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19723087 No.19723087 [Reply] [Original]

Ernst Junger lived long enough to see the release of Neon Genesis Evangelion. Is there any evidence that he watched the series and what did he think of it?

>> No.19723092


>> No.19723098

Why is shinji so gay
That's be my guess

>> No.19723105

I need answers. Also do you think he would have considered Asuka, Rei or Misato as best girl?

>> No.19723110

curious question.
i'll just tell you to read some of his last journal entries. you'll be surprised witht the themes, if you watched NGE.
Good luck learning German, they're not translated.

>> No.19723111
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Asuka best girl.

>> No.19723123

i think he would've killed himself watching shinji before he even made it to asuka's episode.

>> No.19723127

I've read his ww2 journals, too early probably to answer this question. I speak okay German but far from perfect. Which journals do you recommend in particular?

>> No.19723144

the last two Siebzig Verweht (IV and V)

>> No.19723152

of course he loved asuka why is this even a question?

>> No.19723178

got his collected works in the shelf, only read the diaries up until 197x, is it worth reading the later entries?

>> No.19723192

I'm currently watching this. Can someone explain why this is hyped? I've barely watched any anime but this seems like totally typical anime slightly cringebait aimed at loser males.

>> No.19723219

Read Storm of Steel

>> No.19723226

Misato is the a priori best girl

>> No.19723231

Watch til the end then watch EoE. Shinji is a loser, but he's written that way for a reason and he gets over it in the end.

>> No.19723245

>Denkbar wäre in Sekunden des Übergangs eine Melodie, in welcher die Mannigfaltigkeit verklingt: So einfach war es also.
>Gewiß hat jeder seinen eigenen Tod, doch gibt es Unterschiede in der Großen Passage sowohl persönlicher wie allgemeiner Art.
yeah I'm thinking that's about EoE

>> No.19723260

He was a big fan of the show. He talked about it in the 26th revised edition of Storm of Steel.

>> No.19723275

EoE is trash. EoTV is the true ending.


>> No.19723611

If you've barely watched anime, how would you recognize what is and isn't typical?

This came out in 1995 in Japan.

>> No.19723680

It's the same ending, just external/internal

>> No.19723720

>mfw I was born two weeks before he died
Normally I would have interpreted it as a clear sign that I shall succeed him but I don't think a cowardly NEET recluse would do Jünger justice

>> No.19723730

Older Junger probably wouldn't care for it. Young Junger would hate it and be absolutely abhorred by the slave tier message.

>> No.19723903 [SPOILER] 
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EoE has Shinji reject instrumentality and EoTV has him accept it. There are also about a billion official sources that refer to them as separate endings with one/a few even using an analogy to a video game with multiple separate endings.


>> No.19723969

there is no good ending yet, but eoe is the closest.
the third rebuild previewed at the end of the second would've been a good way to end things, maybe after shinji and the kids get closure for their story and save humanity (properly, not shinji deciding to rewrite the world for everyone)
maybe the wunder could've then been a spacecraft with misato as captain in a spin-off series encountering worlds hit by life seeds in a search for the FAR.
But i'm not satisified by any of the bullshit ano keeps spewing out to continue insulting the fanbase that made him what he is.

>> No.19724439

He would have been a Kaworufag

>> No.19724803

>Young Junger
>Not Younger Junger
You missed your chance, Anon

>> No.19724809

Definitely Rei

Also why the FUCK are most of his books still not translated?

>> No.19724899

He's too based to be diluted into inferior languages

>> No.19724904

did you read any of junger novels? most main characters are just a more ongoing version of shinji

>> No.19724905

>not Jung(er)
Come on anon.

>> No.19724976


>> No.19725190

Should I read Storm of Steel right now?

