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20136320 No.20136320 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you realise the puny British Isles simply could not contain so many virile and noble aristocratic innovators and pioneers (white and male-dominated), so they went and founded the USA, the greatest country the God-given universe has ever seen, as well as Canada, Aus, NZ, etc., forming a global empire
HOwever, looking at it esoterically, one must note the so-called Western enlightenment values present in the founding of the USA, which are derived from freemasonry; that is to say, a profanation of spiritual wisdom. The knowledge has a truly "Luciferian" character, and so when given to, say, medicated afro-latinx mutt-dykes with never-before-seen hormonal patterns, or "sheboons," or insane trannies, all of whom are told to rebel against their parents and EVIL WESTERN WHITE SOCIETY, many bad things will happen...inb4 you moralfag over pragmatically (in practice) egalitarianism, which is hilariously stupid, at least to anybody who has a solid philosophical background or really just a fully-functioning brain (libtards and antivaxers need not apply).

I mean do you goys really need me to spell it out to you? this is what metahistorical spiritual subversion looks like. If historical cycles including "great cataclysms or fire and ice" are to be believed, you should become stronger within, more liberated from the system. Or why not do this anyway, even if they don't exist?

All irony here of course, sirs.