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File: 729 KB, 1556x2397, paglia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19168776 No.19168776 [Reply] [Original]

Why do some right wing people want me to read a thick-as-a-brick TL;DR schizopost from a pedophile tranny who is a member of NAMBLA? And why is Paglia not hated, censored, and cancelled for her embrace of pedophilia? I can not advocate for my race as a white person in my fatherland and sell what I have to say on AmaZOG, but pedophiles abound and are promoted. Nietzschean pedophiles like Paglia must increase with proportion according to how much power they have in the world power system. From what I understand of Freud's fixation on the sexual (including "child sexuality", which Freud has convinced people is a thing) and incestuous, and Nietzsche's dealing with "positive nihilism", pedophilia does seem like a logical outcome of fixating on those two thinkers though. Nihilism and will to power are the justifications for the attractions that can be intellectually justified with lazy appeals to Freud, who I guess really knew what he was talking about because his cokehead fancies are taken as gospel by so many people.

Paglia, in the first few pages, exposes herself as someone who sees """"gender"""" (a psychological construct from the 20th century) as horribly restrictive. Since gender was invented in modernity and has been exacerbated by novel technologies, reading all of the history of art through the lens of "gender" doesn't seem to make much sense. It's like she's trying to misinterpret by revolving her analysis around concepts that did not exist. In one example of a discussion of some statue, she calls the statue androgynous because the neck is curved. As if every artistic choice that has ever been made throughout all of time is an expression of this new and false idea of "gender". As an artist, a musical one, so admittedly one of the more "abstract" arts, let me make it perfectly clear that artistic choices are very often based on intuition and surface appeal, i.e "it looks cool", or "that sounds good". The best example of this intellectual arrogance is the analysis of the use of crosses in Neon Genesis Evangelion. There was much debate on the meaning of certain explosions in the show taking the shape of a cross until the creator came out and just said he thought it was cool-looking and it fit in well with other visual themes of Abrahamic religion, which have a foreign appeal to the nips in the same way something like Buddhism has an appeal to people who work in offices in America. Maybe these choices are kaleidoscopic imperfect reflections of divine will or something, but in the moment, making practical, definite choices about aesthetics repeatedly is just what artists have to do. Sometimes you have the idea to do one thing and, through play, something more appealing is discovered and "seems better" so the old idea is abandoned. Maybe sometimes the neck is curved because the sculptor made a mistake and didn't want to throw out an otherwise perfectly fine hunk of marble or whatever.

>> No.19168789
File: 202 KB, 582x527, 1605565034512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No such thing.

>> No.19168815

Her argument is that her own sexual decadence is a sign of the times and had she lived in a healthier society she wouldn’t have turned out to be a deviant.

>> No.19168818
File: 34 KB, 605x340, spengler-29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is actually 100% correct. Damn.

>> No.19168835

Old age of consent laws must be understood in their proper context where marriage was viewed in more economic terms, female chastity was important, and sex before marriage was forbidden. A man taking a wife was making an investment in his future to give him access to the wife's sex, labor and the children she could produce. It was also taking a burden off her father's hands, which is why men used to GET PAID to marry. (We have fallen very far, because now I can just get guys to send me hundreds of dollars a month just by RPing as an anime girl and telling them to. If I had a vagina, I could afford a new house by now, I imagine.) What I'm saying though, is that back when these laws were written "age of consent" didn't mean "age when it's okay to have premarital sex". Premarital sex was discouraged because of the more economic and realistic approach to marriage. The hymen was the mark of a good investment. Men who fucked unmarried women are like vandals who ruin lives in this way of thinking. The feminists wanted to raise age of consent because younger girls tend to be more attractive to men, and they wanted to save their own asses from being forever alone.
That doesn't sound right. She joined NAMBLA. She likes homosexual pedophilia.

>> No.19168843

Pardon the mixture of tenses when and/or if it is incorrect. Bad habit.