>> No.19725331

the way I see it and the way I myself experienced it was like this,
>imagine you like diving in vats of shit, for reasons unrelated to this metaphor, you love just slushing around in it, you get off on it, that's anime in general,
>one day you decide to try this new vat of shit that your friend recommended you, it's delightful, and then to your amazement turns out the vat of shit has a little minuscule diamond at the bottom of it (EoE).
>you tell all your coprophagic friends about it and they all love it, and rightfully so, it has a cool diamond at the bottom of it, but unless you have an affection towards diving in the shit you probably wont like it.
>same as Haruhi and the disappearance the prerequisite to liking them is being severely mentally retarded only after the prerequisites can one enjoy them at their fullest.

>> No.19725349

he wasn't a pedo so he wouldn't be think about them at all

>> No.19725363

It sure is interesting that among the people who claim anime is shit the only exceptions are always the same few popular ones that everyone knows about. It's never anything obscure, it's always Evangelion or Bebop or something like that. Really gets the noggin joggin.

>> No.19725375

I thought the angels were cool

>> No.19725387

Pedos don't have any interest in NGE. Why would they?

>> No.19725484

That’s because there aren’t actually that many good anime. Most of them are not well directed or written. Unlike other mediums, obscurity isn’t not a sign of quality m

>> No.19725506

You don't actually know that, because you are only aware of the (popularly agreed upon) top 0.1%, and people tell you all the time that the other 99.9% isn't any good, even if it's actually completely unexplored territory.

>> No.19725530


Is Serial Experiments Lain the only "thoughtful" anime? In that it contains ideas and themes, and there's sometimes an attention to detail where the artist is trying to represent something visually

>> No.19725547

apparently its super deep and after watching that show 3-4 times this is still news to me (GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN)

>> No.19725557

>nooooo i need some senile mofo to validate my favorite cartoons!

>> No.19726387

Episode 16 changes the mood extremely.
Also End of Evangelion(movie after episode 26) is a visual masterpiece.

You'll find not that many anime with such explored characters.

>> No.19726391

EoTV doesn't accept instrumentality you absolute retard. Didn't you even watch the "congratulations" scene? It was about him accepting humans as separate beings, which is the moment he chooses to end Insrumentality.

>> No.19726412

>The whole ending is Shinji isolating himself and refusing to join the others
>At the end he accepts he can be with others and joins the mass hence him still in that crazy dream world
There's also zero evidence in EoTV that Shinji is in control of instrumentality. This is your EoE-addled brain making shit up.

>> No.19726414

See, you aren't wrong, but you aren't offering any evidence to the contrary.

>> No.19726423

>You'll find not that many anime with such explored characters.

You actually will, as how well it it explores its characters isn't really a strong point of the series and the fans seem very confused about this. The series is heavily focused on exploring specific psychological issues, and does this very well, but this is completely different from offering rich and deep characters who the viewer has much insight into, which Eva really doesn't offer. I can take pains to explain this in a way the the fanbase will not be able to rebut

>> No.19726433

This, holy shit. It's fucking amazing how far the headcanon of these people extends. They even use the different stuff happening in different versions as evidence that they are actually the same. There is nothing concrete showing that the various endings are just 'different perspectives', but this has been repeated enough that the western fans just accept that as a meme. Almost everything ambiguous that is 'explained' is treated the same, what others have said is substituted for what is actually there in the work Simulacria and Simulation style.

>> No.19726442

Thing is that Eva characters are usually 2 or 3 archetypes, which is uncommon in most anime. I didn't say they were deep or anything, just well explored.

>> No.19726443

I don't need to.

>> No.19726483

>hing is that Eva characters are usually 2 or 3 archetypes

Please explain then. Take Asuka for instance. Her whole shtick is that she desperately needs to be wanted by others, this is 'explained' by her backstory segment and there honestly isn't much more to her overall as I recall.

Misato is the one character who gets sufficient screentime, has the potential to have a thought process that is based around something more than the basic hangups the teenagers seem to have, while also not largely being an enigma who's real motives are barely comprehensible (like Gendo et al).

>> No.19726610

What happened to junger anon?

>> No.19726674

Any of the three is an acceptable answer except of course for Rei

>> No.19726676

>Serious question

kys OP

>> No.19726697

Yes, people can in fact ask serious questions about anime.

