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19286732 No.19286732 [Reply] [Original]

Does love exist or was it a ploy just to sell books? I'm starting to think romance novels are just popular because women fomo them THAT hard. I don't see men reading that crap

>> No.19286745

Love is an illusion and doesn't exist
Everyone ultimately does everything exclusively for their own interest. The concept of "helping" and, for extension, "love", don't exist

>> No.19286755

Read up on Harry Harlow’s experiments on rhesus monkeys.
The monkeys would seek out a surrogate mother even after they had fed on milk, suggesting love is real.

>> No.19286761

for yr own sake do not read up those experiments

>> No.19286766

love exists cf. poetry

>> No.19286770

Imagine needing to read a "study" to come to the conclusion that love is real.

>> No.19286803

How else would you know?

>> No.19286833
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he's been in love

>> No.19286903

Are you okay, anon?

>> No.19286923

God I wish that was me.

>> No.19287012

Yes but it's not what you think it is

>> No.19287051

define love. protip you cant. same goes with friendships relationships and all those other ships which meaning are strongly subjective. Call all you will but each person truely loves himself only.

>> No.19287128

If you think that the only love is found in romance novels, then this is a failure of imagination on your part, OP.

>> No.19287140

robert graves defined love

Love is really a recognition of truth, a recognition of another person’s integrity and truth in a way that… makes both of you light up when you recognize the quality in the other. That’s what love is. It’s a recognition of singularity… And love is giving and giving and giving … not looking for any return. Until you do that, you can’t love.

>> No.19287198

on some level you're always looking for a return with everything you do

>> No.19287199

>Until you do that, you can’t love.

>> No.19287202

The love between a man and a woman exists. Here are some of my main considerations about love:
1 - It resides in the lover's sense of incompleteness who knows that the whole of his beloved and himself is a being closer to God than his individuality alone.
2 - It is often confused with a strong attraction. Love is an ideal and spiritual object and must be differentiated from the inclinations of concupiscence, although both can coexist.
3 - Few people know love. As a spiritual object, it is above all the prerogative of individuals capable of contemplation, which is why poets and mystics speak of it especially well. Most people mistakenly or deceitfully call it love to find a companion for one reason or another.
4 - Love is one of the many elements of life on which the will has in part a performative character, with piety, friendship, memory, concentration among others. One of the corollaries of this idea is that the feeling of love can arise from the consideration of the possibility of love. This is also why one should declare one's love when one is sure of it, if the beloved is not in love a priori, she may become so later on.
5 - Love is a process. Like many elements on which the will has a performative character, love is a structurally complex object and a process that requires investment. This is why, in the same way as a friendship or intelligence, a love must be maintained or it will wither.
6 - Love at first sight does not exist or is extremely rare. A true love goes hand in hand with the long assimilation of the beloved's ethological structures. A relationship established too quickly will be all the more fragile as it rests on a narrower base.
7 - Human love is of the same nature as the love that man should dedicate to God, for although the object of love dedicated to God is incomparably greater, both are essentially concerned with completion and have as their vocation to make God agreeable. It is therefore essentially different from the love of charity.

>> No.19287216

If you're either a sociopath or a psychopath, then love might not exist for you. If you are neither, then you're probably capable of platonic or romantic love.

>> No.19287237

It's there after you realize it's fake

>> No.19287254

>does love exist
at the very least on a chemical level, yes. however i think human beings are intelligent and advanced enough that it often takes on a much more meaningful form of attachment then simply the desire to procreate and raise a family.

i would never go out of my way to read a "romance novel" as such but i thought the love stories portrayed in books like the red and the black and brothers Karamazov were very compelling and believable. i personally think of my self as very driven by lust but i enjoy the other aspects of a romantic relationship as well

>> No.19287324

why not?

>> No.19287475

I don't believe you can transcend the self

>> No.19287519

Wow, thanks for doing this, anon. You have a very distinctive view, was great to read. The most interesting and best post I've probably read in a while.

