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19776820 No.19776820 [Reply] [Original]

Any fiction books with great depictions of the last man and/or the uberman?

>> No.19776840

Obvious choice are
Lastman: brave new world
Overman: ahab

>> No.19776907

omg bro that is so fucking deep do you go on r/atheism too?

>> No.19777035

Christianity destroy Europe

Hail perun

>> No.19777045

i hate religion so much bros

>> No.19777046
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>> No.19777110
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It didn't, actually the opposite, Christianity build Europe.

>> No.19777122

TSZ is an obvious choice

>> No.19777129

Some novels with Nietzschean themes:
- Tarr (Wyndham Lewis)
- Death in Venice (Thomas Mann)
- The Immoralist (Andre Gide)

>> No.19777135

>- Death in Venice (Thomas Mann)
>- The Immoralist (Andre Gide)
Good recs

>> No.19778058
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>> No.19778100

Whos that?

>> No.19778119
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>> No.19778141

Jupiter Optimus Maximus

>> No.19778170

Im still wondering how nothing similar to ancient greece ever happened since. It was like lightning in the bottle culture.

>> No.19778224

The underground man is the depressing reality of pandering to the ubermensch delusion.

>> No.19778228

Cont - notes from underground. Idk why I forgot to say the name of the book.

>> No.19778456

How can Christianity have destroyed Europe if Europe hasn’t been Christian since the renaissance?

>> No.19778468

My untitled novel

>> No.19778492

If you mean the last pagan Heroes then it’s either Julian, Erich Ludendorff, Himmler and Hitler

….but they all kind of failed, but that’s only if you see wining as a necessary attribute of uberman. Either way, there’s the novel Julian by Gore Videl.

Although Julian acted morally more like a Christian than an an uberman pagan. He got bullied in Antioch despite using his own personal money to feed the famine stricken Antioch.

>> No.19778539

Christians were the uberman. Pagans were too merciful and weak, especially towards Christians. Pagans had slave morals.

> Initially a pagan culture, detailed information about the turn to the Christian religion to the islands of Scotland during the Norse-era is elusive.[60] The Orkneyinga Saga suggests the islands were Christianised by Olaf Tryggvasson in 995 when he stopped at South Walls on his way from Ireland to Norway. The King summoned the jarl Sigurd the Stout[Notes 7] and said, "I order you and all your subjects to be baptised. If you refuse, I'll have you killed on the spot and I swear I will ravage every island with fire and steel." Unsurprisingly, Sigurd agreed and the islands became Christian at a stroke,[59] receiving their own bishop in the early 11th century.[Notes 8][Notes 9]


>> No.19778976

Pernicious nonsense wrapped in twiddle twaddle ramblings while easily being one of the most influential books published in the 20th century. This is the most different of all of Nietzsche’s books while simultaneously epitomizing all of his other writings even to the point of making this book seem unoriginal, something that I’ve never felt with any of his other books. It’s clear that a lot of this book were notes from his other books, and the rest were notes for what would become this book. There is one thing that struck me about this book, overall it was the most unoriginal of all of Nietzsche’s writings because he had for the most part said it elsewhere in his writings but says it here in such a way that it will appeal to the proto-fascist and soon-to-be Nazis who will lap this stuff up.

Ayn Rand loved Nietzsche and was going to use his quotations as chapter headings for ‘The Fountainhead’ until she realized that she misunderstood him; she obviously agreed with his fascism but wasn’t able to understand his philosophy beyond the superficial and I suspect it was this book that originally hooked her. Heidegger wrote an incredibly influential book explaining this book that influenced Derrida, Foucault and Rorty, but, most importantly, Oswald Spengler explicitly cites Nietzsche and Goethe as his major influences for volume I of Decline of the West (by all means read that God awful book if only to understand why one can call Trump a fascist), and lastly in Hitler’s autobiography, Nietzsche with Goethe, Luther and Fredrich the Great were Hitler’s acknowledged greatest influences. BTW, within this book I would say that Goethe was equally praised by Nietzsche as Hitler and Spengler praised him.

Make no mistake. This book is vile. The ‘always conniving Jew uses their knowledge against the ignorance of the other’ or whatever nonsense Nietzsche wrote, hysterical women never can learn or write good literature, the German is superior, Machiavelli was a great thinker, and so on and so on. But, that’s not my real problem with this book since it’s easy to dismiss that has nothing but prejudices.

All of the perniciousness of fascism lurks within this book. All of Donald Trump and what he is trying to do against humanity is within this book. Equality is anathema for them. Humanism is irrelevant and dangerous to them. A great leader, according to Nietzsche is required in order to save us. Spengler made Julius Caesar his great leader while in this book Nietzsche did too, but also Napoleon would do, or until a Hitler comes along or a Trump. Trump has anointed himself as the self-appointed uber-mensch for our time.