>> No.19726708

He got very old, so old he eventually died.

>> No.19726762

Big if true.

>> No.19726765

no, only man children do that
anime has nothing to offer
read a fucking book you weeb
and seek some medical help for your hormonal deficiencies

>> No.19726777

Any man of culture would say Misato.

>> No.19726784

great literature thread lads

>> No.19726785


>ywn have an alcohol qt gf
Why even live?

>> No.19726787

>no, only man children do that
Manchildren don't exist.

>anime has nothing to offer
Then nothing has anything to offer.

>read a fucking book you weeb
I never said or implied anything to suggest that I'm a weeb.

>and seek some medical help for your hormonal deficiencies
This is projection.

>> No.19726803

Did he ever post his age?

>> No.19726848

Alright, tell me about the good stuff I am missing out on.
I feel like I have seen 90% of the stuff I would have liked which is a huge shame because anime girls are really pretty.

>> No.19726857

They won't. I will say that magical girl shows as a whole are largely overlooked in the west because of their subject matter though, there is so much shit people just don't watch because they don't expect to find anything good there

>> No.19726862

>Alright, tell me about the good stuff I am missing out on.
This is not the point, and nobody has any idea what anime you are or aren't going to like. The point is that people watch the same few popular anime and then irrationally conclude that they must have seen all the good ones. And now instead of going out there and watching stuff yourself, you're just asking for someone to spoonfeed you yet another list of approved anime.

>> No.19726866


>> No.19726874

Anime is basically soft porn, the anime girls are literally all there is to it (or the gore porn in 80s anime)

>> No.19726878
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You're just being an ass at this point. If you're not willing to name names and point out what unpopular shit you actually like, then why should anyone take you seriously. You're taking an attitude I see mangafags take all too frequently no, there isn't any hidden manga masterpiece that you just have to unearth to see how good it can be, that's hipster logic

>> No.19726886

Soft porn anime is a small minority.

No, why should anyone take you seriously? You think you've seen all the good anime there is after watching a couple popular ones, despite having no knowledge of the remaining 99.99%. That's indefensibly retarded.

>> No.19726896

Well lets talk about the things that I like so that you can help me find more.
No I don't want a list of approved anime, I want to talk about the things that I like so I can find more things I will like.

>> No.19726901

Please stop strawmanning that guy and give me some good shit to watch.
I really like gloomy female characters with baggy clothing. Even better if she has a deep voice.

>> No.19726906

Yes, and also watch Evangelion.

>> No.19726911

You should take me seriously because I've spend several years learning Japanese and spend a good part of that time reading untranslated manga in manga libraries.

Interesting anime that isn't really well known in western circles does exist, but you are being an ass expecting others to "discover this for themselves" without offering any pointers yourself, and acting like they are in the wrong for wanting evidence that you aren't just being a dick just making excuses.

>> No.19726915
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this OP sums up the state of /lit/

>> No.19726918

>Interesting anime that isn't really well known in western circles does exist
Yes, it's buried somewhere among the 99,99% of all anime that the West does not know about.

>you are being an ass expecting others to "discover this for themselves"
Are you seriously this helpless? You can't do anything without hand-holding and spoonfeeding? You can't just peruse a chart or list and watch something that seems interesting?

>acting like they are in the wrong for wanting evidence
People do not have to prove to you that there are more than five good anime.

>> No.19726919

Adults don't care about your gay cartoon.

>> No.19726921

It isn't a cartoon, and it is for adults.

>> No.19726924

>It isn't a cartoon
Yes it is.
>and it is for adults.

>> No.19726929

It's an anime.

Evangelion did not take off in popularity until it was re-aired in a later timeslot, and the fanbase just factually does not consist of children.

>> No.19726938

>It's an anime.
Yes, it is a Japanese cartoon. That is what anime is.
>and the fanbase just factually does not consist of children.
It consists of manchildren. As I said adults do not care about such matters and so I am not going to sit here arguing with you about a cartoon. Grow up.

