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/lit/ - Literature

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19624495 No.19624495 [Reply] [Original]

>wasted entirety of yesterday evening on mindless internet browsing
>woke up this morning
>browsed internet on phone
>drank coffee while applying for jobs
>went to gym to do light cardio
>ate regular food at home
>felt strangely thin because I had gone almost two days without junk food
>intended to go to shops to walk around but wasted time online instead
>went to shiny supermarket, bought binge food (intended to only buy pepsi max at first)
>binged at home, now feel fat again
>now wasting time online
>will either play vidya or read a book

Welp, that's my Christmas Eve.

I'm thinking of finally watching movies in the christmas holidays. I have the great beauty on my laptop but haven't watched it yet. I remember going to see it in cinemas in 2013 but the cinema was shut for some reason, so I couldn't.

I have seen some of the cooler twitter users have anime avatars so I might watch Neon Genesis Evangelion but I doubt I'll get through it. Apart from some studio ghibli films I watched during the summer of 2009 or 2010 on tv, I've never liked anime.

That's my life, having to work hard to move from bottom feeder internet timewasting consumercuckoldry to a slightly more thoughtful consumercuckoldry.

I'm applying for jobs like crazy because my manager dislikes me at my current one and I think wants to fire me. I have interviews and I'm waiting for interview results. But I don't feel good. I'm ugly and I think the way I speak may be triggering to some people. I think I may speak in a fucked up manner, almost like the only parts contributing are my mouth and nose, rather than my chest, if you know what I mean.

I recently bought some physical books. I thought about buying Demons, and I thought about reading A Christmas Carol during this period but since those authors have bored me in the past I've decided not to read them until I feel like it won't take effort.

>> No.19624523

Don't know what to write anon.
Just hoping life will get better for you

>> No.19624533

Stop caring
Merry christmas anon

>> No.19624540

>cool twitter users
Thats an oxymoron if I've ever heard one
>I've decided not to read them until I feel like it won't take effort.
Then you'll never read them

>> No.19624541

This cycle is being perpetuated by shame, btw.

>> No.19624565

You're not alone anon.

Hope your life gets better and you move beyond this difficult period.
I'm almost out of it myself: started my own business, met my wife, and planning a move to a different country. It's been really tough but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I'm sure the same will happen for you. I was homeless a couple of years ago, to give you some perspective.

Take some solace in the fact that tomorrow is Christmas Day, on which we remember the birth of the Son of God -- the holiday being inspired by that of Sol Invictus, the Roman sun deity, itself borrowed from an earlier Syrian god, as part of a continued religious development whose origins can be traced to the Eurasian steppe. You're writing in a language that combines the vocabulary of Latin with the grammar of the Germanic hordes who conquered Rome, and if you could trace your lineage back it would extend beyond that classical period through centuries of human drama and audacity to the first fish that crawled out of the ocean. Life is miraculous; the world is utterly improbable; the universe is astonishing and every demon can be conquered.

Good luck.

>> No.19624567

I put the final touches to a poem, edited two chapters of my nearly finished novel, wrote 2000 words of the next novel, and read 80 pages of Martin Chuzzlewit. Get on my level faggot

>> No.19624571

That sucks and all but this is a literature board

>> No.19624582

It's ok anon Merry Christmas. Things are going to be different this year. Better you could even hope for.

>> No.19624586

Merry christmas LF! Thanks for the update. These are the saddest days as we get to review the year that's almost passed, but also they can be "warm" as we either spend time with loved ones or take it easy before getting ready for a better new year! Let's get it

>> No.19624669

no way lf is back

>> No.19624699

I don't give a shit. Kys. Sage.

>> No.19624710

why don't you go on a 2 week hiking trip?

>> No.19625622

you have widened you knowledge, they you may not yet know it. you have exercised your body, you live a simple and fulfilling life. be content in obscurity, you need not put on a show as the famous and powerful do. but have goodwill, have kindness, keep your airways fresh and flowing, and drink water. in he end we will die and return to the dust. then only the Lord may judge us, for has seen us always. be goodhearted expecting no earthly reward. live well. Merry Christmas.

>> No.19625764

I feel bad too. I just looked thru LinkedIn it was partly comforting that the normie fags who I went to school with and are like CEOs of startups co-founded stuff with their rich parents, and all the ppl I know who are now doctors parents are doctors.

At least I quit my job as a janitor

>> No.19625988


a londonfrog story

>> No.19626016


You're a weak faggot pussy



>> No.19626124


>Take some solace in the fact that tomorrow is Christmas Day, on which we remember the birth of the Son of God -- the holiday being inspired by that of Sol Invictus, the Roman sun deity, itself borrowed from an earlier Syrian god, as part of a continued religious development whose origins can be traced to the Eurasian steppe. You're writing in a language that combines the vocabulary of Latin with the grammar of the Germanic hordes who conquered Rome, and if you could trace your lineage back it would extend beyond that classical period through centuries of human drama and audacity to the first fish that crawled out of the ocean. Life is miraculous; the world is utterly improbable; the universe is astonishing and every demon can be conquered.

Lonfonfrog is a short brown paki shitskin whose only reason for being in London is the shittiness of his heritage and its consequences upon the absolute state of his home nation

>> No.19626130


>I'm almost out of it myself: started my own business, met my wife, and planning a move to a different country. It's been really tough but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I'm sure the same will happen for you. I was homeless a couple of years ago, to give you some perspective.

Btw dude, how did you find your wife? My life is in similar settis as yours a couple years ago. Did you land a real job and save money or something? What was the nut that cracked?

>> No.19626559


>> No.19626572
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im trying everything in my power to keep from snacking so i can both eat dinner AND drink alcohol and socialize tomorrow without being incapacitated in a bloated food coma

i really need to stop browsing and read or watch a movie

>> No.19626586

Based londonfrog
When are you going to compile your posts into a book?<span class="fortune" style="color:#aad001">

Your fortune: You're on the naughty list![/spoiler]

>> No.19626591

Merry Christmas bro

>> No.19626594 [DELETED] 

i just watched robinson crusoe on mars


>> No.19626606
File: 958 KB, 692x1386, books_2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom wanted me to come for christmas and I would have stayed at home wanting to read but ending up ordering trash food and watching shit movies and fapping most of the time anyway so I drove the 3hrs to her place. I thought we would maybe make dinner and watch a movie together but she went to her best friends family for dinner and their table is too small for 5 people so she asked me if its okay if she goes without me. It was fine with me I didnt expect anything from this trip. I am content being on my own. I just want to read my book in peace.
She said she will be back around 7pm bringing me food from their christmas dinner. She came back at 1:30am by then and I had eaten a sandwich I made and watched the movie by myself. I got a little angry at some point before I made the sandwich but when she finally came through the door I wasnt anymore. It was my own fault for forgetting that her words are completely unreliable. She then watched a movie with me not because she was in the mood for it but out of guilt. I would have rather went to bed not so late.

Stop drinking sugarwater londonfrog.

>> No.19626607

>Lonfonfrog is a short brown paki shitskin whose only reason for being in London is the shittiness of his heritage and its consequences upon the absolute state of his home nation
Hey now so pointlessly mean. I'd feel like shit too if I was all alone far from my home.

>> No.19626659

I'm alone too for Christmas, except it's my own fault. I'm also a poorfag. this year has been quite rough, honestly, I gave myself a treat by buying salami for dinner.
I hope it'll get better for you, anon. I have about 20 days left to endure and then I'll be able to focus on things that aren't work. I hope I'll be able to convince my ex-girlfriend to come back or make new friends.