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/lit/ - Literature

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20956480 No.20956480 [Reply] [Original]

Favorite anime: Neon Genesis Evangelion
Favorite cartoon: Bojack Horseman
Favorite album: In Rainbows
Favorite movie: Blade Runner 2049
Favorite video game: Dishonored 1

What book should I read based on that?

>> No.20956541

suicide for dummies

>> No.20956544


>> No.20956551
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Image didn't attach for some reason.

>> No.20956606

Mortal Engines, Percy Jackson, maybe Harry Potter. Any YA property popular in the 00s should suit your normiecore taste

>> No.20956618

That's a Ready Player One reader

>> No.20956633

Hegel. If you've watched Evangelion you will already understand most of the concepts so it might be a waste of time. Just skim Phenomenology of Spirit and see if you find anything interesting

>> No.20956636

White Nights

>> No.20956875

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.20957501

Happy Prince and other Tales by Oscar Wilde

>> No.20957504
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Evangelion is genuinely a very Guenonian anime when you consider it from a /trad/ standpoint. Anyone who is or has been a weeb and who's also read Reign of Quantity will get me.

>> No.20957505

Confessions of a Mask

>> No.20957552


The fact that all your "favorite" products were all produced within the same few decades is an indication that your cultural awareness is severely stunted. You need to be aware of your ignorance and you need to consciously open your mind to the fact that for thousands of years people from many different cultural backgrounds have also grappled with the mysteries of experience and have created works of art to express their thoughts and feelings.

Watching cartoons, playing games and consuming mass-market media are perfectly fine as long as you balance these activities out with actual culture and literature. I suggest that you read some Russian literature, such as Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky or a few of Tolstoy's more well-known short stories. These are genuine works of art that are also accessible to wide audiences and ignorant people like yourself. From there, hopefully you will acquire some notion of serious literature. If you don't want you waste your life, it's important to take an interest in things from outside your immediate cultural context.

Or just remain a midwit and read No Longer Human and Blood Meridian and post about them on /lit/ next week.

>> No.20958156

>Evangelion is genuinely a very Guenonian anime
Well yeah they're both satanic and intimately tied with Freemasonry.

>> No.20958165

Proper advice. It'd be wise to take it, OP.
Might I add that OP ought to gain exposure to classical music from the various periods and do the same with visual art and architecture. It's not even hard.

>> No.20958410

You should stop watching cartoons (except for anime) and playing video games. Also start with the Greeks, specifically Iliad & Odyssey.

>> No.20958838

You're not that smart

>> No.20959028
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>heh, like cartoons? try reading a REAL work of art like this little known book "crime and punishment" by dostoevsky. OR, you could just remain ignorant like the sheep you are. the choice is yours.......

>> No.20959808

Don't read this.

>> No.20959918

Actually Dostojevskij is the right answer OP

>> No.20960059

why? It's basically the same as Evangelion

>> No.20961470

Midwit here
What else do I need to be well rounded

>> No.20961483

Become more skilled at math, and take at least a cursory glance at the history of philosophy and religion. That way you at least will know the names, which is a start.

>> No.20961504

Ah fuck I can do the history part but I’m actually retarded when it comes to math. What’s a replacement for it

>> No.20961519

2049 is a crap bladerunner movie and the ending makes no sense

>> No.20961522

>The fact that all your "favorite" products
I don’t know why this triggered me

They’re not products, I like them, they make me happy when I listen to them, read or watch etc.

>> No.20961540

Just watch Khan Academy bro literal sub 80 IQ Indians use it to pass calc, there's no way you're dumber than them.

>> No.20961562

you're probably not that bad, you only really need to know everything up to calculus and that's just based off the Real Number axioms...

Anyone can memorize the addition and multiplication tables

>> No.20961575

I never got past high school algebra, I’m actually an idiot.
Is there a specific course like online classes or should I just do everything in their math section?

