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20109781 No.20109781 [Reply] [Original]

Half the time I read philosophy I grow convinced that science is the key to reality, but the other half I decide it's irrelevant. Philosophy is what would tell me whether I should be studying math and physics to gain true knowledge, yet by the time I had spent enough time with philosophy to be confident in my decision it would be far too late to do anything in those fields. I mean, I already spent a few months self studying math, and I could do it, and I feel like I should do it, but I like philosophy better. Obviously I could do both to an extent, but only one in depth. idk, this is just a blogpost. it's an impossible conundrum. I don't believe in different types of intelligence or even that we naturally prefer one field of study to another so it's not like I can say that I'm naturally better at one or naturally prefer one, I know that you can grow to enjoy literally anything you do, it's all arbitrary, so my choice is only based on reason, but reason provides no clear answer.

>> No.20109788 [DELETED] 

do (non analytic) philosophy of science

>> No.20109795

that's still entirely philosophy though. though idk how much math and shit philosophers of science actually learn

>> No.20109909

lots of philosophers, artist, authors and poets had day jobs. Just find something where you dont wagecuck for 8+ hours a day and when you come home you are dead tired and only rest for the next day at work.

>> No.20109996

Philosophy is the alternative medicine for life you'll just become a

>> No.20110001
File: 621 KB, 1716x1710, philosophy science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in physics and while my motivations were once the same as yours (gaining true knowledge), I've become disillusioned lately. The higher up I go, theory and "reality" become ever less connected and everyone seems entirely unconcerned with this. People get given a model which "just works" and it's intended that you accept it without even attempting to poke holes in it or to point out the incongruence that, you're using a model with certain assumptions over here that conflicts with the one you're using over there.
It makes everything feel illusory and 'unreal' but, simultaneously, also dirty and pragmatic, as paradoxical as that might sound.
But occasionally, I will read something that totally changes my mind, that shows there is some deeper logical structure to it all and that there are geniuses out there working on it that the mechanistic work-a-day scientists don't care about.

I'm sorry that I've used your blogpost to counter-blogpost, but I wanted to say it and this seemed like the only place. Maybe you should hedge your bets, study both, and see where inspiration and life lead you. If you really choose to go into mathematics or science, then the competency in communication that comes from being well read will open a staggering amount of doors for you.

>> No.20110212

Philosophy won't give you any answers, and all post Catholic philosophy leads to death. Study STEM and cultivate a devotional life instead.

>> No.20110218


>> No.20110309

If you are good at math just go stem and study philosophy in your free time. Very few people are good at math so it's always a competitive edge in this modern world. Plus I imagine a philosophy major nowadays will be filled mostly with woke professors and students anyways so you will probably end up studying more Foucault, Derrida, and "feminist" philosophers than the Greeks or Thomas Aquinas.

>> No.20110326

Just do what you want, you aren't going to unlock the key to reality anyway. I know some scientists who work or have worked in research settings. Even when you're doing cutting edge shit, it's mostly tedious

>> No.20110374
File: 1.94 MB, 3000x3000, MagicMeatMonkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I post this article in jest, to mock you for thinking "magic meat monkey thoughts are magic and meaningful", for being a meatbag. I glazed it, and it seemed to be mostly about how religion/philosophy are used as a means to compel people to work, not mocking people for being meatbags. Since I doubt anyone will read past the title, it still serves its purpose.

>> No.20110385

you think philosophy doesn't address this? philosophy does not equal idealism. but it's not that simple

>> No.20110388

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.20110401

It truly is fascinating how parts of Platonism have stuck around. Even Gödel was a mathematical Platonist. To reject Philosophy is frankly to even reject science itself.

>> No.20110404

Science is also magic meat monkey thought, created by and for magic meat monkeys

>> No.20110411
File: 11 KB, 900x806, png-clipart-headphones-devon-rex-avatar-internet-headphones-white-electronics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Studied computer science for 1 semester and decided I don't wanna be a bugman for the rest of my life. Was depressed at first bc I had no idea what else to do, so I was a neet and a wagie for a couple of years, but now I'm in my 4th semester majoring in philosophy and I have ZERO regrets. Ironically enough I asked for very similar advice like yours in the wwoym thread, and some anon who went the exact same route that I'm currently going told me to just do it, and here I am baby. Don't even care if my job perspectives are worse than stem, I am passionate about this field and will dedicate my life to it. Whatever you go for, make sure you like it, and don't be afraid to change your ways especially when you're still young. A lot of people do not just pick one field or one career and roll with that forever. Things change and so do you. You are in your discovery phase, ofc it's supposed to be confusing, but it's also incredibly excititing, at least for me. It's amazing how much interesting stuff is out there that is waiting to be discovered by you.

>> No.20110432
File: 1.80 MB, 4000x4000, SugarFire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Philosophy at this point is just pandering to the peasants looking for some comfort from the cold facts of reality that remind them that little bags of meat and water are as trivial as ants. It's just fantasy and delusion, no different than transgenderism.