>> No.19726948

Anime and cartoons are two different types of animation.

>It consists of manchildren.
Manchildren do not exist. There are no such people. They are a bogeyman used to discredit things that someone doesn't like. They are also used as a fallback when the primary tactic of associating something with children fails.

>I am not going to sit here arguing with you about a cartoon
Then why did you start this argument?

>Grow up.
Take your own advice.

>> No.19726951

Of course you have to blame me and act like I'm the 'helpless' one. I'll even start you off with a rec, the best recent manga I can say I've read is Asper Kanojo. I can say it's something that wasn't just the typical garbage you get when trying to find decent manga, and I'm happy to throw this out.

But you are clearly afraid to offer anything, and are clearly scared that people will reject anything you might offer, and perhaps rightly so.

I'm the one claiming that 'interesting lesser known anime' exists after all, while you are afraid of showing your hand.

>> No.19726952

>Then why did you start this argument?
To tell the pathetic manbaby (You) how pathetic he is.
>Continuing to argue about a fucking cartoon.
>I am an adult!

>> No.19726959

But you are helpless. You factually are. That's an empirical truth.

>I'm the one claiming that 'interesting lesser known anime' exists after all, while you are afraid of showing your hand.
1. There is a well-established precedent of people demanding a list of good anime only to then automatically dismiss all of them as bad even if they have never so much as heard of them before. 2. Just because someone dislikes the particular anime I mention (out of the thousands that exist) does not mean that those anime are actually bad, or that it has now been proven that there is no good anime.

>To tell the pathetic manbaby (You) how pathetic he is.
This is projection.

>Continuing to argue about a fucking cartoon.
You started this.

>I am an adult!
I am, but I guess you're admitting to not being one.

>> No.19727364

I used to be an Asukafag in my teens, but then I grew up and realized that they're all shit and you're not supposed to like them

>> No.19727577
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I've never seen Evangelion, but i'm certain from what i've seen it's got the typical garbage elements of anime: Fanservice, "waifu" faggotry, chosen one hero, too much action focus, basic characters, pretentious imagery instead of real themes, etc.

Are right, this shit is for manchildren and teenagers

The only truly good anime/manga for adults are the ones with subtle but dark and uncomfortable psychological and philosophical subject matter; And characters that are nuanced, realistic and UNsexualized. The type of shit that rivals if not beats the majority of classic literature, the type of shit that isn't afraid to shy away from the most grim aspects of reality, but contains enough subtletly, hints of hope and anti-nihilism to not collapse to edgy teenage angst. Read/watch Berserk, Monster, Vagabond and PunPun

>> No.19727688

>The only truly good anime/manga for adults are the ones with subtle but dark and uncomfortable psychological and philosophical subject matter; And characters that are nuanced, realistic and UNsexualized.
Hello? The early 2000s called, it's for you.

>> No.19727695

>chosen one hero
had a fun laugh at this

>> No.19727696

Well yeah, those anime/manga are predominantly from the early 2000s

Where's the problem? You think the best media comes from the 2010s/20s?

>> No.19727726

I seriously expected you to make an actual point and not reveal that you're larping as a superior MANime expert.

I mean say what you want, but if you were actually trying to be serious, Monster of all things is much more juvenile and preachy than Eva. I do think the Evangelion fanbase are largely way too cliquey and prone to believe stupid shit about their object of affection, but dunking on it without even bothering and acting all superior is just a dumbass move if you're not being ironic.

>> No.19727871

No longer fettered in the auspices of the rampaging mechanicon, Asuka's radiance obfuscated whatever feeble attempt at meaning Rei could produce. What used to be a town turned into a conundrum of jagged telephone pole splinters, concrete shapes bruising the marble domes of the community hall, mud and bodies of rats hanging from the awnings of what semblance of life remained. Meanwhile, Shinji continued to revel in the gloaming, part in fear, part in disgust.

