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/lit/ - Literature

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19746748 No.19746748 [Reply] [Original]

Okay so, apparently the jannies warned me because they didn't like a thread I made about Marsilio Ficino. They obviously have no idea who he is and what he wrote, so they couldn't understand my statement and thought it was "ironic shitposting".

So, here's the thing: Ficino is the only philosopher in history who was able to determine the exact equilibrium point between the two and only two conceptions that are possible for the human mind (excluding atheism): pantheism and monotheism, or, from an European perspective, Paganism and Christianity. It goes round and round until you realize there is nothing else. You have to choose. When you have read enough philosophy, for years and years, you know that all philosophers fall under one of these two categories. And unless you are a dumb atheist there is no escape, no third option. All metaphysics can be reduced to one of the two main statements of human thought: God is immanent, or God is transcendent.

Well, that said, Ficino is the only author who has convincingly shown that these two statements can be both true at the same time. He represents the only successful blend of the two traditions, as far as we know. His magnum opus, the Theologia Platonica, is a huge and complex structure attempting to find the happy medium. And, at least in my opinion, it succeeds. If you know of any other such examples, just tell me.

Since the vast majority of modern and contemporary philosophy ultimately revolves, even if implicitly, around the same debate, Ficino actually did solve modern philosophy before it even started. This is vastly unknown for the mere fact that very few people, including famous thinkers of the modern era, have read him.

That's all I have to say, then it's up to you to read the Platonic Theology or not. Personally I don't care.

>> No.19746828

This you? >>/lit/thread/S19744931
Probably deleted it because your thread was fucking shit.
This thread however, pretty good.

>> No.19746846

Yeah it's me. It baffles me that anyone can make threads like that about Nietzsche or Hegel, but I can't about Ficino. Where's the supposed equal treatment that the mods should ensure?

>> No.19746851

Off to the reading list it goes.

>> No.19746859

> Well, that said, Ficino is the only author who has convincingly shown that these two statements can be both true at the same time.
And how does Ficino do this?

>> No.19746862

The hard lesson of this place is that the mods do not care. Only the few threads which some anons bother to report ever get deleted.

>> No.19746864

If you say, "I am a Jew," no one will be moved. If you say, "I am a Roman," no one will be disturbed. If you say, "I am a Greek, a barbarian, a slave, a homosex,” no one will be troubled. If you say, “Sneed” the jennies will tremble.

>> No.19746868

Why isn’t atheism an option?

>> No.19746889
File: 136 KB, 443x395, 4CmDlmR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have to choose.

>> No.19746911

>Okay so, apparently the jannies warned me because they didn't like a thread I made about Marsilio Ficino. They obviously have no idea who he is and what he wrote, so they couldn't understand my statement and thought it was "ironic shitposting".
No, they warned you because Ficino and all the abrahamic wannabe neoplatonists are hacks who used the theology of the Academy like an old sock to squeeze all the contents that were conveniently integrated into the judeo-christian "tradition" while leaving out the rest for the sake of appeasing their godless pimp masters. Neoplatonism begins with Plotinus and ends with Proclus (or Damascius) and you should learn from them instead of reading these filthy christcuck hacks.

>> No.19746918

based resentment-fueled poster.

>> No.19746997

Read the Brothers Karamazov, or at least Smirjekov's speech to Ivan towards the end of the book.

>> No.19747065

>le affected pseud contrarianism

>> No.19747704


Worse, they're rank plebs who can't even read between the lines.

>> No.19747714

OP don't leave me hanging! I tried checking his Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article and it provided no clue

>> No.19747813

Jannies are unironically illiterate

>> No.19747822

Doesn’t platonic and neoplatonic henotheism already do this? idk what his system is but the idea of unifying monotheism and polytheism doesn’t sound like something new or unique to this guy

>> No.19747834

Doesn’t explain the universe, in fact does the opposite, it leaves the universe as nonsensical and unexplained as possible. Not on the radar of philosophers actually trying to figure out what the universe is.