Philosophy attempted to replace religion as a means to indoctrinate people to pursue self-betterment and labor, but it ultimately just created a bunch of entitled fucks who demand fee shit because of imaginary "rights" spoonfed to them by the philosophers who learned that pandering to idiots makes them way more friends and way more money than telling people the truth.

As a "philosopher", let me tell you, 99% of people can't read. The 1% of people who read anything generally refuse to read phlosophy because it is empirically and pragmatically worthless. The 0.01% of people who read philosophy do so in order to find which ball-fondling philosopher will pander to their basal delusions of grandeur and entitlement the most, then they will attack you and condemn you if you tell them the truth.

Don't think too much. Thinking is a disease, and it's why the species is sick. No other animals think. If you're the odd man out, you're probably in the wrong. Most people are expected to "think" but have no real capacity to do this, it's like trying to run some basic calculation program on a computer that can't calculate 3 digit addition, let alone relate any legitimate measurements of reality to the processes which produces these results.

I've got anger issues, and I get upset when other people talk, so I become verbally abusive. This makes me unpopular. The only way to be successful as a writer is to put the balls of the peasant in your mouth and suck them until their scrotum bleeds, then you subsist of the small amount of sustenance offered to you by that pittance of blood coming from the peasants balls.

I enjoy writing, but it seems pointless without any audience. I'm just too violent and abusive for the audience, and they become upset, angered, or upset that somebody would dare do anything beyond coddle them. If you're good at coddling and pandering, then you can try philosophy, otherwise pick STEM, since the ignorance and delusions of the peasants aren't capable of contesting science the way they are capable of contesting the baseless and subjective competitions of subjectivity that define philosophy. When you can't actually defeat peasants with philosophy, it's worthless. At least science can cripple and maim peasants.

Call me an edgelord, a 14-year-old, and I'll remind you that I don't give a fuck. If I was the type of person to prostrate myself before the criticisms of other people, I would be a spineless subhuman like the fucking cuddle-puddle of subhumanism that defines Western Idealism. I enjoy the hatred, because it means I'm not one of you.

Sadly, 3k says "this ends here".. Hate, hate, hate.

>"certainty brings insanity"

Reality is certainty, thus I am insane

>> No.20110444 [DELETED] 

Please study the philosophy and history of maths and physics. You will probably discover yourself.

Physicists have become engineers. When you can understand the progress of physics from Newton to Maxwell you will see that you've been confined to a one acre plot on what is actually a whole continent to explore, and not just for antiquarian reasons either.

>> No.20110448

Holy shit kill yourself you retarded zoomer

>> No.20110449
File: 53 KB, 1280x720, sntr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure but there's no practical purpose to believing in time... i'll keep that in mind

>> No.20110455

too many excuses anon, maybe you are just a pathetic cuck? However I have to agree, thinking is not the way. I only use intuition and my intuition told me not to read that image you posted.

>> No.20110473

>It truly is fascinating how parts of Platonism have stuck around
I think you're overstating the similarities. There's a huge gap between Plato's religious and theological system and incredibly autistic physicists arguing that the universe is incredibly autistic too.

>> No.20110539

I for one would choose math and have chosen math but I guess Iam not really that much into philosophy as you are.
For a while I didn't know if I should choose physics or math but once I realized that physics is just applied math with additional axioms the choice was obvious.
The problem with me is that I am a fucking retard which probably has a testosterone deficiency.
I have gotten into what seemed to be a pretty good german university which has been advertised as having the best Math Faculty in the land. Now im retrospect I think that I shouldn't have had been a lasy bastard and applied for TUM but it seemed to much hard work to write a 1 page essay after 12 years of school.
My story ends with me not going to the university of Bonn because I am a coward and slowly turning into an Amiba(like my father likes to call me) instead. My story concludes in such a way because I wasn't able to find any place to rent in Bonn.
During the Summer this and other things should have had been my main objective but instead I played Minecraft half of the time. The root of all these is of course my laziness and cowardice(which is kind of new to me from my poimt of view, I used to be pretty brave), cowardice to talk to people especially in a foreign language which I don t master properly even though my level is supposed to be C1, but all of these has been propelled by my all of my friends abandoning me the moment high school ended. I have no idea how something lile this could has happened everybody was goimg partying even the unpopular kids.
I instead was pushed into buildimg an artificial life in minecraft. So outumn came aroumd and I am supposed to live for germamy. Even tho we I haven't found any place me and my parents decide to go in the hopes that being there urgency will make me find rent. Unfortunately this is not the case. My dad drives from Timisoara Romania to Bonn Germany in just a day. Me and my parents stay in a hotel for for 4 days for 1000 and something euros. In those 4days I was supposed to do my best in finding a place instead I just hide more into myself. At the end me and my parents decide that I could remain there and try to find rent and they drive back to Romania. I stay for another 3 or 4 days in a hotel this time paying probably 400 euros.
In the hotel I felt like a complete outsider due to the fact that besides me the other people were german tall boomers and I am a jewish looking romanian boy who is 5 11(manlet in germany) with nigger hair( not real nigger hair, the euro version of it, i
i like to tell to myself that i look like a youmger shoppy but i dont have blue eyes ). T the end I buy a 250 dollar plain ticket for Bucharezt and from bucharest i travel to Timisoara by train i did this to save money because i thought and think that my parents have wasted enough money on me( the trip back took 24 sleepless(not teally) hours).
Thanks for reading my blogpost and sorey for broken phoneposted english.

