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21040019 No.21040019 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/

I am at a crossroads in my life and opportunities are dwindling. So I have been considering studying Traditionalism seriously in an academic setting, but I am no adept so I don't know where in the West this would be possible.

Also, I know that Esotericism and the Academy explains how academia is closed off for this mode of thought but I do think that in the theological faculties there is a niche for this.

This is the only place I think would know so any advice would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.21040065

>cool internet memes of twitter and 4channel decide my personality
seriously reconsider your existence.

traditionalism is a cringe nitwit "i hate the west, so I love everything eastern" anyways.
Guenon reads like an early 20th century chudcel who got filtered by Hegel.

>> No.21040073
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Fuck academia, gotta freelance it ...

>> No.21040128

Evola is considered by the academia more extreme than the nazis

>> No.21040138

The traditionalist school is completely anti-Western in attitude, and considers Classical Greece, The Renaissance, and all the heights of Western high culture to be decadent and anti-traditional, because for them "traditional" means Eastern navel-gazing and mystical nonsense.

>> No.21040152

This is correct, but why are they often considered "pro-western" philosophers, then?

With the possible exception of Evola, virtually every philosopher that is considered part of the "traditionalist" school has a clear bias against everything that is distinctly European. This is not an unreasonable stance per se, what boggles my mind is now often these philosophers are deliberately misrepresented.

>> No.21040156

do you really think academia has a problem with something being "anti-western"? that's not nearly as edgy as you think it is. have you ever read edward said?

>> No.21040165
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This is all the tradition you need.

>> No.21040178

you don't get filtered by Hegel. You give him a wedgie and move on.

>> No.21040183

I don't think about academia at all.

>> No.21040200

They are anti-modernist, and so get thrown into one big anti-modernist box with all the other thinkers who have, for various reasons, critiqued modernity negatively. The box gets then shaken up, and everything gets homogenized into two categories, those being Nazi and Secret-Nazi.

Both the 'left' and the 'right' do this, btw, because the culture war demands, first and foremost, symbols.

>> No.21040203

yeah, obviously. that's why you read stuff like evola.

>> No.21040228
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>"pro-anything today"

Yeah nah. End them all.

>> No.21040288

It's almost as if you should actually read the works of an author before talking about them. Is this attitude anti-academic, by any chance?

>> No.21040329

Look up James Cutsinger

>> No.21040522

hmm well if you're studying the Evolian strain of it then there are three options IMO:
>Roman/Latin studies
>Medieval studies
>Fascist studies

first two are prob better for academic setting

>> No.21040576

Why am I having deja vu from this thread?

>> No.21040579

Academia is a joke, you should read Evola.

>> No.21040890

There’s no greater loaded word than “traditionalism”
The real tradition of pre-civilization are opposed to christian, statist, market capitalist traditions. Mono-crop grain cultivation has been chiefly to blame for the collapse of these fragile institutions.
Study some permaculture books and connect with the various deep traditions of our ancestors

>> No.21041336
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Are you talking about studying Traditionalism as a grad student doing a Masters or PhD?

If so, there are a few possible places for you I think. At Cambridge, I talked to a few professors about it - in the Cambridge Divinity Faculty itself, Tim Winter (Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad) could possibly supervise you with something related to Traditionalism, but you would of course have to create a relationship with him first.

There are a few western scholars of Traditionalism you could get in touch with - chief among them are probably Patrick Laude and Mark Sedgwick. The former is probably better if you want to take up Traditionalism from the 'inside', so to speak, compared to Sedgwick who takes a more impersonal approach. In the UK, there is the Centre for the Study of Esotericism at Exeter, but I have no idea about their staff or whether they are interested in Traditionalism, could have a look though.

From speaking to certain professors, there are probably more people in France that could supervise you, but I am less knowledgeable here - Xavier Accart seems to be the prime expert on Guenon.

Studying Evola is probably not possible unless you want to take him up as simply a historical curiosity - he is too extreme for academia. But I have met many who are sympathetic to Guenon.

I would think seriously about what you are doing though - you are right that there is probably a niche for Traditionalism in theology or divinity faculties in certain places, but it is tiny, and it will probably be quite a soul sucking process since the academic mode of writing and analysis will be squarely opposed to everything in the Traditionalist corpus.

>> No.21041534

>opportunities are dwindling
>considering studying [...] in an academic setting
Is college free where you live? Do tardlarpers really think purchasing a degree makes them authentic? If you've got that kind of time and money there's better things to do