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/lit/ - Literature

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19737631 No.19737631 [Reply] [Original]

what's the /lit/ equivalent of Neon Genesis Evangelion? meaning which authors hide mediocre writing behind regurgitated philosophy 101 drivel?

my best guesses are Hermann Hesse, DFW, and Dostoevsky

>> No.19737650

>philosophy 101 drivel

Evangelion is almost entirely focused on psychological issues and does little, if anything at all, with philosophy.

>> No.19737698

>psychological issues
>philosophy 101 drivel
What's the difference?

>> No.19737702

dostoevsky sucks but he is sincere and unpretentious. opposite of nge if anything.

>> No.19737705

How about offer someone of value instead of Reddit man?

>> No.19737706


>> No.19737724

>Dostoevsky is now Reddit man

I thought /lit/ was supposed to be the smart board?

>> No.19738224

edgy kids. ignore.

>> No.19738449
File: 355 KB, 1106x1604, Die Walkure - The Death of Siegmund.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Der Ring des Nibelungen.

>supernatural forces and battles
>family relationship troubles
>whole cornucopia of familiar characters whose real motivations are revealed later on
>individuals having to face the end of the world, but also the ability to avert that doom resting on a chosen boy's choices
>psychoanalytical themes like incest and rebelling against the father
>balances mythology with individual drama
>literally invented the phrase 'live, laugh, love'
>basic message is leave art and power and enjoy life (Wagner originally wanted to perform the Ring for three weeks then burn the theatre and score so people could take the message into the real world, build a better society and not get lost in the work itself)
>even similar choreography to music

>> No.19738536
File: 17 KB, 200x293, 200px-Gravitys_rainbow_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GR specifically

>> No.19738666

This, mixed with Mishima.

>> No.19738719

You haven't watched Evangelion. All your opinions come from youtube personalities. Kill yourself.

>> No.19739272

Dostoevsky is literally the most anti-reddit author I've ever read who wasn't a fascist

>> No.19739312

It's actually very clear that the point is to show you ego death is not freedom but literal hell and the end of the entire world. Essentially the response to trauma is not death but life.

>> No.19739350
File: 37 KB, 600x687, C3891902-4B76-44C9-8D5B-AD47BF3AC4C5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ironic weebs discover NGE