>> No.19287535
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it's a known fact of course you can

>> No.19287611

Love exists and has a multitude of types, some higher and more virtuous and some others more blatantly materialistic. I agree with Hegel’s definition of love, which is, when I perceive something other than myself in my perception and I say “this thing is essential to me, part of me, one with me, I and this thing cannot be divided” or even “this thing which isn’t me is more essential to me than even I, than my life and identity” that is true love. However let us be clear, when people say love they often just mean Eros, which is to say, desire and sexual desire, which is like a flame, fast burning and does not truly influence your identity, this type of love is no different from obsession with any object whether that be shopping or some sort of drug addiction. It is not particularly lovely either, most relationships in the west derive from this and this is also I believe why the majority of marriages seem to fail in the west, because Eros is absolutely transient and quickly passing. Compare this to the much longer lasting and durable love between family and friends; two erotic lovers may cheat on each other or betray each other, it is impossible to imagine any father in his right mind who would harm his son, it is impossible to imagine any son in his right mind harming his father. In this same fashion; when you (such as in older western models of romance or in many middle eastern and eastern models of it) base the relationship on the principle of mutual service; reproduction and other such ideals, we notice the relationships are both longer lasting and happier (and this is empirically verifiable.) and this is because, in my opinion, these methods connect the identity of the couple on a daily level, to use Heideggerian terminology, the relationship is not something present-at-hand, constantly contemplated, considered, calculated and so forth, no rather they become ready-at-hand, constantly one and perpetually working towards the same ends, no different from a hand which knows how to use a hammer, so also do the two conform to each other in a natural spontaneous fashion due to the long periods of mutual service and mutual benefit. And all of the loves spoken of are a pale imitation of the love of God which is such that, God seeing men which is inessential to his nature yet because of his love for man, he sees his infinitude as requiring him to move his mercy, so that he becomes finite himself and as the Christ takes on the sin of man, for he sees this as the only logical option on account of the identification of love and the mercy of love, though we are inessential to his nature, his loving kindness, his mercy makes his relationship with us essential to who he is, and this is the glory of the true and highest love of Christ, and this is the true model that all love should be obedient to, which is a love which annihilates the self for the good of the other.

>> No.19288827

love exists

>> No.19288840

Love in fiction is a complex mix of reality and deeply ingrained tropes. If it didn't exist at all romance in fiction simply wouldn't work.

>> No.19288849

It exists but you only get a couple shots at it and you'll usually have wasted those chances by the ripe age of 15

>> No.19288888

A man after my own heart.

>> No.19288912

>3 - Few people know love. As a spiritual object, it is above all the prerogative of individuals capable of contemplation, which is why poets and mystics speak of it especially well. Most people mistakenly or deceitfully call it love to find a companion for one reason or another.

I'd love for you to elaborate on this point

>> No.19288948

Go away Houellebecq I don't want these feels today

>> No.19290291

Love definitely exists. I love big tiddies.

>> No.19290616
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>> No.19290834

Love exists, its just very rare.

>> No.19291128

>one-face pony

>> No.19291328

But I hate "myself".

>> No.19291333


>> No.19291364
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I have never been in love

>> No.19291394

Women like romance novels because they like the idea of being "romanced." When that happens it's usually a man pursuing the woman and winning her over with gifts and gestures. For a woman, that's romantic. For a man that's just a lot of work. Who would want to read about that?

>> No.19291405 [DELETED] 

it's beauty is it's abundance

>> No.19291410

A, a fellow Catholic I see.

>> No.19291448
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Million laughs, or million pity

>> No.19291462
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But maybe you could love yourself

>> No.19291504

>Love at first sight does not exist or is extremely rare.
I was going to dispute that, but then I realized that I retconned my memories to include love at first sight when in reality I only developed it over many months with someone.
I wonder how often people retcon their memories

>> No.19291518

love only exists at first sight

>> No.19291529

>“Whoever loved that loved not at first sight?“ - Marlowe

>> No.19291537

I was definitely attracted to her at first sight, but as others have mentioned, there is more to it than just Eros

>> No.19291544
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Love exists but not for 3D.

>> No.19291601

>What's love got to do with it?
>What's love, but a second-hand emotion?

>> No.19291611

>“If i cherish you because I hold you dear, because in you my heart finds nourishment, my need satisfaction, then it is not done for the sake of a higher essence whose hallowed body you are, not on account of my beholding in you a ghost, an appearing spirit, but from egoistic pleasure; you yourself with *your* essence are valuable to me.”

>> No.19291621


>> No.19291722

Dear God...

>> No.19291843
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>> No.19292072
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Fucking degenerate, doesn’t he know Misato is the patrician choice?