>> No.19747845

Also, even something like hinduism has a monotheistic absolute god with polytheistic manifestations

>> No.19748155

How long is the Platonic Theology and how dense is it?

Kristeller's work on Ficino is interesting.

>> No.19748588

Why would modern philosophers be trying to figure out what the universe is? That's for scientists.

>> No.19748606

>What's that?
>I see. What's that?
>I see.. What's the whole universe then?
>Well, what's "matter?"
>Okay, but what are the ideal laws underlying mathematics like calculus?
>You can't do that!

>> No.19748663

Uh, proclus stole everything from Dionysus.

>> No.19748675

Jannies are still seething over the legendary November bump limit thread. They're out for blood. My greatest /lit/ achievement is posting there right before they deleted it. Still managed to save it in time thank god.

>> No.19748681

>t. mathlet

>> No.19748744
File: 253 KB, 1984x786, 651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I am a bit of a mathlet, I'm having a lot of trouble with this Project Euler problem. Could you advise me on how to get the permutation product of two cycle indices?

>> No.19748806

>I was not unaware that our friend Plato wrote about all fields of philosophy not only more sonorously but also more penetratingly than the rest[...] but if a certain innate forthrightness in me found anything at fault in your writing as the prince of Platonists, I referred not so much to the practice of our authors as to what you ought to do if you wanted to write well.
>Now, I said and still say that one should not insert poetical tropes into a prose composition so frequently, for in prose it is no small fault to depart from regular usage and the common way of putting things.
>It is true that the ancients did from time to time introduce poetic vocabulary into their writings, but it is one thing to use examples or quotations from the poets and quite another to turn prose into what sounds like verse. The former imparts the flavor of an acquaintance with high poetry while the other simply gives the impression of empty verbal flourishes.
>It is a major fault in a prose writer if he falls into poetical singsong.

>> No.19748893

That isn't an argument. kill yourself

>> No.19750060

Ibn Arabi did this before.

>> No.19750080

>no reply
you destroyed him

>> No.19750087

Have you tried checking the page count and the book preview on Amazon?

>> No.19750422

I don't know who Marsilio Ficino is but I read his name in a book I read like 2 weeks ago. I wrote it down to look up

>> No.19750810

>Okay so, apparently the jannies warned me because they didn't like a thread I made about Marsilio Ficino
The new jannies are doing their hardest to prevent discussions of philosophy/religion, even those which are rule-abiding and high effort, from being had in this subforum (disrupting years of tradition). They want to kill the remnants of high IQ conversation left on this website.

I've received more bans in the past month than I've received during the previous five years. It's getting repulsive, and I take it as a personal offense, given the enormous positive influence /lit/ has had in my life. I see the jannies as against everything that is good and holy.

>> No.19750819

So the jannies suddenly became the arbiters of what is "good" discussion and what isn't, huh? We've all seen the high effort threads get deleted within hours (with bans handed out) while low effort threads dealing with the same topic remain up for days. They don't care about righteousness. They *literally* want to lower the quality of discussion on this board, and there's no signs of this pattern changing anytime soon.

It's deliberate sabotage, and you have to be a cretin to not recognize what is happening.

>> No.19750838

Link to thread?

>> No.19751095
File: 76 KB, 753x703, 1639319354366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Carl Schmitt's Political Theology. Saying you believe in God doesn't solve the problem either, the universe is still nonsensical and morally relativistic.

>> No.19752452


>> No.19753326

Not him but I would ask uncle ted for help.

Yeah not going to read all that if he's not going to bother proving god is real before he goes about proving if there's just one god or a multitude.

>> No.19754099


>> No.19754119

God is both immanent and transcendent you colossal retard.

>> No.19754139

thank you for confirming the jannies are actually mentally ill anti-platonists

>> No.19754148

The history of the world up until now has been a conspiracy against the Platonic race.