (+$300). Enjoy you Elephant Hide.

>> No.21385189

Bro you have got to take some meds. The Lafferty anon has posted before in past threads and has shown his competency in what he collects. You're just a schizo poorfag.

>> No.21385195
File: 48 KB, 736x556, marlboro man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you're larping as someone else and accusing people criticizing you of being you to avoid criticism? Weird, weeeeeiiiiiird shit my guy.

>> No.21385200

It's got material in it not found in any of his other anthologies. So not "just" a limited run collection.

>> No.21385201

Elephant hide.

>> No.21385208

Neither of these are OP. I would know because they're me, and I didn't make this thread.

>> No.21385215
File: 57 KB, 1274x209, nkbr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I would know because they're me, and I didn't make this thread.

>> No.21385233

The OP and other foliofags never once mentioned elephant leather, anons thought a common type of paper you can find in less than five seconds on Google literally meant elephant leather, and then you and everyone else took it as fact.
This exact same collective psychosis has been happening with the new Dwarf Fortress release with dozens of anons seemingly convinced that it has tranny dwarves, when it doesn't and never can with how the game's classes are hard coded. Truly bizarre.
Yes, I know you're going to call me OP and mention elephant. If you want to force a meme, that's your prerogative, but everything I just said is true.

>> No.21385235
File: 24 KB, 627x219, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice photoshop.

>> No.21385243

>Yes, I know you're going to call me OP
That's a different anon. OP didn't know elephant hide was made out of paper. OP was BTFO. Foliofags were BTFO. Simple as.

>> No.21385249

Except he did, he wasn't, and they weren't. In that order. Now tell me to dilate, I dare you.

>> No.21385252
File: 173 KB, 940x766, nkfr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice inspect element.

>> No.21385256

I was talking to the people who I was replying to and saying who they replied to was me. I wasn't saying the ones I replied to were me until you said that's what I was saying.

>> No.21385263

>it was photoshop
>I replied to the wrong comments
Elephant hide. Cope.

>> No.21385264

the fuck happened to this thread

>> No.21385268

Schizos, poors, schizo poors. You hate to see it!

>> No.21385275

I wasn't replying to the wrong comments. I was replying to the right comments who were the ones I wanted to tell who I was and that was not who OP is. They replied to me and are saying that I'm OP, but I'm not OP, so I replied to them to tell them I'm not OP. Why would I reply to myself to tell myself that I'm not OP, but my intention is to let the ones who I'm replying to know that the one who they're replying to is not OP but is me.

>> No.21385277
File: 117 KB, 1200x675, bnrk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP bought books thinking they were made out of elephants. Retards supported him. A meme dropped. OP had enough and derailed the thread. It became less fun.

>> No.21385284

>blah blah blah
Don't care. Threads over. Elephant hide.

>> No.21385302

I regret making fun of people with mental illnesses who were jealous of the original poster. It was wrong of me to exploit vulnerable individuals for my own entertainment.

>> No.21385309

>we totally didn't believe the books were made out of elephants
Elephant hide.

>> No.21385322

Stop saying elephant hide!!

>> No.21385335

who’s making the elephant hide general? Tomorrow I might make the thread again. I’m OP anyway.

>> No.21385338 [SPOILER] 
File: 369 KB, 1272x861, mkvfsn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get it?

>> No.21385348
File: 44 KB, 499x665, nift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have this here book bound from something a little like elephant hide

>> No.21385356

Tomorrow there are going to be random pictures of elephants hidden behind spoilers in various threads. It is your job to leave one. When you find one your job will be to respond "elephant hide."

>> No.21385382

absolutely epic
op's faggotry is, as always, of elephantine proportions

>> No.21385402

They better be elephants. No mammoths!

>> No.21385426
File: 1.78 MB, 4032x3024, 28a3aeb7-7fb7-4516-9aef-72ff59ef5b4a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, I have the same edition. Great book, too, wish Shea had done more S&S.

>> No.21385451

nice bro. I know. Have you read his other Nifft books? That adaptation of his short story The Auotopsy recently was pretty good

>> No.21385460

Yep, in The Incompleat Nifft, almost reaches the highs of Cugel imo. Didn't know about the adaptation but that sounds like a fun way to kill an evening, I'll check it out.

>> No.21385490

I'll get on reading that then

>> No.21385522
File: 129 KB, 900x537, 89B08C5A-A74E-45C4-9158-6D34E195CFBD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21385645

It's a very weird thing to put in OP that it has elephant hide paper as a sign of quality if he knows what it is. It's akin to bragging your PS5 is well varnished or came in its own net bag; something has gone wrong if you think this is a sign of a good version of said product if you lead with that.

>> No.21385877

>why can't books be pretty?
they can, but it doesn't make them better. Just more expensive.

>> No.21386328

/lit/ thread of the year

>> No.21386588

Every age is the bronze age of Marvel because Marvel is a fucking turd!