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20744423 No.20744423 [Reply] [Original]

I'm about to read an entire textbook on computer science without taking any notes, highlighting or writing anything, just relying on mnemonic techniques, memory palaces and intermittent active recall to internalize all of it. Wish me luck!

>> No.20744471

Kill yourself

>> No.20744475

im an engineer, let me give you some stemlord advice:
no textbook is worth doing without its practice book
all english editions, on any topic, also follow up with a problems book which is essential, absolutely fundamental for understanding, there is no other way to 'get' the material unless you are also practicing the chapter problems which follow the book
here in the soviet bloc, we had a tradition of a professor writing the chapter and assistant professor being in charge of the problems/practice chapter and i see that english publications also do this
every stemlord topic worth the paper it is printed also has its practice/problems book (dont know how you call these but they exist)

and in order to solve most chapter problems, you will need to know calculus, analytic algebra, differential equations, etc
and in order to understand those equations you need a perfect mastery of highschool math first

tl;dr you cant just read stemlord textbooks, its not for mass market, its doubtful you will get anywhere without the math, over half of the disciplines vary between being 90% math and 50% math

>> No.20745456

gud luck