>> No.19292097

love is real
Love is not real, or at least I've never seen anything pointing towards its existence
big difference between the two

>> No.19292131

Love is mediated by a number of hormones being the most oxytocin the most influential. So yes, love is real, is chemical, you wouldn’t negate the pleasure of taking heroin . It appeared way back before the human race as a mechanism that created bonds between mothers and offspring, and later it evolve into romantic and other kinds of love in humans and another animals where social bond were necessary.

>> No.19292160
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>> No.19292162

And THAT shallowness of understanding is why you're a neckbeard living in your mom's basement.

>> No.19292245

What exactly was wrong with that faggots? OP asked if love it’s real. Acknowledge that love is chemical doesn’t invalidate it or say nothing about how it feels

>> No.19292252

lame answer. this is a literature board we appreciate the arts

>> No.19292396

>I wonder how often people retcon their memories

A lot. People will retcon memories to protect their ego.

>> No.19292524

willing the good of the other, simple, thansk aquinas, and depending on the type of relationship it will entail different criteria of intimacy, for example family/friend vs married partner

>> No.19292525

Proof is that there is no action that you do that is made for someone else and not for your own interest. When you think you're helping someone, you're only doing it because you gain a good feeling of having helped someone instead of the bad feeling of not doing it. When you love something or someone it's just because that thing or person makes you feel good. If destroying that thing made you feel good, you'd do just that

>> No.19292670

All the empiricist approach is for pseuds as logical positivism had its heyday a long time ago now and talk about brain chemistry is on the same plane as those who talk of a dopamine fast.. i.e. stupid. Love is made, not found because even found love cannot be if it isn't made. Don't go searching for love but try to build it where you are because you won't be able to love even in same fairytale situation otherwise.

>> No.19292733

If we accept that love resides fundamentally in the recognition of the completeness that the loved one brings to us, we must consider how much the awareness of our incompleteness is the result of a conscious or unconscious work of spiritual introspection, generally associated with an intellectual and emotional reflection on our situation. All philosophers have said that it is the relationship with otherness that allows us to know ourselves better, and this is all the more true in the case of love where the lover knows himself all the better as he studies himself in relation to the considerations he has formed about the object of his love.
I was certainly exaggerating when I said that few people know love, but the truth is that men being unequally endowed in all domains, some being more apt to observe and apprehend behaviors, more skilful in scrutinizing the reliefs of their souls and more gifted in maintaining their aptitudes, they will have a love as deeper and truer than the bland loves of those who possess these qualities to a much lesser extent. By a cultural tradition, we call today all couple relationships the fruit of love to give a high principle to an alliance which is often only an arrangement, a cohabitation or the product of interest or lust.

>> No.19292751

Your parents loved you once, anon.

>> No.19292795

Of COURSE people do things because they want to or desire to do them. A person jumps on a hand grenade to save their comrades because they want to and they see that it is good. In some trivial sense they did it “for themselves” because they wanted to do good and are satisfying a desire. It’s stupid to say this because the actual operative difference between selfish and selfish acts is not whether it satisfies a desire or intent but the OBJECT of the intent. If your desire leads you to treat others as ends in themselves, it is not selfish or egoistic in any sense except the trivial.

>> No.19293082

Romantic love? That's a meme.

>> No.19293225

romantic love is cringe and the thing retards are talking about when they say that love is simply a result of chemicals

>> No.19293268

its odd that of the few times I've had the experience of love at first sight the person has been a 'unlikely' match. if the cause is not otherworldly its certainly an amazing display of the unconscious world's precise attunement to who would make a good partner. who knows the bank of hidden knowledge that can be derived from someone stance or expressions. it is bizarre.

>> No.19293461

Hahaha these idiots who call love the result of chemical interactions! It is obvious that love is explained by physico-chemical processes with a purely biological purpose. What, the details of this process? Uh no I don't know it but it's necessary because everything is material anyway. And then obviously these processes are products of evolution and aim at the reproduction of the species, I know it, I read it in Dawkins. You are very naive, you who believe in the soul and in all these superstitions! All the epistemological razors make us believe that it is simpler to suppose that by an unknown mechanism, but that science cannot fail to discover sooner or later (it is obligatory because it is necessarily material), we are going to know the functioning of love, of the conscience, of the reason, of the intuition and of all those things that the naïve believe simpler to attribute to the existence of the unique and spiritual principle of the soul!