>> No.19168858

Do you think she wears a toga when she pegs little boys?

>> No.19168867
File: 179 KB, 1000x842, Stefanovska-on-Casanova-LEAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Old age of consent laws must be understood in their proper context where marriage was viewed in more economic terms, female chastity was important, and sex before marriage was forbidden.
This only applied to high status people, i.e bourgeoisie and nobility who considered women property.
>What I'm saying though, is that back when these laws were written "age of consent" didn't mean "age when it's okay to have premarital sex".
No it meant the same exact thing it does now, age in which you can consent to sex.

>> No.19168893

I think you are bullshitting me or are mistaken.

>> No.19168917

You are mistaken. Do you not recognize the person in my pic?
He had a threeway with an eleven and a twelve year old. [he writes the younger one had bigger boobs]

>> No.19168921

Yes, and he would have been viewed as a defiler of young girls and a man-whore.

>> No.19168927

Casanova was a nobleman and one of the most famous adventurers to ever live. Lol. Quite loved by everyone.

You are again, mistaken.

>> No.19168933

>Casanova was a nobleman and one of the most famous adventurers to ever live.
And a manwhore. I don't care.
>Quite loved by everyone.
I don't care about him.

>> No.19168941

Okay I don't care about what you think. That's not what we are talking about. Your idea of everyone being chaste until fairly recently is complete horeshit.

>> No.19168954 [DELETED] 

>Your idea of everyone being chaste until fairly recently is complete horeshit
People have less sex now, and current sexual morality is worse than it is now, especially if you are a man.
>don't have sex with that 15 year old child pedo, into jail u go!!!!!

>> No.19168962

>including "child sexuality", which Freud has convinced people is a thing
You don't remember having any sexual thoughts as a kid? And anyway, when Freud talks about child sexuality, he doesn't mean that kids want to have sex, but rather that sexuality, like other aspects of one's mind, begins developing in childhood. It is not an endorsement of pedophilia. I am begging any of Freud's critics on here to read one book by him.

>> No.19168967

>Your idea of everyone being chaste until fairly recently is complete horeshit
People have less sex now, and current sexual morality is much worse than it was earlier especially if you are a man.
>don't have sex with that 15 year old child pedo, into jail u go!!!!!

>> No.19169027

My idea is not that everyone was chaste, but that chastity was encouraged. Particularly by Christianity and especially American Christianity rooted in puritanism, which also predates the emergence of the industrial bourgeoisie.
>You don't remember having any sexual thoughts as a kid?
Before puberty, the only thoughts I had that could be seen as sexual were a recurring scatological giantess fantasy in which I was inside of a woman's underwear and she shit herself. I think my thoughts went this way because of the taboo around the topics of female nudity and shitting though. And this was before I even knew men and women had different genitalia.

I have a couple books of his sitting around but I have a bunch of other ones I haven't read lying around too. I'll read him eventually. My understanding of Frued's idea of child sexuality is that the libido, which is the life force and which is "erotic" is "located" in different erogenous zones throughout development, so a young child would pursue the oral or anal pleasure of suckling or shitting with the type of zeal pubescents adults pursue genital or sexual pleasure with. I'm not saying that Freud himself was a pedophile or endorsed pedophilia. His work is the kind of shit pedophiles like though.
Well yeah, that's because women took over society and men fucked off to the man cave to jack off to Pokemon porn 10 times a day. Now we have values that are beneficial to women, and everything is falling apart.

>> No.19169030

*pubescents and adults

>> No.19169033

*Now we have values "that women think" are beneficial to women,

>> No.19169038

>Before puberty, the only thoughts I had that could be seen as sexual were a recurring scatological giantess fantasy in which I was inside of a woman's underwear and she shit herself. I think my thoughts went this way because of the taboo around the topics of female nudity and shitting though. And this was before I even knew men and women had different genitalia.
And this is supposed to show that Freud was wrong? This reads like it's literally copied from Freud's texts, man.
(Not that anon btw.)

