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/lit/ - Literature

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18937665 No.18937665 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to make a chart which contains books made by authors who browse /lit/ or made by the members of /lit/ in collaboration. Problem is, I've been browsing only since the start of 2019, so I don't know much about all of the oldfags. Please help me out!

I'm going to include:
- My Diary Desu
- The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra
- The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra II: Miami
- The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra 3: Tokyo Drift & Kolsti's Adventures in the Everglades
- Hypersphere
- Coronameron
- Leftopia, M.A.V.V.
- L'anomie ou le tumulte des tapirs
- &amp Magazine

- Harassment Architecture, Mike Ma
- Gothic Violence, Mike Ma
- Horror's Call Series, F. Gardner
- Jigoku, F. Gardner
- Reptilian Odyssey, F. Gardner
- Hunger of the Kangaroo, F. Gardner
- The Learned Disguise, R. C. Waldun
- L'Académie, R. C. Waldun
- People Mover, John David Card
- The Bumper Book of Mormon Humor, John David Card

Which other books/works/magazines I should include?

>> No.18937672

Behead All Satans

>> No.18937688

the crocodile one

>> No.18937690

mike ma is just another gay twitterlord who has nothing to do with this board or its ”community”

gardner is a shill

>> No.18937694
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2021 and I am forgotten

>> No.18937706

Pretty sure he's shilled his book here before.


>> No.18937709

How do you know that Waldun browsed /lit/ more than, say, PewDiePie or Nick Land did.
There's probably lots of people.

>> No.18937714

I honestly think we need more stupid books written over a weekend or so like Coronameron and Moby Dick was. The end product is mostly shit, as should be expected, but how can we call ourselves a literature board when we have written so few books?

>> No.18937718

Two flash fiction collections: Gifts Evil and Good, and Rags and Bones.

>> No.18937729

Collected posts of Londonfrog
Collected posts of Schizoposter
Moby Dick by /lit/
Several publications of Hyperlit

Drop Gardner, Waldun, Card and Mike. They all are attention hungry e-celeb larpers. /lit/ is about anons not namefaggots from other websites.

>> No.18937730

>Mike Ma
he is a twitter grifter not from here

>> No.18937757

Nick Land and PewDiePie weren't as influenced by /lit/ as Waldun was. He took criticism from /lit/, he was angry at /lit/, most of his comment section is formed by /lit/ anons. Waldun's books were in one way or another SHAPED by /lit/.

>> No.18937773

Authors who originated from /lit/ should be included, don't you think? Horror's Call is now part of this board's culture, same with Waldun.
You're right, I might remove him.

>> No.18937784

where tf is londonfrog?

>> No.18937793

OP checkout this list. There is bunch of outsider lit but you can checkout the linked warosu thread to see which works are by /lit/ anons.


>> No.18937798

Holy fucking shite, please be bait

>> No.18937812

Here's another list


>> No.18937818

Thank you very much!

>> No.18937819

I meant that he hasn't posted in a while
at least not with the 'it's over' op

>> No.18937839

No, no we should be thankful to you for putting effort into making a chart. Search this >>18937812 thread to discover some other minor works or lesser known works.

Goodluck anon

>> No.18937868

The unreal press anthology. First issue was this month - "spare change and other stories".

>> No.18937877

The Shitkickers by schizoanon

>> No.18937887

>The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra
I was the poster who kept CTLR-A deleting everything every five minutes and who kept copy/pasting the entirety of Moby Dick in between paragraphs. Ahhh, those were the days

>> No.18937892

fuck off jason

>> No.18937898
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Include this

>> No.18938094


This is the remaining lesser known work by /lit/. I think no one has made the the PDF of this work. OP if you can search burgerpunk on google you can directly access all writing of burgerpunk on github with link to original thread.

>> No.18938101

where can i download most of this stuff

>> No.18938103

lol oops

>> No.18938149
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Thank you for the feedback, bros. I'm thinking of dividing it by sections. Collaborative Projects, Novellas, Essays, etc. I've included these so far but obviously I'm not finished.
About Waldun, Mike Ma, Gardner, etc I will remove them but if there's space I'll put them in a honorary mentions category of internet authors shilled on /lit/. Maybe we can put Tao Lin and Nick Land there too, lol

Thank you anon

Wasn't this on &amp? Should I include them separately?