>> No.20961601

>Real Number axioms
again, if you know the 10 or so basic axioms you have everything you need to prove everything up to calculus. Just read Lang Basic Math

>> No.20961606

I can only yet again complain at the complete lack of coomer bait further into this thread.
I cannot, I can-not stomach Anon's midwit posts if I don't see a hot or fetish bait (hentai in this case) every five or so replies.
You guys don't get how this works.
A coomer bait thread is like reading the playboy, which is like reading a GQ from a few decades ago but with lewd and nude photos. Ideally you'd have an economics and politics magazine with themed models, but people never got that far. Society consumes mostly E rated stuff and that's okay. That is why R rated movies, not even to do with porn but just adult themes and violence, generally flop.
I'm just saying, this isn't society, we don't need to appeal to the reddit crowd. If you think this is degrading go to lgbt to something like that. I dunno.
I will follow this with a fitting picture.

>> No.20961628
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>> No.20961631

I don’t but thanks Math bro

>> No.20961635
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Sure, Anon. [Book] is pretty good, but I consider [other Book] for [the following reason] a better example of [theme] to which [OP's] questions was directed. Not only does [other book] apply more to [quotation of OP] but it is also open to other themes which stand [in relation] to the former. A closed book, a novel by itself, is no matter the stylistic or thematic excellence, the wholeness of the work yet inferior to a book which is not closed. A closed book will have the reader replicate the feelings or only suit a historical interest, while a more open book, which might be less so a perfect novel like [book] is, shines in its own right being relevant not as a time capsule, a tale or literary history, a sort of parody of the historical situation, but as a still living and accessible memory of what generally a good book can be or is throughout time, beyond historical moments. There is real human agency in the latter while the former will only ever be of its time. That doesn't mean either is necessarily better, but if you asked me to name a good book or my favorite book and all I read were such books or you restricted me to naming only classics through our previous conversation and your interest in something traditional and ideological before reading "a good book" just generally, I would have to name a dozen or so books depending on the decade or theme. The person asking would then force himself to read this [good book] and maybe grow tired of it because it is culturally or historically inaccessible to him, and would be extension think it not only a bad book, but books of that period or the classics in general to be bad or boring or no longer "relevant", whatever that means.

>> No.20961653
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Axioms are by definition intuitive truths, all you need to do is memorize them.

>> No.20961658

you need to go back, fag.
everything since hegel is either stemming from or in opposition to hegel.
whenever you see a tardy analytic philosopher writing a tirade against some invisible enemy, that enemy is hegel or whatever that anglo believes hegel thought.

>> No.20961660

Read Neuromancer

>> No.20961755


>> No.20961779

>hegelians actually believe this
lmao even

>> No.20961799
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Favorite anime: Full Metal Panic
Favorite cartoon: Archer
Favorite album: Boston by By Boston
Favorite movie: Smokey & the Bandit
Favorite video game: Victoria 2

>> No.20961814
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Also these aren't really my full on favorites, idk what those are. Here are some other favorites of mine.

Favorite anime: Bunny Girl Senpai
Favorite cartoon: Avatar the Last Airbender
Favorite album: Don't Look Back by By Boston
Favorite movie: Goon
Favorite video game: Pokemon Ruby

>> No.20961833

Not Frisky Dingo?

>> No.20961883

Never watched it. Is it better?

>> No.20962899

Excellent post at risk of sounding like a redditor. You give OP what he needs to hear but still engage in his request anyway. More anons should post like you, no homo.

>> No.20963108

You should get better taste.

>> No.20963110

That's a dude

>> No.20963113

No it isn’t, I can tell

>> No.20963145

Quit talking to yourself faggot.

>> No.20963149

Favorite anime: I'm not a manchild lmao
Favorite cartoon: See answer A
Favorite album: Buyer's Market
Favorite movie: Gayniggers From Outer Space
Favorite video game: Cuckold Simulator

What book should I read based on that?