>> No.19169041

>His work is the kind of shit pedophiles like though
Only pedophiles who haven't read him would say this. Or more likely people like you who argue against some imagined pedo cabal or whatever

>> No.19169059

Yeah it's pretty much textbook

>> No.19169061

>In a 1997 Salon column, Paglia expressed the view that male pedophilia correlates with the heights of a civilization, stating "I have repeatedly protested the lynch-mob hysteria that dogs the issue of man-boy love. In Sexual Personae, I argued that male pedophilia is intricately intertwined with the cardinal moments of Western civilization."

>> No.19169150

I probably picked up the giantess thing from a cartoon or something. Cartoons are increasingly drawn by perverts. The shit thing was probably because of a juvenile attraction to the disgusting, like "gross-out" type humor. Being inside the panties was to do with curiosity about subjects and body parts what were being deliberately hidden from me. I am probably on the autism spectrum (Aspergers/high functioning) though, so my personal experiences could be expected to differ from that of non-autistic people. Particularly, the intensity of autistic interests and the attraction to fetishes is greater than in most normies.
So are we just pretending Epstein never existed and there isn't a real pedo cabal because it's too horrible to consider?
I think I've read that quote before. I knew his defense of Paglia as some kind of "reluctant pedophile" was bullshit.

>> No.19169179

>So are we just pretending Epstein never existed and there isn't a real pedo cabal because it's too horrible to consider?
Wealthy people have taboo sex all the time. There is no cabal

>> No.19169182

The wealthy are the cabal.

>> No.19169194

No they aren't. They're fighting eachother, in fact.

>> No.19169219
File: 1023 KB, 1221x798, pandemic money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a class above the visibly wealthy who hide. The rich celebrities and politicians are wealthy beyond a normal person's imagination, but they

>Epstein had planned to "seed the human race with his DNA" by impregnating up to 20 women at a time using his New Mexico compound as a "baby ranch", where mothers would give birth to his offspring. He was an advocate of cryonics and his own idiosyncratic version of transhumanism, and had said that he intended to have his penis and head frozen.

These are the types of rejects capitalism promotes to the top. Total nihilistic coomers.

>> No.19169223

Epstein's circle was/is a real thing but they aren't using Freud to justify their actions

>> No.19169230

but they aren't actually at the top*
I didn't say they were. They probably are, but I didn't say they were. I was addressing someone who said I would "argue for the existence of an imagined pedo cabal". But there is evidence for a pedo cabal.

>> No.19169264

And just look at their disgusting faces. Especially that thing in the middle. I wonder if that is the transhumanist tranny, Martine Rothblatt, but then I found out Rothblatt, who wants to turn everyone trans as a means to turning everyone inhuman and has the money to influence society in that direction, lives in America. He transitioned at 40. He is probably an autogynephile. Another man who would have been publicly executed to thundering applause in a better era being promoted by capitalism.


>> No.19169301
File: 605 KB, 513x797, museum of tolerance lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is a museum of tolerance?

>> No.19169641

There are big capitalist Jews and there are Goys who are wealthy. They intermarry, the Bush family and the Rockefeller family will be largely brown or Jewish by 2050 and beyond.
Sexual neurosis is part of the Jewish spirit and they have spread it far and wide by use of their control and heavy involvement in Hollywood, pornography and the media.
Paglia's shtick is trying to sexualise politics, literature and so on. The various Jews and boring faggots that run western governments won't admit they are fucking you. They want to import brown people so they can fuck them. The jews fuck kids, this is what you should be getting from the Jeff Epstein event.
What's left of modern literature won't admit its not fucking, except for Hoellebecq.
At this point tho really to progress its necessary to do what Foucault and Pagkia really want, which is declare homosexuality a mental illness and eradicate it. Punishment. You're getting fucked, sodomite.

>> No.19169716

Paglia is the only actual tranny. Everyone else is faking.