>> No.18938158

lol I typed the captcha in the wrong place

>> No.18938179

its ok cant do worse than me, the anon that greentexts the recipient of my reply

>> No.18938186

wtf Nick Land was on /lit/? when?

>> No.18938197

The Lit Quarterly
The April Reader

>> No.18938219

>About Waldun, Mike Ma, Gardner, etc I will remove them but if there's space I'll put them in a honorary mentions category of internet authors shilled on /lit/. Maybe we can put Tao Lin and Nick Land there too, lol
Yeah but then you have to add some old meme authors like Mira Gonzales, Megan Boyle(author of Liveblog and she is a /lit/ poster because I have read her long archival reply in warosu). Then their is Q from bookclub who wrote Babyalex. John David Card, this >>18937694 anon, James Ellis(Hermitx or metanomad) who wrote A Methodology of Possession, Bronze age Pervert who wrote Bronze age Mindset etc.

You should place them under the category of Shill-core.

>Wasn't this on &amp? Should I include them separately?
No, Burgerpunk was a separate thing. &amp picked it up from a previous trend.

>> No.18938248

Hmmm I don't think I'll include every book with a non-Anonymous author in the shill-core (good name, by the way). Maybe Horia Belcea and James Ellis should be on the Essays section.

>> No.18938252

Wasn't Tao Lin also of that era of shill core?

>> No.18938316

"Honorary mentions" is a gay word anon. I have already told you that /lit/ is about anons, not solid identity in meat-speace which grants them e-celeb status on other websites.

Tao is an old meme. Desu I don't know much about pre-17 /lit/ culture.

>> No.18938317

david fishkin shilled here a few years? ago
porbably still does idk

>> No.18938323

Frater should publish his collected essays so we don't have only pleb shit in the chart

>> No.18939987

He should.

>> No.18940019

The Fundation for Exploration

>> No.18940081

Gardner is actually from /lit/. The others are just dudes that were memed here
I was a writer in a /lit/ anthology here
Ahhh, other than that I can’t think of any. You should add the Moby Dick collab as well.

>> No.18940090

>literal newfag
>claims to know what /lit/ is about

>> No.18940106
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>> No.18940163

>/lit/ anthology
huh very recent but I missed this

>> No.18940215

>saving the thread

>> No.18940233
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Gifts evil and good was a flash fiction project a few months ago, they made a volume 2 iirc but I only contributed to the first one. /lit/ Moby-Dick was written last November and released back in June and Tao Lin is old school lit. Tai Pei is his most memed book and leave society just came out recently

>> No.18940255
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L'Academie has become a big part of /lit/ culture in the past 2 weeks

>> No.18941394

Then go ahead and suggest OP some esotric /lit/ for waving your le oldfag dick.

>> No.18941436

>Johnny rode shotgun.
Man, burgerpunk was so good. I’m sorry I couldn’t keep it up on my own after we stopped.

>> No.18941595

pretty much this

>> No.18941736

dubs philosopher

>> No.18941765

>The Lit Quarterly
Only the first three were /lit/. Then it go infested with twitterati.

>> No.18941778

Shit. How long is this going to go on? I got a book I'm a quarter of the way finishing, and would like to be among my peers.

>> No.18941787

Same, how do I shill my works to /lit/

>> No.18941857
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I remember back in 2019 he did a thread about his book.

>> No.18941871

I got in the first quarterly and it was pretty neat. Didn’t keep up with it though.
The majority of meme authors will put it on Amazon and then buy ads. Spend a few weeks shilling it in threads and move on. Many writers here post only in the writing threads and share their work on pastebin of royal road or wherever and they do not get memed because the medium of communication is not intentionally shitposting, thus there is no compulsion to shitpost the authors that are serious about their work. This creates an awful catch 22. The only /lit/ authors that are /lit/ are unknown by /lit/.

>> No.18941890

I wish I could remember the title but some anon shared exerpts from their translation of a book on Japanese dudes living in interwar Italy.