>> No.20963154

>Favorite movie: Gayniggers From Outer Space
Oh shit, based.

>> No.20963523

But I’m not

>> No.20963649

Favourite Anime: Anime is for retards
Favourite Cartoon: Tom and Jerry
Favorite Album: Spotify Opera Playlist
Favourite Movie: Ratatouille
Favourite Vidya: Video games are for losers The Secret of Monkey Island

>> No.20964041
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Favourite Anime: Violet Evergarden
Favourite Cartoon: all trash
Favourite Album: Rod Wave - Ghetto Gospel
Favourite Movie: Shawshank Redemption
Favourite Vidya: witcher3

>> No.20964222

Idk what the generic middle class white western book is, but that.

>> No.20965019

Favorite anime: Berserk (only one I really watched)
Favorite cartoon: I don't know, maybe Shrek?
Favorite album: Dark All Day by Gunship
Favorite movie: Kingdom of Heaven
Favorite video game: Dark Souls 3

Post recs

>> No.20965025

>Favorite anime: Neon Genesis Evangelion
>Favorite cartoon: Bojack Horseman
>Favorite album: In Rainbows
>Favorite movie: Blade Runner 2049
>Favorite video game: Dishonored 1

i'd say, for you, either some nietzsche, or gravity's rainbow, or the brothers karamazov

>> No.20965030

ok my turn

favourite anime: paranoia agent
favourite cartoon: bojack horseman
favourite album: oh shit wait i forgot thta i don't really have favourites uhhh

>> No.20965049

Favourite anime: FMAB
Favourite cartoon: idk? Courage the cowardly dog???
Favourite album: Rust in Peace
Favourite movie: uhh.. Inception?
Favourite video game: POP: Warrior within

>> No.20965068


>> No.20965081

Favourite anime: Great Teacher Onizuka
Favourite cartoon: Spongebob Squarepants
Favourite album: Nonnegative -- Coldrain
Favourite movie: Ratatouille
Favourite video game: Sekiro Shadows Die Twice

based or cuck 4chan, you decide

>> No.20965169

>>Favorite cartoon: Bojack Horseman
You have awful taste. Bojack isn't funny. It isn't deep. It's absolute trash and you betray yourself by admitting to liking it.

>> No.20965174

Favorite anime: FMAB; NGE...
Favorite cartoon: Futurama
Favorite album: Siames - Home
Favorite movie: Terminator 2
Favorite video game: Final Fantasy 9


>> No.20965192

Catcher in the Rye

>> No.20965736


>> No.20965751
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unironically filtered

>> No.20965764
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>I need this thread to resemble playboy in order to read it
Based beyond belief

>> No.20965778

The beast that shouted love at the heart of the world.

>> No.20965783

Favorite anime: FLCL, NGE, LotGH
Favorite cartoon: King of the Hill, or Avatar (that shit was kino as a kid)
Favorite album: not really a music guy, but Love Songs and Lamenations or 下田逸郎
Favorite movie: Ran, or Wild Strawberries
Favorite video game: NieR Replicant, or Anno 1404
Favorite play: Julius Caesar
Favorite opera: Rienzi

>> No.20965787


>> No.20965803


>> No.20966171


>> No.20966193
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>> No.20966738

I only entered this thread because I cannot resist pictures of that cute russian cosplayer. Beyond a certain point of attractiveness, mere images of pretty girls become more addictive than any exogenous chemical. That is all.

>> No.20967451

When you suggest Dostoytard as real literature you just makes your entire comment sound like a joke

>> No.20967951
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Favorite anime: FLCL
Favorite cartoon: Courage the Cowardly Dog
Favorite album: Barrett by Syd Barrett
Favorite movie: American Graffiti
Favorite video game: Ib

I'm actually already reading Ulysses and I'm liking how comfy and unpretentious it is, which surprises me given that everyone kept saying it was pretentious and complicated. Anyway what book should I read based on that information.