>> No.19293487

What's being tested here?

>> No.19293492

>love is simply a result of chemicals
So is cocaine, and that's pretty great, so maybe suck a fat dick faggot

>> No.19293520

big up but also there should be more novels abt doing gear

>> No.19294243
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Scaring a baby monkey, to see where he's going to cry and cling to

>> No.19294335

Explain martyrs.

>> No.19294404

Yeah, that's essentially my experience with love.

>> No.19294432

It is to extend your sense of self unto others, attaining such a level of empathy that their happiness are pain are your own, and to take care of them is to take care of yourself, even to the point to which you are willing to sacrifice your real self for your "other" self, be it giving up on your aspirations, your comfort or even your own life.

>> No.19294744

Same exact situation with me. Physically their appearance was nothing I'd have gone for before, and I still knew little of their personality at the time, yet something really "ticked" in the brain

>> No.19294749

love exists but it's very rare to find genuine love.

>> No.19294761

Scary machine terrorizes the baby monkey so he runs to the "mother" (just a cloth rag with a fake face) for safety.
The baby monkeys were taken away from their real mothers and essentially taught that these cloth contraptions were their mothers. He was testing many things, among them was whether the babies would only become attached to a the "milk source" aspect of a mother or if they cared about things like softness and comfort. The experiment indicates that the monkeys chose the "soft" cloth mothers, which means there is more to a child's attachment to their mother than just pure desire for food.

>> No.19294774

Thank you.

>> No.19294815

They feed him from the robot monkey on the left. The test is to scare him and see which monkey he clings to, the soft monkey or the robot monkey. He chooses the soft monkey over the robot monkey. This proves that monkeys don't only like resources but also soft monkeys.

>> No.19295784

love is real but it's selfish and either out of biological imperatives or need/wish fulfilment. communication between people is impossible.

>> No.19295899

Love is the opposite of capitalism, it wants to be shared with everyone instead of being hoarded by the few.

>> No.19295923


>> No.19295984

It literally is grow up

>> No.19296011
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My love for Asuka exists

>> No.19296019

>at a metaphysical level these concepts are subjective
>therefore they don't exist and everyone is a complete egoist
hate this board

>> No.19296051

Love is an extension of the ego, seeing yourself among others or the world around you, and wanting those things to suffer, grow, experience as you do. It provides new and significant oppurtunities for your self-actualization to be challenged and therefore allows for greater reward by overcoming.

>> No.19296075

someone post the mickey mouse

>> No.19296083


>> No.19296291

Ever notice how she and Shinji have the same face?

That’s because they have the same dad.

>> No.19296570
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>My love for Asuka exists

>> No.19296593

I agree Rei/asuka is best pairing. Even better than Yui/Giant-Robot-Yui.

>> No.19296688
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>>>19296570 (You)
>Even better than Yui/Giant-Robot-Yui.

>> No.19297084

I mean, who wouldn’t cause instrumentality for that face?

>> No.19297102

Good post

>> No.19297141

broooooo we're special! Unique, I would say.

>> No.19297161

good one

>> No.19297246
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orson welles said that

>> No.19297277


>> No.19297472


Love is when you recognize your essence in another person. Shit gets mirrored back and forth between both parties, amplifying it. Your self-interest expands into the other person, BECAUSE YOU SHARE THE SAME ESSENCE.

What did you guys read to come to your cold and calculated conclusions? I would love to know.

>on some level you're always looking for a return with everything you do
Is a mother only caring for her baby or young child because she is hoping to get something out of caring for it?

This guy gets it.

>> No.19297527
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>What did you guys read to come to your cold and calculated conclusions? I would love to know.
I didn't, they're my own. I've never been in love and if love did exist then world around us wouldn't make any sense. There's too much cheating, callousness and hatred for love to be real. People just tell each other about love because they're indoctrinated to it by the media around them. If your GF told you she loves you then it be pretty awkward to rebuke her but to her it's a tool of power in case you love her

>> No.19297545
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>Love is an ideal and spiritual object
Ultimately yes. That is why there is such a thing as platonic love, and familial love, why you can love your pets and such.