>> No.18943275


>> No.18943662

Ew. I hate that. 4chan is my home, and I want to give back to my community.

>> No.18943853

I can update the chart later, we could do some more editions.

>> No.18943938

One book per author please.

>> No.18945296

it's easy to find the history of the many magazines /lit/ has tried to form over the years using the archive. the first was zwg. the next big one was tar. whether or not you can actually find the content of these magazines is another matter, as the websites are probably all defunct now and scarce few anons would still have the copies.



>> No.18945398
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Shit. Where did that /ffa/ thread go? It was quite cozy.

The first two volumes came together quick, then they just went dark.

>> No.18945416

That huge novel about dragons by anon's brother.

>> No.18945506
File: 63 KB, 451x735, page 152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>- My Diary Desu
dog shit
>- The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra
random drivel
>- The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra II: Miami
random drivel
>- The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra 3: Tokyo Drift & Kolsti's Adventures in the Everglades
random drivel
>- Hypersphere
incel drivel
>- Coronameron
dfw inspired political trash
>- Leftopia, M.A.V.V.
edgy incel violent fantasies
>- L'anomie ou le tumulte des tapirs
medicore critiques and essays with 4chan humor
>- &amp Magazine
shitty writing, decent art
>- Harassment Architecture, Mike Ma
not /lit/ just twitter conservative leaning fiction
>- Gothic Violence, Mike Ma
not /lit/ just twitter conservative leaning fiction
>- Horror's Call Series, F. Gardner
>- Jigoku, F. Gardner
>- Reptilian Odyssey, F. Gardner
>- Hunger of the Kangaroo, F. Gardner
badly written goosebumps
>- The Learned Disguise, R. C. Waldun
dogshit esl attempt at a book
>- L'Académie, R. C. Waldun
dogshit esl book that is nearly unintelligible at times
>- People Mover, John David Card
>- The Bumper Book of Mormon Humor, John David Card
no one has read this autistic shiller

>the synthesis of the objective and the subjective, Horia Belcea
hilariously horrible takes on everything by a dumbass
>beat all satans, mnm-dr
actual schizo ramblings
>gifts evil and good
flash fiction collection thats ok
>moby dick with /lit/ commentary
funny every 1 in 50 pages usually cancer 4chan spam as you would expect
>Amino a tale of self revenge
heard that this was ok but the author has disappeared from lit
>lit quarterly 1-3
prob the most best writing put out by /lit/
pic rel is apparently the new and approved author on /lit/...

>> No.18945518
File: 1.37 MB, 2268x4032, spare change and other stories.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a short story collection made by /lit/izens.

>> No.18945649

Its that gross fuck who still hasn’t washed his hands

>> No.18945675

these are honest takes...but it is what it is. and it's all /lit/.
cope, faggot

>> No.18945724

Waldun comes across like an overly sensitive gayboy. Everybody shitting on his novels a little bit and now he's pulling them off the internet. I'm worried he might an hero.

>> No.18945736

Wew, those nails
I read it during free weekend. Some alright stuff in there

>> No.18945915
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came to post this

>> No.18946047

Wait you actually read all of them? The absolute mad lad.

>> No.18946054

I wrote one, but I'm not posting it because it's YA.

>> No.18946058

Post it bitch

>> No.18946347

They wanted some time in between before the next one, though I haven't heard anything since.

>> No.18946378

Gaskun's space opera.

>> No.18946713

i wonder how many people have even been here long enough to remember zwg and tar?

>> No.18946758

How has no one mentioned "Ulysses' Infinite Rainbow; or Bugs, Easy on the Literature"

>> No.18947015

>Moby Dick - /lit/ commentary

>> No.18947419

gonna try and write a shitty weekend book after i finish this shitty "takes like a year" book. will probably result from taking an excessive amount of preworkout alongside nyquil.

>> No.18947446

This could be done. I'm sure a few people would be up to the challenge. A novel is typically known to be 70k words plus. A novella something between that and 40k words. A thread could be made laying the gauntlet and then for all participants to convene one month later with their work. No quality restrictions, it could be all fluff. This is a novel repeated ad nuaseum. As long as it was say, at least 40k words. They could all be listed in the wiki, or something like it.