>> No.19728405
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I'm currently reading this. Can someone explain why this is hyped? I've barely read any books but this seems like totally typical book slightly cringebait aimed at loser males.

>> No.19728441

You will never be smart.

>> No.19728445

Read Jungers WW2 diaries, particularly the passage about the mystique of sex and death symbolised by the V2 rocket.

>> No.19728448

Beautiful. Do you have more of this?

>> No.19728481

Are you really so concerned with depth that you would choose the bitchy, abusive cunt?
We don't if Rei will turn into a bitch when you start dating and at the same time you don't know if Asuka will start being nice once you date her.
Would the smartest decision not be to choose as they appear in the moment?
Provide explanations immediately.

>> No.19728488
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>> No.19728497

>but i'm certain from what i've seen it's got the typical garbage elements of anim
In fact, Evangelion subverts all of these and calls you pathetic for expecting them.
I am not an Anime person but Evangelion was pretty decent. Definitely a series for male adolescents though. I think that is the time it hits the hardest.

>> No.19728601
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>> No.19728603

You are right, but for the wrong reasons. At least watch the stuff you criticize before doing so. Then you can judge whether it is a waste of time or not.

>The only truly good anime/manga for adults are the ones with subtle but dark and uncomfortable psychological and philosophical subject matter; And characters that are nuanced, realistic and UNsexualized.

Dark and uncomfortable subject matter is not a prerequisite for a good story, nor is it a prerequisite for good discussion and morals. Nuanced and realistic characters are good, but archetypal characters can sometimes also be valuable. Good recommendations, even though you exemplify the same pretentious and angsty behavior you claim to despise.

>> No.19728620 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.19728656

lord of the rings is a solid example of what anon is talking about here hes right

>> No.19728834
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>DAE BERSERK, EVANGELION, LAIN, a fourth example fuck it I can't be bothered right now
Not only are you being a pseud, you're being a pseud over fucking anime of all things. Lighten up.

>> No.19729039

Clearly you've never seen much anime in general.

>Are right, this shit is for manchildren and teenagers
Manchildren don't exist and teenagers are also a bogeyman used to discredit things that someone doesn't like.

>The only truly good anime/manga for adults are the ones with subtle but dark and uncomfortable psychological and philosophical subject matter; And characters that are nuanced, realistic and UNsexualized.
Ironically, only a teenager would write this.

>> No.19729154
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Without a doubt this is the worst thread in /lit/ right now.

>> No.19729792
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This has some effort out into it.

>> No.19730240

Lain is dogshit and about nothing

>> No.19730252

You're just mad because it went completely over your head. Many such cases.

>> No.19730302
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If this really is the smartest board, then help me understand why you see Asuka as anything but a terrible romantic partner and a bitch who would try to ruin your life. Or conversely why you are okay with these traits.
I really cannot see it and it makes me feel like I've done something wrong.

>> No.19730328

Because she's a sexy redhead with a tight body and is desperate to fuck.

>> No.19730360

Well I can get behind that.

>> No.19730674 [DELETED] 

Because we are not bound to the moment, humans have history; we may change out of our own accord or through the action of others, as we live time becomes. Media portrays first of all, and though portrayal is like our sight it is captured, "who records cannot intervene" and what is recorded may not be altered: you need to look again, record again to change it. But every portrayal in recording, every capture or picture is a still life, is just content without form, it implies what should be in life but is not living itself, is not becoming, is not in time but through the other looking onto it, recording again.

There is nothing particular about what I've just said. You may learn why Asuka is not at least 'a bitch' and the history to what reason there is to her being a terrible romantic partner by watching the Evangelion media and seeing those particulars (what the show tells you specifically: the scenes, for example) which have reference (a kind of meaning) specifically to the truth of Asuka (meaning it is said so) that maybe Asuka is at least reasonably a bad person or will change at some point.

>> No.19731067

They're the same ending dumbass

>> No.19732432


Also, did Baudrillard watch Freddy Got Fingered?

>> No.19732479

>I am a giant retarded faggot