The stereotype symbol for a heart, of course looks nothing like a heart. It is two Fibonacci spirals mirroring each other. This alludes to the purer and more abstract nature of it.

>> No.19297550

Hm yeah I get where you're coming from. But I would say the world be a million times WORSE if love teuly didnt exist. Did you ever have a pet, like a cat or a dog that you spent years with?

>> No.19297562

Oh I was talking about romantic love

>> No.19297569


Love is not kindly nor yet grim
But does to you as you to him.

Whistle, and Love will come to you:
Hiss, and he fades without a word:
Do wrong, and he great wrong will do:
Speak, and he tells what he has heard.

Then all you lovers take good heed,
Vex not young Love in thought or deed:
Love never leaves an unpaid debt,
He will not pardon, nor forget.

>> No.19298107

Love exists, you're just disillusioned because most people are animals and your parents probably got a divorce. The union of marriage at its core is about putting the other and the love and family you will create together above yourself, I don't think most people know themselves well enough to do that.

>> No.19298129

>experiments on rhesus monkeys.
>let's see how these caged beaten monkeys behave
>this is an accurate representation of real world

>> No.19298175

They weren’t beaten, they were simply isolated from their mothers and peers. The fact that they developed psychological problems despite having their physiological needs met indicates that social animals need other things to function properly. Namely affection aka love.

>> No.19298695

Why are you shitting up a thread about a fourty year old incest anime with trite bourgeois romantic love? Post quality content like how every child in the series has Gendou as its father except Shinji who is Gendou.

>> No.19298914

psychological egoism contradicts the notion of selfless love. we don't love anyone we love how they make us feel. all this romantic nonsense is a byproduct of it.

t. have been in both teenage and adult love

>> No.19299181

How would you classify Werther? Erotic or this higher type?

>> No.19299887

Men read romance novels? I'm serious. Any place to start?

>> No.19300057

Holy cringe

>> No.19300211
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Do women really buy that much romance?

All it takes for my novel is to switch the POV to my female protag and accentuate the relationship development between her and the male protag, if that's what it means to make an easy buck.

>> No.19300304

yes, attachment theory is well established

>> No.19300332

in terms of experiments done on macaques and rhesus monkeys Harlow's are incredibly tame. At least he's not unilaterally paralyzing them by severing their spinal cords then letting the chimps chew off their nonfunctional limbs without tending to the wounds

>> No.19300340


>> No.19300356

based, you would be a fantastic lover anon.

>> No.19300362

Love exists, but within democracies it becomes oriented towards fantasy.

>> No.19300380

i don't need to be au fait with all the horrid experiments done on rhesus monkeys cheers

>> No.19300415

infatuation vs love. I've always found that in long-term romantic relationships the love feels almost familial. No longer an obsession but a mutual agreement that you are of value to one another and can depend on each other, without having to say a word. There's no rush, just security and comfort. There's also an implicit agreement to tolerate each other, like one would with their own blood.

>> No.19300466
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>> No.19300475
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obviously bait

>> No.19301237

this is indeed a drear

>> No.19301527
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>> No.19301567

Man, why is Asuka so appealing.

>> No.19302028

You want to fix her.

>> No.19303230

Source? Asking for an illiterate friend.

>> No.19303321

Erotic and mentally damaged, in a word sinful. It is rooted in emptiness and trying to fill your emptiness with an other and that being fundamentally impossible. It does not have the inherent actual integrity of genuine love, but rather, the menta nuisance and constant pangs of the lower obsessions not much different, again, to drugs. The reason the “incel” type gets so easily into it is because it approaches fulfillment of the emptiness of the individual through the same way, obsession with a material object as a source of pleasure/satisfaction and nothing more. This is no different from running after opium or some other drug. Neither morally nor practically superior to this material obsession. If you want to see a greater diversity of the types of love, check out Goethe’s Wilhelm Meister.

>> No.19303347

I think comparing Werther with "incel" types would be a bit unfair to the former, but I get what you mean. I have actually read Wilhelm Meister (great book). Would you say Wilhelm's love towards Mariane or Natalie is any different?

>> No.19303369

Love exists, but it's not instant. People have confused love and lust. Love comes from long, emotional connections.