>> No.19778981

Nietzsche is really saying ‘stop thinking and follow me and let your feelings be your guide’. There is no being, there is only becoming and a great thinker will be needed to rise above the herd. A thinker who is not encumbered by sympathy, empathy or reciprocity and one who is a narcissist with socio-pathological tendencies would be Nietzsche’s ideal, and Hitler would fit the bill as would Trump. Somebody who would always be able to always say that they didn’t fail, but only those around them failed, since the uber-mensch is always right by definition and all failure must come from the herd.

Anyone who is not in synch with what Nietzsche desires is considered weak, corrupt and not worthy of consideration exactly how Trump campaigned in 2016, and all awhile fascist such as Trump projects their faux strength through bluster and flays against imaginary windmills and also real windmills as he babbles incoherently how the TV won’t work on non-windy days if we attach windmills to the power grid. Overall, Nietzsche makes as much sense as Trump does regarding windmills, and both are just as dangerous.

Nietzsche will say that morality is immoral and therefore only the morality that he feels is worthwhile or worthy of consideration since Truth is what an uber-mensch says it is. Of all the statements from fascist beware of the statement such as ‘stop thinking and follow me, and all facts are alternative facts, and no science is true except for the science I say’. All are ravings of a lunatic, but only a bigger lunatic could believe such crap, and Nietzsche does have that kind of crap within this book, and there will always be Fox News viewers who want to be afraid of the imaginary windmills. They only need to be told.

Spengler, Heidegger, Hitler and Ayn Rand loved this book and were influenced by it until they weren’t for a reason. This book gives a ground for the hate they want to practice, and ironically, a justification since in the end Nietzsche believes the only justification that exists is the justification that we make for ourselves, just like Donald Trump does.

Before I had read this book, I wasn’t sure that it was really representative of Nietzsche. But now, I’m fairly certain that it does represent him overall since so much of what was in this book seemed to overlap with what he had written elsewhere. In this book, he’s more explicit on his active nihilism, moralic acid and his contempt for democracy, equality and his always blaming the individual for not understanding that morality is immoral because he says it is, but overall, that only differs from what he previously said by degrees not kind. By putting all of his twiddle twaddle in one place the wanna be fascists were falsely lulled into a non-existence coherence within this guidebook on becoming a good fascist.

>> No.19779021

>stop thinking and follow me and let your feelings be your guide
sounds feminine

>> No.19779074

The Supermale
Mafarka the Futurist

>> No.19779115

or retarded. Actually, those are synonyms anyway

>> No.19779133
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>Somebody who would always be able to always say that they
Great writing

>> No.19779319

Crime and Punishment
Martin Eden (from what I ve heard)

>> No.19779358

Top jej

Have a (you)

>> No.19779392

My Diary Desu
oh and Dostoevsky in general seems to have inspired Nietzsche.

>> No.19779441

It's happening again now, just behind closed doors.

>> No.19779629

Dostoevsky and Jack London.

>> No.19779642


But wasn’t Dostoevsky a Christian?

>> No.19779660

Still seething about something that happened 1700 years ago. Do some people ever move on?

>> No.19779661

>Hitler would fit the bill as would Trump.
imagine being this mentally cucked and obsessed, just popping into completely random and unrelated threads and venting your seething impotence about Trump, you should consider a career as a janny anon since you already work for free

>> No.19779672

Good to know that Europe has been communist/Marxist for 1700 years. I always said that there was more continuous tradition in communism than nazism, which had no historical precedent in Europe.

>> No.19779687

Astrid Lindgren

>> No.19779699


>> No.19779842

I'm curious to know what landmark event in Christianity happened in 322 AD

>> No.19779861

Dostoyevsky criticized socialism in the same way that Nietzsche did. Raskolnikov is basically the Pale Criminal in Zarathustra, someone who used weak reason to justify an act that catastrophically undermines their values thus rendering them irreconcilable with the world and a "pit of serpents" at war within. Some think Dostoyevsky refutes Nietzsche but I disagree; Dostoyevsky portrayed the ways in which people will perish in the absence of God but not that it is impossible for someone to healthily transcend nihilism without faith.

>> No.19779871

Jews cant into philosophy. Just stick to your Talmud

>> No.19779882

Honda in mishimas tetralogy

>> No.19779901
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Its Thus Spoke Zarathustra but Based.

>> No.19780212

well, 321:
>The Christian Church is allowed to hold property.
>A synod held in Alexandria condemns Arianism.
>Jews in today's Germany are documented for the first time, in Colonia Agrippinensium (modern-day Cologne).

>> No.19780296

>I don't know what any of these words mean: the post
Mercy is a virtue of masters, the bloodthirsty zeal of a slave uprising knows now such thing. Read Nietzsche instead of just hearing a term and googling it retard.

>> No.19780553

>what is ancient Greece
>what is (non cucked) Rome