>> No.20110621

it's never too late?

>> No.20110696

Don't waste your degree with philosophy, go STEM and read it in your free time

>> No.20110925


>> No.20111324

Charles Krauthammer became a psychiatrist when faced with this same question.

>> No.20111431

You are not supposed to choose your major based on what knowledge you want to gain, for that just reading books online would be enough. Pick what's profitable and not extremely boring to you.

As far as science versus philosophy goes, the way I understand it is science gives hard data and philosophy can make you better at interpreting data. However, arguably being smart enough you will be good at ''philosophizing'' and interpreting information without needing to study formal philosophy for that, whereas It's impossible to know any of the hard sciences in their advanced level without studying their specifics.

>> No.20111480

If you want to make a difference in academic establishment research I would say pick whichever stem field interests you most, modern academic philosophy is under too much control from absolute retards and charlatans for you to have both success and produce good work, biologists and physicists still make discoveries without some post-structuralist faggot shitting all over it. You can pursue philosophy as well outside of academia, just try to make some connections to intelligent people you can discuss ideas with, you don’t need to be a professor of philosophy to be a great philosopher. Descartes and Plato were soldiers, Spinoza ground lenses, philosophy doesn’t need to be your job to define you.

If you mean which you should read in order to understand reality then I would say both, all while doubting both, particularly keep in mind that while science is a powerful interrogative tool, it is always refining, and if it will ever be complete, that is still many many ages away; err and err and err again, but less and less and less. I wish that philosophy had been taught in school but the moral complacency of our age seems to prevent any decent study on it for children in the way that we were given good scientific and mathematical education. You need both to see the full picture and better appreciate creation, Aristotle was one of the most famous and influential philosophers to ever live, he was also among the earliest zoologists.

>> No.20111492

>Philosophy attempted to replace religion as a means to indoctrinate people to pursue self-betterment and labor
Other way around, the dominant western religion is predated by the most dominant western philosophers. Plato wasn’t a proto-Christian, Christians are crypto-platonists.

>> No.20111530

>No other animals think. If you're the odd man out, you're probably in the wrong.
Humans are dominant over every other species, so actually, being the odd man out puts them in the right here.

>> No.20111629

I did two years of math and physics and this year I'm restricting myself to math and I think this Anon is right. Unless you know how to find a very competent philosophy school from the start, studying philosophy is to willingly expose yourself to intellectual propaganda. To study positive sciences is to ensure that one will have no other agent of influence than logical rigor and intellectual intuition. To do sciences allows moreover to develop one's discursive reason and allows to study philosophy on one's side better than the study of philosophy allows to study mathematics alone. However it is also necessary to consider that mathematics, if they are very pleasant to study, finally say things only about logical necessities and that physics is satisfied with proposing a modeling of reality and keeps a very limited field of action.
I think that philosophy is more fertile if one is able to reason properly and this is why I think that the ideal path consists in doing sciences first, with some philosophy in parallel, and then, if a bridge is offered, jumping directly to more advanced philosophy where the researchers are more interested in their field of specialization than in globohomo propaganda.

>> No.20112082

Stop trying to stuff the entire framework into your brain. It was not made for it, and if you try you'll fuck it up. Make sure that YOUR part of the model is as rigorous and functional (which is much more important than "pretty and elegant" by the end of the day) as possible and do it properly. Some day someone will overturn the paradigm anyway, but the solid data and implications of your well done work is what shows the direction. Not to mention it can be useful even as is. Nobody promised you that it is going to be easy - to build a tower, you first have to dig out the foundation pit. Don't be a bitch if you don't get to play the leading part, that's arrogant as shit.

Also - all the people on the right side of the pic are neither scientists nor philosophers. They are public popularizers, and those have always been and will always be cringe.

>Please study the philosophy and history of maths and physics. You will probably discover yourself.
History of science and epistemology are based in general.

>Physicists have become engineers. When you can understand the progress of physics from Newton to Maxwell you will see that you've been confined to a one acre plot on what is actually a whole continent to explore, and not just for antiquarian reasons either.
That's just progressing specialization. It is inevitable as we take on research that simply and plainly requires progressively more work and more prerequisite familiarity with every step.

t. fellow STEMcel

>> No.20112102

>As far as science versus philosophy goes, the way I understand it is science gives hard data and philosophy can make you better at interpreting data.
Not exactly. Science deals both with getting better data and interpretation. Philosophy only looks at the scientific solutions for interpretation and points out, usually correctly, that they are retarded and science should start all over again on those.