>> No.19303400

While the Natalie love is in my opinion the more proper love, the truest love in the book is between Wilhelm and mignon and by extension, Wilhelm and his son. The Marianne relationship is clearly one marked by childhood and youth, and imo, she was an extension of the theater after a manner. Thoughts of her fade the moment he dives deeper into work and travel. All in all Wilhelm is a weak man cast about in the wind but is superior to werther on account of good influences in his life, the education and societal benefit motif so common is what makes him a fundamentally superior human.

>> No.19303523

I think that, when comparing romantic love with the familial love, you might be dismissing all romantic love too harshly as merely erotic. While in most cases that's indeed the case, I think something needs to be said about the "mad love" that Plato describes which helps the soul in its ascent. In his own words (Phaedrus), "the madness of a man who, on seeing beauty here on earth, and being reminded of true beauty, becomes winged, and fluttering with eagerness to fly upwards, but unable to leave the ground, looks upwards like a bird, and takes no heed of things below—and that is what causes him to be regarded as mad." This strikes more as what happened to Werther, but I might be projecting myself here. At any rate, the point is that this kind of love does not merely wish for sexual intimacy (it might even want to avoid it), but it is infinitely more intense and burning compared to erotic love. In Wihelm's case, you might remember that Wilhelm was fantasying for a long time about his "beautiful amazon" on horseback long before he even got to know her.

>> No.19303877


>> No.19303925


Are you a monkey?

>> No.19303952


>> No.19304095

If love truly exists, sex isn't involved with it.

>> No.19304155

>hahaha look guys I can talk about my sexual desires in a detailed way xD
Not funny, just tragic.

>> No.19304342

If you mean the book then it's the Coronameron:
If you mean the image then:

>> No.19304359
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>what did you read to come to that conclusion
>I didn't
Good old /lit/
also kys and go read a book, asukafag

>> No.19304371

>In his extreme youth Stoner had thought of love as an absolute state of being to which, if one were lucky, one might find access; in his maturity he had decided it was the heaven of a false religion, toward which one ought to gaze with an amused disbelief, a gently familiar contempt, and an embarrassed nostalgia. Now in his middle age he began to know that it was neither a state of grace nor an illusion; he saw it as a human act of becoming, a condition that was invented and modified moment by moment and day by day, by the will and the intelligence and the heart
>In his forty-third year William Stoner learned what others, much younger, had learned before him: that the person one loves at first is not the person one loves at last, and that love is not an end but a process through which one person attempts to know another.”

>> No.19304534

For them, death is better than living with regret

>> No.19304703

Superficial take.

>> No.19304738

>how to say a lot while saying nothing

>> No.19304778

The truly educated man knows Asuka is the divine Eros herself. Turbulent, quickly changing temperament, red as fire.

>> No.19305201

Are you forgetting the purple haired milf?

>> No.19305227
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>tfw no asuka dominatrix

>> No.19305353
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>> No.19305449

She's just a whore.

>> No.19305699

The truly educated man is one that reads
Asukafag does not

>> No.19305746
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You don't have to read to understand the nature of the so called "love".

>> No.19305801

Then refute to the definitions of love that have been posted
Or go back to /v/

>> No.19305818

Which are often contradictory so why don't you go ahead and post yours?

>> No.19305833

Already did. Go refute it, I won’t tell you which it is
>often contradictory
You can’t be so retarded as to ask a question to a group, then refuse to engage discussion when different people give different answers

>> No.19306499

love is real. it is the most fundamental of forces. it is a flame that must be tended. be cautious applying rationality to matters of the soul.
i mostly live on hatred these days.

>> No.19306579

1 - Love is a condition in which another persons happiness becomes essential to your own.

>> No.19307366

I read the Symposium to come to my conclusion.

>> No.19307510

I don't get it

>> No.19308912

What don't you get

>> No.19308931

The only true love is between a man and his waifu.

>> No.19309133


>> No.19309162

You can, and it's shit. Regarding love, it is not transcendance beyond self, but an absolute surrendering, which can be incredibly beneficial or detrimental.

>> No.19309214

>If your desire leads you to treat others as ends in themselves, it is not selfish or egoistic in any sense except the trivial.
That contradicts your previous sentence. If you do not see this, I pity you.

>> No.19309220

>You don't have to read
What board are you on?

>> No.19309236

start with the greeks
read the symposium by plato

>> No.19309262

if human beings are evil

>> No.19309268

We all are

>> No.19309776
